HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1993 - 06/15 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JUNE 15. 1993 - 7:30 P.M. Tom Clark, Chairman Lonnie Thomas, Vice -Chairman Jim Waldbauer, Secretary Ray Galloway Ross Obermeyer MEMBERS ABSENT Frank Maitland Denise Lebowitz Ron Hobbs, Architect STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m., by Chairman, Tom Clark. IL ITEMS OF INFORMATION A. Citizens Comments Page 2 C PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING L JUNE 15, 1993 There were no citizens wishing to speak to the Board. B. Summer Recreation Programs (Update) Rhoda provided the Board with a brief background on the revenue projects for the FY1992-93 Budget year, and reported that those revenues should exceed the projection. She also provided the Board with a "revenue collected" report that shows the number of participants in each summer program as well as the funds collected for summer programs only. She reported that we currently have a total of 875 children enrolled in our summer programs, and have collected at total of $40,489. C. Receive Copy of Report to ASA Executive Board Rhoda referred the Board members to the packets they received in the mail and indicated that the report from the City was presented to the ASA Executive Board by herself on Monday, June 7. She said the Board was most receptive and that she will return to their July Executive Board meeting to answer questions they may have regarding the information received. Several Board members questioned whether it would be an open meeting where they could attend. Rhoda indicated she would find out and let them know. D. Distribute Copy of Proposed FY1993/94 Budget Rhoda provided all Board members with a copy of the "summary" portion of her proposed FY1993/94 budget for the Parks and Recreation Department. This budget is a preliminary product and will receive review by the City Manager as well as City Council prior to being adopted. This was an information only item, and the Board will be advised of a final budget once that is in place. III. ITEMS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION A. Approve process for soliciting Public Input Regarding Program Development of Park Facilities Mr. Ron Hobbs, Architect, came before the Board to make a preliminary presentation regarding the public input process of Page 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 There were no citizens wishing to speak to the Board. B. Summer Recreation Programs (Update) Rhoda provided the Board with a brief background on the revenue projects for the FY1992-93 Budget year, and reported that those revenues should exceed the projection. She also provided the Board with a 'revenue collected" report that shows the number of participants in each summer program as well as the funds collected for summer programs only. She reported that we currently have a total of 875 children enrolled in our summer programs, and have collected at total of $40,489. C. Receive Copy of Report to ASA Executive Board Rhoda referred the Board members to the packets they received in the mail and indicated that the report from the City was presented to the ASA Executive Board by herself on Monday, June 7. She said the Board was most receptive and that she will return to their July Executive Board meeting to answer questions they may have regarding the information received. Several Board members questioned whether it would be an open meeting where they could attend. Rhoda indicated she would find out and let them know. D Distribute Copy of Proposed FY1993/94 Budget Rhoda provided all Board members with a copy of the "summary" portion of her proposed FY 1993/94 budget for the Parks and Recreation Department. This budget is a preliminary product and will receive review by the City Manager as well as City Council prior to being adopted. This was an information only item, and the Board will be advised of a final budget once that is in place. in. ITEMS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION A. Approve process for soliciting Public Input Regarding Program Development of Park Facilities Mr Ron Hobbs, Architect, came before the Board to make a preliminary presentation regarding the public input process of Page 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING L JUNE 15, 1993 developing a plan to program the facilities. Mr. Hobbs indicated that in his experience, the more public input available, the more successful and usable the facility. The following draft of the public input process was provided to the Board Members: PUBLIC INPUT PROCESS PROPOSED FOR PROGRAMMING PARK FACILITIES Develop an Instrument (Survey) for Collecting Citizen Input 2. Identify Groups to be Surveyed A. ASA Executive Board B. Senior Citizens Executive Board C. Community Education Advisory Council D. City Staff E. Various Boards and Commissions 1. Parks and Recreation Board 2. Planning and Zoning Commission 3. Library Board 4. Allen Board of Adjustment 5. Allen Sign Control Board 6. Development Impact Advisory Committee F Special Needs Groups (Parents of Exceptional People, Linking Hands) G. Local Businesses via Allen Chamber of Commerce H. General Public via Media Coverage (Newspaper �+ Ads, Cable Network, Etc). 