HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1994 - 01/11 - RegularI MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JANUARY 11. 1994 - 7:30 P.M. Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Jim Waldbauer, Vice -Chairman Ross Obermeyer, Secretary Ray Galloway Frank Maitland Byron Nielsen Leah Magruder MEMBERS ABSENT None Ron Hobbs, Architect STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary Mike Isermann, Park Superintendent I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m., by Chairman Lonnie Thomas II. ITEMS OF INFORMATION L A. Citizens Comments PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JANUARY 11, 1994 There were no citizens present wishing to speak to the Board. B. Potpourri Mike Isermann was introduced to the Board members as the newly hired Parks Superintendent. Each Board member took a turn introducing themselves to Mike and welcoming him to the City of Allen. Lonnie Thomas Reported to the Board that he had attended the CIP meeting held last night at the Library He informed the Board that Robin Sedlacek would be chairing the Parks and Recreation Committee. Robin is the secretary of the Allen Sports Association. Next Monday there will be a committee meeting, then on January 24, there will be another CIP meeting. Rhoda will act as a resource person to the committee, but will not be a committee member. Ron Hobbs has been retained by the City to work on the CIP Program, and Rhoda indicated that she will be calling on Ron for support. The Trout Fish -Out at Bethany Lakes will be held January 15, 1994, from 9 a.m. until noon. All Board Members were invited to come by and join in the fun. Coffee, hot chocolate and popcorn will be available in the clubhouse. Rhoda reminded the Board that the FATSSO, (Facility Activity, Timing and Site Selection Oversight Committee), would be meeting Thursday evening at 7:15 p.m. Mickey Christakos, David Bishop, Lonnie Thomas, and Ross Obermeyer are the Committee members, but all interested persons are welcome to attend. Ron Hobbs, Architect, will be presenting conceptual schematic drawings to the Committee, and will try to assign a dollar amount regarding the facilities. III. ACTION ITEMS A. Request to use Ford Park by Leadership Allen Sally Leeper and Debbie Ledbetter representing the currently Leadership Allen Class appeared before the Board requesting the use of Ford Park on April 23, 1994, from 10 am until 5 pm. They indicated they would be hosting a children's fair similar to the Allen Country Fair format. TU Electric will be donating the majority of electrical service to be installed, and Allen Community Outreach will be the beneficiary of any profits realized from the Fair. Since they are anticipating the sale of various services and products at the fair, they are soliciting approval from the Park Board to hold the activity They are anticipating using the west end of Ford Park, between the tennis courts and all purpose courts. Following a brief discussion with the representatives, the following motion was entered: MOTION: Ross Obermeyer moved to allow the use of Ford Park contingent upon site approval by the Parks and Recreation Department Staff and with the provision of acceptable insurance coverage. Jim Waldbauer seconded, and the Motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. B. Ron Hobbs Presentation and Discussion on Bethany Lakes Facilities Schematics and Park Master Plan L Ron Hobbs presented a schematic drawing of the proposed recreation center at Bethany Lakes, and pointed out traffic flow within the facility, as well as the various rooms and activities that might take place. Ron also had working design models to show the Board, and demonstrated various options to the Board. It was determined that a cost element will be assigned to the elements of the facility at the committee meeting on Thursday evening. Rhoda agreed to send a copy of the support memo that will go to Council following the committee meeting. Following a discussion with the Board, the following Motion was made: MOTION: Byron Nielsen moved to accept the conceptual schematic contingent upon the cost of these elements which will be added after the Committee meeting on Thursday evening. Frank Maitland seconded, and the Motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. C. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting on December 13, 1993 11 PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING ' JANUARY 11, 1994 Fair format. TU Electric will be donating the majority of electrical service to be installed, and Allen Community Outreach will be the beneficiary of any profits realized from the Fair. Since they are anticipating the sale of various services and products at the fair, they are soliciting approval from the Park Board to hold the activity They are anticipating using the west end of Ford Park, between the tennis courts and all purpose courts. Following a brief discussion with the representatives, the following motion was entered: MOTION: Ross Obermeyer moved to allow the use of Ford Park contingent upon site approval by the Parks and Recreation Department Staff and with the provision of acceptable insurance coverage. Jim Waldbauer seconded, and the Motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. B. Ron Hobbs Presentation and