HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1998 - 01/12 - RegularMINHTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JANUARY 12, 1"S - 7:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Mark Stout, Chairman Mike Rippe, Vice -Chairman Anne Campbell, Secretary Dan Turner Laurette Zamparelli Kevin Pierce MEMBERS ABSENT Cheri Jones GUESTS PRESENT Danny McLarty, Leadership Allen Class Tammy Gough, Leadership Allen Class Gregg Layton, Leadership Allen Class Steve Bookout, Leadership Allen Class STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary Tim Dentler, Park Superintendent Larry Kirk, Athletic/Aquatic Programs Supervisor Sandy McGowan, Recreation Superintendent I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Mark Stout called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting January 12, 1998 II. CITIZEN COMMENTS Various members representing the Leadership Allen Class spoke to the Board regarding the proposed class project of organizing and supporting an "Allen Arts Alliance" The proposal would include the appointment by City Council of an Allen Arts Alliance Board, who would receive staff support from the City of Allen. This proposed Board would focus on exhibits and events featuring local talent. It is proposed that this Board would use the Hillside Amphitheater located at the Recreation Center among other sites for exhibits and performances. The Leadership Allen Class will be making a presentation to various Boards and Commissions, including the Library Board, Keep Allen Beautiful Board, Economic Development Board, and Allen Community Development Board They will then seek the support of the City Council for the appointment and sponsorship of this Board. The proponents would like to encourage the City of Allen to allocate I % of every dollar spent on Capital Improvement Projects to the arts. The City of Dallas already does this and it has proved extremely worthwhile. This issue will be taken to the City Council at their meeting on February 12`" Parks and Recreation Board Chairman, Mark Stout volunteered to write a letter of endorsement for this proposal. HI. APPROVE MINUTES FROM DECEMBER S, 1997, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Laurette Zamparelli moved to accept the Minutes as amended, Anne Campbell seconded, and the Motion carried, 5 for. 0 against. IV. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. Council/Board Liaison Mark Stout reported that he had attended the last City Council Meeting, and was present during the decision process in regard to the Allen Cemetery He reported that the City Council had voted to maintain the current rate of $125 per gravesite, but has requested staff limit the sale of gravesites to residents of Allen. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting January 12, 1998 Mark reported that he would be reporting to Melissa Owen following each Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. Don briefly updated the Board with the information that the Allen Cemetery had no more gravesites available for sale. Don reported that staff had received 291 requests for gravesites, and that 264 gravesites had been sold during the past week. Laurelle Zamparelli reported that she had visited with one of the Councilman regarding the Parks and Recreation Board recommendation that gravesite prices be raised to be more in line with surrounding cities. Don replied that the Board recommendation was presented to Council during the first meeting, but that this issue had lasted four meetings, and therefore, the original recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Board may have become obscure during the process. Mike Rippe indicated that he felt if the Board was taking a stand on some issues, it might be to their advantage to attend the Council Meetings at which those were being discussed. E, B. Capital Improvements/Long Range Planning ■�3 There was nothing to report from this committee, but Tim indicated that immediately following this meeting, he would like to set up the first meeting. Fund Raising/Sponsorship There was noting to report, but following this meeting, a meeting time and date will be selected. D Programming Athletic/Aquatics Anne Campbell indicated she had met with Larry Kirk and several ideas had come from that meeting for new programming, including a sand volleyball league, scuba classes, water aerobics, and bowling Don reported that the RFQ had been agreed upon for the Natatorium and will be mailed this week to prospective architectural firms. Questions were brought up regarding the funding of this project, and Don reported that there was currently $2.6 million available from the City for this project, and that the Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting January 12, 1998 total project has been estimated at $5.5-6 million. AISD has been unable to project their possible funding at this point. Kevin Pierce also reported on the Collin County Open Space Committee, that is being promoted by the League of Women Voters of Collin County He indicated that possible projects totaled around $9 million and that some of the items might involve the purchase of land for an outdoor training center, soil conservation projects, Rowlett Creek studies as it relates to open space, Green Acre Plan, preservation of farmland, and historical preservation of areas in Collin County Don Horton indicated that there was a film available that could be brought to a future meeting if the Board was interested. V. