HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1996 - 05/13 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MAY 13, 1996 - 6:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Waldbauer, Chairman Dan Turner, Vice -Chairman Mike Rippe Mark Stout Byron Nielsen MEMBERS ABSENT None GUESTS PRESENT Mark Spencer, MHS Planning and Design Sheila Condon, Clark Condon and Associates STAFF PRESENT Rhoda L. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Dentler, Parks Superintendent Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Secretary L CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:15, by Chairman, Jim Waldbauer II. CITIZENS COMMENTS PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MAY 13, 1996 There were no citizens present wishing to speak to the Board. III. APPROVE MINUTES FROM APRIL 8, 1996, SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MOTION: Dan Turner moved to accept the minutes from April 8, 1996, Special Called Meeting as presented. Mark Stout seconded, the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. IV. ELECTION OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SECRETARY Chairman, Jim Waldbauer opened the floor for nominations for the office of Parks and Recreation Board Secretary. MOTION: Mark Stout moved to nominate Mike Rippe for the office of Secretary Dan Turner seconded and the Motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. V. WORKSHOP WITH CLARK CONDON ASSOCIATES ON ALLEN STATION PARK Sheila Condon opened with an update on the afternoon meeting between the City of Allen and the Allen Independent School District. The following is a list of items that the master plan will contain. 1 Athletic Fields 2. Multi modal Transportation 3 Parking 4. Natatorium 5 Performing Arts (auditorium, black box, broadcast journalism studio) 6. Training Facilities 7 Satellite City Offices 8. Student Gathering Site 9 Outdoor Education Areas 10. Tennis Courts 11. Public/Private Partnerships PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MAY 13, 1996 Rhoda indicated that once the commitment is in place from both entities, the CASPER group be actively called into meetings as the Allen Station Park is developed. Rhoda indicated that each Board member should express their concern to the Council as well as City Staff that they be involved in the review process of the contract being developed with AISD regarding useage of "shared facilities.' VI. DISCUSS NRPA STANDARDS Rhoda gave a brief background on the Strategic Issue City Council has assigned to the Parks and Recreation Board to more clearly define the different classifications of city parks. Staff has been waiting to get the newly developed classifications from National Recreation and Parks Association before beginning the process. Those are now available in draft form, and need to be refined for the City of Allen. Several documents used by the City of Allen will need to be updated with the newly defined classifications, some of which include the Comprehensive Plan, Land Acquisition Policy, and Zoning Ordinances. Rhoda indicated that the Land Acquisition Policy was originally adopted in 1984 by the City Council and defines different parks as well as how they are acquired. Rhoda indicated that staff would begin updating the Land Acquisition Policy and will be bringing it back to the Board for their approval along with suggested updates. VII. DISCUSS PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SUBCOMMITTEE STRUCTURE The Board briefly reviewed the subcommittees currently in place, and discussed the merits of maintaining them. Chairman Waldbauer indicated that he would gather information on each subcommittee, along with their responsibilities and have them ready at the next Parks and Recreation Board for review, and possible assignments. It was determined that they two vacancies now on the Board might or might not be filled by that time. I PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MAY 13, 1996 Sheila then reviewed the prior preliminary master plan with the Board wherein the lower areas were devoted to passive play, and the northern areas where the land was previously cleared being used for athletic fields. The new options presented to the Board included the location of school and stadium on the AISD 200 acres, as well as the roadway system within the school site. Following a lengthy discussion regarding the best placement of the above mentioned items, Sheila indicated that there would be a joint AISD-City of Allen meeting on May 30, and at that point a "diagramatic" Master Plan would be presented to the Council and Board. With their stamp of approval, Clark Condon will move ahead with their design, keeping in mind the commitments made regarding the grant application with Texas Parks and Wildlife. The question of soccer practice areas was raised, and it was determined that while the park will contain no soccer areas, AISD will have four soccer fields on their facility There will also be 12 tennis courts on the AISD part of the facility Several Board members expressed concerns that Rivercrest not be tied in directly If to Exchange Parkway. Director Rhoda Savage asked the Parks and Recreation Board if they would support a maintenance facility being a part of the Allen Station Park design. The Board indicated they felt it would be necessary and appropriate for the facility to be maintained properly Rhoda indicated that she would like that facility to have storage capabilities, as well as a "wash down" area, oil pit as well as a lunch break area. It was suggested that the St. Mary's area of this park might be an appropriate site for the maintenance areas. Rhoda indicated that a public hearing would be appropriate once the Master Plan has been committed to by both the School Board and City Council. Concern was expressed regarding the lack of a "detailed facilities use agreement" that would detail when and under what circumstances each entity would be allowed to used certain "shared" facilities. Rhoda indicated that a copy of a shared facilities Agreement had been obtained from Scottsdale, Arizona, and that Mr. Michael Stanger (Assistant City Manager) would be drawing up a document for the City of Allen and the Allen Independent School District patterned after the Scottsdale agreement. Mike Rippe felt very strongly that this agreement needs to be drawn up as soon as possible, and be in place as near to the beginning of construction as possible. A L I PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MAY 13, 1996 VIII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 8th day of July 1996. Jim aldbauer, Chairman /"s �� (�kp, Mike Rippe, Secretary