HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1993 - 01/11 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JANUARY 11. 1993 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Waldbauer, Secretary Lonnie Thomas, Vice -Chairman Ray Galloway Ross Obermeyer Debbie Chappell Gordon McIntyre MEMBERS ABSENT { Tom Clark, Chairman Burton Black, ASA Soccer Commissioner Maureen Kalinski STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary Jim Gates, Foreman Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m., by Vice- Chairman, Lonnie Thomas. PAGE 2 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JANUARY 11, 1993 II. APPROVAL OF MEAnE,S - SPECIAL CALLED MEETING, DECEMBER 2. 1992 MOTION: Ross Obermeyer moved to accept the minutes from December 2, 1992, as presented. Gordon McIntyre seconded and the motion carried 6 for, 0 against. II I�MY1 1WIMMOUNW10FINUITRILI) 1115W.11 1RjFj11L1 1�MW_1j01 Rhoda Savage introduced Mr. John Garcia of the Allen Planning and Zoning Commission to the Parks and Recreation Board and invited Mr. Garcia to present an over -view of his role and the role of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Garcia began by outlining the tools he and the Commission use to determine the best and highest use of land in Allen. Some of those tools are the following: Comprehensive Plan Thoroughfare Plan Subdivision Ordinance Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Following a brief discussion of each of the above, Mr. Garcia reviewed his role on the Capital Improvement Impact Committee and along with the history of that Committee. In terms of better communication between the Boards and Commissions, Mr. Garcia felt the Mayor's meeting with the Boards late last year was an effective tool with which to improve communication between groups serving the City of Allen. He also told the Board he felt strongly that the proposed Arvida development in West Allen would be a good test of communication skills. He also indicated that he would need written input from the Park Board on their decisions regarding west Allen development. Lonnie Thomas and Jim Waldbauer indicated that they were in communication with the Board regarding the workshop meetings they were attending with Planning and Zoning. PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JANUARY 11, 1993 The Board thanked Mr. Garcia for his time and for coming to the meeting. The Board felt the information presented was extremely helpful and informative. IV. PRESENT 1993 STAFF GOALS Rhoda introduced her key division leaders and invited them to present their Goals and basic calendars for the 1993 calendar year. Sandy McGowan - (Special Activities Coordinator) reported on her current assignments and indicated ideas for new programming to be considered this coming year. Those new programs involve the year round school children, as well as special needs children in Allen. Jim Gates - (Parks Maintenance Foreman) reported on his calendar for 1993 and provided the Board members with a copy of same. Jim also outlined his responsibilities as well as goals for the upcoming year: 1. To provide for the City of Allen, its residents, and visitors public use facilities which are safe, well equipped and well maintained. 2. To provide for the City of Allen, its residents and visitors, green belts, medians, right of ways, residential entry ways, and City easements which are pleasant to the eye. 3. Continue to cooperate with other City departments to accomplish their individual goals, and City goals as wet forth in their respective mission statements. 4. Continue to cooperate with civic organizations in the furtherance of their programs and activities whose end results benefit the citizens of Allen and its visitors. 5. To fulfil the aforementioned goals using existing equipment, the creative resourceful efforts of current staff, and budget guidelines. Larry Kirk - (Program Coordinator) reported on his current responsibilities as ■■iiii��t/l�l well as outlined new programming for the coming year. New programming will include Baseball Camp by Denny Dixon and Soccer Camp by the PAGE 4 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JANUARY 11, 1993 Sidekicks to be offered during the "Spring Break' period of the school year. The City will be offering an Adult Flag Football program this year, along with a Youth Volleyball Camp and one more week added to the Basketball Camp. Larry also reported that the NYSA (National Youth Sports Association) certification program would be ongoing and that other clinicians would soon be trained to operate the certification clinics. V. REPORT FROM SUBCOMMITTEE REGARDING JANUARY 7 WORKSHOP WITH TWIN CREEKS DEVELOPMENT GROUP Lonnie Thomas reported that at the first meeting, he sensed the public interest in this development to be very high. He also reported that the preservation of Rowlett Creek was the major issue and that it was a very informative meeting. Jim Waldbauer reported that the second meeting mainly centered around the land use issues (golf course, park/school land, compatibility with creeks, high density vs low density, industrial