HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1989 - 06/12 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JUNE 12. 198 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Don Proeschel, Chairman Richard Saunders, Vice -Chairman Helen Johnson, Secretary Rick Allen Dan Easter Tom Clark MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator GUESTS PRESENT Mayor Joe Farmer Councilman Gary Edstrom Kenny McGowan, ASA Baseball Commissioner Glen Homullar, ASA Liaison Mr. Alton Biggs, Allen High School Biology Department Ms. Pat Hill, Allen High School Math Department Mr. David Olson, Allen Independent School District Pam Earl, Allen High School Graduate Edith Harbordt, Allen High School Graduate Jeff Sabala, Allen High School Graduate Jason Smith, Allen High School Graduate I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Proeschel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. w PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JUNE 12, 1989 II. SUMMARY OF STUDY CONDUCTED BY ALLEN HIGH SCHOOL ADVANCED MATH AND ADVANCED SCIENCE STUDENTS ON THE TEXINS PROPERTY Mr. Alton Biggs, Allen High School Biology Department introduced Ms. Pat Hill of the Math Department, as well as the following four Allen High School Graduates, Pam Earl, Edith Harbordt, Jeff Sabala, Jason Smith. Following a slide presentation by Mr. Biggs of the property on which testing was conducted, the four graduates presented their study, as well as recommendations on usage of the property at the Texins Rod & Gun Club as well as Vaughn Greenbelt Park area. Following a brief question and answer period with the Park Board, the students were congratulated on their work and assured that their recommendations would be taken into consideration when planning the Special Use Facility. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from meeting of May 8, 1989 MOTION: Tom Clark moved to accept the Minutes from May 8, 1989, Regular Meeting as written. Rick Allen seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, 0 against. IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director's Report was presented in a video format for the first time. A. COAST Swim Team Tryouts Director Rhoda Savage reported that last year 68 participants swam with the COAST Swim Team. This year 100 have registered and are working out daily at both 6 and 7 a.m. at Ford Pool. B. Summer Program Registration Rhoda reported that registration for summer programs was held on May 13 at Reed Cafeteria, and that $18,000 was collected that day with several of the classes filling up. C. Ford Pool Opening PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JUNE 12, 1989 Ford Pool was painted, and prepared during the month of May, with the Pool opening on May 27. Following a slight delay due to lightening, the pool was officially open to the public for the summer. On June 5, 702 people entered the Ford Pool facility, setting a new record. D. Cottonwood Bend Park Dedication Rhoda reported that approximately 70 people had attended the Park Dedication. Balloons were used to decorate the equipment and park then passed along to residents. Following speeches by Chairman Don Proeschel, Mayor Joe Farmer, and City Manager, Jon McCarty, cake and punch was served to the guests and staff. E. Working with Allen Sports Association Rhoda reported that the ballfield lights at Jupiter and Hillside were recently re -aimed as ' well as burned out bulbs replaced. A man -lift was rented and the Maintenance Foreman, Troy Burnside did the work. The Board indicated that the video format was an excellent idea for the Director's Report and expressed the desire to have this done for future Board meetings. V. PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD CANDIDATE RECEPTION, INTERVIEWS AND APPOINTMENTS Rhoda reported that the reception had been held two weeks ago for Board appointments, and that interviews were held last week. She indicated that an appointment would be made at the City Council Meeting to be held this coming Thursday evening, June 15. Rhoda indicated she would notify each of the Board members by mail of that appointment when it was made. VI. VIEW FILM ON STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS A brief summary of the National Recreation and Parks Association video film, "Governing Parks and Recreation" was presented. Following the preview, the Board requested pricing be obtained to purchase the series, and possibly do a all day Saturday workshop to view and discuss the full 6 hour series. Rhoda PAGE 4 { MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD '{ JUNE 12, 1989 indicated she would obtain pricing and have that information along with the time frame to receive the films available at the next Park Board meeting. VII. ASA VOLLEYBALL PROGRAM Don Proeschel indicated that the Allen Sports Association had approved the volleyball program for 5th and 6th Grade Girls for this coming fall. He reported that he had been appointed as Volleyball Commissioner. VIII. SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Rhoda indicated that she had been approached by a citizen for scholarship information for her family to participate in summer programs being offered by the Parks and Recreation Department. She indicated she needed some guidelines from the Board on the philosophy of a scholarship program. The Board indicated they would support a scholarship program and would look forward to seeing one in the Policy and Procedures Manual. IX. STRIDING EAGLES TRACK TEAM FEASIBILITY Rhoda presented the Board members with a memo from Ed Voss, Program Coordinator, on the feasibility of operating a summer track program. Following a brief discussion on the history of this program, the Allen Sports Association Softball Commissioner indicated that the Allen Sports Association would be discussing taking in this program at their next Board meeting scheduled for July 3. X. OTHER BUSINESS Kenny McGowan of the Allen Sports Association introduced Glen Homullar to the Board and indicated he was the newly appointed Liaison Officer and would be attending the Parks and Recreation Board Meetings, City Council Meetings, and Allen School Board Meetings. Tom Clark questioned Mr. McGowan on procedures at the fields regarding the calling of games, umpires versus coaches, etc. Mr. McGowan indicated that it was the { umpires call. Tom also questioned the pitchers mound on Ford Field #1, and dugout covering. He then asked Rhoda for information regarding the drinking fountain at Ford Ballfields. PAGE 5 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JUNE 12, 1989 The Board requested that staff draft a letter to Mr. Alton Biggs and Ms. Pat Hill of the Allen High School, thanking them for their efforts and presentation to the Board regarding their class study. XI. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. These minutes.. read and approved this 10th day of July, 1989. 6/�^^^^ & cw Don Proeschel, Chairman Helen Johns�pn, Secretary lU\