HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1993 - 08/10 - Special CalledI MINUTES SPECLA,L CALLED MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MUNICIPAL ANNEX ONE BUTLER CIRCLE, ALLEN, TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 10. 1993 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Clark, Chairman Lonnie Thomas, Vice -Chairman Jim Waldbauer, Secretary Ross Obermeyer MEMBERS ABSENT Ray Galloway Frank Maitland STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary CALL TO ORDER H. ITEMS OF INFORMATION A. Citizens Comments There were no citizens present wishing to speak to the Board. B. Update on the Allen Recreation Center Program Development Rhoda provided the Board with a copy of a memo she had written to the City Manager outlining the following information regarding the survey: u PAGE 2 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 10, 1993 On June 17, the City Council approved a process for soliciting public input to help determine the program "needs" for the Allen Recreation Center. A table is attached, for your information, that outlines the process and establishes a timeline for completion. Originally, it was projected that the distribution and collection of the questionnaire would require approximately four weeks during the month of July Because of changes requested by the Council, the date of distribution was postponed until August. This allowed time for revisions to the survey instrument that allows data to be analyzed with Pollstart Software. Pollstart is the software used to measure the results of the comprehensive plan survey In addition, Sharon Hamner and Ross Obermeyer pulled together a list of active voters to be surveyed, as requested by Council. Active voters were selected at random. Surveys are being mailed to each voters household with a postage paid return envelope. A follow-up call will be made to each person receiving the questionnaire. The deadline for returning the questionnaire is August 18, 1993. This allows ample time for the results to be analyzed and presented to the Parks and Recreation Board and Council in September PUBLIC INPUT PROCESS APPROVED BY COUNCIL ON JUNE 17 FOR PROGRAMMING PARK FACILITIES Item N Description Timeline 1. Develop Questionnaire July 2. Identify Groups to be Surveyed Approved June 17, 1993 3 Solicit Input from Active Voters and Boards and Commission Members a. Mail Questionnaire August 5 b. Collect Questionnaire August 18 I PAGE 3 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 10, 1993 4 Solicit Input from Various Groups a. ASA Executive Board August 2 b. Senior Citizens August 9 c. Community Education Advisory Council (7 pm, September 7, 1993) September 7 d. Special Needs Groups August e. Allen Chamber of Commerce August 10 5 Call a Special Parks and Recreation Board Workshop for the General Public August 17 7:30 p.m., Library 6. Analyze Results August 18 - September 10 7 Present Findings to the Parks and Recreation Board September 14 8. Present Findings to the City Council September 16 Rhoda also reported that 100 questionnaires had been mailed to 100 randomly selected active registered voters. As of this date, Monday, August 10, 24 had been received back in the mail. Surveys have also been mailed to the Boards and Commissions as follows: Allen City Council - 7 Planning and Zoning Commission - 7 Board of Adjustment - 7 Sign Board - 5 Library Board - 7 ASAP - 6 Economic Development Corporation - 5 The list of Boards and Commissions members were divided up among the Parks and Recreation Board members asking them to call and remind recipients of the survey to please respond and return the survey at their earliest convenience. Lists of the randomly selected voters PAGE 4 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 10, 1993 were also divided up among the Board members for making reminder calls as well. The Board was then provided with a copy of the survey and they were asked to fill it out at that time. Rhoda announced that next Tuesday, August 17, 1993, there would be a Special Called Parks and Recreation Board Meeting at the Allen Public Library, 7:30 p.m. to invite the public input and ask anyone who might be interested to fill out the questionnaire. All Board members were asked to attend to be certain there would be a quorum present. Rhoda reminded the Board members that Ron Hobbs, Architect, was waiting the results of the survey to proceed any further. C. Update on Country Meadows Park Rhoda reported that the sidewalk is in at Country Meadows, and that an Architect is involved in the design of a playground unit and should have the bid specifications ready any time. That architect will charge a maximum of $2,000. There will be a pre-bid meeting on August 18, and the bids will be opened August 25 The sidewalk that has been laid is 5 feet wide, and 2218 linear feet. D Budget Presentation Rhoda informed the Board that she would be attending the Annual Budget Retreat this weekend, with the strategic issues being discussed on Friday, and departmental presentations being held on Saturday She provided the Board with information regarding Strategic Issue /16, Unique, Strategic Advantage for Retail and Commercial Development. She indicated that the undeveloped creek corridors in Allen provide a unique opportunity for development of restaurants and hotels with very scenic opportunities not available in cities immediately around Allen. Rhoda and David Pitstick have met with landowners and developers, and the idea was greeted with a great deal of enthusiasm on their parts. Funding would come largely from the .05 cent sales tax revenues set .