HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1994 - 06/13 - RegularI MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JUNE 13, 1994 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Frank Maitland Byron Nielsen Leah Magruder Jim Waldbauer, Vice -Chairman MEMBERS ABSENT Ray Galloway Ross Obermeyer, Secretary GUESTS PRESENT Tary Arterburn, Mesa Design Group Greg Rich Jim Genneken Randy Mayberry James Hogston Cheryl Harris-Hogston Chris Bedenbaugh Patricia Reyna Jenny Ridnour Joe Abernathy Scott Hill Barry Massey Teresa Kallina Teresa Biddick/Collin County Open Space Board L' STAFF PRESENT PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 13, 1994 Rhoda Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m., by Chairman Lonnie Thomas. II. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. The following Agenda item was taken out of order to better facilitate the volunteer citizen making the presentation: XI. 1994 CIP - DELIVER SUMMARY OF THE 1994 CIP Mr. Jeff Cocking, 1994 CIP Committee Member made a slide presentation to the Parks and Recreation Board outlining a brief 10 year history of the City of Allen regarding Capital Improvement Programs and Comprehensive Plan Development. He briefly outlined the propositions that will be placed on the June 25 1994 Bond Election ballot, reported where the funds from the 1985 Bond Election were spent. Board members and guests received brochures and signage regarding the election, and were encouraged by Jeff Cocking to vote on June 25. III. APPROVE MINUTES FROM APRIL 11, 1994 REGULAR CALLED MEETING The minutes were amended to correct a typographical error. MOTION: Leah Magruder moved to accept the minutes as amended. Byron Nielsen seconded and the Motion carried 4 for, 0 against. IV. SUNCREEK DEVELOPMENT - REQUEST TO APPEAR BY MESA DESIGN GROUP PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 13, 1994 Mr. Tary Arterburn and Mr. Greg Rich, representing "The Villages of Suncreek Development" presented an updated version of drawings depicting 18 acres of non -floodplain wooded acres, under existing conditions, to be dedicated to the City It was asked what the required dedication would be as per the City Park Dedication Ordinance. Mr. Arterburn indicated that 11 acres was required, but that they would be proposing 18 acres for dedication (an amount equal to the Community Facility acreage in the existing zoning). Acres for dedication would be net acres, and not include floodplain or right-of- ways. When asked about floodplain reclamation, Mr. Arterburn indicated that only a very small area in Tract 5 would be subject to floodplain reclamation. There would be potential acreage that could be amassed of over 200 acres of parkland between FM2170 and Old Alma Road. The drawings that were being received were drawn to a 1:200 scale. Mr. Arterburn also told the Board that a tree preservation policy would be in effect for this development. Jim Waldbauer indicated that based on the presentation he felt more at ease with the general public being able to access this area. His particularly like the off-street parking to be made available for citizens to use as well as the wider streets that would allow "on street" parking. Director Rhoda Savage reminded the Board that they were looking at conceptual drawings only, not the zoning issues that would be addressed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Suncreek Development was requesting a change in zoning and the details of zoning would be studied by Planning and Zoning. Lonnie Thomas summarized the Board's conceptual agreement with Suncreeks proposed Zoning changes. Chairman Lonnie Thomas indicated that he would be working with John Garcia of the Planning and Zoning Commission on this issue to pass along the Park and Recreation Board's views and items of discussion. V. IN-LINE ROLLER HOCKEY AT REED - RECONSIDER USE OF REED TENNIS COURT FOR IN-LINE HOCKEY Patricia Reyna, of 2 Creekcrest Court, Allen, Texas appeared before the Board I to express her concern over the behavior of in-line hockey players at Reed Tennis Court. She said that the language was very inappropriate for the PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING I JUNE 13, 1994 residents to listen to, as well as the broken glass and vandalism of public property. She indicated that if the skaters could not respect the privilege of using the facility, then that privilege should be taken away Teresa Kallina, of 3 Creekcrest Court, Allen, Texas appeared before the Board to express her concern over the type of activity occurring at Reed Tennis Courts. She was also very concerned over the decline in her property value due to the activity at the tennis courts. She indicated that the tennis nets were again tom down and trash was a constant problem. Chairman Lonnie Thomas suggested there be a 30 day trial period during which signs would be posted, and nets replaced, in an attempt to rectify the problems occurring. If improvement is not evident during the 30 day period, the facility should be made a "tennis only" facility. This item will be placed on the agenda for the July Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. Rhoda indicated that she would be responsible for placing signage at the facility, and Leah Magruder said she would contact the Allen American to try to get the word out about the 30 day trial period. Rhoda also indicated she would contact the Allen Police Department regarding patrol of this area. VI. BOARD AND COMMISSIONS REVIEW - SOLICIT PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD INPUT REGARDING REVIEW PROCESS FOR BOARD APPOINTMENTS Lonnie referred each of the Board members to the memo enclosed in their Agenda packet, and directed each Board member to prepare an informal response to the questions asked. Lonnie said he would summarize those documents, present them to the Board at their July meeting, and forward a final copy to the Mayor. Lonnie requested that this item appear on the July agenda for the Board to consider. VH. RECREATION CENTER UPDATE Lonnie