HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1991 - 05/13 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MAY 13, 1991 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Galloway, Chairman David Clark, Secretary Richard Saunders Jim Waldbauer Mary Widdowson-Martin MEMBERS ABSENT Tom Clark, Vice -Chairman Lonnie Thomas STAFF PRESENT Rhoda L. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary GUESTS PRESENT Gordon McIntire I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ray Galloway at 7:48 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Called Meeting, April 8, 1991 MOTION: Richard Saunders made a motion to accept the minutes of April 8, 1991, as presented. The motion was seconded by Mary Widdowson-Martin and carried 5 for, 0 against. III. DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Summer Programs PAGE 2 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MAY 13, 1991 TO: A brief update was presented to the Board regarding registration for Summer Programs on Saturday, May 11. The registration was conducted at Reed Elementary School and doors opened at 10 a.m. By 1 p.m., the City had collected $27,660 and enrolled 690 people for the summer programs for 1991. Another 125 people were registered in the office Monday in the office. It was noted that many of the programs are full and the department is taking names for a waiting list. Board members were provided with a copy of the "Summertimes 1991" brochure which is produced in-house each year and mailed to Allen residents. Budget for FY91-92 (Issues and Goals) Rhoda presented a brief background on the process being utilized by staff and Council this year for determining issues that will help support the Mission Statement for the City of Allen. Goals were then developed to support the issues brought forward. The Mission Statement for the City of Allen is as follows: MISSION STATEMENT CORPORATE CITY OF ALLEN ALLEN, TEXAS Achieve excellence in managing development of the community and in providing city services. IN A WAY THAT: Respects and values citizens and employees, Nurtures community involvement, Demonstrates the highest ethical standards, Improves effective communications, Models safety, Exemplifies professionalism, Promotes teamwork, Demonstrates stewardship, Rewards meritorious performance, Maximizes the use of technology, Encourages flexibility, innovation and creativity, Utilizes effective planning, Provides opportunities for personal and professional growth for all personnel and, Assigns appropriate responsibility and accountability. PAGE 3 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MAY 13, 1991 SO THAT: Conditions of living and public confidence are continually enhanced. Rhoda presented the Board with copies of two issues pertaining to the Parks and Recreation aspect of municipal government. Those issues and supporting goals are as follows: ISSUE: PARKLAND ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT The City has not met its goal for developing parks to meet public demand. PRIORITY: WHITE (20T) GOAL: 17.0 To provide 8.4 Acres per 1,000 persons of developed parkland. OBJECTIVES: 17.1 The Parks and Recreation Department will identify and prioritize sites for developing into parks by January, 1992. 17.2 Administration will approve a mandatory Park Dedication Ordinance to help fund the development of neighborhood parks. 17.3 The CIP Committee will prepare a bond program for the development of a Special Use Facility for Athletic Leagues and miscellaneous park sites by September 1, 1992. 17.4 The Parks and Recreation Department will pursue the acquisition and development of the Athletic Park. 17.5 The City will sell existing temporary parks by 1996. 17.6 The Parks and Recreation Department will research possibilities for land donations by October 1, 1992. 17.7 The Parks and Recreation Department will pursue the development of a Master Plan for developing linear greenbelt parks by June, 1993. PAGE 4 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MAY 13, 1991 17.8 Administration will sell existing bonds and develop a Recreation Center by October, 1993. ISSUE: PARK MAINTENANCE/ ENABLING STAFF Park Maintenance Standards cannot be met and thus the quality of parks is declining. PRIORITY: RED (6T) GOAL: 19.0 To provide adequate resources for a level of maintenance that will provide high quality parks. OBJECTIVES: 19.1 The Parks and Recreation Department will define Park Maintenance Standards during FY 90/91. 19.2 The Parks and Recreation Department will itemize and classify areas maintained during FY 90/91. 19.3 The Parks and Recreation Department will determine the costs for maintaining classified areas during FY 90/91. 19.4 The City Will budget funds to maintain areas as per the park classification system during FY 91/92. 19.5 The City will provide equipment and vehicles necessary to maintain sites during FY 91/92. 19.6 The City will improve the shop facility to allow for proper equipment and vehicle preventive maintenance during FY 91/92. 19.7 The Parks and Recreation Department will appropriately train and evaluate staff on an on-going basis. 19.8 The Parks and Recreation Department will project maintenance costs associated with new sites as they are developed. Rhoda asked if the Board were interested in having a workshop on the 3rd of June to review the budget she would be submitting to the City Manager. It was determined that this workshop would replace the regular meeting of the Park Board scheduled for June 10, 1991. PAGE 5 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MAY 13, 1991 Cemetery Dedication Rhoda reported that approximately 75 people attended the Dedication Ceremonies at the Allen Cemetery and everyone was very complementary. The Mayor was present to introduce the guest speakers, L. C. Summers, Ed Lynge and Dale Holt. Rhoda give a brief background on the cap -stones and that Fogus Construction Company had really worked with the City to complete this project in time for the ceremonies. Landscaping will be done in-house in the near future, and Rhoda indicated a very positive response from the community regarding the renovations to the Allen Cemetery. W. ALLEN COUNTRY FAIR Rhoda provided the Board with a copy of a letter from Dana McGowan representing the Allen Jaycees requesting support from the Parks and Recreation Department for the annual Allen Country Fair. After reviewing the probable cost and time involved the Board made the following recommendation: MOTION: David Clark made a Motion to support the Allen Country Fair in accordance with the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Director. Mary Widdowson-Martin seconded the Motion and it carried 5 for, 0 against. V. OTHER BUSINESS David Clark expressed his concern that another pool be planned in the near future for the City of Allen. He felt the existing pool facility had almost reached capacity in its programming capabilities. Richard Saunders requested information on the status of the on -street parking at Ford Park and the security lights associated with pathways from the parking lots. Rhoda indicated that due to other pressures the parking at Ford had not been dealt with. She also reported that she had only received two phone calls from residents concerned over the parking situation. Rhoda provided the Board with a letter from LeAnn Cargill, a resident of Allen who was wanting the existing clubhouse at the Special Use Facility to remain on-site for use by various community groups. Rhoda presented the latest drawings from Carter 1, Burgess, and indicated the very large expense in running sewer lines to this facility, lift -stations, as well as renovation. These buildings are currently on a septic system. She also reported that the existing clubhouse may be in the floodplain when the lake is formed north of it. She had met with Ms. Cargill and reported that she PAGE 6 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MAY 13, 1991 seemed very comfortable with the plans for the Special Use Facility, but did feel a strong need for an enclosed meeting facility on the property. Mary Widdowson-Martin encouraged all Board members to call the Parks and Recreation Department when contacted by citizens that may be assisted by receiving information from the Director. She wanted to encourage all citizens to come to Rhoda when they have a concern. VI. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 3rd day of June, 1991. Ray Gallhwa4j, pair %� erlc, Secretary tl