HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1990 - 03/12 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MARCH 12, 1990 - 8:00 P.M. Don Proeschel, Chairman David Clark, Secretary Richard Saunders Tom Clark Ray Galloway Mary Widdowson-Martin Rick Allen CITY STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Jim Gates, Maintenance Foreman, Parks and Recreation Ed Voss, Program Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary, Parks and Recreation GUESTS PRESENT None I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Chairman Don Proeschel. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM REGULAR CALLED MEETING, JANUARY 8, 1990 MOTION: Mary Widdowson-Martin moved to accept the minutes from January 8, 1990, Regular Called Meeting, as presented. Tom Clark seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, 0 against. PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD MARCH 12, 1990 Following a brief introduction and background statement by each of the Board Members as well as Staff members present, the following goals were presented by staff members present: A. Division Goals 1. Programs Programs Coordinator, Ed Voss presented his goals for 1990 a copy of which was provided in the agenda packet to Board members. Highlights of those goals are as follows: a) Implement a summer track program b) Use computers for registration cards C) Complete and submit recreation manual d) Host spring softball tournament e) Host a bike/run event f) Host a TAAF regional tournament g) Implement an annual Christmas program to compliment the annual tree lighting ceremony h) Avoid scheduling 10 pm games in adult athletics i) Attend TAAF annual conference j) Initiate a year-round tennis program for league play and lessons in conjunction with continuing junior program in the summer k) Program recreational activities geared toward 12- 14 year olds for summer 2. Special Activities Special Activities Coordinator, Sandy McGowan presented her list of goals to the Board as well as reviewed current and past activities. The list of goals for 1990 are as follows: a) Get more seniors involved in programs offered b) Look for new facilities for Seniors C) Host a fashion show for seniors d) Set rules for COAST pending increased registration e) Improve relationship with COAST Parents Organization f) Become knowledgeable of Ford Pool g) Perform all repairs by April h) Have diving platforms installed i) More practices and drills for guards j) Update guard manual k) Media articles on guards 1) Update all certification PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD MARCH 12, 1990 M) Offer more classes for Learn to Swim Program 3 Maintenance Maintenance Foreman, Jim Gates presented his list of goals for the 1990 calendar year at the January meeting of the Park Board, and following a brief update from Jim, he provided the Board with the following Responsibilities and Focus Statement: RESPONSIBILITIES: Serve the Citizens of the City of Allen Coordinate with staff to maintain on a scheduled basis: a) Park and Athletic Field Turf, Play Areas and Pool Perimeter b) Municipal Building Grounds, Trees, Ornamental, Seasonal Color Beds, Greenbelts, Open Spaces, Pump Station and Water Storage Areas C) Maintenance and Preparation of Softball, Baseball, Soccer Fields, Basketball and Tennis Courts d) Medians, Right -of -Ways, Seasonal Color Beds, and Numerous Subdivision Entryways e) Scheduling, Maintenance and Repair of Supplemental Watering Systems at Parks, on Medians and at Municipal Buildings f) Lighting Systems on Main Street, Allen Drive and Athletic Facilities g) Repair, Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance of Vehicles and Equipment FOCUS OF PARRS AND RECREATION MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Provide to the Citizens of Allen attractive, safe and well-maintained parks, play areas, and visually attractive medians, right-of-ways and seasonal color beds. We also assist and support other City Departments when requested with manpower, equipment, materials and expertise. 4. Administration Parks and RecreAtion Director Rhoda Savage presented her goals for 1990 and are highlighted as the following: a) IMPROVE PUBLIC SERVICE ATTITUDE Continue to emphasize a timely response and follow-up PAGE 4 8 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MARCH 12, 1990 procedure to resolve customer complaints and problems. 1) Complete Departmental Policies and Procedures manuals to serve as a means for staff training to better prepare them to serve the community. 2) Continue to utilize key staff to serve as liaisons to user groups. b) STRENGTHEN WORKING RELATIONSHIP WITH OUTSIDE ENTITIES 1) Continue joint program effort. 2) Continue to conduct joint planning and construction of facilities and sites. 3) Continue to coordinate open -gym program through public school system. 4) Reorganize the department to include a program supervisor to visit athletic facilities after normal work hours and assist in the operation of those programs. C) PURSUE THE PURCHASE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPECIAL USE FACILITY 1) Extend Grant through Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. 2) Acquire and develop the park. d) DEVELOP A LONG-TERM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1) Reorganize existing staff as needed to fulfill constantly changing demand. 2) Begin development and renovation of existing land. 3) Analyze department effectiveness (labor and equipment conditions). 4) Contract services for areas that are not classified parks or grounds surrounding municipal buildings (i.e. medians, right- of-ways, etc.) e) RENOVATE JUPITER PARK f) DEVELOP A PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MASTER PLAN g) INITIATE A TEAM BUILDING STRATEGY FOR STAFF h) ENCOURAGE STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT B. Allen Teen Center Director Rhoda Savage updated the Board on the proposal by the Allen Community Education Advisory Board to try a Allen Teen Center for the upcoming summer months. The target PAGE 5 MINUTES - PARES AND RECREATION BOARD MARCH 12, 1990 age group being identified is primarily middle school-age teenagers. Rhoda informed the Board that the Advisory Counsel had come to the Parks and Recreation Department seeking help in locating a facility to house this program. One possibility being the Old Allen Public Library Building. After researching this option, it was determined that the Allen Substance Abuse Prevention Officer would likely be housed in that facility by the summer. Rhoda requested the Board members to please let her know should they have alternative ideas