HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1988 - 09/12 - RegularC MINUTES PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING SEPTffi9BER 12, 1988 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Don Proeschel, Chairman Helen Johnson, Secretary Richard Saunders Rick Allen Dan Easter Ray Lewis Tom Clark CITY STAFF PRESENT Jon McCarty, City Manager Ed Voss, Program Coordinator Troy Burnside, Maintenance Foreman I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Don Proeschel called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM REGULAR CALLED MEETING ON AUGUST 8, 1988 MOTION: Richard Saunders moved to accept the Minutes from August 8, Regular Called Meeting as amended, Tom Clark seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, 0 against. III. DIRECTOR`S REPORT A. Final Statistics on Ford Pool for Summer, 1988 City Manager, Jon McCarty presented a brief report on the final financial standings at Ford Pool. EXPENSES: (not including Capital costs or mowing of facility) Salaries for Pool Personnel $ 31,338.03 Pool Maintenance 2,477.00 Pool Supplies 2,293.52 6161 PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD � SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 Pool Chemicals 4,410.00 Phone Service 320.52 Swim Instructors 6,060.83 Electrical* 3,068.51 TOTAL EXPENSES: $ 49,968.41 *Electrical bill includes security lighting at Reed, Hillside, Jupiter, Glenwick, as well as Ford Pool REVENUE: Gate Admissions* $ 34,496.24 Learn -To -Swim Program 9,519.00 Pool Concessions 1,515.75 TOTAL REVENUE: $ 45,530.99 *Includes 780 season passes sold, as well as pool rentals Jon reported that the pool operated on about a 90% self sustaining basis which he was very comfortable with. He indicated that the total patronage of the pool figures were not available, but approximately 34,000 entries were made, and that it was very close to the previous years total. B. Update on Special Use Facility Jon McCarty reported that earlier this week, the Texins Association reported their testing would be completed by September 23, and a final decision would be made by September 30 as to the feasibility of selling the property to the City of Allen. The same firm that the City used is being used by the Texins to test the soil at the facility. It is estimated that final clean-up will require 30 days, but the Texins have agreed that should they choose to sell to the City, an agreement would be entered into on the 30th of September. C. Update on Facility Usage and Fall athletic Programming 56 PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 Jon provided the Board members with a memorandum from Ed Voss stipulating the fields, age groups, and practice days for both the YMCA and the Allen Sports Association. He indicated that the City Council feels these organizations provide a valuable service to the residents and therefore, need to be supported in any way possible by the City. Jon indicated that in order to better communicate with the ASA coaches, a representative from the City would be present at future coaches meetings, and possibly provide a packet of information to the individual coaches, rather than depending upon the sport commissioner to relay information to his coaches. Regarding the recreational programming for the fall, Jon reported that the sign-ups were going on for fall Volleyball, with Mondays being offered for competitive play and Tuesdays being offered for recreational play, both to be played at Story Gym. Softball is in the 6th week of their season, and a post season tournament is planned for the first time at Ford Park. As of October 1, the Open Gym program will be in operation at Reed Gym. IV. REVIEW AND CONSIDER A REQUEST BY TBE ALLEN JAYCEES TO HOLD THE ALLEN COUNTRY FAIR AT FORD PARR Prior to the discussion on this item, Board member Tom Clark asked to be excused from the discussion as well as abstain from any voting on this item. Jon McCarty presented a brief background on the Jaycee request for use of Ford Park, as well as have the Parks and Recreation Department co-sponsor this event. He indicated that it had been presented to the City Council and they were in favor of the request, but wanted the Park Board to have input. Jon reviewed the fact that by ordinance, if anyone wishes to sell items in a public park, it must have the approval of City Council. Tom Clark, President of the Allen Jaycees, invited questions by the Board members regarding concerns they may have about the Fair. Richard Saunders questioned the clean-up of the facility, and Mr. Clark responded that a large number of members had been assigned that 57 PAGE 4 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 task and he saw no problem with leaving the