HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1989 - 12/11 - Regulara MINUTES PARES AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING DECEMBER 11, 1989 - 7:30 P.M. MUNICIPAL ANNEX COUNCIL CHAMBERS Don Proeschel, Chairman David Clark, Secretary Tom Clark Mary Widdowson-Martin MEMBERS ABSENT Richard Saunders Ray Galloway Rick Allen STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation GUESTS PRESENT None I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Don Proeschel. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from November 13, 1989, Regular Called Meeting MOTION: Tom Clark moved to accept the minutes from November 13, 1989, Regular Called Meeting, as presented. Mary Widdowson-Martin seconded, and the motion carried 4 for, 0 against. !!lwwn III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Update on Policy Handbook PAGE 2 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DECEMBER 11, 1989 Rhoda Savage reported that the Policy Handbook has been forwarded to the newly appointed Maintenance Foreman, Mr. Jim Gates, for his review and input from his Crew Chiefs. She anticipates this will be reviewed and forwarded to her within four to six weeks. During the past week, Jim has installed a new work bench (from materials used in the Old Library Building), as well as utilized other out -dated library items for nut and bolt bins, and a file cabinet. B. Update on Recreation Programs Rhoda provided the Park Board Members with statistical updates from Ed Voss, Program Coordinator, regarding the Open Gym Program for the month of November. This program continues to see a high participation level among the citizens of Allen. During the month of November, 1989, this program received an average of 23 participants per hour of operation. All goals are being utilized for pick -up -basketball games at Vaughn Elementary Gymnasium, and staff is investigating the feasibility of allowing volleyball games one evening. Rhoda also informed the Board that the Adult Basketball League was playing their league games at Reed Gymnasium three nights per week. As an update on the Ford Ballfields, Rhoda reported that those fields had been over -seeded with 600 pounds of rye grass seed. While the Allen High School Soccer Team will be using Ford #3 for their game season, she indicated that staff had informed Ken Purcell that next year these fields would be closed to allow a "dormant rest" period. The Concessionaire contract for the Ford Concession will be expiring soon, and he has been notified of the renewal notification date. Rhoda reported that he has been extremely cooperative, and dependable and the City is in hopes that he will choose to renew his contract. Drinking fountains and Soccer Goals Rhoda reported that three of the seven drinking fountains had been replaced. She indicated the cost of the replacement of these three was somewhat higher than anticipated, and therefore, the remaining four would be worked on as "in- house" projects. She also told the Board that the Allen High School Welding Class would be working on the soccer goals as a class project. Goals will be placed on the northwest corner of Ford Park, as well as two smaller goals for McDermott Soccer Fields. PAGE 3 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DECEMBER 11, 1989 IV. DEDICATION OF STORY PARK AND THE APRIL 1990 NATIONAL CELEBRATE THE OUTDOORS CAMPAIGN Rhoda suggested to the Park Board that since Story Park was due to be dedicated this spring, it would coincide nicely with the 20th year anniversary of the first "Earth Day". This celebration is scheduled for the week of April 21 -28th, 1990. V. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT TO COUNCIL Chairman Don Proeschel provided Board members with a copy of his first draft of the Chairmans Annual Report to City Council. He reported that this report would be presented at the City Council meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 21, and invited all Board members to review and offer input as soon as possible. Drafts will be mailed to those Board members not attending tonight meeting, requesting their input by Monday, December 18. VI. SESQUICENTENNIAL PARK Rhoda briefly reviewed the history of the proposed Sesquicentennial Park with Board members, and requested their input as to the direction they wanted to take. Following a brief discussion on the Texas history, it was determined that the proposed name would still be valid, and further funding should be pursued in the next budget process. Rhoda indicated she would be meeting with Mrs. Eugene McDermott in the near future to solicit her opinion on this project and would be reporting back to the Board. VII. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP PLANS At the sub -committee meeting on Strategic Leadership Plans, 7 p.m., December 11, 1989, it was determined that they will be meeting regularly on alternate Tuesdays at noon beginning January 9, 1989. This sub -committee will remain in effect until the plans are formulated and accepted by the Board. VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION: SPECIJ&L USE FACILITY (CLOSED TO PUBLIC AS PROVIDED IN ARTICLE 6252-17, SECTION 2(F), V.A.T.C.S.) DC, RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION There was no action taken by the Board after meeting in Executive Session. X. OTHER BUSINESS PAGE 4 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DECEMBER 11, 1989 Board members were reminded that the annual Boards and Commissions party is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14, and all members were encouraged to attend. XI. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. n These minutes read and approved this"January,. Don Proeschel, Chairman D vid Clark, Pecretary