3. Meet with Various groups to Distribute Surveys and Explain Process (4 weeks) Page 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 4. Collect Data and Analyze the Survey Results (2 weeks) 5. Conduct Workshop with Parks and Recreation Board to Finalize Public Input Process for Programming the Facilities 6. Report Findings 7. Select Site 8. Prepare Schematic Design of Facilities Based on Set Program (to be approved by Council) 9. Develop the Park Master Plan (to be approved by Council) 10. Develop Design Details for Bid Purposes (to be approved by Council) 11. Advertise and Award Bid for Construction (to be approved by Council) 12. Begin Construction 13. Complete Project Following a brief discussion, it was determined that items /1146 would be presented to Council for their approval of the process, the remaining issues would be treated as part of the schedule for completion. The Board was also provided with the following draft of the survey to be provided to the above mentioned groups for input: QUESTIONNAIRE - ALLEN RECREATION CENTER Age: Marital Status: Married/Single 9 Page 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 Number of Children: I Page 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING { JUNE 15, 1993 What activities do you participate in, with what frequency: ACTIVITY: HOW OFTEN: Arts and Crafts per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Dance Lessons per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Aerobics/Exercise per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Games (Ping Pong, Air Hockey, Pool) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Weight Training per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Basketball per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Volleyball per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Social Gatherings (parties, family picnics, per Week, Month, or Year reunions, etc.) (Circle One) Business Meetings per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Other: per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) 0 Page 7 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 2. What activates do your children participate in, with what frequency: ACTIVITY: HOW OFTEN: Arts and Crafts per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Dance Lessons per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Aerobics/Exercise per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Games (Ping Pong, Air Hockey, Pool) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Weight Training per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Basketball per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Volleyball per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Social Gatherings (parties, family picnics, per Week, Month, or Year reunions, etc.) (Circle One) Business Meetings per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Other: per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) I Page I PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 3. What activities would you participate in if offered in the Allen Recreation Center with what frequency: ACTIVITY: HOW OFTEN: Arts and Crafts per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Dance Lessons per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Aerobics/Exercise per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Games (Ping Pong, Air Hockey, Pool) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Weight Training per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Basketball per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Volleyball per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Social Gatherings (parties, family picnics, per Week, Month, or Year reunions, etc.) (Circle One) Business Meetings per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Other: per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) I Page 9 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 What would you like to see offered in the new recreation center: (rate 1-5 top priorities and how often would you participate - #1 being most important.) ACTIVITY: HOW OFTEN: Arts and Crafts per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Dance Lessons per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Aerobics/Exercise per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Games (Ping Pong, Air Hockey, Pool) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Weight Training per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Basketball per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Volleyball per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Social Gatherings (parties, family picnics, per Week, Month, or Year reunions, etc.) (Circle One) Business Meetings per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Other: per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) per Week, Month, or Year (Circle One) Page 10 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 Following a brief discussion regarding the above questionnaire, it was determined that the last page of the questionnaire should be adjusted to reflect a prioritizing (1-3) process rather than the frequency process presented. It was also determined that these questionnaires should be mailed to the respective board and commission members prior to the meeting presentation by a subcommittee member or staff. Mr. Hobbs also provided the Board members with a form to be used to analyze each room of the facility regarding its potential usage. Ross Obermeyer reported that the Community Education Advisory Council has 2,000 responses from youth of Allen ages 12 to 17 years. He felt certain that the information could be very valuable to the process regarding the recreation center. He also indicated that it had been discussed to have an ad-hoc teenage member to the subcommittee to offer input on a regular basis. Lonnie Thomas indicated that he or Ross would be glad to provide the Parks and Recreation Board with a report of the committee activities. It was decided that it would be a very effective vehicle for keeping everyone informed of the progress being made. MOTION: Jim Waldbauer moved to recommend the Public Input Process, Items #146 to the Allen City Council for adoption. Ross Seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. B. Review and Recommend Bid Award Regarding Sidewalk and Playground Installation at Country Meadows Park This item was tabled