� aside for economic development PAGE 5 MINUTES -PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 10, 1993 Rhoda also provided the Board with a copy of her Budget Narrative for 1993, which reads as follows: FY 1993-94 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET NARRATIVE The Parks and Recreation Department developed a mission statement to provide park facilities and recreation programs that enhance the aesthetic value of the City and help our citizens more fully enjoy life in Allen. Fulfilling that mission requires a joint effort of all Parks and Recreation Department personnel. FY 1992/93 accomplishments include: I. Use of Additional Funds Authorized for Ballfield Maintenance, Street Lights, Building and Pool Maintenance: A. Renovation of Hillside East and Ford #2 Ballfields B. In -House Sand Blasting and Re -painting of the Ford Park Pool C. Improved Maintenance of the McDermott Drive Median D Purchase of Specialized Equipment for Ballfield Maintenance E. Installation of Backstop Fence Savers at Ford Park F Purchase of Replacement Netting for Hillside West G. Modifications and Repairs to the Allen Senior Citizens Center H. Purchase of Decorative Light Posts for Main Street I. Re -staining the Pool Office and Ballfield Concession Building J. Distribution of Logic Fire Ant Bait in all Parks II. Use of CIP Funds for: A. Completion of Phase I Bethany Lakes Development B. Renovation of Ballfield Lights at Jupiter, Hillside and Bethany Lakes C. Installation of Four Additional Backstops for Baseball/Softball Practice D Replacement of Rolling Hills Bridge PAGE 6 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 10, 1993 E. Development of Country Meadows Park F Initiation of the Planning and Development of the Allen Recreation Center and Bethany Lakes Main Facility III. Fulfillment of Services Subcommittee Program Elements (includes items not listed previously) A. Established an Enterprise Fund for FY93/94 B. Revised Park Rules C. Expanded the Use of Volunteers 1. Received Approximately 1,500 Hours of Volunteer Assistance from Miscellaneous Groups 2. Let Contracts with Five Volunteer Groups for the Adopt -A -Highway Program 3. Accepted Approximately 50 Donated Trees and Over 100 Shrubs That were Planted in City Parks (Some are Maintained by Donors) 4. Removed a Shed from Behind the Seniors Building with Assistance from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints D Initiated New Recreation Programs Partially in Response to Year Round Education 1 Horseback Riding Camp 2. Christmas Camp 3 Trout Fishout IV Utilized the Mandatory Park Dedication Ordinance to Reserve Land for Parks and Develop Numerous Hike and Bike Trails A. Parkland Reserved Through Zoning for Dedication to the City 1. 10 Acres NP in Watters Crossing 2. 10 Acres NP in the Whisenant Tract 3. 5 Acres NP in the Green Tract 4. 21.8 Acres NP in the Twin Creeks Area B. Construction of 8 Foot Hike and Bike Trail by Developers along Sections of: a) Mustang Branch - Allen Heights South to Bethany Lakes C It PAGE 7 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 10, 1993 b) Cottonwood Creek - Highland Meadows Subdivision C) Watters Creek - FM2170 South to Bethany FY 1993-94 Goals: Complete the Development and Design and Begin Construction of the Recreation Center and Bethany Lakes Main Facility II. Increase Programs Offered by the Department IH. Improve the Quality of Park Maintenance and Hire a Park Superintendent IV Acquire Property to be Developed into a Community Park V Continue Development of the Linear Park Trails VI. Fulfil Goals and Objectives of Issue #6 Rhoda also informed the Board that an Enterprise Account was being proposed for the upcoming budget year. Under the current proposal, 15 % of revenues taken in under the Enterprise Account would be paid back to the General Fund. She indicated that she would provide the Board with a copy of the proposed Enterprise Budget at the next meeting. She will be looking to Park Board Members for programming input during the upcoming year. HI. ITEMS REOUIRING BOARD ACTION A. Approve Minutes from July 13, 1993, Special Called Meeting MOTION: A Motion was made by Ross Obermeyer to approve the minutes from July 13, 1993 Special Called Meeting as presented. Lonnie Thomas seconded and the Motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. IB. Discuss Use of Parks for Roller Hockey t s I PAGE 8 MINUTES - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AUGUST 10, 1993 Lonnie Thomas spoke in favor of restricting the use of Ford Park Tennis Courts to tennis only, rather than allowing roller blading to be done at that facility He also wanted staff to proceed with the investigation of funding to enclose the basketball court at Ford with fencing, provide an appropriate surface, as well as lighting. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that Reed should be left alone, and not be restricted for either Tennis our Roller Blading at this time. MOTION: Lonnie Thomas moved to establish a rule for the Ford Park Tennis courts that would establish the use of those courts exclusively for tennis. Ross Obermeyer seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, 0 against. IV. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 20th day of September, 1993. Zl d Tom Clark, Chairman J' Waldbauer, Secretary