HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1993 - 02/01 - Special CalledC MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING FEBRUARY 1. 1993 - 6:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Waldbauer, Secretary Lonnie Thomas, Vice -Chairman Ray Galloway Ross Obermeyer MEMBERS ABSENT Tom Clark, Chairman Deby Chappell Gordon McIntyre Susyn Redmond, Allen Environmental Action League Mrs. Francis Williams, Landowner Sotoria Montanari, Allen Environmental Action League Mark Bunker, Resident Shawn Randall, Arvida Tom Keener, Community Development Department, City of Allen Noel Crume, Planning and Zoning Commission, City of Allen John Green, Land Owner Peggy Helmick -Richardson June Thalacker, Resident Amy Monier, Landowner Bill Fraser, Regional Planner, Collin County Manuel J. Pena, Resident Jeff Kelly, Planning and Zoning Commission, City of Allen Page 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1993 STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER R. The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m., by Vice -Chairman, Lonnie Thomas. Mr. Manuel Pena 519 Pine Trail Allen, TX 75002 Mr. Pena requested a copy of the proposal being discussed, and while i reserving further comments until after he had read the proposal, wanted to insure that public access would be given to the Rowlett Creek Corridor. Mr. Bill Fraser Collin County Public Works 210 S. McDonald McKinney, TX 75069 Mr. Fraser gave a brief overview of the Collin County Open Space Plan along with a historical background regarding the Rowlett Creek watershed and floodplain areas. Mr. Fraser provided information on the ISTEA program and probable benefit to the hike and bike trails of Texas. Following a brief presentation, Mr. Fraser urged the Parks and Recreation Board to preserve the Greenbelt Linear Parkway System and provide public access to Rowlett Creek. Mrs. Francis Williams Montgomery Farms Allen, TX 75002 Mrs. Williams commended the City of Allen on the 1992 Comprehensive Plan s and urged the Parks and Recreation Board to protect the integrity of the floodplain areas in Allen. Page 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1993 Mrs. Amy Monier Conemara 6625 Ridgeview Dallas, TX 75240 Encouraged the City of Allen to provide bike lanes on major access thoroughfares. She also expressed concern over the public access to the floodplain along Rowlett Creek and that it be preserved for public access. Mrs. Monier wanted to be recorded as a strong supporter of the Linear Greenbelt Park System. Mrs. June Thalacker 605 Bluebonnet Drive Allen, TX 75002 Mrs. Thalacker informed the Board of her reasons for choosing Allen as her home, and wanted to express her concern over the preservation of trees and floodplain along Rowlett Creek. Mrs. Peggy Helmick -Richardson 807 Grassy Glen Allen, TX 75002 Complimented the staff on the 1992 Comprehensive Plan and expressed her strong concerns that the environmental issues be considered in any decisions the Parks and Recreation Board would make. Mr. Mark Bunker 1020 Monroe Street Allen, TX 75002 Mr. Bunker expressed his concern regarding the possibility of limiting public access to the Rowlett Creek corridor in the golf course and especially wants greenbelts to be accessible from other trails systems in Allen. He strongly suggested the development be planned with an eye to the future of Allen and surrounding communities. Mrs. Sotoria Montanari and Susyn Redmond Allen Environmental Action League Page 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1993 Mrs. Montanari and Mrs. Redmond expressed strong concerns over the lack of enforcement of the Greenbelt Linear Park Plan, as well as environmental issues that needed to be addressed by the developer. Following the presentation of a list of questions regarding the flood risk, plans for clean water, soil preservation, natural habitat preservation, and several others, they both expressed a concern that Rowlett Creek should be available to all people to enjoy - not just those who can pay to play golf. IH. DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Discuss and take action on issues related to the Twin Creeks Zoning Request. Mr. Shawn Randall, representing Arvida presented a concept plan for the golf course which would remain private, but would allow public access along the creeks. He also indicated the possibility of developing a lake for pumping and irrigation of the Twin Creeks property to be constructed in the "v" area where Rowlett branches into West Rowlett and East Rowlett. Mr. Randall indicated a 90% save rate on trees on the property and indicated that the preservation of trees was a major concern for Arvida. Mr. Randall told the Board that the public trail in the golf course area would be turned over to the public by easement or dedication. Mrs. Thalacker, resident of Allen, asked whether Arvida had considered the possibility of making the golf course a completely organic area. Mr. Randall indicated that they had not due to the expense involved. Mrs. Williams asked about any roads crossing the proposed golf course, and Mr. Randall assured her there would be no vehicular roads, only golf cart crossings and a possible maintenance vehicle. Mrs. Monier asked whether or not the trails would go over or under the public thoroughfares. Mr. Randall indicated that it was too early, they were not sure how that would be handled. Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation read excerpts from the following letter directed to the Parks and Recreation Board members: Three separate requests for zoning are presently being considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Each request includes some Page 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1993 type of amendment to existing zoning. The Planning and Zoning Commission's role is to review each proposal and make a recommendation to the City Council to approve or deny proposed zoning changes. Council may authorize amendments based on criteria established in the City of Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. A copy of the Zoning Amendment process is included for your review. As reflected in the ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall prepare a written report on the requested change stating its findings, its evaluation of the request in relation to established criteria and the relationship of the request to the adopted City plan and its recommendation thereon. Parks and Recreation Board input has been solicited by the Planning and Zoning Commission to assist preparation of their written report to the City Council. In order for the Parks and Recreation Board to provide input that is most valuable, each zoning request must be reviewed and the impact measured regarding park related items. Parks and Recreation Board review of the proposals should be performed on an individual request basis. Recommendations to Planning and Zoning for inclusion in their report should be made based on criteria established in the Zoning Ordinance. However, the role of the Parks and Recreation Board is to plan for the development of public parks in Allen, Texas. Documents that must be refereed to during analysis of the zoning requests include: Park planning documents include the Park Land Acquisition Policy (1978), the Linear Greenbelt Park Study (1986), the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (1989), the Allen Comprehensive Plan (1992), and the Park Dedication Ordinance (1992). The Comprehensive Plan and Linear Greenbelt Park Study will provide the most essential information needed to determine the impact on the zoning requests as they relate to parks and recreation. A summary of each request for change is included in the zoning proposal submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission. As a requirement of the request, the developer must calculate the effect of their proposed zoning on existing conditions. P.D. No. 38 and the Baker/Green Planned Development included a very concise tabular summary of existing vs proposed zoning conditions. However, the Page 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1993 Twin Creeks proposal does not. That information has been requested by the Parks and Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission and City Staff much to no avail. Therefore, staff has prepared a summary for Twin Creeks that is similar to those included in both other zoning requests. Staff has prepared work packets for each zoning request for Parks and Recreation Board review. Each packet includes a comparison of existing and proposed zoning, and an impact summary prepared by staff. A statement of the Park and Recreation Board's position on the zoning request is needed for the next Planning and Zoning Workshop. The information that has been submitted for zoning consideration is somewhat overwhelming. However, if the Parks and Recreation Board can remain focused on park and public land issues, I feel the complexity of the requests can be narrowed substantially. Staff would like to compliment and express appreciation to the Board for your dedication and time spent on the aforementioned zoning requests. BAKERIGREEN DEVELOPMENT (PART OF P.D. 23) STAFF COMMENTS Proposed zoning in this tract has little or no impact on parks. Eight point two (8.2) acres are currently zoned Community Facility to be dedicated as a school/fire station site. The zoning proposal includes the 8.2 acres Community Facility site as a future location for a park/school/fire facility. Park land proposed for this site is too small and is not considered acceptable. There are no parks planned in this area as per the Comprehensive Plan, therefore, only park fees would be accepted in lieu of land to meet the mandatory park dedication requirements established by Ordinance No. 11-2-4-92. ATTACHED (Reasons for Request) DENSITY Tract 1 SF 356 DU 2 MF 300 DU I TH 246 DU Page 7 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING 9 FEBRUARY 1, 1993 902 DU'S PARK DEDICATION REQUIRED at time of final plat for 902 DUS park fees required as per existing Ordinance No. 1102-4-92 is $111,260 WHISENANT TRACT (P.D. NO. 38) STAFF COMMENTS Proposed zoning on this tract is identical to existing zoning regarding the 10 acre park