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR THE CITY OF ALLEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, 1998-2003 Don referred the Board to their packets to review the "first pass" at the Goals and Objectives being proposed for the Parks and Recreation Department. Currently, this is being presented as a one year plan, but will expand into a five year plan. Some of the Parks and Recreation Board subcommittees will eventually be involved in the further development of these goals. There is a database in place whereby updates can be entered and provided to the Board on a quarterly basis. Questions arose regarding the possible start date for Phase II of Allen Station Park, and it was determined that funding would not be available until the year 2000. Don indicated that the development of parkland was lagging behind the acquisition of parkland. Mark Stout felt that if a soccer facility were placed on a bond election, it would pass and therefore provide additional funding for Allen Station Park. Don indicated that City Council might be reluctant to bring forth another bond election to the voters that would raise the taxes in Allen. Don informed the Board that the Standards for Landscaping Boulevards were to be developed as one of the goals for this year I Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting January 12, 1998 VI. DISCUSSION OF CASPER - GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION OF ALLEN STATION PARK Tim Dentler informed the Board that he would be meeting with the "Committee for Allen Station Planning Education and Recreation" (C.A.S.P.E.R.) in the near future to begin formulating a grand opening celebration. Tim indicated that two City Councilmen, two Parks and Recreation Board Members, along with two City Staff would serve on this committee. Kevin Pierce indicated he wanted to be part of the planning process, and Mark Stout indicated he felt Jim Waldbauer should continue to be part of the CASPER group. Tim also informed the Board that the rain had slowed the construction down, but due to the heavy work done "up front" on the contract, he felt they City is still on line for the March target date. Ed Bell Construction Company is ready to bring a "batch plant" on site if given a week of dry weather. They have informed Tim that they could be pouring concrete within 10 days of that time. He felt the entire roadway could be completed by August. Quotations for the lighting on Cedar Drive will be received this Friday VII. DISCUSSION ON MANAGEMENT OF CONCESSIONS FOR ALLEN STATION PARK Larry Kirk made a brief presentation on the history of concessions being offered in various City parks in Allen, and stated that currently the Allen Sports Association (ASA) has paid the City of Allen $500 per year for the privilege of selling concessions from Ford, Hillside, Bolin, McDermott, and any areas being scheduled for ASA games. Larry Kirk indicated that the City may put in a bid to run the concessions at Allen Station Park themselves. Larry explained that any profits would be placed back into the facilities. He felt there was money to be made in this venture, plus control of the facility Several Board members questioned whether or not ASA would even be interested in the Allen Station Park concessions. Larry indicated that bid proposals would be available at the next Board meeting for review It was also pointed out that the concessionaire for Eli Allen Station Park will need to provide equipment for the operation of Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting January 12, 1998 the concessions since those items are not included in the construction contract for this facility MOTION: Mike Rippe made a motion to assure that the Allen Sports Association would be invited to the next Parks and Recreation Board Meeting when concessions would be discussed. Laurelle Zamparelli seconded, and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. MOTION: Kevin Pierce made a Motion asking Parks and Recreation Department staff to present guidelines allowing for public bid to provide concessions at Allen Station Park to the highest bidder Dan Turner seconded, and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. VIII. DISCUSSION ON FIELD USE POLICY Larry Kirk presented the proposed Field Use Policy and indicated that along with himself, Phil Lozano and Tim Dentler had put together this policy The first part of the policy pertains to the actual contract, while the balance deals with "Maintenance Agreement for Public Fields", "Field Inspection and Closure Agreement", "Storage Facilities Agreement', "Athletic Needs Assessment Survey", and the Field Use Policy Larry pointed out that anyone working on the City of Allen ballfields will need to be certified by the Department to be qualified to do so. He also pointed out several issues, one of which was the no smoking area 20 feet from the facility Tim Dentler explained part of the issue on the non- smoking area was the mowing after people have deposited cigarette residue on the field. Larry briefly reviewed the above document with the Board members, and indicated that particular attention needs to be paid to the fee structure, and how the fees will be assessed. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that this policy should be reviewed by subcommittee in its entirety before being brought back to the Board for approval IX. ITEMS OF INTEREST E, Don Horton briefly updated the Board on the Rowlett Creek Study and that the first round of planning was presented today in a rough format. Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting January 12, 1998 He indicated the study would encompass everything in the floodplain �+ from McDermott to Highway 5 Don indicated that visits would be it scheduled with major landowners, and the plan should be completed by April/May, in time for the Spring Planning Sessions with City Council to ask for funding. Larry Kirk indicated that the Annual Trout Fish Out is scheduled for January 17, with the Bethany Lakes Park horseshoe lake being stocked on January 15 X. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjoumed at 9:26 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 9' day of February, 1998. Mark Stout, C41sainuan Anne Campbell, Secretary I