HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1990 - 09/17 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 - 7:30 P.M. h, :7::.1 't' Don Proeschel, Chairman Richard Saunders, Vice -Chairman David Clark, Secretary Rick Allen Tom Clark Mary Widdowson-Martin MEMBERS ABSENT Ray Galloway STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary GUESTS PRESENT Glen and Ellana Hollmullar, 104 Jasmine Court, 727-1298 (ASA) Byron Nielsen, 10516 Xylon Road, 727-3997 (Softball) John Tucker, 816 Rush Creek, 727-1007 (Soccer Refs Assoc) I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman, Don Proeschel. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Called Meeting, August 13, 1990 MOTION: Tom Clark moved to accept the minutes from the Regular Called Meeting of August 13, 1990 as presented. Mary Widdowson-Martin seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, 0 against. III. OTHER BUSINESS In order to accommodate those persons wishing to speak before the Parks and Recreation Board, the Agenda Item Captioned Other Business was called for at this time. PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 The following comments and suggestions were made by the various representatives regarding field conditions at City facilities: Dangerous Cracks in Soccer Fields Poor Dragging of Infield Dangerous Holes in Soccer Fields Offer of Physical Maintenance Support Recommendation to Let Fields Lie Dormant to Recover Offer of Fund Raising to Benefit Game Fields Recommendation to Protect Fencing and Light Poles with "bumper pads" Poor Turf Conditions on all Fields Parental Concern for Safety of Children Playing Soccer in Allen Concern About Dangerous Softball Field Conditions (cracks, uneven surfaces and multi -use situations) Comparisons of Allen Fields to Game Facilities in Plano and McKinney Suggestions for New Fields in Areas Currently Not Being Utilized Rotation of Fields Suggested Better Scheduling of Seasons Following a brief discussion by the Board and Staff with all visitors, it was determined that all persons having comments at this meeting should be contacted by Staff for further input on field usage and conditions. All parties were thanked for their time and input and were encouraged to attend further Board meetings and offer any input they felt appropriate. IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Invitations to Story Park Dedication, 11 a.m., September 29 Rhoda informed the Board that invitations to Story Park Dedication will be mailed this Wednesday to all interested civic groups and community leaders. She requested that Don Proeschel speak at the ceremony, and invited all Board members as well as guests to attend. Refreshments will be served. B. Bike Tour and Allen Country Fair Rhoda reported that approximately 6,000 visitors attended the Allen Country Fair this year and praised the efforts of all concerned for the success of this major event. She also reported on the Allen Bike Tour and reported that the City would once again promote and support a similar Bike Tour next year. She reported surveys would be mailed to all who participated in the Bike Tour, requesting their suggestions for improvements to future tours. The many volunteers at this PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 event were very much appreciated by Staff for their on-site support. Fall Recreation Leagues Copies of support materials from Ed Voss were supplied to the Board Members for their review. Included in the Athletic Update were the following statistics: Softball - 58 teams in Fall 1990 Season (Three teams have dropped out of this season after games began, all three cited player problems as the reason for withdrawing.) The City of Allen is planning on offering tournaments at Ford Park on October 6, October 13 and October 20. These will be one -day Saturday -only tournaments in which teams from McKinney, Plano and the area will be invited to play with Allen entrants. Volleyball - 6 teams registered to play in Fall 1990 Season ( Volleyball games will be played on Monday evenings at Vaughan Elementary School through the end of November.) Winter Basketball - Registration will be conducted October 22- 26, with play beginning the week of November 12. Registration fee is $195/team plus $2/player ont he final roster. Press releases will be sent to the Allen American, as well as notices placed at the Open Gym facility and letters mailed to team managers from the summer league and last winter's league. Youth Organizations - YMCA and ASA soccer seasons are underway. The ASA is playing Saturday and some weekday games at McDermott Park, Ford Park and Hillside Park. Practices have been a problem this fall. There are sufficient practice areas, however, most do not have goals and most do not have lighting. Staff has requested that soccer practices be conducted at sites other than Ford Park to allow the maintenance staff an opportunity to upgrade the turf conditions for games. ASA will play its fall football leagues at Reed Park beginning Saturday, September 15. This will be a game field only with no practices allowed. The ASA football program will have exclusive use of Jupiter Park for practices on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 8:30 p.m. PAGE 4 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 