HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1989 - 04/17 - RegularMINUTES PARRS AND RECREATION HOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING APRIL 17, 1989 - 7:30 P.M. Don Proeschel, Chairman Helen Johnson, Secretary Richard Saunders, Vice Chairman Dan Easter MEMBERS ABSENT Rick Allen Tom Clark CITY STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator Ed Voss, Program Coordinator I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Don Proeschel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from meeting of March 13, 1989 MOTION: Dan Easter moved to accept the Minutes from March 13, 1989 as presented. Helen Johnson seconded and the motion carried 4 for, 0 against. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Park Dedications Director Rhoda Savage, confirmed with the Board members that the name "Cottonwood Bend Park" would apply to the park to be dedicated in Cottonwood PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD APRIL 17, 1989 Bend Housing Development, and that the park dedication ceremony would take place on May 27. Tom Clark had expressed an interest in naming parks after historical figures in the Allen community, but the Board felt at this late date, the prior approved name would be the best choice. Rhoda proposed that the dedication for Story park be postponed until late summer due to the scheduling of activities within the Parks and Recreation Department during the month of May. She indicated that the park dedications would be announced in the newspaper, possibly the school newspapers, as well as door flyers. Following a brief discussion regarding opening day at Ford Pool, it was determined that there were enough activities planned during that time period that no special pool activities would be planned this year. B. Maintenance Standards Rhoda referred the Park Board members to the maintenance standards provided in the agenda packet of April 10, and indicated she had received some feedback from Board members. She reported that the standards will be revised and returned to the Park Board for approval. Policies Handbook Rhoda handed out a Calendar for the Policy and Procedures Manual development to the Board members. She indicated that the first priority would be to collect the policies currently in place, screen, revise, and update those with a rough draft due to Park Board during September or October. She reported that copies of Policies and Procedures Manuals from other cities are in place within the Department, and are being reviewed for content and form. D. Summer Recreation Programs, 1989 A calendar of Open Gym Dates was provided to the Park Board Members along with a brief update on the Open Gym Program. Ed Voss, Program Coordinator gave a brief overview of the 11 F PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD APRIL 17, 1989 programming being provided during the summer of 1989. Ed Voss reported that currently the Department is considering a location in the Raintree Addition (West Allen) for this years Day Camp site. Other locations were discussed at length, with the use of the Texins Rod and Gun Club or the McDermott Ranch suggested as possible sites. Ed Voss reported that Shadow Lakes may be under construction before the end of our program, and that several problems had been experienced in the past with vandalism at this site. It was his feeling that the camp site in West Allen might provide a better atmosphere for the children. Ed Voss reported that the format of the athletic camps being offered were in response to the U.I.L. Ruling of last year, and that he felt the children of Allen would have a wide range of activities from which to choose. Dan Easter indicated that it was his understanding that the U.I.L. had rescinded their original ruling, and he would investigate the current status of that ruling. Don Proeschel indicated that he would hope to see a volleyball camp offered next summer. He indicated that he had volunteered to organize a volleyball program for the Allen Sports Association, and felt there was a need for that programming in Allen. Mr. Voss reminded Board members that registration would be held on May 13, and May 20 at Reed Elementary Gymnasium from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Senior Citizens Update Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator reported that the Allen Senior Citizens had gone to the Plano Senior Games and returned with blue ribbons in Line Dancing, Bowling, 1142" and Golf. The Texas Senior Games are scheduled for the month of May in Arlington, and Sandy expects a good turn out of Allen Seniors for those games. Resignation of Ray Lewis The Allen City Council has received and accepted the resignation of Ray Lewis from the Parks and a PAGE 4 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD APRIL 17, 1989 046 Recreation Board. Ray has resigned in order to seek election to the City Council. Rhoda indicated that a new appointment would be made to Place 1 on the Parks and Recreation Board during the month of May. Don Proeschel reported that the Trinity Park Equestrian Trail opened earlier this month and invited everyone to visit the site. Don also reported that a Strategic Leadership Video was to be broadcast on May 20 by satellite. He invited interested Park Board Members to check their schedules, and indicated the possibility of renting an auditorium at the University of Texas at Dallas for viewing. Rhoda said she would explore other Park Boards within the County to determine the interest level. Don inquired as to the replacement of park benches and tables that had been vandalized. Rhoda reported that the replacement parts have been received, and the welder returned from a repair shop this date. She also reported that $3,000 in lumber had been purchased and all bleachers are being inspected and updated with new lumber. The Allen Sports Association has reported a change in the tournament request approved by the Park Board at their last meeting. The tournament will no longer be held to benefit Kristen Kirk, but will benefit the Allen Sports Association Soccer Fund instead. The Allen Sports Association is instead asking for the use of fields on May 13 and May 14. ASA will pay the regular tournament fees for these fields and is requesting the concession rights from the City of Allen. Following a lengthy discussion by the Board members, the following recommendation was presented: MOTION: Helen Johnson made a motion based on Section 24 of the Concessionaire Contract to recommend to City Council the awarding of concession rights for this tournament to the Allen Sports Association, at the exclusion of the City Concessionaire, with the understanding that Carnival Sno Cones will not be the Concessionaire on May 13 and 14. Dan Easter seconded, and the motion carried, 4 for, 0 against. PAGE 5 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD APRIL 17, 1989 Rhoda Savage informed the Board of the City of Allen Animal Control Officers holding a vaccination clinic at Ford Park in conjunction with local veterinarians and the Allen 4-H Clubs. This will be in conjunction with National Pet Week. Vaccinations will be offered at a reduced cost and the Allen 4-H Clubs will be offering a pet show. This is to be held in the Pavilion area at Ford Park on May 13, from 1-5 p.m. Also, as an information item, the Board was informed of the Y.M.C.A.'s intention to hold a pre-school summer program at Ford Park. Staff felt there was a need for this age group programming since the City Playground programming had ceased. V. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PROPERTY (CLOSED TO PUBLIC AS PROVIDED IN ARTICLE 6252-17, SECTION 2(F), V.A.T.C.S.) The Board moved to Executive Session VI. RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION VII. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. These minutes read and approved this 8th day of May, 1989. Don Proeschel, Chairman Helen John�on, Secretary L