HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1994 - 02/14 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1994 - 7:30 P.M. Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Jim Waldbauer, Vice -Chairman Ross Obermeyer, Secretary Frank Maitland Byron Nielsen MEMBERS ABSENT Ray Galloway Leah Magruder GUESTS PRESENT Randy Mayberry Jim Genneken Sheree Claxton Chris Bedenbaugh Jenny Ridnour Brad Ridnour Scott Hill Barry Massey Sally Terrell Tom Lunsford Joy Gatlin STAFF PRESENT Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary Mike Isermam, Park Superintendent PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1994 Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m., by Chairman Lonnie Thomas II. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman, Lonnie Thomas invited any guests wishing to speak at this time to come forward, but if they were wishing to speak to a particular agenda item, they were welcome to speak now, or wait until that agenda item came up for discussion by the Board. III. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR CALLED MEETING ON JANUARY 11, 1994, THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF JANUARY 20 1994. AND THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF FEBRUARY 8. 1994 MOTION: Frank Maitland moved to accept the Minutes from January 11, 1994 Regular Called Meeting as amended. Byron seconded, and the Motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. MOTION: Ross Obermeyer moved to accept the Minutes from January 20, 1994 Special Called Meeting as presented. Jim Waldbauer seconded, and the Motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. MOTION: Jim Waldbauer moved to accept the Minutes from February 8, 1994, Special Called Meeting, as amended. Ross Obermeyer seconded, and the Motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. IV. PRESENTATION BY RON HOBBS REGARDING RECREATION CENTER AND ARF MASTER PLAN Ron Hobbs, Architect presented the Board with "working models" of the proposed facilities at Bethany Lakes. His first presentation involved the proposed Primary Facility. He outlined the primary components, and their relationship to the exterior walls as well as the water. The exterior "wing" PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1994 walls were discussed, regarding their length, and if they would allow mess from the exterior of the building, or only from the interior. Ron indicated that they could be constructed either way Ron also indicated that the roofing material used on the Primary Facility could be compatible with the roofing material already in place on the pavilion at Bethany Lakes. Following the architect's presentation on the Primary Facility, he made a presentation on the Recreation Center. Ron provided a "working model" that could be separated into various components of the whole. He indicated that some of the components could become modules that may or may not be included under the current budget available. Some modules could be phased in at a later date, as more funding becomes available, Ron briefly went over the proposed dollar amounts associated with each aspect of the recreation center, including utilities to the facility, restrooms, kitchen, racquetball courts, upper corridors, staff areas, exercise areas, stage, and jogging track. Some of the preliminary dollar amounts are as follows: Ramp $ 103,000 Restroom and Kitchen (upstairs) 24,000 Racquetball Courts 175,000 Exercise Area 143,000 Staff Areas 66,000 Game and Lounge Area 45,000 Locker Rooms and Restrooms (downstairs) 73,500 Jogging Track 30,000 Gymnasium 550,000 Ron indicated that preliminary figures totaled $1,$35,000 (including profit and overhead). That number came to $1,225,000 prior to the profit and overhead amount being added. Rhoda was asked where the City stood regarding bond funds that might be available for this project, and she indicated that at the current time, there were approximately $2,000,000 in bond money that is sold and unexpended. This includes savings, and interest earned, as well as funding that had been "ear- marked" for other projects. Rhoda indicated that she would be going to Council at their next meeting (February 17, 1994) with a funding recommendation. Ron Hobbs indicated that we would need to be setting a budget within the next two weeks for the Primary Facility construction, as well as the Recreation Center Construction. It was determined that the FATSSO PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1994 Subcommittee would meet Friday, following the Council meeting on the 17th to review the funding of these facilities. The Board requested that Council be asked that any funding were available, that it be directed toward the Primary Facility and Recreation Center. V CONSIDER A REQUEST BY JOY GATLIN TO USE BETHANY LAKES PARK FOR SUMMER CAMP SITE Joy Gatlin appeared before the Board representing the Tejas Council of Girl Scouts. She indicated that due to the enormous growth being experienced in Allen, it had been determined that Allen needed its own day camp program for the coming summer, rather than go to Plano. Joy appeared before the Board to ask for the use of Bethany Lakes Park from July 18 to July 22 during the evening hours. She indicated that no fees would be collected on site, and that a registered nurse would be on site at all times. She also indicated there would be a ratio of 6 girls to one counselor, plus the administrative staff that would be on hand at all times. MOTION: Frank Maitland moved to grant the use of Bethany Lakes park to the Girl Scouts from July 18 to July 22 during the evening hours, pending any conditions put forward by the Parks and Recreation Department. Byron Nielsen seconded, and the motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. VI. CONSIDER REQUEST BY ALLEN JAYCEES TO USE FORD PARK FOR ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT Rhoda reported that the Jaycees have held their annual Easter Egg Hunt in a City park for many years. Usually, they ask that the Parks Department not mow for a few days prior to the hunt. They will not be selling anything on site, and have asked the Senior Citizens to become involved in their efforts by making 'Boo Boo Bunnies" to be used during the hunt. They will need the entire Ford Park facility from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 26, 1994. It was determined that the game fields would be under use for organized athletics at the time, and therefore would not be used for the Easter Egg Hunt. PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING ' FEBRUARY 14, 1994 MOTION: Ross Obermeyer moved to allow the Jaycees to hold their annual Easter Egg Hunt at Ford Park on Saturday, March 26, 1994, pending any conditions put forward by the Parks and Recreation Department. Frank Maitland seconded, and the Motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. VH. APPROVE PROCESS FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF UCBC PROPOSAL Chairman Lonnie Thomas invited anyone wishing to speak to the Board regarding the Batting Cages at Ford Park to please do so at this time. Mr. Scott Hill of 707 Victorian Drive, Allen, Texas 75002 indicated that he was the spokesman for a group of residents living near Ford Park, as well as a member of the ad hoc committee appointed by City Council to review the issue. Mr. Hill indicated that he had prepared a proposed process for determining a needs assessment regarding batting cages in Allen. The highlights of Mr. Hill's proposal were as follows: 1. Survey Allen to Determine Need. 2. IF the Survey indicates true need in the community, conduct an independent study of ALL available sites. 3. If a need has been determined and a suitable site can be found, begin the open bid process. Mr. Hill asked the Board to consider his suggestion and approve a process at this meeting. Lonnie indicated that was the intention of the Board. Barry Massey, 724 Pulitzer Lane, Allen, Texas 75002, appeared before the Board as a member of the ad hoc committee, and opposed to the wording on the agenda that the Board was considering "Consideration of UCBC Proposal' He felt the issue was not the UCBC proposal, but batting cages in Allen. Randy Mayberry, 11 Glenbrook, Lucas, Texas spoke to the Board representing Unique Concepts in Batting Cages, and asked the Board to be allowed to be a part of the discussion of the proposal and offer closing comments at the end of the discussion. Randy also wanted the Board to note that at the current time, no video games of any kind are being proposed in the buildings associated with the batting cages. PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1994 Ross Obermeyer, Park Board Representative to the ad hoc conunittee, read a report from himself and Frank Maitland with the summary being as follows: "The sub -committee discussed several topics including traffic at Ford, crime at Ford, and the impact batting cages would have if allowed to be built. The use of the city owned land for private use, long-term success of a batting cage venture at Ford, and details of the specific UCBC contract were also discussed at length. Opponents from the neighborhood group had a petition with over 250 signatures against the proposed cages. No consensus was achieved on any of the issues at hand and Mike Nichols proposed a compromise. The committee accepted Mike's recommendation to request the Park Board to outline a process to address the question of batting cages in Allen, specifically at Ford Park. The Park Board's mission would be to define a process that comprehends both the need of batting cages and subsequent steps if a need is determined. With the Park Board's endorsement of the process, Frank and I would then present the proposed process to the Council's sub -committee." Mr. Barry Massey indicated that he was opposed to the wording of "specifically at Ford Park". Ross then read a proposal he had drawn up and indicated that this was an information only item, and would hopefully initiate a discussion on defining a process for determining the need for batting cages in Allen. Lonnie Thomas asked each Board Member for input regarding the process. Byron Nielsen indicated that if a survey was used, it should contain as much information as possible, and not be only the issue of batting cages. Frank Maitland was opposed to mailing the survey to only registered voters in Allen, as he felt many of them did not play softball. Ross indicated he felt that just because you did not play ball at Ford Park didn't mean that you did not have a valid input to make regarding the issue. Rhoda indicated that she felt a needs analysis was a great place to start the process. Following a lengthy discussion, Lonnie Thomas proposed the ■.i following process: PAGE 7 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1994 1. Needs Assessment a. Parks and Recreation Department to develop a survey and methodology b. Review survey with ad hoc committee C. Conduct survey d. Conduct open workshop to discuss findings of survey e. Determine final need f. Report back to Board on final needs assessment 2. Determine logistics contingent upon needs assessment The issue of timing came up and Rhoda asked the proponents about their time constraints. They indicated "the sooner the better" would meet their needs, but that they could build the cages anytime. Rhoda indicated that should would need 24 weeks to develop a survey document, 6 weeks to complete the process for a total of 10 weeks. ■�% Frank Maitland indicated that the Little League Baseball would be moving �t their baseball games to Hillside for this year, and that might directly affect the location desired by the proponents. Lonnie Thomas asked both UCBC representatives