HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1990 - 06/11 - RegularLl MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JUNE 11, 1990 - 8:00 P.M. Richard Saunders, Vice -Chairman Rick Allen Mary Widdowson-Martin Tom Clark Don Proeschel, Chairman David Clark Ray Galloway STAFF PRESENT �,{ Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation ® Sue Witkowski, Secretary None I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:20 p.m. by Vice -Chairman, Richard Saunders. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Called Meeting, May 14, 1990 MOTION: Tom Clark moved to accept the minutes from the Regular Called Meeting of May 14, 1990 as presented. Mary Widdowson-Martin seconded, and the motion carried 4 for, 0 against. A. Toxins Property PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD NNE 11, 1990 Rhoda reported that the City of Allen still has not received official written notification from Texas Parks and Wildlife of the Grant Extension application. Summer Programs Board members were provided with a copy of a memo from Ed Voss, Program Coordinator outlining a brief update on adult athletics as well as a progress report on summer recreational programs. Ed reported that the adult softball leagues are still trying to finish their very rainy season with make -ups. The scheduled June 2-3 makeups in Plano were rained out and currently make- up games are scheduled for Monday, June 18, Thursday, June 21, Friday, June 22, and Saturday, June 23 on the Toxins Field in Allen at a rate of $15 per day. Make up games will be played only in those leagues in which teams have two or less games to play as an average. All other leagues will be cancelled. Cancelled leagues are Co -Ed Blue and Co -Ed Church. All other leagues will be completed. Teams that return in the fall will be eligible for a $25 discount, putting their league fee at $170. Teams in Co -Ed Blue and Co - Ed Church will be credited for unplayed games in the spring season and that credit may be used to partially pay for the league in the fall. If a team does not wish to receive a credit, but would like a refund instead, a method will be worked out so that a refund is possible. The summer open basketball league made. It will have at least five teams and possibly six. League play will begin Monday, June 25 at Vaughan Gymnasium. Practice sites for youth baseball and softball continue to be of prime concern, but all playing fields are utilized six days each week, which leaves little or no practice sites available with a dirt infield. Discussion on resolving this situation involve turning Story Parks two backstops into playing fields with dirt infields, playing t -ball games at McDermott Soccer Fields and utilizing the dirt infields on Hillside 3 and 4 for more advanced leagues, erecting backstops at Cottonwood Park, erecting backstops at other park sites including Country Meadows and JJ9 St. Mary's moving the older baseball leagues from Ford Park to 3 Allen High School's baseball field, etc. Many of these things 11 are possible with minimal funding. PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JUNE 11, 1990 It has been necessary to cancel the track program due to a lack of enrollment. The City of McKinney and City of Plano track programs have agreed to accept any youth from Allen that wishes to participate in track in their cities. The Fish Camp program continues to have a low enrollment in the earlier weeks of the schedule. It is suspected that the youth baseball and softball, played in the evenings, is hurting the fish camp program, which is also an evening program. Plans are next year to offer the program in the mornings for four sessions and two sessions in the evenings (after the completion of baseball season). Day Camp is a huge success this year. The entry fee was raised from $60 to $75 with no increase in services. The first three sessions of the camp are filled and the forth session almost full. We may want to consider expansion of the Day Camp program to 50 kids (from the current 40), with a possible pre - camp and after -camp day care program at a gymnasium site for an additional fee and charging for bus pick-up. Tennis is doing well with 41 participants enrolled during the first two weeks and registration going well for all sessions that follow. The Learn to Swim Program is almost full. There is a lot of interest in these classes, but expansion is not possible without taking away from public swim time or private pool rental time. Ford Swimming Pool has had a high attendance each day since the opening, but some complaints have been received regarding capacity. The pool's maximum is 300 and that number is being reached soon after opening each day. That leaves people standing in line to get in, some of which bought pool tags. Mary Widdowson-Martin indicated she had received comments from her neighborhood regarding the long waits from residents who had purchased pool passes and suggested that in the future we inform residents as they purchase their season passes, that this is only offered as a savings to them and will not allow them first access to the pool. C. Open Gym Ed also provided an open gym update with the following statistics for May Days of operation - 23, hours of operation - 77, total participation - 1,216, participants average per day of operation - 52.5, participants average per hour of operation - 15.5. Ed noted that the city open gym program has returned PAGE 4 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD NNE 11. 1990 to Vaughan Gymnasium, and also that the Volleyball Open Gym has been reopened on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon at Vaughan. The gym shuts down until 2 and then reopens for basketball from 1 to 5 p.m. Volleyball Open Gym was conducted for the first time on Saturday, June 9 with 7 participants. It is anticipated that this number will increase as the program gains maturity. D. Country Fair/Bike Tour Rhoda informed the Board that the Bike Tour will begin at 8:30 a.m., and anyone and everyone is welcome to volunteer for assisting this program. This went to Council on June 7 as an information item. The PARD will again assist the Jaycees with the Country Fair which will be held September 8, 1990, in downtown Allen. E. FY1990-91 Budget Rhoda briefly informed the Board of the budget process currently underway and highlighted certain areas she was requesting additional funding in. Those areas are Ballfield Maintenance (renovation), Personnel (staff to care for trees, flower beds and irrigation), and a part-time registration assistant to aid with the office registration process. Contract Services (mowing of medians and R.O.W.'s leaving staff free to tend to park areas). She indicated that she would be providing Board members with further updates on the budget process as well as a copy of the budget for 1990-91 once approved. IV. OTHER BUSINESS Don Proeschel requested survey results, and Rhoda indicated that raw numbers were to be presented at a meeting scheduled for June 12, 1990. There will be no analysis at this time, but one is to follow. Richard Saunders requested a 30 day study be made to determine if a 3 game limit should be placed on teams during the Open Gym Basketball Program, with a possible recommendation to follow that would limit the number of consecutive games to 2 games. Richard Saunders suggested a program to encourage citizens to leave their lawn clippings on the ground and not bag them up to be carried to land fills. Signs could be placed in yards that participate in the program encouraging other citizens to join. PAGE 5 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JUNE 11, 1990 Don Proeschel reported that the basketball nets at Ford were needing to be replaced, and that the water fountains at the pool and ballfields needed repair. V. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. These minutes read and approv Don Proeschel, Chairman r