HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1989 - 03/13 - RegularMINUTES PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MARCH 13, 1989 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Don Proeschel, Chairman Richard Saunders, Vice -Chairman Helen Johnson, Secretary Ray Lewis Dan Easter Rick Allen Tom Clark MEMBERS ABSENT None CITY STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Don Proeschel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from meeting of January 16, 1989. MOTION: Tom Clark moved to accept the Minutes from January 16, 1989, Regular Called Meeting, as presented. Dan Easter seconded and the motion carried 7 for, 0 against. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT L PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MARCH 13, 1989 A. Update on Open Gym Program Rhoda directed the Boards attention to the memo from Ed Voss giving the statistics for the Open Gym Program. She also indicated the adult basketball games were finished for this season, ASA is almost through, and that would provide more Open Gym Days. She also indicated that Max Vaughan Elementary Gymnasium would have an office for our Open Gym Personnel. Dan Easter inquired as to problems encountered with AISD and the Open Gym Program. None were reported. Rhoda reported that the City has hired Mr. Bobby Gaddis to work the Open Gym Program, which has allowed Ed to work on other programs. Helen Johnson questioned the monies spent by the City to be put into the gym at Max Vaughan Elementary. Rhoda reported that no funds were spent as AISD determined it best to provide all funding for the facility. B. Update on Special Use Facility Rhoda reported that she had been in touch with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department regarding the Texin's Rod and Gun Club. She reported that Texas Instruments has contracted three organizations to provide lead stabilization proposals. Their goal is April 1 to contract with one of those clean-up firms. City Council will meet in Executive Session at their meeting March 16, 1989, for final determination on this site. Rhoda indicated she would memo all Park Board Members as soon as she received information regarding this property. Richard Saunders inquired as to the lead that had been hauled out of the site. Rhoda reported that a firm from Oklahoma had removed 50-60 55 gallon drums of lead, but enough still remained to required the stabilization process. Rhoda reported that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant is good until February 19, 1990. At that time if extensions are required, they may be granted one month prior to deadline, for 6-12 month periods. Park Board made a unanimous recommendation to City Council to continue to pursue the acquisition of this property. Update on Vending Company for Ford Park PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MARCH 13, 1989 Rhoda reported that White's Vending Company sent her a letter indicating their desire to service the vending machines at Ford Pool again this summer. She met with Keith White, and he has committed to a person on site at all times this summer to stock and service the facility. Should we have a problem with this company, the Police have secured Morrows Coffee Service and based upon their recommendation, the City would have an alternate supplier if needed. D. Court Appointed Employees Update Rhoda reported that the proposal to use Court Appointed Employees within the City is currently in the Development Sub -Committee for review. Two issues have been raised, those being the issue of liability, and the second being supervision of these employees. Rhoda is investigating several insurance companies regarding the liability insurance, and has been in touch with the City of Austin to learn all facets of their Court Appointed Employees Program. She will be checking with the insurance company who provides coverage for the City of Austin and will further update the Board at the next meeting. E. Ford Park Basketball Netting Rhoda reported the maintenance crew had installed six new basketball nets at Ford Park, 3 are still in good condition, 3 need repair. She indicated the department would continue to monitor these nets and determine if the chain netting or nylon netting is most cost effective for this area. Athletic Update Rhoda directed the Board to an update from Ed Voss contained in their agenda packet and provided further updates on these items. Friday, March 10 was the deadline for registering softball and volleyball teams for the spring season. Forty-nine softball teams will be participating in the spring league, with ten volleyball teams. The softball teams will play on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights, with volleyball playing their games at Story Gym on Monday evenings. Summertimes Brochure Schedule PAGE 4 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MARCH 13, 1989 The Director provided a calendar for the Summertimes Brochure schedule to the Board members, pointing out registration dates and Reed Elementary, and deadlines involved. She reported that staff had investigated the use of a glossy cover, and reported it would cost three times as much as the newspaper style cover cost the department last year. Therefore, the same style cover would be used. IV. BIDDING PROCESS FOR CONCESSIONAIRE FOR FORD PARR Rhoda reported that bids were opened on February 20 for the concessionaire for Ford Park. Two bids were submitted, with one being declared ineligible because it did not meet minimum bid specification. The bid was awarded to Gary Sayer of Carnival Sno Cone by City Council at their meeting on March 2. References were checked with the City of Plano and others prior to the awarding of the bid. The