site. The Comprehensive Plan has allocated one Neighborhood Park for this area. The 10 acre park site proposed is consistent with the existing zoning and Comprehensive Plan for parks. No additional requirements for park land dedication would be applicable for this planned development. However, the park site must have street access and be developable. ATTACHED (Reason for Request) DENSITY Tract I SF 420 DU Tract 4 MF 200 DU PARK DEDICATION REQUIREMENT met via dedication of 10 acre neighborhood park site. TWIN CREEKS STAFF COMMENTS This proposal has a substantial impact on existing zoning for Community Facilities. There is a decrease in land zoned Community Facilities primarily along Rowlett Creek. Community Facilities zoning along the creek corridor has clearly been established to protect the corridor from insensitive development. ( Existing Zoning is consistent with the Linear Greenbelt Study and is ` actually referred to in the plan. Section 2 of Rowlett Creek requires Page 8 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1993 dedication through zoning of 33 acres of floodplain and Section 4 requires dedication of 148 acres of floodplain along the east side of Rowlett Creek. Section 10 of Watters Branch also has park dedication along the West side of the creek, the east side has been zoned to be centerline and will be retained by private ownership. Table 33 in the City of Allen Comprehensive Plan itemizes areas to be dedicated or purchased (presently zoned CF) by the City. Areas listed on that chart included in Twin Creeks are: A total of 323.5 acres have been zoned CF to be dedicated to the City or purchased as parkland. This includes 60 acres of NP and 263.5 acres of floodplain land for greenbelts and linear parks. Proposed zoning in Twin Creeks eliminates a substantial CF -FP along Rowlett Creek. It eliminates public access and linear park possibilities along the creek. The proposed zoning has no sites allocated for neighborhood parks or community parks consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates 3 NP and one CP in the Twin Creeks development. None of them are included in the request for zoning. However, three individual park sites (2.5 acres, 4.8 acres, 4.5 acres) have been designated along Watters Branch. Another 7.6 acre park site is earmarked on North Rowlett near Highway 121, however, that acreage is included in an 11.8 acre site zoned CF and protected as woods adjacent to the creek. Proposed Folsom PD 20 11.6 Acres Baker PD 23 183 Acres 13.6 School/Park 164.1 Acres Whisenant PD 38 10 Acres 10 Acres Venture PD 41 11.8 Acres 26 Acres FP A total of 323.5 acres have been zoned CF to be dedicated to the City or purchased as parkland. This includes 60 acres of NP and 263.5 acres of floodplain land for greenbelts and linear parks. Proposed zoning in Twin Creeks eliminates a substantial CF -FP along Rowlett Creek. It eliminates public access and linear park possibilities along the creek. The proposed zoning has no sites allocated for neighborhood parks or community parks consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates 3 NP and one CP in the Twin Creeks development. None of them are included in the request for zoning. However, three individual park sites (2.5 acres, 4.8 acres, 4.5 acres) have been designated along Watters Branch. Another 7.6 acre park site is earmarked on North Rowlett near Highway 121, however, that acreage is included in an 11.8 acre site zoned CF and protected as woods adjacent to the creek. Page 9 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1993 None of the park sites proposed are consistent with Allen's Comprehensive Plan. The use of Rowlett Creek is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan or Linear Greenbelt Park Plan. Park standards included in Allen's Land Acquisition Policy have not been met. Open Space dedication established in the Zoning Ordinance have not been met. Mandatory Dedication of Parks has not been met. Staff suggests the Parks and Recreation Board require land be zoned for 10 acre Neighborhood Parks and a 50 -acre Community Park site as per the Comprehensive Plan. Staff also recommends dedication of floodplain for linear parks as per the linear park study. ATTACHED (no comparisons available for Twin Creeks) DENSITY �{ SF 4,100 DU ii MF 2,178 DU Park Dedication Requirement Open Space equals 83.7 acres Neighborhood Parks equals 43.29 acres Ms. Savage also reviewed the Zoning Amendment Process along with the Land Acquisition Policy, Linear Greenbelt Study, Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. Rhoda pointed out that all the documents stated a strong interest in protection of creek corridors. Also presented to the Board for their review was a letter from Mr. Tom Clark, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board. That letter read as follows: February 1, 1993 Dear Park Board Member: As Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, I have worked closely with staff to gain insight regarding zoning requests currently being considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission. My absence from meetings where discussions