HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1989 - 08/14 - Regular11 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 14, 1989 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Don Proeschel, Chairman Richard Saunders, Vice Chairman Helen Johnson, Secretary Tom Clark Ray Galloway ISMWAIi1 CITY STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation GUESTS PRESENT Glen Holmullar, Alien Sports Association Liaison Officer I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Proeschel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from meeting of July 10, 1989 MOTION: Tom Clark moved to accept the Minutes from July 10, 1989, Regular Meeting as written. Ray Galloway seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, 0 against. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Park Overview The Director's Report was presented in a video format and featured a video tour of undeveloped park land as well as the third Summertimes Day Camp Overnight held at Raintree PAGE 2 j MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD I AUGUST 14, 1989 Estates. Park land presented was Collin Square, Cottonwood Greenbelt, Country Meadows, St. Mary's, Raintree Estates. Areas emphasized in the video were the walkways currently in place, as well as open space. B. Inventory Brochure Rhoda Savage presented the Parks and Recreation Board Members with a "Guide to Allen Parks" brochure, produced by the staff of the Parks and Recreation Department. The brochure was well received and several ideas were discussed for the distribution of the brochure to the public C. Inventory, Assessment and Master Plan Director Savage provided the Board members with copies of the "Parks System Inventory and Assessment" document. This document details all parklands in the City of Allen, with a detailed inventory of existing facilities, plus a proposed list of major and minor improvements to be added to each facility. This document also contains a proposed calendar for further development of these areas. She indicated that this publication had been provided to the Allen City Council at the Annual Budget Retreat held August 11, 12 and 13. She indicated it was well received by members of the Council. The Board suggested that an "Adopt a Park" program might be investigated for purposes of maintaining some of these facilities. IV. LAND ACQUISITION FUNDING Director Savage reviewed the list of options presented for review to the Board at their meeting on July 10, 1989. She presented a slide review of some of the suggested improvements that are currently in place in other cities. These items included covered dugouts, water fountains, wild flower plantings, as well as picnic facilities. Following a brief discussion by the Board, they were given the opportunity to list their top priorities for review by the Director. Following a brief tabulation by the Chairman, it was determined that additional soccer goals was the top priority item, with water fountains being the second. Volleyball posts and backstops for Story Park tied for third place ranking. This list will be reviewed by the Director and cost determined for each. V. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP TAPES Director Savage informed the Board that the Strategic Leadership Video Tapes had been received and requested the Board set a date for the viewing of these tapes. Following a brief discussion, it was PAGE 3 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 14, 1989 determined that the afternoon of Saturday, October 14, would be the best time for the current Board members, and would allow newly appointed members to be a part of this viewing. The five hours of video will be reviewed at one time, and should still leave time for discussion and review by Board members. VI. FELLING VACANCY LEFT BY DAN EASTER Director Savage reported that Board Member Dan Easter had resigned due to his moving to Plano, and that his position would be filled during the month of September, along with other terms that will be expiring at the end of September. The first meeting in October should have all newly appointed Board Members in place. VII. OTHER BUSINESS Richard Saunders reported that he had been contacted by Ms. Charlotte Smith, Director of Finance for the City of Allen, and she had indicated that the Sesquicentennial Funds were currently in a checking account at Benchmark Bank, and requested that these funds be put into an interest bearing account with the City of Allen. It was determined that these funds should be growing until such time as the Sesquicentennial Park is a reality. Richard Saunders also reported having received a letter announcing a $4,000 Grant for Conemara and questioned whether or not this would involve any of the City of Allen Greenbelt Linear Park Sites. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that this land actually lies within the City of Plano, and being private property, would not involve the City of Allen. Richard questioned whether or not the Board might be interested in having a booth at the Allen Country Fair. It was decided that it would be appropriate and would be manned by Board Members in two hour shifts. Helen Johnson and Richard Saunders volunteered to work the booth from 10 a.m. - 12 noon. Don Proeschel volunteered to work the booth from 12 noon - 2 p.m. Tom Clark indicated that he would be on site all day and would fill in as needed. It was suggested that tee shirts be vended from this booth and information provided to the public on Parks and Recreation Departmental offerings. Don Proeschel provided information to the Board on the proposed six lane highway to be constructed through Bob Woodruff Park in Plano, and provided contact information for a group looking at alternatives to this proposed highway. He also provided information on a national celebration to commemorate the Twenty Year Anniversary of Earth Day. Don indicated that the Allen PAGE 4 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 14, 1989 VIII. Sports Association needs coaches for the 5th and 6th grade girls volleyball program. Ray Galloway indicated that he would like to recommend that the track program discussed at the July Park Board Meeting be offered as a "summer only" program. It was agreed that this was the intention of Board members. The Board convened to Executive Session at 9:20 p.m. DI. RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION The Board reconvened to Regular Session at 10 p.m. X. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 9th day of ctober, 1989. J004 PE7 cum Don Proeschel, Chairmanecretary A C�«ak