for a space for this program. Open Gym Statistics Rhoda directed the Boards attention to the Open Gym Update provided by Ed Voss in their agenda packets. E. Athletic League Update The Board was informed that the Spring Softball League had now broken all time records for number of teams participating with a total of 64 teams currently registered in spring softball leagues. IV. CONCESSION SALES IN PARKS Director Savage informed the Park Board of a request by Amy Largent of Allen to provide concession services at Ford Pool this summer. She briefly reviewed the existing concessionaire contract now in effect with the Allen Sports Association and indicated that they did not have problem with Ms. Largent serving the Ford Pool. She will be providing items not currently offered in the vending machines, and will operate from within the office area at the entrance of the Pool. She has offered the City 15% of her gross sales, and will operate during public swim hours of 1-6 pm, Monday through Sunday. Following a brief discussion by Board Members it was determined that this was a good idea, but the Board consensus was that there should be a flat fee established rather than the 15% of gross sales previously considered. Rhoda indicated that the same contract used for the Concessionaire at the Ballfields would be used for the Pool agreement. The following Motion was made: MOTION: David Clark made a motion to recommend to Council that Ms. Amy Largent be allowed to vend food items from the Ford Pool Office area during public swim hours, seven days a week. She will vend products not stocked in the vending machines, and will be offered the option to vend during private rentals if the parties PAGE 6 MINUTES -PARRS AND RRCREATION BOARD MARCH 12, 1990 renting the facility would like that service provided. There will be a flat fee established that she will pay the City of Allen for the privilege of providing this service. Tom Clark seconded this Motion and it carried 6 for, 0 against. V. GREAT TEXAS TRASH -OFF Director Savage provided the Board Members with information regarding the Great Texas Trash -Off scheduled for March 31, 1990. She indicated that anyone wishing to help on that date should sign-up with her by March 27. She indicated that all public school principals were being contacted as well as all local civic organizations. Tom Clark agreed to obtain the addresses for the Boy Scout Troops, Girl Scout Troops, and YMCA Youth Organization currently active in Allen. Rhoda indicated that the ASA had volunteered to pick up rocks at Story, and the Greengate homeowners were organizing to assist in cleaning Story Park. VI. STORY PARK DEDICATION Following a brief discussion, it was determined that Story Park Dedication Ceremonies would be held on April 21, 1990. VII. PROGRESS REPORT FROM THE STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP SUBCOMMITTEE Director Savage and Chairman Proeschel provided the Board members with a brief update part of which included the Board Mission Statement: The Parks and Recreation Board shall serve as the public liaison to the Parks and Recreation Department evaluating and expressing the recreational and park "needs" of the community and providing support to City Staff helping meet those needs The Department Mission Statement was presented as follows: The Parks and Recreation Department shall provide park facilities and recreation programs that enhance the aesthetics of the City and help our citizens more fully enjoy life in Allen. VIII. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Ed Voss referred the Board members to their Agenda Packet support materials and particularly, the pages dealing with the existing City of Allen and TAAF Eligibility Rules and the Proposed PAGE 7 MINUTES - PARRS AND RECREATION BOARD MARCH 12, 1990 City of Allen and TAAF Eligibility Rules. He indicated that TAAF as well as the American Softball Association operate under the guidelines of a 15 year-old being an adult and eligible to participate in their events. The City of Allen Eligibility Rules indicate that a player must be 18 years of age or a high school graduate. Following a brief discussion, the City of Allen Eligibility Rules were changed to read as follows: "5. Players must be 15 years of age or older." UI. PROGRAM FEE PROPOSAL Ed Voss provided the Board with a list of current fees as well as proposed fees which are as follows: ("bolded" items are increases) Program Current Proposed Day Camp $ 60.00 $ 75.00 Fish Camp 35.00 40.00 Counselors-In-Training 25.00 25.00 Elementary Tennis New 25.00 Ladies Morning Lessons New 35.00 Tennis Camps 50.00 50.00 High School Varsity Drill 50.00 50.00 Adult Clinics 25.00 25.00 Summer Tennis League New 15.00 Tennis Tournament 10.00 10.00 Golf Camp 50.00 50.00 Soccer Camp 55.00 55.00 Summer Track New 50.00 Baseball Camp 75150 75150 Baseball Clinic 40/25 40125 Basketball Camp 50.00 50.00 Football Camp 40.00 40.00 Adult Softball 185.00 190.00 Adult Basketball 190.00 195.00 Adult Basketball (summer) 225.00 230.00 Adult Volleyball 95.00 95.00 City of Allen Swim Team 45.00 50.00 Learn to Swim Lessons 24.00 24.00 Pool Admission 1.25 1.25 Pool Rentals 50.00lUp 50.00/Up Swim Tags 25.001 Up 25.00/Up Following a brief discussion by Board members, it was determined that the Adult Softball Leagues should be raised to $195 rather than the $190 proposed. Also discussed was the presentation of these new fees to the citizens. PAGE 8 MINUTES -PARKS AND RRCRBATION BOARD MARCH 12, 1990 X. MOTION. Tom Clark moved to accept the above fee increases as presented with the exception of Adult Softball, and that fee should be raised to $195. Mary Widdowson- Martin seconded, and the motion carried with 6 for, 0 against. Ed Voss provided the Board Members with a memo outlining the current situation with User Fees, especially as it pertains to participants in Allen leagues, but playing all games in Plano. Attached to this memo was a copy of the Ordinance outlining the collection of User Fees. It was determined that this item would be tabled until the next meeting of the Park Board at which time the User Fee Ordinance would be updated. Board Members felt this was also the time to implement a non-resident user fee into the existing ordinance. Director Rhoda Savage announced a special meeting called by the Mayor for Monday, March 19, 1990, 7 p.m. in the Library Meeting Room. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Boards and Commissions involvement in the Comprehensive Survey Update as well as other timely items. XI. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:17 p.m. These minutes read and approved tbi Don P eschel, Chairman r