HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1992 - 10/12 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING OCTOBER 12. 1992 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Ray Galloway, Chairman Ross Obermeyer Deby Chappell Lonnie Thomas Gordon McIntyre Jim Waldbauer MEMBERS ABSENT Tom Clark, Vice -Chairman STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary GUESTS PRESENT Christina and Don Woodall Jim Dolan Dan LaFever Peggy Helmick, Allen American Tish Helmick CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman, Ray Galloway L�J L PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD OCTOBER 12, 1992 H. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. Chairman MOTION: Ray Galloway nominated Tom Clark for Chairman, Deby Chappell seconded, the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. B. Vice -Chairman MOTION: Deby Chappell nominated Lonnie Thomas for Vice - Chairman, Jim Waldbauer seconded, the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. C. Secretary MOTION: Ray Galloway nominated Jim Waldbauer for Secretary, Lonnie Thomas seconded, the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Called Meeting, September 14, 1992 and Special Called Meeting September 21, 1992 MOTION: Jim Waldbauer moved to accept both sets of minutes as presented, Deby Chappell seconded. The Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. IV. REQUEST TO APPEAR BY CHRISTINA WOODALL Christina Woodall introduced her husband, Don Woodall who had a prepared statement to read to the Parks and Recreation Board Members. Don explained that he was representing an organization in Allen made up of parents of exceptional children with special needs. The group is known as 'Parents of Exceptional People" He thanked the Parks Department for responding to the need for an adapted aquatic program this past summer at Ford Pool. He feels there is a need for a special summer camp as well as "handicapable park" space and equipment. He indicated that federal funding was available in the form of grants that could be applied for by the City of Allen. He indicated that most of the grant monies available were in the form of "matching grants" He volunteered to share any information that he had obtained with the Parks Department. He also indicated that he had been in touch with several cities PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD OCTOBER 12, 1992 including Arlington, Harlingen, and Carrollton regarding their "handicapable parks and playgrounds". The Board thanked him for his information and directed Rhoda Savage to work with Mr. Woodall in utilizing any information that might be useful to the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Department. V. PRESENTATION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE Rhoda Savage introduced Tom Keener, Development Coordinator with the City of Allen, who presented a brief background of the City of Allen Comprehensive Plan and how it relates to the Parks and Recreation Department and Board. Following a slide presentation, Tom answered questions relating to the future of Allen and the Parks and Recreation Department. He encouraged the Board members to become active in the pursuit of information regarding upcoming development within the City of Allen and how that relates to parkland within those developments. He encouraged Board members to attend the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings. Rhoda mentioned a piece of property currently being recommended by Planning and Zoning to Council that might involve the Parks Department and suggested that a special meeting be set to go on-site and visit the area. Tom Keener told the Board that the recommendation the Planning and Zoning was taking to Council was "trees should be preserved as open space" The question before the Park Board would be does the City want this 4 acre tract and do they want the maintenance of that area. VI. SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER OPENING Rhoda informed the Board that the Department of Code Enforcement had issued a Certificate of Occupancy to the Allen Senior Citizens to move into their renovated building known as the Old Allen Library They began the moving process Monday, and have the facility open Mondays until 1 p.m., Thursdays until 1 p.m., and all day on Wednesdays. There will be an Open House announced at a later date. PAGE 4 �j MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ® OCTOBER 12, 1992 VII. BOARD TRAINING RETREAT Lonnie Thomas recommended the Board consider a one -day training seminar to be held locally as opposed to a weekend out of town. He asked Rhoda to work up an agenda for that training session to be available at the next Regular Called Meeting scheduled for November 9, 1992. This item was requested to be tabled until that meeting. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS Jim Dolan appeared before the Park Board to suggest that Bethany Lakes Park be made into a "catch and release" lake and signage put in the park to encourage fisherman to put back the fish caught in that lake. He has spoken to several avid fisherman who live in Allen and all agreed to help in whatever way possible to inform the public, pay for signage, as well as place signs. He indicated that Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has brochures on the "catch and release" program and the City could provide these to the public at the dedication ceremonies as well as possibly make them available at all times. The Board thanked Jim Dolan for his interested and for bringing the program to the Board's attention. Rhoda Savage was directed to investigate legalities and guidelines regarding this proposal and report back to the Board. Ray Galloway reported that he had attended a meeting called by the Mayor to meet with the Chairman of other Boards and Commissions within the City of Allen and to become familiar with the role of each. Lonnie Thomas asked about conflict of interest in dealing with properties being sold/bought in the City of Allen. Rhoda suggested that when a matter was up for a vote, if he felt it was a conflict of interest, to abstain from voting. The Board expressed appreciation to Tom Keener for sharing his information with the Board and invited him to attend the Special Called Meeting on October 19, 1992, 6 p.m., at Chapparral Road to look at the trees in question. Tom said he would be in attendance. IX. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 11 C PAGE 5 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD OCTOBER 12, 1992 These minutes read and approved this 9th day of November, 1992. //. V IM - Tom Clark, Chairman m aldbauer, Secretary