HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1996 - 02/12 - RegularA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 1996 - 6 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Jim Waldbauer, Vice -Chairman Dan Turner Mark Stout Leah Magruder Byron Nielsen Mike Rippe MEMBERS ABSENT None GUESTS PRESENT Doug Gallagher, Councilman Mark Spencer, MHS Planning and Design Bob DeForest, Clark Condon and Associates Bryan Thruston, STB Architect and Planning Inc. STAFF PRESENT Rhoda L. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator Margaret Thomas, Recreation Center Supervisor Jay Foster, Recreation Specialist Bruce McDonald, Recreation Specialist Sue Witkowski, Secretary PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 1996 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m., by Chairman, Lonnie Thomas. II. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens present wishing to speak to the Board. III. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JANUARY 16, 1996, SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MOTION: Byron Nielsen moved to accept the minutes from January 16, 1996 Special Called Meeting as presented. Leah Magruder seconded, the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. IV. DISCUSS ITEMS COVERED IN CITY COUNCI USCHOOL BOARD JOINT MEETING Director, Rhoda Savage presented the Board with a brief outline of the meeting held jointly on January 25, 1996, between the Allen City Council and the Allen Independent School District Board. Prior to the meeting, Allen City Manager, Jon McCarty, and Superintendent of AISD, Dr. Barbara Erwin developed the following "Shared Commitment to Outcomes" statement: • Master plan entire 300 acre property and treat property as parcel of 300 acres in planning process with both architectural teams • Develop common theme, unified vision of property • Make property primary identifier of community • Create a plan for shared public and athletic facilities such as athletic fields, natatorium, fitness course and amphitheater The goal of the above shared outcome statements is to produce a "seamless" facility, that will be a community "identifier" for Allen. Following this discussion, the AISD Board of Trustees and City Council approved a joint resolution calling for cooperation on a joint education and recreation park. PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 1996 V. WORKSHOP WITH AISD, COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE, PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AND CLARK CONDON AND ASSOCIATES REGARDING ALLEN STATION PARK DESIGN Mark Spencer of MHS Planning and Design along with Bob DeForest of Clark Condon and Associates presented their preliminary drawings of the proposed facility for the Board and Services Subcommittee to offer input. Several concerns were expressed regarding the proposed westerly extension of Rivercrest Boulevard through the park to connection with Exchange Parkway. The Board was reassured that this route through the park would be very dependent upon the facility plan of the AISD. Several items were discussed regarding the preservation of the historical dam on the property, along with public access along the trails, security lighting, possible access from Cedar Street, curb cuts along Exchange Parkway as well as High School traffic in and out of the facility The Board was assured that this is a very preliminary drawing, and that many re - drawings will be done before a final Master Plan is available. Every effort will be j made to design this facility along with and in conjunction with the Allen Independent School District's efforts on their facility. VI. DISCUSS HOURS OF OPERATION AT JOE FARMER RECREATION CENTER Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator for the Parks and Recreation Department presented the Board with the proposed Hours of Operation for Joe Farmer Recreation Center: Monday, Wednesday and Friday ... .. 6 am to 9 pm Tuesday and Thursday .. 8 am to 9 pm Saturday .. .. .. 10 am to 6 pm Sunday Closed Following a brief discussion, it was determined that the schedule would be adjusted to allow for Sunday afternoon operation of the facility by opening late on Tuesdays and Thursdays (noon). Sandy agreed to reformat the proposed hours of operation and mail them to the Board for review as soon as it was available. The Board was assured that the only obstacle in keeping the Center open every day, all day was the staffing/budget issues involved. PAGE 4 i PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 1996 It was also determined that staff would be "reaching out" to the community in an effort to insure every child be able to participate in activities offered. Scholarships will be available, and alternative means of getting children to the Center will be investigated. It was pointed out that some of the children at the greatest risk are those whose parents are unable to transport them to the facility on a regular basis. Rhoda announced that the Grand Opening will be held on March 23, 1996. The legal issues involving the payment of subcontractors has been resolved, and the work remaining is scheduled to he completed by March 22, 1996. Landscaping is being done in-house by Tim Dentler's staff, and it is looking very good. Rhoda invited the Board to drop by and look at the stone work since it has been sand- blasted. The actual roof covering is all that is lacking to the structure. VII. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SUBCOMMITTEE WORKSHOP Chairman Thomas indicated that the Board Chairman will be attending a March 29, 1996 Spring Planning Session. This workshop has traditionally involved the City Council and City Staff, but Boards and Commissions will be asked to attend participate. The Parks and Recreation Board Chairman will probably need to report on the past 12 months of activities, participate in an Environmental Scan of park related issues, and report on what needs to be addressed in the near and distant future. In light of the Spring Planning Session, he felt it would be appropriate to schedule a time for Board training and proposed that in lieu of the Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting scheduled for March 11, 1996, a training workshop be held either on the preceding Saturday, or the evening of March 11. One of the subjects being discussed at this workshop would be the subcommittee assignments for this past year (1995) as well as finalizing of appointments for 1996. Following a brief discussion of the various Board member schedules, it was decided that the workshop would he held on March 11, 1996, beginning at 6 p.m. Dinner will be provided, and an agenda will be prepared by the Chairman and department staff. VIII. DISCUSS ITEMS RELATED TO JOINT USE OF FACILITIES Dan Turner (Present and Future Parks Subcommittee) reported that he has reviewed the proposed Joint use Facilities Agreement proposed changes and PAGE' PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 12. 1996 recommends the Parks and Recreation Board support and recommend the changes to City Council. Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator for the Parks Department thanked the Board for their support and assured theta that the changes were an effort to have a equitable system for all groups requesting the use of City facilities, whether it be ASA, Boys Club, or YMCA. Following a brief discussion, the Board agreed to forward the changes to City Council with their support and approval. IX. SHARE WITH BOARD STAFF GOALS Rhoda reported that Department Staff had been asked to write down their short- term professional goals, and long-term professional goals. Rhoda read a selected group of those goals aloud to the Board and stated how pleased she was to be working with all the staff. In particular, she indicated that with the newly hired staff (Recreation Center as well as Maintenance Deparnnent) it was very exerting to have input of fresh ideas and enthusiasm. f X. OTHER BUSINESS Mark Stout indicated that he would be going before the City Council requesting to hold a tournament at Ford Park and charging gate admission for that tournament. Be indicated that it would be a girls softball tournament, and that he attends these activities throughout the metroplex and that he is asked to pay gate admission at all facilities where they are held. Inthe past, these tournaments held in Allen have been on a break-even basis, and have not made any money He would like to see that changed and feels that by charging admission, it can be a money maker. A brief discussion followed regarding the Ford Park facility, and that it is difficult to determine who is entering the facility to watch the game and who is entering to use the park. It was decided that the since of fairness by the "gate -keepers" was the only way to charge tournament spectators and not other park visitors. Chairman Lonnie Thomas indicated that he might be resigning from the Parks and Recreation Board in order to ton for City Council. Rhoda took a moment to say that should the resignation occur, she wanted to thank Lonnie for his service, and to tell him how much the Department would miss working with him. Lonnie said he would be keeping the Board posted on this issue. I I PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 1996 XI. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 18th day of March, 1996. itttti_� liin aldbauer, Vice -Chairman LtGf F� &1-magnt er, Secretary