until the next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board. C. Approve Rules to be Posted at City Parks Rhoda provided the following information to Board members regarding the proposed rules: there are numerous park rules included in the Allen Code of Ordinances. Recently, the Parks and Recreation Board was given authority to determine appropriate use of park facilities. Staff has been overwhelmed with specific requests for rules to be Page 11 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 established and we have received some requests to post rules already in existence. These requests came mostly from tennis players who were upset about the use of tennis courts for roller blade hockey. However, the Allen Police have requested park rules including curfew hours be posted to discourage use of parks outside normal operating hours. They feel this may help discourage crime. A copy of the rules recommended for posting is as follows: PARK RULES AS PER ORDINANCE #1152-1-93 Park Hours 5 a.m. - 11 p.m. Pets must be kept on a leash. Motorized vehicles are prohibited beyond parking lot. Vehicles in park after curfew hours will be towed at owners expense. A person cannot carry or discharge firearms, bows and arrows, sling shots, or hit golf balls. Alcoholic beverages cannot be carried into or consumed in the park. There is no swimming in lakes, creeks and ponds. Please help keep your parks clean and safe. Staff recommends the Parks and Recreation Board approve the rules for inclusion in the Allen Code of Ordinances. Staff also requests Parks and Recreation Board approval in posting rules at City park facilities. MOTION: Ross Obermeyer moved to approve the posting of the rules at City park facilities. Lonnie Thomas seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, 0 against. Rhoda provided the following information for discussion regarding proposed signage at the City of Allen Tennis Courts, both at Reed Park and Ford Park: Page 12 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 TENNIS COURT RULES Due to the type of surface on these courts, any use other than for the game of tennis must be approved by the Parks and Recreation Department (727-0140). Other sports may be played on concrete slabs located at Ford Park. Thank you for your cooperation. Following a lengthy discussion by Board members, it was determined that the roller blading activity was damaging the surface of Ford tennis courts as well as preventing them being used by the residents wishing to play tennis. Following a discussion of how best to make a "win-win" situation for all residents, it was decided that both tennis players and roller bladders would be invited to the next Parks and Recreation Board meeting. Flyers would be made available at the tennis courts, signs posted, an advertisement would be placed in the Allen American, as well as the cable access channel on television, notifying residents of the meeting. D Review 1985 Bond Program, Set Priorities and Recommend Projects for the 1994 Capital Improvements Program Rhoda passed out the following information to the Board members regarding the Capital Improvements Program: 1985 Bonds Approved Total: $5,725,000 Acquisition: $2,825,000 + $1,875,000 Grants Development: $2,988,175 Projects Funded: Acquisition 1. Community Park (50 Acres) $875,000 Bond (Tycher) $875,000 Grant Page 13 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 2. Neighborhood Park (10 Acres) $250,000 Bond $ 1,750,000 (Story) $ 6,500,000 3. Community Park (50 Acres) $1,000,000 Bond (Uta) $1,000,000 Grant 4. Neighborhood Park (20 Acres) $700,000 Bond Development 1. Ford Park (50 Acres) $700,000 Bond 2. Recreation Center $1,500,000 Bond 3. Neighborhood Parks a. 10 Acres $250,225 Bond b. 10 Acres $262,725 Bond C. 10 Acres $275,225 Bond I PROPOSED PROJECTS Acquisition Community Park (Twin Creeks) $ 1,750,000 Development Linear Greenbelt Park Development $ 6,500,000 Community Park (50 Acres) $ 1,000,000 (Utal) 1985 Bond Purchase Community Park (50 Acres) $ 1,500,000 (Twin Creeks) Community Park (50 Acres) $ 1,500,000 (Tycher) 1985 Bond Purchase Community Park (50 Acres) $ 1,500,000 (Special Use Facility) 0 Page 14 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 1985 BOND FUND STATUS Following a brief overview of the information provided, it was suggested that a special workshop be set up to work on the above information. It was determined that a date would be set at the next Parks and Recreation Board meeting and possibly appoint a subcommittee to work with staff. E. Approve Minutes from April 12, 1993, Regular Called Meeting and May 3, 1993, Special Called Meeting MOTION: Lonnie Thomas moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ross Obermeyer seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. f EXPENDITURE ACQUISIT BONDS BONDS S PROJECT SOLD UNSOLD (AUTHORIZED/ BAL COMPLETE) 1. 75,000 875,000 0 2. 50,000 0 250,000 3. !700,000 1,000,000 0 1,000,000 4. 700,000 EXPENDITURE DEV. BONDS BONDS S BALANC PROJECT SOLD UNSOLD (AUTHORIZED/ E COMPLETE) 1. 700,000 700,000 2. 1,200,00 1,200,000 0 3. 788,175 200,000 788,175 200,000 Following a brief overview of the information provided, it was suggested that a special workshop be set up to work on the above information. It was determined that a date would be set at the next Parks and Recreation Board meeting and possibly appoint a subcommittee to work with staff. E. Approve Minutes from April 12, 1993, Regular Called Meeting and May 3, 1993, Special Called Meeting MOTION: Lonnie Thomas moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ross Obermeyer seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. f Page 15 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 15, 1993 IV. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 13th day of July, 1993. Tom Clark, Chairman Jii Waldbauer, Secretary