and the interested citizens if anyone had any closing remarks to be made. None were heard. MOTION: Frank Maitland moved to recommend the following process to the ad hoc committee: 1. Needs Assessment a. Parks and Recreation Department to develop a survey and methodology b. Review survey with ad hoc committee C. Conduct survey d. Conduct open workshop to discuss findings of survey e. Determine final need I. Report back to Board on final needs assessment 2. Determine logistics contingent upon needs assessment Byron Nielsen seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, 0 against. PAGE I PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1994 The following people filled out cards in opposition to the batting cages, but did not wish to speak before the Board: Sheree Claxton, 722 PuLitzer, Allen, Texas Chris Bedenhaugh, 712 Pulitzer Lane, Allen, Texas Jenny Ridnour, 723 Victorian, Allen, Texas Brad Ridnour, 723 Victorian, Allen, Texas VIII. REQUEST TO APPEAR BY TOM LUNSFORD REGARDING LITTLE LEAGUE SCHEDULE Mr. Tom Lunsford representing the Little League and speaking independent of the ASA appeared before the Parks and Recreation Board indicating that originally concerns had arisen over the Field Use Policy. He indicated that since the original concerns had arisen, a meeting was held this past Saturday, February 12, 1994 with Larry Kirk, the Allen Sports Association, and the Little League. Rickey Gillean proposed that two Ford fields be traded for two Hillside fields for this year only. Mr. Lunsford indicated that all issues had been resolved, and thanked the Parks Department, Sally Terrell and Robin Sedlacek for their efforts in resolving this issue. IX. STAFF PRESENTATIONS I.E., ANNUAL WORK PROGRAMS Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator for the City of Allen presented her annual Activities Calendar to the Board and briefly reviewed her responsibilities in the Parks and Recreation Department. Sandy provided a copy of the Senior Citizens Newsletter to the Board for their information, and fielded several questions andcomments from various Board members. Larry Kirk reviewed his activities with the Board and presented them with budgets for various programs he is anticipating offering during the upcoming season. Larry reported that the air conditioning charges were effecting athletics being offered in the school district gymnasiums. Larry also reviewed his calendar for the year and indicated he had ideas for new programs that he would be bringing to the Board in the near future. Mike Isermano provided the Board with a copy of his Annual Park �i Maintenance Plan, andbriefly reviewed the highlights of that plan. Mike then discussed his Grounds and Turf Maintenance Plan as well as the 1994 Safety PAGE 9 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1994 Training Topics and Job Training Topics and the fertilization schedule. The Board indicated their pleasure in Mike's emphasis on athletic field conditions, as that was an area of major concern for the Board and Department. X. APPROVE PROPOSED RECREATION PROGRAMS AND FEES Sandy McGowan came forward to report that she wanted to raise the daily entrance to the pool fee from $1.50 per visit to $1.75. The Board requested that "scholarship" monies be made available for children who might not have the funds to buy a season pass or pay the $1.75 per day Sandy said the Department would investigate advertising this information in the Summertimes Brochures produced by the Parks Department, XI. APPROVE STANDARDS FOR TWIN CREEU 10 ACRE BALL171ELD SITE Rhoda provided the Board members with the exact wording in the zoning of �I Twin Creeks Development: NEIGHBORHOOD PARK (PUBLIC): A. To address the city's needs for organized play fields, as Phase I of the platting activities of this development, the owner/developer shall fully develop two baseball fields and two soccer fields including landscaping, irrigation and the lighting of the baseball fields and a 100 space parking lot as indicated in Attachment A.1, Golf Club and Community Recreation plan, which shall he attached to a made a part of this ordinance. B. This 11 acre tract will be improved to the City of Allen standards and dedicated to the City of Allen within 30 months from the time that the first final plat in this development is approved by the City of Allen. Rhoda provided the Board with bound copies of the standards developed for the Twin Creeks Ballfields. They have been delivered to Brett Johnston with Arvida, and the City was told it was staked and ready to go. They also indicated they had design standards already in place, and would be getting in touch with the City regarding possible differences in the standards. PAGE 10 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1994 Lonnie Thomas requested that if at all possible, a good working relationship be maintained with the Twin Creeks Developers and that the standards be negotiable. MOTION: Byron Nielsen moved to accept the standards as they apply to the eleven acres of property at Twin Creeks. Jim Waldbauer seconded, and the Motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. XII. INFORMATION ITEM - MAYOR'S REOUEST FOR BOARD'S REVIEW OF SPECIFIC ISSUES (I.E., BOARD MEMBER LENGTH OF TERMS, ABSENTEEISM. ETC.) As an information only item, Rhoda provided the Board with a list of questions that will be expanded upon in the near future. The list of questions deal with the following issues as they pertain to the Parks and Recreation Board: i 1. Length of Term 2. Term Limits 3. Attendance 4. Rules of Operation Further updates will be provided in the near future on the above issues. IV. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:18 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 14 t day of 21axck, 1994 �YVvUR K &env Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Ross O eyer, ecretary