HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1993 - 02/24 - Special CalledMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING FEBRUARY 24. 1993 - 7.30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Waldbauer, Secretary Lonnie Thomas, Vice -Chairman Ray Galloway Ross Obermeyer MEMBERS ABSENT Tom Clark, Chairman GUESTS PRESENT Mrs. Frances Williams, Montgomery Farms Mr. Manuel J. Pena, Resident Arvida Representatives Noel Crume, Planning and Zoning Commission Jeffery Kelley, Planning and Zoning Commission STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m., by Vice -Chairman, Lonnie Thomas. 11. CITIZENS COMMENTS PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 Mrs. Frances Williams, land owner representing Montgomery Farms spoke in favor of retaining public access along the Rowlett Corridor and urged the Parks and Recreation Board to follow the guidelines established through the Allen Comprehensive Plan (June, 1992). Mr. Manuel J. Pena, Resident, read a statement he prepared urging the Parks and Recreation Board protect to the best of their ability, the natural areas in west Allen. Mr. Pena expressed concern over the lifestyle in Allen with "East Allen" and "West Allen" division lines being drawn even stronger by "private" recreation areas being considered. Following a brief recess, the Board moved to a workshop to discuss and take action on issues related to the Twin creeks Zoning Request. Lonnie Thomas began the workshop session by reviewing the following letter with the Board members, as well as reading it aloud to the interested parties at the meeting: TO: RHODA SAVAGE, DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION FROM: CITY OF ALLEN PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SUBJECT: TWIN CREEKS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (INCLUDING THE GREEN AND WHISENANT TRACT) DATE: FEBRUARY 23, 1993 Our Board has had the distinct privilege of consulting with the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning Parks and Recreation issues related to this large and complex planned development. This has been a challenge for us and we have certainly developed a deep respect for the Planning and Zoning Commission and the task it encounters. PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 The Boards primary objective in regards to this planned development have been developed after careful consideration of the City Land Acquisition Policy, Linear Greenbelt Park Study, Allen Comprehensive Plan and Park Open Space and Land Dedication Ordinances. In response to the proponents request, the Board objectives include: • Assurance of the integrity of the Linear Park system (including extensive public access to Watters and Rowlett Creek) • Protection of the Rowlett Walters Creek corridor • Assurance of readily accessible neighborhood parks within the development (a combination of public parks and private recreation areas) • That planned actions are taken by the City of Allen to assure a public community park of 50-75 acres will be developed in the northwest quadrant of Allen • The Community Park site may be moved to a mutually agreeable location along Watters Creek - north of FM2170 - west of Highway 75, South of Rowlett Road, East of Rowlett Creek. Though not always apparent, we have maintained an underlying premise that these objectives can be achieved and mutually benefit the developers and the current and future citizens of Allen. We feel the developers latest plans, presented to the Commission on February 18, are very close to satisfying all Board concerns. The developers should be complimented for their sincere efforts to develop a community that is reflective of our city's strategic plans. We feel the following recommendations will result in substantial if not complete satisfaction of the Board objectives previously identified. PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 Concerning Linear Parks, the Board has recognized the reality and necessity of a privately owned public access golf course to the development. We feel the golf course and continuity of the Rowlett Creek Linear Park system can co -exist. The developer has made extensive adjustments to reach this end. The developer's latest proposal provides public access to significant portions of Rowlett Creek via a "hike and bike" trail. However, the golf course design includes fairways on the interior of the East and West Branches of Rowlett Creek. In these areas the proposed 8' path would run parallel to the fairways and serve dual purposes of golf course path and a "hike and bike" trail. As the developer has frequently pointed out, it is not desirable to have this situation of dual usage. The Parks and Recreation Board recommends in order of desirability, that dialogue be pursued with the developer to: 1) Design a golf course layout that does not have fairways in the interior "v" formed by the East and West Branches of Rowlett Creek; or 2) Have separate and distinct pathways for golf carts and "hike/bike" purposes consistent with the Linear Park Study "buffer" recommendation. Regarding neighborhood parks, the planned development utilization of public parks and private recreation areas posed a unique challenge to the Board. The City's Park Dedication Ordinance is silent concerning "private" neighborhood parks. The Comprehensive Plan does recognize the potential for the occurrence. The Allen Parks and Recreation Board recognizes that the developments proposed private recreation areas do in part offset the need for public neighborhood parks. Also, private parks are developed and maintained at no cost to the City. The proper mixture of public parks and private recreational areas can be achieved. As proposed February 18th, the following mixture is summarized: Public Park Land: 7.6 Acres (Adjacent to 33.3 acres of greenbelt) C C PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 10.0 Acres 5.0 Acres 4.5, 2.5, and 4.8 Acres north of East Branch of Rowlett Creek (Whisenant Tract) (Green and Twin Creek Tracts) These park dedications are along Watters Creek. They are connected by 31.8 acres of floodplain not including an 11.5 acre elementary school site and floodplain previously dedicated in Raintree Estates. 