HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1990 - 04/16 - RegularLI MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING APRIL 16, 1990 - 7:30 P.M. Don Proeschel, Chairman Richard Saunders, Vice -Chairman David Clark, Secretary Ray Galloway Mary Widdowson-Martin Rick Allen Tom Clark CITY STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Department Ed Voss, Program Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Secretary to Parks and Recreation Department Dale Holt, Allen Cemetery Association Gene Ballow, Allen Cemetery Association Glenda Ford, Allen Cemetery Association Thelma Marion, Allen Cemetery Association Lucille Brazeal, Allen Cemetery Association Scott Knowling, Allen American I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Don Proeschel at 7:40 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Called Meeting, March 12, 1990 MOTION: David Clark made a motion to accept the minutes of the Regular Called Parks and Recreation Board Meeting of PACE 2 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD APRII, 16, 1990 March 12, 1990, as presented. Mary Widdowson-Martin seconded, and the motion carried 7-0. Special Called Joint Workshop, March 19, 1990 MOTION: Mary Widdowson-Martin moved to accept the minutes of the Special Called Joint Workshop of March 19, 1990, as presented. Tom Clark seconded, and the motion carried 7-0. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Spring Athletic Update Ed Voss, Program Coordinator for the Parks and Recreation Department reviewed the report provided to Board members, highlighting the following information: There are 64 adult softball teams (a record) playing in leagues sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department. The league breakdown is as follows: -5 teams in Mens Open (Mondays) -22 teams in Mens Recreational (Tuesdays) -16 teams in Mens Church (Thursdays) -4 teams in Womens Church (Thursdays) -17 teams in Co -Ree (Fridays). Rain has hampered league play since day one. The entire first week of games were rained out, and currently we are 34 games behind schedule. We are utilizing Saturdays and open slots on Mondays and Fridays for make -ups. Response has been slow for the City of Allen's Mens Open softball tournament on Saturday, April 28. This is probably due to the number of make-up games teams have played or are scheduled to play on Saturdays. The deadline to enter is Friday at 5 p.m. It is not too soon to put in concrete a plan to utilize in case Sunday, May 20 arrives and the league has not played all of its games. Last year, the City of Allen rented the Texins ballfield on several occasions, which remains a possibility. Another alternative is approaching the City of Plano for use of its Bigh Point Ballfields on Saturday, May 26. There are 6 volleyball teams playing in a league sponsored by d the Parks and Recreation Department. The league plays on Mondays at Story Elementary School. PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD APREL 10, 1990 In an effort to create some enthusiasm for the leagues, an open gym program for volleyball only is currently in operation on Thursdays at Story Elementary School. This program permits the individuals on volleyball teams to practice and it gives non-league volleyball enthusiasts an opportunity to play. The program is in operation through the volleyball season, then it will shut down. Depending upon participation numbers and a staff evaluation, the program may be requested for year-round. Side Out, the City of Allen's defending volleyball league champions, participated April 7 in the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation's Region VII Tournament conducted by the City of Plano at its new recreation center. Teams representing Sherman and Denison placed first and second in the tournament and will advance to the TAAF State Tournament on April 20-22 in Harlingen. The Allen Sports Association's soccer season has incurred the same problem as City of Allen programs - the rain. Leagues are behind schedule, but Soccer Commissioner, Bill Kapka is optimistic that the season can be concluded on or prior to Saturday, May 19. ASA is playing weekday make-up games at McDermott and evening make -ups on Mondays at Ford Park. Baseball and softball season will be beginning soon for ASA. The City of Allen is committed to turning over Ford Park, Jupiter and Reed Park for use by ASA on Sunday, May 20. Hillside Park will be turned over to ASA on Monday, May 14. Until those dates the City of Allen will give ASA teams priority practice scheduling effective Monday, April 30. Hopefully, spring rains will subside so that ASA's soccer and the City of Allen's softball season can catch-up, otherwise these make-up games will take precedent over all practices. ASA is operating concessions at McDermott and Ford Parks. Staff has heard nothing but positive comments in regard to ASA concessions. There is a disagreement among ASA Board members as to how to distribute concessions revenues, and hopefully this will not spill-over into the actual operation of concessions. Kenny McGowan has resigned as President of Allen Sports Association. There is no word as to how that position will be filled. B. Special Use Facility Update PAGE 4 MINUTES -PAR%S AND RBCRBATION BOARD APRIL 16, 1990 Director Rhoda Savage presented a brief historical background of the Special Use Facility, outlining the date of expiration on the grant, application for extension, and several contacts with the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife. No word has been received at this point regarding either the granting or denial of the extension request. Great Texas Trash -Off Update Rhoda Savage reported on the Great Texas Trash -Off, held March 31, 1990. Approximately nine organizations in Allen turned out as volunteers to clean-up specific areas, streets, parks, and rights -of -ways on that date. Parks and Recreation Department staff was on hand at 7 a.m. that morning to oversee and offer assistance to residents. Due to a heavy rain -fall prior to the trash -off, many areas were either standing in water or extremely muddy, hampering access by residents wanting to clean-up. Nine roll -off trash containers were located on Prestige Circle and were manned by Parks and Recreation Department maintenance men. They were on hand until approximately 6 p.m. that evening to assist residents in unloading their trash, and filling the trash containers. Previous use of these containers has resulted in a great amount of trash being stacked around the dumpsters on the ground. This year, due in a large part to City staff assistance, every effort