zoning). Rhoda suggested that the Board have a Special Called Meeting on January 25, 1993, at 6:30 p.m. at which time Tom Keener with the Community Development Department will be on hand to discuss with the Park Board the issues of park land in the Arvida Twin Creeks Development. VI. CONSIDER AND APPROVE PROPOSAL BY ASA (ALLFN SPORTS ASSOCIATION) TO SELL CONCESSIONS DURING 1993 ATHLETIC SEASO Gordon McIntyre excused himself from the discussion since he is on the Executive Board of the ASA. Rhoda Savage presented a brief background on the concession contract for Ford Park that has experienced a history of concessionaires who do not pay the City, and do not provide an adequate level of service. She reported that the ASA had provided an excellent history of service during its tenure as concessionaire for two years. Rhoda visited with the Board briefly regarding possible contract negotiations (no fee during adult athletics, and $100/month during ASA sports). Following a brief discussion by the Board as to whether PAGE MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JANUARY 11, 1993 the $100/month would help the City recoup the expenses, the following Motion was made: MOTION: Jim Waldbauer moved to authorize staff to enter into contract negotiations with the Allen Sports Association for concession rights at Ford Park. The motion carried 4 for, 0 against. VII. CONSIDER AND RECOMMEND ACTION TO BE TAKEN REGARDING BETHANY LAKES CLUBHOUSE RENOVATION Rhoda provided a brief background on the clubhouse at Bethany Lakes Park and the budget of $10,000 for renovations to that facility. She presented a possible plan to the Board that would involve the ASA investing $7,500 of their funds into the renovation of the clubhouse at Bethany Lakes and in return, be allowed to house their offices in that facility, as well as store their equipment there. Concern was expressed by the Board that there may be other groups in town who need facilities to use and that the Board may not be aware of them. Rhoda indicated that a feasibility study would be done regarding the number of people allowable in the facility, night time use by outside groups, etc. Concern was expressed over the cost of parking lot upgrades to meet the high traffic demands of the ASA offices. Other concerns expressed involved the expenditure of funds into a facility that may be outdated by the primary structure at the same facility within the future. Rhoda indicated that she would get back with the Board on this matter, and meanwhile would ask the architect selected for the primary structure and recreation center to do a cost estimate on renovations. VIII. UPDATE ON SELECTING AN ARCHITECT FOR BETHANY LAKES/ALLEN RECREATION CENTER Rhoda reported that the Council and Services Subcommittee has requested staff to narrow the architect firms to three. When that has been completed, interviews will be set up with those three firms and the Services Subcommittee has requested two Parks and Recreation Board members serve on a committee to conduct the evening interviews. PAGE 6 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JANUARY 11, 1993 Deby Chappell volunteered along with Lonnie Thomas. Ross Obermeyer volunteered to be an committee-altemate, should one be needed. Deby Chappell indicated she had a check list for interviewing architects that might prove helpful and that she would be mailing copies to Lonnie Thomas and Rhoda Savage. DI. GUEST INTRODUCTION Rhoda introduced Maureen Kalinski to the Parks and Recreation Board and indicated that Maureen along with Mr. T.I. Smith had volunteered to help the Parks and Recreation Board members work through some team building and strategic planning workshops at no charge to the City. It was determined, based on input by the Board members, that the workshops would be conducted in two one -day sessions, with the first being a role clarification process and the second being a team building (strategic planning) session. �.9 X. SET DATE FOR TEAM BUILDING WORKSHOP XI. It was determined that the first session of team training would be held on January 23, 1993 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. (6 hours), in the Allen Public Library Meeting Room if it is available. Rhoda will do an agenda and mail to each Board member. Burton Black, Commissioner of the ASA Soccer program introduced himself to the Board and took the opportunity to express concern over the lack of lighted soccer fields available to the ASA for games. He indicated that if any of the lights left over from renovations to Hillside and Jupiter were in usable condition, they might be used to light McDermott soccer fields. Following a brief discussion among the Parks Board members, it was determined that a needs study could be performed by staff indicating amount of money that might be available if any to light McDermott soccer fields. XH. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 I E I PAGE 7 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD JANUARY 11, 1993 9 These minutes read and approved [his 00th day of February, 1993. Tom Clark, Chairman i Waldbauer, Secretary l