Staff has been informed that ASA's president, Kenny McGowan has resigned, again. Also ASA's office secretary has given notice. Concern has been expressed to staff from some ASA board members regarding the future of the organization in regards to filling those positions, continuing to meet concessions obligations, etc. Open Gym Program - Open Gym was conducted 22 days with attendance at 1,264. Volleyball Open Gym operated 4 days with 48 participants. Senior Citizens Activities Rhoda provided the Board members with a copy of the newsletter mailed to Allen Senior Citizens outlining plans and activities for the upcoming fall season. Among their scheduled activities for September/ October will be a trip to Texas Stadium, The Sixth Floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository, Texas State Fair as well as Dickens on the Strand. V. EXECUTIVE SESSION: BUDGET, PROPERTY, UPGRADE CONSIDERATIONS (CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC AS PROVIDED IN ARTICLE 6252-17, SECTION 2(f), V.A.T.C.S.) The Board convened to Executive Session at 9:15 p.m. The Board reconvened to Regular Session at 9:45 p.m. VI. ALLEN CEMETERY Rhoda provided support materials for the Board's review regarding the renovation of the Allen Cemetery. This item will appear on the Agenda for the City Council meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 20, and Rhoda was asking for the Board's support for this project. The materials were presented as follows: At the request of the Allen Cemetery Association, the Allen City Council approved City staff to assist in the renovation of the City Cemetery entrances. In so doing, the Cemetery Association committed to donate all available funds to the City for constructing new entrances plus making other improvements deemed necessary by City staff. Improvements that may need to be made have been grouped into phases. Phase one addresses improvements to be made along the north boundary and includes newly constructed entrances, fence replacement and realignment, tree removal and minor grading and PAGE 5 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 drainage provisions. A list of other proposed improvements has been included for your review. (Attachment A) Cost estimates have been received from three architectural firms. Costs range from $2,400 to $9,250. The scope of services includes the preparation of plans and specifications and cost estimates for all phases of the project. Blaney Meadows Landscape Company submitted the $2,400 cost estimate and is willing to prepare Phase I plans and specifications for the October 4 Council meeting. In addition, included in the $2,400 cost is the preparation of plans and specifications plus cost estimates for all phases of proposed cemetery improvements. Those costs will include serving as construction manager only for Phase I. An additional fee of $1501inspection will be required for additional phases of the cemetery project. It is the recommendation of Development Subcommittee that Staff pursue contracting the services of Blaney Meadows to write plans and specifications as well as provide cost estimates for all phases of improvements proposed for the Allen City Cemetery. In addition, for a set fee of $2,400, Blaney Meadows will act as construction manager through the completion of Phase I, (Le, entrance improvements, fence replacement and realignment, tree removal, grade -work and drainage provisions along the north boundary). Additional improvements will be phased in as the Council deems necessary. Following a brief discussion regarding awarding this business to an Allen -based firm, it was suggested that a ceiling be put on the number of inspections to be performed by a general contractor. Plans k contract Totai All SPWM Management coat Pbmma Phase I Joe Kin $ 4,860 $ 4,000 $ 8 860 $ 8,860 McCollum & $ 5,250 $ 4,000 min. $ 9,250 $ 9,250 Assoc (15% of total construction cost) Blaney $ 2,400 $ 150 per $ 2,400 $ 2,400+ Meadows inspection ($150 per (after inspect - completion of ion) Phase I) It is the recommendation of Development Subcommittee that Staff pursue contracting the services of Blaney Meadows to write plans and specifications as well as provide cost estimates for all phases of improvements proposed for the Allen City Cemetery. In addition, for a set fee of $2,400, Blaney Meadows will act as construction manager through the completion of Phase I, (Le, entrance improvements, fence replacement and realignment, tree removal, grade -work and drainage provisions along the north boundary). Additional improvements will be phased in as the Council deems necessary. Following a brief discussion regarding awarding this business to an Allen -based firm, it was suggested that a ceiling be put on the number of inspections to be performed by a general contractor. PACE 6 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 MOTION: Tom Clark moved that Staff pursue contracting the services of Blaney Meadows to write plans and specifications as well as provide cost estimates for all phases of improvements proposed for the Allen City Cemetery. The Motion carried, 4 for, 1 against. VII. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. These minutes read and approved thi &I h day of October, 1990. avid Clar Secretary