34.4 Acres of public park land that may satisfy neighborhood park requirements Private Recreation Areas - no public access: 28.3 Acres East side of golf course along FM2170 11.1 Acres West side of golf course along FM2170 10.0 Acres Recreation Area (site not specified) Private passive recreation areas with public access: The developer proposes via "alternative transportation routes" public access to significant portions of the interior "v" formed by the East and West Branches of Rowlett Creek. PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 The Board recommends the following regarding Public Neighborhood Parks/Private recreation areas: 1. Assurance of the 10 acres Private recreation area (site not specified) proposed February 18th 2. The 7.6 acres + 33.3 acres of "greenbelt" area accommodate public access, i.e., parking. This is a beautiful area and utilization by all citizens will be desirable. The Board recognizes the development's private recreation areas may offset demands for neighborhood parks. However, the offset to Community Park needs will be minimal. There is an ever increasing need for a second Public Community Park in Allen. The developer does not have a land dedication requirement for Community Park. However, they have indicated that dialogue concerning a Public Community Park along Watters Creek could be entered. We strongly urge the land be included in this zoning to assure a 50-75 acre Community Park be allowed for. Golf Course location - along Rowlett Creek: The 200 acre golf course area will be privately owned and operated with public access allowed. The Board considers this use appropriate and economically feasible to the City. Therefore, the Board considers use of the land appropriate for the golf course areas. Park Board Member Jim Waldbauer provided the following addendum to the above letter: The Comprehensive Plan recognizes the need for community recreation facilities (i.e., Community Park) within the area of this development. In addition, the existing zoning for this area anticipated this need by designating approximately 200 acres for "Community Facility", whether it would be public golf course, public open space or similar. In contrast, the developers proposal eliminates this needed community facility from this entire area of development PAGE 7 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 by building what is essentially a "private" golf course. In the Planning and Zoning Commission's review of park related issues, please remind them that although other similar private developments in other cities have worked, the Twin Creeks Development is encompassing approximately 25% of the entire land mass of the City of Allen. We feel this is a very important item of consideration (especially in relation to a Community Park) as there may not be another development large enough to include a future Community Park in the remainder of the northwest quadrant of Allen. Therefore, you can easily see why a Community Park within the area of this development is crucial to the future planning and future citizens of Allen. Director, Rhoda Savage presented the following letter to the Parks and Recreation Board and followed by reading portions aloud to the guests at the workshop: TO: ALLEN PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD FROM: RHODA L. SAVAGE, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION SUBJECT: TONIGHT'S TWIN CREEKS ZONING MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 24, 1993 During tonight's Parks and Recreation Board meeting, there are several things we hope to accomplish. They include review and approval of a letter to be submitted by the Board regarding the Twin Creeks Zoning request, review and respond to staff's questions regarding the land use and conditions for zoning approval, other items needed in order to report our position to the decision makers. During consideration of the elements detailed in the Parks and Recreation Board letter, staff would like the Board to review and respond to a few questions. The answers will assist me in preparing staff comments that support and protect the interest of the Parks and Recreation Board. The questions seek clarification on a number of issues. Information that may assist you in responding to them include a PAGE 8 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 summary of Community Facilities Zoning, existing vs proposed park dedication requirements and the actual proposed land for dedication. EXISTING ZONING CF TO BE DEDICATED Schools ... ....................................10 Floodplain ................................ 51.1 Watters ............................... ... 33.3 North Rowlett ...... ........................ 217.6 South Rowlett Parks............ .......... . ....... .....15 Woods .. . ................................11.8 Total to City ............ . ........ ........ 328.8 PROPOSED ZONING CF TO BE DEDICATED Schools........................................10 Floodplain ......... .............. ..... 5 1. 1 Watters ................................... 33.3 North Rowlett .................................... 0 South Rowlett Parks.........................................34.4 Woods..........................................0 Total to City ................................ 118.8 r [t PAGE 9 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 EXISTING PARK DEDICATION REQUIREMENT Whisenant.......................................1011 Green ....................................... 