on the requests have occurred is not a Page 10 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1993 reflection of my interest or understanding of the issues before the Board. My work offers many advantages and disadvantages. Lately, one of the disadvantages has been the demand on my time, thus inability to attend nighttime meetings of the Parks and Recreation Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission. During your consideration of the zoning requests Monday night, I would like the Parks and Recreation Board to consider my position on the Park issues. As a Parks and Recreation Board member, I feel my primary role is to help secure parkland and/or funds to plan for growth in Allen. The City has adopted numerous plans and ordinances to help the Parks and Recreation Board fulfill that obligation. Park planning documents include the Park Land Acquisition Policy (1978), the Linear Greenbelt Park Study (1986), the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (1989), the Allen Comprehensive Plan (1992), and the Park Dedication Ordinance (1992). Having reviewed these planning documents, my position on development in Allen is that the Parks and Recreation Board must seize every opportunity to acquire land for public park development. Based on criteria established in the Land Acquisition Policy, Linear Greenbelt Park Study, Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, and Park Dedication Ordinance, I support zoning requests for PD No. 38 and the Baker/Green Development. A 10 acre park site will be secured for PD No. 38 and park dedication funds should be accepted in lieu of land for the Baker/Green request. On the contrary, the Twin Creek zoning request reduces the Parks and Recreation Board's ability to provide adequate parks for the future. Proposed zoning has eliminated the possibility for providing City Neighborhood Parks, Community Parks, and Linear Parks. Therefore, I cannot endorse its approval. I encourage the Park and Recreation Board's review of the Comprehensive Plan and Linear Park Plan prior to finalizing a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission. My recommendation is that the City request land for public Neighborhood Parks, a Community Park and Linear Parks along Walters Branch and Rowlett Creek as per the Comprehensive Plan and Linear Park Study. Page 11 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1993 After your consideration of the zoning proposals and their effects on City parks, I hope the Board will concur with my conclusions and take a firm position for public parks in West Allen. Thank you for your dedication and good luck Monday night. Respectfully, Tom Clark, Chairman Parks and Recreation Board Following a brief discussion by the Parks and Recreation Board and staff, it was determined that the Board would endorse the proposed zoning for the Whisenant tract. A lengthy discussion followed on the proposed parkland on the L fire/school/park site in PD No. 23. Concern was expressed regarding: the placement of a park next to a fire station, whether or not the school district and fire department had approved the site and whether or not that should effect the Board recommendation, size of the parkland being offered does not meet minimum 5 acre requirement for a school/park site. After much consideration, the Board agreed to recommend to the Planning and Zoning Commission that a 10 acre park facility be designated at the community facility site (park/school/fire) in P.D. No 23. Mr. Noel Crume of the Planning and Zoning Commission presented the Board with a list of questions that the Commission needed Parks and Recreation Board input on for their Wednesday (February 3, 1993) meeting. After a brief review of the proposed Twin Creeks Development zoning request, the Board reached a consensus: that they would support the private ownership of the golf course but only with public access to the Rowlett Creek greenbelt area. I Page 12 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1993 The Board also agreed that the Linear Greenbelt area could pass under the bridge on Rowlett Creek and Exchange Parkway. Regarding the Community Park, they reached a consensus that the Parks and Recreation Board recommendation to Planning and Zoning would be as follows: If the Board is making considerations on the golf course, etc, then the community park must be dedicated and the location would be determined with staff approval. The Board also agreed to recommend that the creek crossings (for golf carts, etc) be kept to a minimum in the golf course. Following a discussion regarding the neighborhood parks proposed in the Twin Creeks Development, it was determined that there should be three public neighborhood parks zoned (minimum size 10 acres). All Board members agreed that some public owned, developed and maintained land should be obtained within this development as per the Allen Comprehensive Plan. IV' 11 1111JLRJ There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:27 a.m. February 2, 1993. These minutes read and approved thisAth day of February, 1993. Tom Clark, Chairman im aldbauer, Secretary