HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1992 - 12/02 - Special CalledG MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING DECEMBER 2. 1992 - 7.00 P.M. Tom Clark, Chairman Ross Obermeyer Debbie Chappell Gordon McIntyre Jim Waldbauer, Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT Ray Galloway Lonnie Thomas, Vice -Chairman None STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7, 10 p.m., by Secretary, Jim Waldbauer. H. COUNTRY MEADOWS PARK - MASTER PLAN APPROVAL Rhoda gave the board the following background information regarding Country Meadows Park: PAGE 2 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DECEMBER 2, 1992 At their April 7, 1992 Council meeting, a budget was approved for developing Country Meadows Park. Recommendations for design elements were to be determined by the Parks and Recreation Board with citizen input. The Parks and Recreation Board and Park Director developed a survey instrument and gathered information by knocking on doors of the Country Meadows neighborhood. Citizens were asked to rank which park elements they would like to see included in the design of Country Meadows Park. A list of 15 items was provided with space available for other items to be added. Residents were asked to prioritize their top five choices - some did so and others did their best. One hundred and fifty two household surveys were completed. Ranked in order of priority, the following items are desirable for inclusion in the park master plan. 1. Trees 2. Playground (Age 6 and up) 3. Playground (for toddlers) 4 Trail 5. Drinking Fountain 6. Picnic Tables 7. Covered Pavilion The approved budget for Country Meadows Park is $95,700 including the 10% contingency. Staff would like the Parks and Recreation Board to recommend the park master plan for Country Meadows Park include trees, a playground, trail system and picnic units. Rhoda also requested that the playground contain a handicapped accessible play area. Some Board members felt that there might be a better area to put the handicapped play area (Ford, Bethany Lakes, etc - a Community Park rather than a Neighborhood Park) that would have more acreage to work with. Rhoda indicated that she felt it would be more cost effective to install the playground in this new facility as it could be done while the rest of the playground was being installed. A water fountain is not recommended at this time due to excessive costs for installation. However, if funds become available, one may be added at a later date. PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DECEMBER 2, 1992 Rhoda indicated that she felt staff could do the design in-house and thereby save money on an architect. Staff would like to bid construction of the park elements separately. Rhoda also brought up the fact that it might be possible to have a playground built by volunteers as other communities have done. She will bring more information to the Board at a later date on that possibility. III. FLOODPLAIN DEDICATION - WATER'S CROSSING Rhoda reported that she would be glad to accompany Park Board Members on a tour of the area in question. It was agreed that everyone would meet at City Hall at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, December 6 for a tour. She reported that she had walked the property today (Wednesday, December 2) along with Mr. Joel Roebuck, representing the Developer, Dave Whitehead, City Engineer, George Conner, Junior City Engineer, and Tom Keener Development Coordinator. It was determined that no stakes could be moved, but street layout could be changed. IV. MANDATORY PARK DEDICATION ORDINANCE Rhoda provided the Board with the following background information on the Mandatory Park Dedication Ordinance: On April 16, 1992, the City Council adopted Ordinance 1102-4-92 requiring mandatory dedication of parkland for residential development. At the November 19 Planning and Zoning Workshop, it was decided that the dedication requirements be included as an attachment to the Subdivision Ordinance. The subdivision ordinance is currently being revised and prior to adoption of the Subdivision Ordinance, there are a few changes recommended for the Park Dedication Ordinance. Recommended changes are attached. The ordinance is designed to guarantee land and/or funds be allocated for neighborhood park development. Existing requirements need to be modified to help secure such property. Revisions will address three critical areas: 1. Need to specify dedication is for public neighborhood parks. 2. Dedication fees be kept current and the formula used to establish those fees. 3. Criteria that disqualify an area from being accepted as neighborhood parkland should include floodplain - not just floodway. PAGE 4 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DECEMBER 2, 1992 In addition to the above, staff is asking that Section 4,b) the $130 fee be raised to $225. The few revisions proposed will provide changes necessary for the ordinance to satisfy its intended purpose. Staff would like a recommendation to revise the ordinance as proposed to be included as an attachment to the Subdivision Ordinance. MOTION: Jim Waldbauer moved to accept the changes proposed by staff and forward this recommendation to the Services Subcommittee for consideration. Debbie Chappell seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, 0 against. V. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: PROPERTY ( IASED TO PUBLIC AS PROVIDED IN ARTICLE 6252-17 SECTION 2(Fl V.A.T.C.S. - REVIEW ARVIDA PROPOSAL) VI. RECONVENE AND TAKE ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION No action to be taken. VII. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:58 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 11th day of January, 1993. Tom Clark, Chairman J m Waldbauer, Secretary