Discussion on Bethany Lakes Facilities Schematics and Park Master Plan L Ron Hobbs presented a schematic drawing of the proposed recreation center at Bethany Lakes, and pointed out traffic flow within the facility, as well as the various rooms and activities that might take place. Ron also had working design models to show the Board, and demonstrated various options to the Board. It was determined that a cost element will be assigned to the elements of the facility at the committee meeting on Thursday evening. Rhoda agreed to send a copy of the support memo that will go to Council following the committee meeting. Following a discussion with the Board, the following Motion was made: MOTION: Byron Nielsen moved to accept the conceptual schematic contingent upon the cost of these elements which will be added after the Committee meeting on Thursday evening. Frank Maitland seconded, and the Motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. C. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting on December 13, 1993 11 PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JANUARY 11, 1994 MOTION: Ross Obermeyer moved to accept the minutes as presented. Leah Magruder seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. D Approve Tabled Item from December 13, 1993, Field Use Policy Update MOTION: Ross Obermeyer moved to take from the table the Field Use Policy Update. Byron Nielsen seconded, and the motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. Several members of the Board had questions regarding the policy, some of those questions and suggestions were as follows: Byron Nielsen expressed concern regarding the daily fee for teams to be in a tournament. He felt the stated $30 per team, per day fee was excessive, and would deter individuals from scheduling tournaments in Allen. Following a brief discussion by the Board, it was determined that the statement should read "the base fee will be $30 per team plus $1.00 per field per hour of use" Jim Waldbauer indicated that the following statement "if athletic lights are used" should read "if athletic field lights are used" He also had several concerns that produced discussion by the Board members regarding insurance coverages and waiver of liabilities. It was determined that the sentence which reads "The Athletic Hotline number is 727-0150." be eliminated from the policy This information will be provided (along with the mailbox information) on receipts, handouts, signup packets, etc, to the participants. MOTION: Frank Maitland moved to accept the Field Use Policy with the changes noted. Ray Galloway seconded, and the Motion carried, 6 for, 1 against. E. Report by the Chairman to the Board on the 'Boards and Commission Chairs Meeting with the Mayor" held January 5, 1994 PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JANUARY 11, 1994 Chairman, Lonnie Thomas reviewed with the Board his meeting with the Mayor and other Chairs on January 5, 1994. He indicated that the largest interest from other Boards and Commissions seemed to be with Planning and Zoning, and Parks and Recreation. Lonnie indicated that part of the previously assigned charge had been met, and new challenges were offered. The Board was provided with copies of a document outlining the "Process for Reviewing City Boards and Commissions" Part of the work plan for the task committees (yet to be assigned) will include a review of all applicable state laws, by-laws, ordinances, etc. to ensure compliance by the boards and commissions; to review current functions specified in governing documents and in practice to ensure compliance; and to review current operational practices to ensure compliance. Lonnie requested that this item be placed on the Parks and Recreation Board Agenda for February as an information item. F UCBC Proposal Review Rhoda indicated that no action was required by the Board at this time. As background information, Rhoda reported that the updated statement from the Board had been given to Council at their December 16, 1993 meeting, and that staff had been directed to work with the City Manager to negotiate contract details with UCBC. Rhoda indicated that she and Jon McCarty and met today with Randy Mayberry, Jim Genneken and their attorney to begin the negotiations of the contract. Rhoda informed the Board that rezoning of that facility would be required in order to allow UCBC to build the proposed batting cages. The property would need to be rezoned from "CF -Community Facility" to "Shopping Center/Outdoor Amusement Park". Alternate considerations are now being considered whereby UCBC would install the cages, the City would operate the facility and UCBC would be offered a contract to manage the facility Ross Obermeyer indicated that he wanted to see the Park Board have the opportunity for input regarding the contract. Rhoda indicated that once the negotiations are complete, the contract would be sent to Park Board for their input. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that statements could accompany the contract when it left Park Board and went to Council. PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JANUARY 11, 1994 IV. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 14th day of February, 1994 yr&"„ ,P- zjr�� Lonnie Thomas, Chairman oss Obe meye , Secretary L