Allen Athletic Boosters Association will continue to use the concession building for the High School soccer games until March 17, with Gary taking over the week of March 20. V. NAMING OF PARE LOCATED IN COTTONWOOD BEND HOUSING ADDITION Richard Saunders reported that he had called Mr. Ralph Vetter this date and left a message for him to contact him. Park Board determined that there would still be sufficient time if this item were tabled until the next Regular Park Board Meeting. Park Board determined that should a name not be suggested by the Homeowners Association in Cottonwood Bend, an alternate name be determined. Following a lengthy discussion, it was determined that "Cottonwood Bend Park" would be used. VI. JUDGING OF PHOTO CONTEST FOR COVER OF SUMMERTIMES BROCHURE Special Activities Coordinator, Sandy McGowan presented the Board with photos for their review and selection. After reviewing and discussion of the possibilities, a photo depicting Fish Camp, submitted to the contest by Mrs. Judy Morrison was selected for the cover of the Summertimes Brochure. Other photos will be presented for display in the new Library Building upon completion of that facility. VII. PRESENTATION OF 1989 DEPARTMENTAL GOALS Rhoda presented the Board with her list of 1989 Goals which are outlined as follows: 11 PAGE 5 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MARCH 13, 1989 Improve Public Service Attitude Strengthen working Relationship with Outside Entities Pursue the Purchase and Development of the Special Use Facility Develop a Long -Term Comprehensive Plan Board members were informed of the maintenance standards which are currently in sub -committee for review. Orientation and training objectives as well as park classification will be presented along with the maintenance standards to the Board for review and input. Board members felt the addition of a Policy Manual for the operation of the Parks Department would be an essential part of this Procedures Manual, and ask that the policies be incorporated. Don Proeschel inquired as to the possibility of developing Priority List of Objectives for the Board and Department. Helen Johnson felt the newly appointed Director needed more time but that was something the Board and Director would want to look at in the future. VIII. SET DATES FOR DEDICATION OF STORY PARK AND THE PARE IN COTTONWOOD BEND ADDITION Following a brief discussion, it was determined that the facility in Cottonwood Bend Addition will be dedicated on May 27, with the date for Story Dedication still pending. Helen Johnson is going to consult with the PTA Organization at Story to see if they are interested in helping with this project, possibly after school on a week day. Helen will report back to the Board at next months meeting. IX. OTHER BUSINESS Don Proeschel reported having seen the aluminum benches and table tops missing from some of the picnic tables at Ford Park this past weekend. Rhoda reported that they were evidently vandalized for the aluminum and since then, the maintenance crew has tried to weld, thereby discouraging the removal of these items. She reported that the department may need to consider a different type of material that would not be so attractive to would-be aluminum seekers. She also reported that Ford Park had been vandalized eight times since the first part of January. Mr. Bob McPherson, Soccer Commissioner for the Allen Sports Association appeared before the Board requesting the City of PAGE 6 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MARCH 13, 1989 Allen Parks and Recreation Department co-sponsorship of a benefit soccer tournament with proceeds to be forwarded to the Kristen Kirk Family of Allen. He is requesting concession rights, as well as the waiver of fees for the weekend of May 13, and May 14, 1989. It was also determined that the soccer coaches should be organized as a clean-up crew following this activity. Following a brief discussion, the following motion was made: MOTION: Tom Clark made a motion to co-sponsor with the Allen Sports Association a Soccer Tournament to benefit Kristen Kirk on Saturday, May 13 and Sunday, May 14. All fees will be waived and concession rights will be granted to Allen Sports Association. Allen Sports Association is to be responsible for the facility clean-up following this activity. Richard Saunders seconded. The motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. Ray Lewis inquired as to whether an ASA Board Member would be available to attend the Allen Parks Board Meetings. Bob McPherson indicated that he was sure someone could, particularly during the busy months of ASA activities. It was pointed out that part of the Departmental Goals was to have a liaison employee for the Department attend the ASA meetings. Rhoda indicated she had a conflicting meeting for Monday night, April 10 and asked if that meeting could begin at 8 p.m. rather than 7:30 p.m. It was determined that would not present a problem for any of the Board Members, and therefore, the next meeting will be April 10, 1989, at 8 p.m. Ray Lewis indicated his possible resignation from the Board, based upon his wife's possible election to the City Council. A ruling has not been determined as to his eligibility should this occur, but felt the Board needed to know that the possibility exists. Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator presented each Park Board Member with a copy of the Allen Senior Citizens Cookbook which has recently been published. X. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10 P.M. PAGE 7 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MARCH 13, 1989 4.0/e 1*1 These minutes read and approved this/h dayA of April, 1989. /M^�* /.* �/' Don Proeschel, Chairman Hel n hnson Secretary