was made by the citizens to place their trash within the containers. Rhoda indicated the program was a great success, and that future trash clean-up days might be scheduled by the Department. D. Policy and Procedures Manual Update Rhoda Savage reported that the draft of policies and procedures presented to the Board earlier this year had been forwarded to the City Manager for his review. She has discussed this with him, and will come back to Park Board once the data has been returned to her. E. Summer Programs Ed Voss, Program Coordinator presented the Board with the following summer programming update: Fees approved by the Parks and Recreation Board at its March 12 meeting were approved by the City Council in its meeting April 5. Individual members of the Council voiced concern over the losses shown by the Day Camp -CIT -Fish Camp Program and have urged the Parks and Recreation Department to examine its fees to recover 100 percent of operating expenses for all programs. Mayor Joe Farmer PAGE 5 MINUTES -PARRS AND RRCRBATION BOARD APRIL 16, 1990 expressed a desire for the Parks and Recreation Department to work through the Council's Development Sub -Committee and Parks and Recreation Board to develop a policy establishing a procedure for setting recreation fees and submitting the policy for adoption as an ordinance. Hopefully, any study into the policy for setting fees would also examine the opportunities afforded by operating all recreational programs from a revolving account, or Enterprise Fund, establishment of a user's fee for all recreational programs, establishment of a non-resident's fee for participation in Parks and Recreation programs, and operation of a year-round recreation program in response to possible year-round education adopted by the Allen Independent School District. Summertimes, the City of Allen's summer recreation brochure, will be delivered to the printer Wednesday, April 25. It will be placed in the mail Thursday, May 3, with home delivery anticipated Saturday, May 5. This is ideal timing in advance of registration on Saturday, May 19, at the Allen Public Library. Summer temporary job opportunities have been advertised in the Allen American and other Harte-Hanks Community Newspapers. The closing date for these positions is Friday, at 5 p.m. Foreman Sim Gates, Special Activities Coordinator, Sandy McGowan and myself will start interviewing the week of April 23. We hope to get everyone on board as soon as possible. Open Gym is slated to return to Vaughn Gymnasium on Tuesday, May 1. The Open Gym Program will be suspended Tuesday, April 24 at Reed Elementary School. Otherwise the gym will operate on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6-9 p.m. and weekends (Saturday/Sunday) from 1-5 p.m. A new refund policy has been written by Special Activities Coordinator Sandy McGowan and Program Coordinator Ed Voss. Following a discussion by the Board, it was determined that the document would be re -worked by staff paying particular attention to "full" refund wording prior to the publication of the Summertimes brochure. IV. ALLEN CEMETERY ASSOCIATION RBQDEST Rhoda Savage presented the Board with a brief history of how the City became responsible for the perpetual care of the Allen Cemetery, along with a outline of the Allen Cemetery Association's PAGE 6 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION HOARD APRIL 16, 1990 request for the City to accept responsibility for the remodeling of the entrances into the Allen Cemetery. Rhoda reported that at this time she was asking the Board for their recommendation to Council regarding the acceptance of the entry -way project. She would return following Council's acceptance with construction specifications and plans for the Boards review. The Allen Cemetery Association Secretary -Treasurer, Dale Holt reviewed some of the historical data regarding the Cemetery, the Historical Marker to be placed at the entrance, as well as some of the financial background regarding funding for the marker as well as entry -way funding. Mrs. Holt reported that the funding was currently in an interest-bearing account and totals $9,946.39. This funding would be donated to the City of Allen upon their acceptance of the project. Rhoda indicated that she thought this was an excellent opportunity for the City of Allen to assist the Cemetery Association as well as improve the now highly visible view of the Allen Cemetery from the newly completed McDermott Drive. MOTION: Tom Clark made a motion to recommend to City Council the acceptance of the Allen Cemetery Entrance remodeling project. Richard Saunders seconded, and the motion carried 7-0. It was determined that staff would return with specifications and recommendations at the next Board meeting. V. USER FEE ORDINANCE UPDATE Rhoda Savage indicated that Ed Voss had prepared a document regarding the fee structure and user fees that would be reviewed by staff and put on the agenda for the next Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. VI. STORY PARK DEDICATION UPDATE At the request of the Director, the dedication ceremonies for Story Park has been postponed indefinitely. She reported that a Girl Scout Group as well as a Boy Scout Eagle candidate were planning projects to enhance the landscaping at Story Park and that she felt the overall effect of the park would be greatly enhanced by waiting until these projects have been completed. VII. PROGRESS REPORT FROM STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP SUBCOMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES -PAR%S AND RBCRBATION BOARD APRIL 16, 1990 Chairman Don Proeschel presented the Board with a brief update form the Subcommittee, part of which outlined the Parks and Recreation Board Mission Statement as follows: VIII. "The Parks and Recreation Board shall evaluate community recreational and park needs and solutions." Following a brief discussion by the Board, it was determined that possible wording might include "recommend". The subcommittee will review the mission statement at their next meeting. Chairman Don Proeschel reported that the basketball goal at Reed Tennis Courts was in need of maintenance as well as the basketball goals at Ford Park. It was reported that the follow-up lists of telephone contacts needing to be made by Board Members for the survey by Community Development was now in Board members hands and all were encouraged to make the necessary telephone contacts. DI. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. The,(see� minutes mad and approved this 1 day of May, 1990. vO�u / �jOEQCN�i( G Don Proeschel, Chairman D 'd Clark,ISecretary fl