HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1991 - 02/11 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECRRATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING FEBRUARY 11, 1991 - 9:00 P.M. Ray Galloway, Chairman Richard Saunders, Vice -Chairman Jim Waldbauer Mary Widdowson-Martin Tom Clark David Clark STAFF PRESENT Rhoda L. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Ed Voss, Program Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Secretary Karen Biel Skip Schenkenberger Larry Kirk Jim Gwinner James E. Hunnicutt Alan Fyke Patsy Mahfouz I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Ray Galloway called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting, January 14, 1991. MOTION: Richard Saunders moved to accept the minutes from January 14, 1991, as presented. Mary Widdowson- Martin seconded and the motion carried, 4 for, 0 against. Since there were guests present at the meeting who wished to speak to the Parks and Recreation Board, the order of business was changed to accommodate these guests. IPAGE 2 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD FEBRUARY 11, 1991 Mr. Skip Schenkenberger introduced himself to the Board and indicated that he was an Allen Sports Association (ASA) Soccer Coach. He expressed concern over the lack of reserved practice times by ASA. Since the facilities are City -owned, he felt the City needed to assist in the scheduling of practice times for soccer teams. Director Rhoda Savage explained that in the past, the City had been responsible for scheduling practice times for the soccer teams. As of this season, this responsibility has been turned over to the Allen Sports Association. All other athletic sports managed by the ASA have been doing their own scheduling for some time and it seems to be a more fair and equitable manner of being certain that all teams receive an equal share of practice fields rather than the first-come, first-served method the City used. Mr. Schenkenberger indicated that the lack of scheduling by ASA is creating a very over -crowded situation on the fields (particularly those that are lighted). Currently, everyone is requested to show up at a field and hope there is room for their team to practice. Other parents at the meeting voiced their concern over the over- crowding of particular facilities and uncertainty if their child could actually practice at that facility once dropped off by a parent. Mr. Ed Voss, Program Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Department explained how the fields are allotted to the various user groups within the City of Allen. Those groups include the ASA, YMCA, Adult Soccer, and City Adult Athletics. These groups are allotted field -time based on a percentage of participants. Chairman Ray Galloway informed the visitors that since this was an ASA program, and the parents are paying fees to the ASA for their child to participate, it was the responsibility of ASA to schedule all practice and game fields. He reported that the City was doing it's part to allocate the fields among the various user groups and those groups were responsible for team allocations. Richard Saunders voiced his agreement with Chairman Galloway and inquired if the guests had been to the ASA with their concerns. They indicated that yes they had, and were told if they didn't like the way it was being done to go talk to the City about it. After a brief discussion, it was determined that Staff would get in touch with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kopko and reaffirm their responsibilities as Soccer Commissioners to schedule practices for their teams. PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD FEBRUARY 11, 1991 Mr. Schenkenberger voiced some additional concern over the fact that the ASA has been unable to use the AISD lighted facilities for their practices and wanted to know if the City could assist him. Rhoda L. Savage told him the City had no control of the school district athletic facilities and would not be able to assist him in this. Mr. Schenkenberger also expressed concern over the lack of a Recreation Center. Rhoda explained the approval of Bonds Funds in 1985, and reported that those bonds had not been sold and probably would not be sold during the next year, but assured him that the voters of Allen have shared his concern and that a Recreation Center will be built in the City of Allen. The Board thanked all visitors for coming to the meeting and encouraged them to express their concerns to the staff and the Board at any time. FV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Cemetery Improvements Rhoda reported that she had met today with sub -contractors at the Cemetery to review the plans with them. She indicated that trees were being marked for removal, as well as plans to remove the old fence. She indicated that the construction company had 60 calendar days to complete the project. Work should being this coming Saturday, February 16. B. ASA Scoreboards Rhoda informed the Board that a proposed contract between the City and ASA was being drawn up for review by ASA regarding the positioning of scoreboards on City property. Larry Kirk, President of the ASA, reported that the scoreboards were being donated by Pepsi Cola, Corp. for the use by ASA and the City of Allen. These scoreboards are valued at approximately $10,000 and will be installed by Pepsi Contractors. The ASA will be responsible for maintenance and repairs of these board for a period of 10 years. These scoreboards are to be installed at Reed (1) and Ford (3). V. READING OF BY-LAWS In the absence of Board Secretary, David Clark, the Ordinances (1306, #439-5-83, and 1142-9-84) pertaining to the Parks and Recreation Board were read aloud by City Staff. This procedure is outlined in the By -Laws of the Parks and Recreation Board and will be done once a year. PAGE 4 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD FEBRUARY 11, 1991 VI. FIELD USE GUIDELINES The Board was presented with a proposed calendar for establishing sports seasons along with three proposed guidelines pertaining to field usage: Proposed Policy for Use of Athletic Fields for Allocated League Games by User Groups Proposed Policy for Use of Athletic Fields for Allocated Practices by User Groups Proposed Policy for Reserving Athletic Fields for Non -Allocated Practices/Non-League Use Ed Voss briefly reviewed and entertained questions regarding the above policies and the Board felt like it was time to implement these policies and gave their full support. VII. NOT PARIS ROUBAIX Due to the lack of a full Board in attendance at this meeting, it was requested that this item be tabled until the next regular scheduled Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PROPERTY, PERSONNEL (CLOSED TO THI The Board convened to Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. IX. ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Reconvened to Regular Session at 9:41 p.m., and there was no action required. UI, ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 11 Ray Ga oway, Chaira