6.211 Briar Ridge ............. . ...................... 43 I Total ...... ......................59.211 PROPOSED PARK DEDICATION Whisenant .......... ....................... 10 Green.. ............................. .......5 Briar Ridge ............. . ..................... 19.41 Total............. ......................34.411 The numbers reflect that this request reduces the amount of CF by approximately 200 acres. Because a golf course is proposed to be developed in the 200 acre Community Facility (Rowlett Creek Floodplain), the impact of the reduction in CF zoning is not as critical. However, as reflected in the Board letter, the linear park system must be provided through this area and continue up both branches of Rowlett. Continuation of this or system is critical. The preferred scenario is for exclusion of fairways in the interior "V" of Rowlett Creek, thus eliminating the proponents concerns about safety of trail users. PAGE 10 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 The Park Dedication Ordinance requires a combination of 54 acres be dedicated by the proponents. The proponents have proposed dedication of approximately 34 acres toward the dedication requirements. A balance of approximately 20 acres remains. Construction of the g foot hike and bike trail by the developer along Rowlett from FM2170 along both branches of Rowlett and along Watters Creek could help offset some dedication requirements. The trail location must be approved by staff prior to construction. As stated in the Parks and Recreation Board draft letter, the objectives of the Board include: Assurance of the integrity of the Linear Park System and public access to Watters and Rowlett Creek, Protection of the Rowlett Creek Corridor, Assurance of readily accessible neighborhood pare Assurance that zoning occur for a community park. Request that fairway numbers 12, 13, 14, and 4 be re -designed to minimize a) bridge construction over Rowlett Creek b) development inside the "v" to eliminate any threat to trail users Regarding Neighborhood Parks - because the development of private recreation areas may partially offset the need for public neighborhood parks, a focus has been on linear parks and securing a Community Park site. Approximately 34 acres has been proposed for park dedication. The sites are small and scattered throughout the property. Therefore, the sites were approved in concept only. Criteria for final acceptance include: 1. Each site have adequate access via a residential road. PAGE 11 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 2. Land size outside the floodplain be equal to those reflected in the zoning request. 3. Linkage of the three parks along Watters Creek be provided via hike and bike trails, bridge construction, dedication of public access easements at the developers expense. 4. Utilities be installed up to the property line (water and electrical). If these criteria are not met, alternate park site will be dedicated. A community park of at least 50 acres is needed in this area This should be reserved through zoning. On December 2, 1992, the Parks and Recreation Board voted 5 for 0 against amending the Park Dedication Ordinance to clearly state land for parks must be dedicated. It did not change the context of the existing ordinance, but merely included the word �i public as a preface to park throughout the Ordinance for clarification purposes. Discussion was held but no action taken to change the Board's position. The Planning and Zoning Commission must vote on the proposal on or before March 24. A timeline and sequence of occurrences has been attached for your review and approval. Ll n PAGE 12 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION TWIN CREEKS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DATE I COMMITTEE ACTION 2/24/93 PARB Consider issues to be addressed by P&Z a. Recap Proposal b. Review PARB Letter c. Respond to Director's Report d. Set next meeting date 2/25/93 P&Z Review Proposal Commission 3/24/93 P&Z Vote on Proposal Commission 4/1/93 City Council Review of Proposal Following a lengthy discussion by the Board, it was determined that the Board supported the letter from the Board to the Director as written with some additions. One of changes would be to request 25 acres of land to be zoned from Tract 34-A for the partial development of a Public Community Park. Twenty-five acres of land would be requested from the adjoining property owner at time of development to eventually obtain a 50 acre Public Community Park. Ray Galloway indicated his belief that the Board should stick by the original documents put in place such as the Mandatory Dedication Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan, etc, thereby requiring public parkland. Ross Obermeyer said that in many ways he agreed with Ray, and still held some strong reservations regarding the issue of public vs private recreation facilities. Jim Waldbauer said he agreed that the issue of public vs private recreation facilities was one that probably would never be settled within his mind. Lonnie Thomas indicated that he felt the issue might never be settled, and that ample discussion had been done on the issue. Therefore, he suggested the Board vote on each individual issue. PAGE 13 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1993 Following a lengthy discussion, it was determined that the Board would support the letter already written by the Board to the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department with the request for 25 acres of Community Parkland zoning added. IN. ADJOiJRN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 12th day of April, 1993. O.0 Tom Clark, Chairman J' aldbauer, Secretary