Thomas, FATSSO Member, reported that the recreation center meetings have been held on Friday mornings for the past several weeks. He PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 13, 1994 indicated that construction documents are currently being drawn up, and should be ready for bidding in 2-3 weeks. He indicated that waiting for soil samples had been a "hold up", but those samples have now been received, and planning details (doors, hardware, floor coverings, etc) are now being considered. VIII. CEAC SURVEY RESULTS - DISTRIBUTE COPIES OF THE RESULTS AND REQUEST PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD INPUT REGARDING NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND FURTHER ACTION BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Lonnie Thomas presented a brief background regarding the proposed batting cages for Ford Park. He then invited any guests wishing to speak on this issue to come forward. Mr. Joe Abernathy, 741 Livingston Drive, Allen, Texas spoke to the Board and indicated his opposition to private enterprise being located on public land. He wanted to know if the need for a bowling alley were acknowledged, could it be built by a private firm on public land? Would other people be solicited to make proposals regarding batting cages on public land? He also asked why the proponents did not seek to purchase land on which to put the batting cages? Mrs.Jermy Ridnour, 723 Victorian Drive, Allen, Texas spoke to the Board in opposition to the batting cages being placed on public land. She reminded the Board that the Allen Sports Association had taken an official stand against the batting cages being built on public land and said she agreed with them. Mr. James Hogston, One Victorian Circle, Allen, Texas came before the Board to express his opposition to the placement of batting cages at Ford Park. He expressed concern over crime, vandalism, parking, and questioned who would pay for the electricity to run such an enterprise. He stated his position against private enterprise on public land. Director Rhoda Savage provided the Board with a copy of the survey taken by the Community Education Advisory Board (CEAC). She briefly went over the questions pertinent to the batting cage issue and indicated that the Board was to determine the need for batting cages and forward that recommendation to the Ad Hoc Committee appointed by the City Council. That Ad Hoc Committee is comprised of Park Board members, City Council members, PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 13, 1994 proponents, home owners, City Manager and Director of Parks and Recreation. Following a brief discussion by the Board, it was determined that the survey indicates that a majority of the respondents agree that privately owned and operated businesses are appropriate on public parkland. If the City determined a need for batting cages, but had no public funds available for them, the majority supported the idea of private, for-profit development of batting cages at Ford. Therefore, the Board agreed that there was a need in Allen for batting cages. They asked the survey data be presented to the Ad Hoc Committee ranked by frequency of use. Rhoda reported that the Ad Hoc Committee has scheduled a meeting for June 20, 1994, 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. IX. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS Rhoda Savage indicated that the Boys and Girls Clubs along with the Allen Community Outreach has contacted the City regarding a detailed proposal to use the Allen Recreation Center for their programming in Allen. Rhoda indicated that the Boys and Girls Clubs target "at risk children" between the ages of 6 and 18 with their programming. Salaried staff would operate after school programs, evening programs and weekend programs out of the center. It was determined that more information would be required (would other groups then want to office out of the center, would they compete with existing groups in Allen, etc). It was decided that Ross Obermeyer and Lonnie Thomas would be appointed to study this issue further and report back to the Board at a later date. X. 1994/95 BUDGET - DELIVER PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROPOSED 1994/95 BUDGET Rhoda Savage provided the Board with copies of her summary for both the General Operating budget and the Enterprise Budget for the Parks and Recreation Department. She indicated increases being proposed in ���+++ maintenance which is a high-priority area for the department. She was also �} requesting hiring of a Horticulturist, Forester, as well as an Irrigation `' Specialist during fiscal year 1994/95. She is also requesting funding for PAGE 7 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 13, 1994 staffing and operating of the new recreation center and the Twin Creeks site. She said she would provide the Board with more information at the Park and Recreation Board's request. XII. ISTEA ENHANCEMENT CALL FOR SUBMITTALS - DIRECTOR REPORT ON POSSIBLE ISTEA ENHANCEMENT GRANTS Rhoda provided information on the ISTEA submittals already in progress. She indicated that after the first submittal, Allen was one of 85 proposals recommended. However, TxDot did not award a grant for the Allen project. by North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). All applications not funded will be automatically resubmitted. She asked the Board if they would direct her to re -write and re -submit for this funding. She indicated that some Cities who received funding had used a professional consultant to write the submittals and in the future, the City might want to consider the use of a professional to apply for grants. Rhoda indicated she would speak with the City Manager regarding the possible use of City funds for this purpose. Deadlines for the sate's second call for projects are July 15 (NCTCOG) and August 15 (TXDol). XIII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 8th day of August, 1994. 4.k n Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Ross Oliermeyer, ecretary 0