park in good condition. Ray Lewis questioned if this was a one time request. Clark indicated that this request was being made for this time only - should they require the facility in the future, another request would be made. MOTION: Dan Easter moved to grant the Allen Jaycees Country Fair at Ford Park, with the stipulation that a waiver of fee would be granted, as well as the co-sponsorship with the Parks and Recreation Department which would involve the maintenance preparation required, staff support in registration of participants, staff support in organization of the 3 on 3 basketball tournament, and maintenance required following the activity. Richard Saunders seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, 0 against. V. REVIEW AND CONSIDER A REQUEST BY THE ALLEN SPORTS ASSOCIATION TO WAIVE THE FEES FOR THE USE OF FORD SOFTBALL FIELDS, AS WELL AS GRANT PARTIAL CONCESSION RIGHTS Mr. Glen Holmullar, representing the Allen Sports Association was present, and presented a brief background on the proposed Kristen Kirk Day in Allen. He indicated that as part of the planned activities, a charity softball game was being planned for September 24, and that they were wanting to hold that game at Ford Park. He indicated that it would hopefully be a game between local media celebrities, and City of Allen officials. The question of the Concessionaires Contract arose, and Mr. Ed Voss indicated that the Concessionaire had indicated he was not interested in opening the concession building that day, and therefore there would be no conflict. Richard Saunders questioned the clean- up of the facility, and Holmullar indicated that soccer teams and parents would be made available on Saturday evening or Sunday morning to clean up the facility. MOTION: Helen Johnson made a motion to allow the Allen Sports Association to use the Ford Softball Facility with the co-sponsorship of the Parks and Recreation Department thereby providing the waiver of fees for a charitable cause, as well as grant the rights to sell 58 PAGE 5 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 concessions for a charitable cause. Tom Clark seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, 0 against. VI. Jon referred the Board members to the applications packets provided to them along with their agenda packets prior to the meeting. He reviewed the scoring sheets as well as scoring system to be used. Following a brief discussion as to how the scoring should be done, it was determined that this scoring sheets or the data from them should be returned to the City Manager no later than 5:00 p.m., September 19. A sub -committee to participate in the interviewing process was delegated, and will be made up of Don Proeschel, Ray Lewis, and Rick Allen. These three will meet with the City Manager and interviewees on Saturday, September 29 to begin the interview process. VII. OTHER BUSINESS Helen Johnson read aloud a letter of appreciation directed to Mr. Ken Purcell, Athletic Director of the Allen High School, from the Parks and Recreation Board, thanking him and his staff for the support of the Football Camp offered by the Parks and Recreation Department this past summer. Don Proeschel questioned the lack of wind breaks on the tennis courts at Ford Park. Maintenance Foreman, Troy Burnside indicated that the style of breaks originally installed at Reed Park were very costly, as well as being a constant source of maintenance problems. He indicated that a possible solution might be a natural plant barrier on the north side of the courts. Proeschel also indicated that the lights on the tennis courts at Ford park had malfunctioned while he was there and questioned the repair of this item. Troy Burnside indicated that the City was working with the contractor who installed them since they were currently under Maintenance Bond. Ray Lewis questioned the application of chemicals to get rid of fire ants as well as the exposed sprinkler heads being covered. Troy Burnside indicated that chemicals had been applied to the McDermott and Ford 59 PAGE 6 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 Facilities, and that the fields had been "top dressed" to cover sprinkler heads. Helen questioned the irrigation of McDermott fields, and said they appeared to be very dry on Saturday. Troy Burnside indicated that due to the construction of the municipal complex, water lines at been cut several times, interrupting the irrigation system at McDermott Soccer fields. As of this week, the timers at been re- set to come on every other night. VIII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. These minutes read and approved this M day of October, 1988. 0}m 10M Don Proeschel, Chairman AHLeen�i'_,hns Secretary Ll 60