HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1996 - 01/16 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JANUARY 16, 1996 - 7 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Jim Waldbauer, Vice -Chairman Dan Turner Mark Stout Leah Magruder Byron Nielsen MEMBERS ABSENT ■ i Mike Rippe GUESTS PRESENT Sheila Condon Mark Spencer Doug Gallagher Steve Terrell STAFF PRESENT Rhoda L. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Dentler, Parks Superintendent Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Parks Department Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m., by Chairman, Lonnie Thomas. PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JANUARY 16, 1996 H. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens present wishing to speak to the Board. III. APPROVE MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 29, 1995, SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MOTION: Mark Stout moved to accept the minutes from November 29, 1995 Special Called Meeting as presented. Jim Waldbauer seconded, the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. IV. CONSIDER AND TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED ON ALLEN STATION A. Condon Presentation Information Obtained During Public Input Process Sheila Condon and Mark Spencer both presented information regarding the process by which the input was solicited regarding the development of Allen Station Park. Two meetings were held with Allen Independent School District Representatives, one meeting with the Heritage Guild, City of Allen Staff, Allen Sports Association, and a group of 30 students from Allen High School. Each group offered great input, and the set of priorities expressed by each group was very much in line with one another. The number one priority with these groups was sports facilities. City of Allen Staff mailed out 1,000 questionnaires to randomly selected residents of Allen to gather their input in respect to parkland usage, and needs. Approximately 22% of those questionnaires were returned to the City and forwarded to Mark Spencer to compile that information. Out of 21 possible rankings, the top five priorities listed by this group of respondents is as follows: 1 Nature areas and trails 2 Indoor pool 3 Exercise/fitness facilities 4 Recreation centers Ll 5 Multi sports complex PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JANUARY 16, 1996 Mark Spencer provided some statistics to the board regarding the responses received, and some of those are as follows: 76% respondents reported existing facilities between "good" and "fair" 72% can walk to a park. By a 6-1 margin, "additional parks needed" 85% felt the public was ill-informed regarding the park system in Allen. By a 2-1 margin, citizens feel that park and recreation facilities are well worth the cost to the taxpayers. Given the choice between quality of facilities, number of facilities and maintenance of facilities, citizens feel that quality of facilities is most important and maintenance is secondary regarding future parks. When asked where citizens go for their most preferred recreation the number one response was out of town, the lake was second, private recreation facility was third and city parks in Allen, fourth. Mark said many of the comments reflected they used City of Plano facilities. B. Discuss Update to Park Section of Allen's Comprehensive Plan Rhoda reported that the questionnaire responses would be used to update the 1992 Comprehensive Plan. During a past submission of a grant application to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, a possible 20 points were not earned by the City of Allen because their Comprehensive Plan did not meeting their qualifying guidelines. Hopefully those 20 points can be gained during the current grant application process by having the Comprehensive Plan updated. The current Comp Plan does not have clearly defined priority rankings, nor does it have an implementation plan time line. The proposed amendments to the Comp Plan will not change the intent, but add to the existing plan. A discussion followed regarding how the questionnaire would be used in relation to the update of the Comp Plan, and also how that information was gathered and compiled. Mark Spencer indicated that the results were not very different from other cities in which the same type of information was solicited. t"�, C. Consider Park Development of Allen Station PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JANUARY 16, 1996 Sheila and Mark presented a "concept -only" drawing to the Board members for their review and invited their input. Following a few questions, the Board agreed that as a conceptual plan, it was looking very good. This same conceptual drawing will be presented to the City Council on Thursday evening at their Regular Meeting. D Update on Joint Planning of Site with Allen Independent School District Sheila Condon met this afternoon with Jon McCarty, City Manager and Dr. Barbara Erwin with the Allen Independent School District and while presenting the drawing, made sure it was clear that it was a "concept" only drawing. Nothing is set in concrete, and that a very high priority for the City of Allen is being placed on working jointly with the School District in the planning and development of this site. Hopefully, by the end of March, the School District will be at approximately this same point in the planning of the future high school site. V. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Jim Waldbauer reported that he had spoken to the City Manager regarding the Alternative Transportation Subcommittee Task Force recommendations, and that he was informed that recommendation would need to go to the Mayor's Subcommittee for approval and then to City Council. Jim stressed the importance to the City Manager that it not remain tabled too long given the current development rate in Allen. 1 MOTION: Leah Magruder moved that after review of priorities on Allen Station Park, the Parks and Recreation Board recommends approval by Council for updating the 1992 Comprehensive Plan to enhance the probability of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department grant approval. The enhancement includes the statement of the following priorities number one, acquisition of a large park site, number two, development of that community park in Allen, and number three, preservation of open space. The enhancement shall also include a time line projecting implementation of the Plan. Byron Nielsen seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. V. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Jim Waldbauer reported that he had spoken to the City Manager regarding the Alternative Transportation Subcommittee Task Force recommendations, and that he was informed that recommendation would need to go to the Mayor's Subcommittee for approval and then to City Council. Jim stressed the importance to the City Manager that it not remain tabled too long given the current development rate in Allen. 1 PAGE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JANUARY 16, 1996 Lonnie Thomas recommended that the scheduling of Park and Recreation Board members to attend all Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council meetings be updated for the current year. It was determined that if any Board members could attend the upcoming City Council Meeting set for Thursday, January 18, it would likely be beneficial. IV. RECREATION CENTER UPDATE Rhoda provided a preliminary schedule for March 23, 1996 for the Grand Opening of the Joe Farmer Recreation Center She also played a brief video from the company that will be doing the fireworks for the celebration. She indicated that all Board Members needed to set aside the day and that the public celebration will continue on into the night. Tim Dentler and his maintenance crew are installing the landscaping at the Recreation Center. VII. OTHER BUSINESS Jim Waldbauer commented that several residents have commented to him how nice the landscaping at the recreation center is looking and that the Bethany Drive landscaping recently completed by the Parks Maintenance Crew looked very nice - great improvement. Larry Kirk presented the Board with documentation to be forwarded to the Facilities Subcommittee for review and to be discussed at the next Board meeting. These issues have to do with 1) Tournament Fees, 2) Facility Utilization Agreements, and 3) Needs Assessment Survey Dan Turner agreed to review for the Facilities Subcommittee, and report back. Lonnie invited all Board members to review the information provided by Larry and discuss at the next meeting. Any changes regarding fees will need to go to City Council with a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Board. IV. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9.10 p.m. I I PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JANUARY 16, 1996 These minutes read and approved this 12th day off February, 1996. �/Ir / Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Leah Mag t er, Sectetary