HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1993 - 12/13 - RegularI MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING DECEMBER 13. 1993 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Jim Waldbauer, Vice -Chairman Ross Obermeyer, Secretary Frank Maitland Ray Galloway Byron Nielsen Leah Magruder MEMBERS ABSENT None GUESTS PRESENT None STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7.32 p.m., by Chairman Lonnie Thomas. II. ITEMS OF INFORMATION PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 13, 1993 A. Citizens Comments There were no citizens present wishing to speak to the Board. B. Recreation Center Design Rhoda gave a brief report to the Board regarding the development of plans for the Recreation Center by Ron Hobbs. She will be meeting with Ron on Wednesday of this week to go over the preliminary schematic design. He plans to present to Park Board in January, and then to Council the presentation, he will be presenting will include budget details, concepts, etc. Ron was invited to make a presentation at tonight's meeting, but declined as he felt everything was in a very rough format at this time. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that the perspective drawings of the concept would be very helpful in making Council presentations as well as public presentations. It was also determined that the Development Services Subcommittee needs to become involved in the Recreation Center planning at their January 7, 1994 meeting. C. Unique Concepts in Batting Cages Update Rhoda provided the Board with copies of the packet of information that went into the Council packet for their meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 16, 1993. That packet of information included a memo from Rhoda, a Sub -Committee Summary, copy of Minutes from December 1, 1993, Park and Recreation Board meeting, Summary of Conditions (Batting Cages at Ford Park as well as various other facilities that contain privately owned batting cages), memo from Unique Concepts in Batting Cages (UCBC), and a copy of the Summary of UCBC Proposal. Several Board members requested a new statement be entered into the record of this meeting reflecting what the Parks and Recreation Board members wanted relayed to Council at their December 16, 1993 meeting. Rhoda informed the Board that she would provide the Council with the following statement at their meeting. The following statement was entered into the record: PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 13, 1993 The Board has been approached by Unique Concept in Batting Cages concerning the concept of privately owned and operated sports batting cages located on City parkland (Ford Park). After preliminary discussion, the Board considers this concept as appropriate and providing a needed service to the citizens of Allen. However, we recognize that many issues must be addressed, (i.e., utilities, location, construction, financial considerations, contractual details and legal requirements). If the Council agrees with the concept the Board is available and offers to participate in developing a comprehensive recommendation to the Council. Rhoda requested that item ILE. be taken out of order and be addressed at this time. E. Tabled Item from December 1, 1993, Field Use Policy Update Larry Kirk appeared before the Board at this time and recommended �`. that this item be tabled until January 10, 1994 The Board verified that i� this item would remain on the Agenda until it was resolved. D. Workshop on CIP Rhoda presented the Board with the following information regarding the CIP program she recently submitted. Some of the information presented is as follows: SUMMARY OF PLANNING TOOLS USED TO DEVELOP 1994 PARK CIP- I. Land Acquisition Policy II. 1992 Comprehensive Plan and Linear Greenbelt Park Study III. Park Dedication Ordinance IV National Recreation and Park Association Facility Standards 1994 PARKS CIP Land Acquisition Policy Standard: PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 13, 1993 2 acres/ 1,000 Neighborhood Park (NP) 2.5 acres/1,000 Community Park (CP) 4 acres/1,000 Special Use Park (SUP) 1,200 Acres Linear Park (LP) GOAL. In utilizing standards established in the Land Acquisition Policy, and a projected population of 50,000 the amount of parkland needed is: 100 Acres NP 125 Acres CP 200 Acres SUP CIP IMPACT. The proposed park CIP will provide land for all three types of parks identified in the Land Acquisition Policy Proposed projects will provide land acres as follows: Neighborhood Parks 100 Acres Needed for 50,000 41.9 Acres Currently Available + 5 Acres in Heritage Park + 9 Acres in Waiters Crossing Community Parks 125 Acres Needed for 50,000 50 Acres Currently Available 50 Acres Northeast Quadrant 50 Acres Northwest Quadrant Special Use Park 200 Acres Needed for 50,000 50 Acres Currently Available 50 Acres in Utal Tract 200 Acres in Twin Creeks Golf Course Rhoda also provided maps of the proposed linear park system, as well as the Comprehensive Plan map of park space to be provided to the citizens of Allen. Rhoda answered a few questions from the Board regarding citizen committees to be formed to work on the CIP, timeline for going to the voters, procedures for Park Board involvement, etc. 1 0 PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 13, 1993 Some questions were discussed regarding the Mandatory Park Dedication Ordinance, and where that funding could be used. Rhoda said she would keep the Board informed of the meeting schedule when that information is available to her. III. ACTION ITEMS Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 8, 1993, and Special Called Meeting of December 1, 1993. MOTION: Frank Maitland moved to accept the minutes from the Regular Called Meeting of November 8, 1993, and Special Called Meeting of December 1, 1993, as presented. Ray Galloway seconded, and the Motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. IV. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 11th day of January 1994. nnie Thomas, Chairman Ross Obermey , ecretary