HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1990 - 07/09 - Regularrij MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JULY 9, 1990 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Don Proeschel, Chairman Richard Saunders, Vice Chairman David Clark, Secretary Ray Galloway Mary Widdowson-Martin Rick Allen Tom Clark MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF PRESENT Rhoda L. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary None I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Chairman, Don Proeschel II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Called Meeting, June 11, 1990 MOTION: David Clark moved to accept the minutes from the Regular Called Meeting of June 11, 1990 as presented. Mary Widdowson-Martin seconded, and the motion carried 6 for, 0 against. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Update on Recreation Programs Rhoda provided the Board a copy of the Fall 1990 Softball Season informational letter being mailed to all prior coaches and teams. This letter reviews the Spring 1990 discounts to teams, as well as PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JULY 9, 1990 league nights and starting date of the week of August 13, 1990, as well as minor changes in awards, and fee structures. The coaches meeting, practices, tournaments, uniforms, schedules, rosters, etc were briefly outlined in this informational letter. Rhoda informed the board that a brief letter and questionnaire was being delivered to each home bordering Ford Park ballfields, along Victorian Drive and Hill Haven asking for their input on ways to lessen the on -street parking situation during ballfield usage. The results of this survey will be provided to the Park Board as soon as they are available. Ed also provided the Board with a general update on all summer recreational programming, which reported that the ASA Baseball/Softball season had gone very smoothly, with the operation of leagues as well as the concession sales operated this year by the Allen Sports Association. Ed provided information on the Open Gym Program, Youth Organizations, as well as the Day Camp program. In addition to the above the Board was provided with a statistical report indicating revenues collected for each program as well as the number of participants in each program as of July 9, 1990. Total participants as of July 9, was at 1,163 and total revenues collected was at $44,866. Further updates will be provided in this format as the summer progresses. Rhoda indicated that studies were being conducted into the background of the 300 maximum capacity at Ford Pool, as well as into other municipal policies on pool facility maximums. B. Comprehensive Plan Survey Update Rhoda reported that the Comprehensive Plan Survey was not ready to be released. She indicated that the information was public information and could be obtained by visiting with the Department of Community Development should any of the Board be interested in doing so. The Mayor will be appointing a committee comprised of two Planning and Zoning Commission members as well as two City Council members to analyze the raw data for correct reflection of the views of Allen citizens. Story Park Dedication Dedication Ceremonies for Story Park were set for 11 a.m., September 29, 1990. D. Rhoda briefly reviewed the upcoming Allen Country Fair and Bike Tour with the Park Board. She indicated the Bike Tour would begin and end at Ford Park on September 8. She provided PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JULY 9, 1990 the Board with a map and informational flyer and indicated that if anyone was interested in volunteering to help with this event to please let her know. She reported volunteers were needed in all areas from planning and registration to manning first aid stations. She reported that the Plano Radio Operators Association were volunteering their services, and she was in the process of contacting other agencies and businesses for sponsorships, door prizes and volunteers. Rhoda reported on having contacted surrounding communities regarding the tour and having received very supportive feedback from all communities involved in the path of the tour. Rick Allen indicated that there might be support available from the volunteer Collin County Sheriffs Reserve group. E. Report and Update on Strategic Leadership Subcommittee Chairman Don Proeschel reported that the subcommittee was on hold pending the release of the Comprehensive Survey update release and reminded the Board of the Mission Statement which is: The Parks and Recreation Board shall evaluate community recreation and park needs and recommend solutions. Following a brief discussion of the above mission statement, the Board listed some of the goals for the upcoming year, which are as follows: Develop an Enhanced Policy/Procedures Manual Increasing Open Gym Program Add Facilities Use Policy Develop a Resident vs Non -Resident User Fee Evaluate Capital Improvement Plan Create New Summer Programs Evaluate Existing Summer Programs Evaluate Feedback Process Between Community and Parks and Recreation Board Evaluate Communication Process Between AISD, PARB, ASA and YMCA Organizations Mary Widdowson-Martin informed the Board that the Cottonwood Meadows Homeowners Association was developing a committee to recommend development of the Cottonwood Greenbelt Linear Park area to the City. They would be discussing what type of development they would like to see as well as a time table in which they would like to see the development of this area completed. PAGE 4 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JULY 9, 1990 Tom Clark said the Homeowners Association of Country Meadows wanted to know if the trees were dead on McDermott, and if so would they be replaced by the developer. Rhoda reported that 85 new red oak trees were coming from O'Brien Landscapingto be installed along McDermott. V. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m. These minutes mad and approved thi 3th da/y] of August, 1990. Don Proeschel, Chairman avid Clark! Secretary