HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1996 - 07/08 - RegularA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JULY S, 1996 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Waldbauer, Chairman Dan Turner, Vice -Chairman Mike Rippe, Secretary Mark Stout Byron Nielsen Cheri Jones Anne Campbell MEMBERS ABSENT None GUESTS PRESENT None STAFF PRESENT Rhoda L. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Dentler, Parks Superintendent Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:35, by Chairman, Jim Waldbauer. II. CITIZENS COMMENTS L There were no citizens present wishing to speak to the Board. PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JULY 8, 1996 III. SWEAR IN NEW MEMBERS Judy Morrison, City Secretary for the City of Allen was present to administer the Oath of Office to Anne Campbell and Cheri Jones, newly appointed Parks and Recreation Board Members Following the swearing in of Board members, each Board members and staff present took a minute to introduce themselves and give a brief history of their appointments to the Board and tenure with the City of Allen. IV. APPROVE MINUTES FROM MAY 13, 19%, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Mike Rippe moved to accept the minutes from May 13, 1996, Regular Called Meeting as corrected. Mark Stout seconded, the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. V. SUBCOMMITTEE STRUCTURE Chairman Jim Waldbauer presented the Board with a list of Standing Subcommittees, along with a brief discussion of the ad hoc subcommittees, either appointed by the Board or Council. Jim indicated that some of the subcommittee's might be revamped, and the he and Rhoda had discussed changing the structure and scope of some of the subcommittees. Jim indicated the following subcommittees would be needed volunteers to work on them for the upcoming year Council/Board Liaison - Jim Waldbauer volunteered This subcommittee will report back to the Parks and Recreation Board regarding various Boards, Council and Commissions within the City, thereby keeping the communication lines open as well as keeping everyone informed of what is happening within the City Park Facilities Subcommittee - Dan Turner and Byron Nielsen volunteered It was suggested that this subcommittee be expanded to focus on policy issues that concern use of existing facilities. PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JULY 8, 1996 Capital Improvement Programs Subcommittee - Mike Rippe volunteered It was decided that this subcommittee would be expanded to include Capital Improvement Programs and Future Planning for the City Mike Rippe suggested that the committee move beyond "keeping track of bond funds", he questioned how the process works, and suggested prioritizing future projects. Programming Subcommittee - Dan Turner and Anne Campbell volunteered This subcommittee will work closely with staff during special events, regarding funding, advertising, as well as discuss what the public would like to see. Fund Raising/Sponsorship Subcommittee - Mark Stout and Cheri Jones volunteered Jim requested this committee look to finding corporate sponsors for the department, as well as special events sponsorship. Chairman Jim Waldbauer, reported the Ad Hoc Committee currently in place is for ���ryryry the planning of Allen Station Park. The Committee members from the Park Board were appointed by City Council and are Jim Waldbauer and Mark Stout. Fee Policy Subcommittee - Mark Stout and Cheri Jones volunteered This subcommittee is to work with staff on the fee policy structure currently in place. Rhoda suggested that it might be taken out of Ordinance format and put into a policy format that would overseen by staff and the Parks and Recreation Board. VI. ITEMS OF INTEREST a) Allen USA Following a brief discussion, it was noted that the special event was a huge success with all the spectators. All Board members spoke very favorably of the event and encouraged staff to seek means to do another Allen Celebration next year Rhoda indicated that it might not work quite the same next year since there are residences going in on the east side of Bethany Lakes Park in the near future. She reported that the pyrotechnics people need a 500 foot radius and that with the residences going in, there would not be room to fire off the fire works. A possible solution might be to investigate the land immediately south of the Recreation Center. �+ PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JULY 8, 1996 b) 1996-97 Budget Update Rhoda Savage provided a brief background on the budget process and how it is set each year. She and staff work through the budget process, including their "dream requests" In her meeting with the City Manager, the budget typically gets cut back and realigned, At the end of that meeting, the City Manager then has a recommendation to make to the City Council. Staff and Council will go on a Budget Retreat in August, and at that time the Budget will be reviewed and adjusted by Council. In 1995- 96, the budget for the Parks and Recreation Department was $1.26 million, the proposed budget for 1996-97 is at $1.6 million. Rhoda indicated the big changes from last year to this year's proposed budget would be the upgrading of the quality of training employees receive, with more technical training being a high priority The marketing and promotion of events will also have a strong emphasis put on it. Rhoda indicated she had asked for $76,000 to be used for special events. That number has been proposed to be $50,000, and will be used as "seed" money and will need to be replenished by funds raised by the special events throughout the year. Some of the new positions created will be for an Irrigation Technician, as well as a Chemical Technician. New vehicles requested were for - "pool" vehicles (1), to be used by City Annex staff, Recreation Center Staff (1), Park Superintendent (1), Park Supervisors (2). New vehicles being recommended are for the Park Superintendent (1), Park Maintenance Supervisors (2), and a new Senior Citizens Van (1). Most of the other equipment being proposed is the normal maintenance operations support machinery c) Allen Station Park Rhoda indicated that the CASPER Subcommittee had met this date at 3 p.m. with Sheila Condon. Rhoda briefly reviewed the funding available t ($3.1 million for development) after the initial purchase of the property. The proposed plan that was presented to the Board included all phases of PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JULY 8, 1996 development (approximately $9 million). Rhoda indicated that she would be asking Council to fund the balance of the development from either Bonds, or One -Half Cent Sales Tax Revenue, or a combination thereof. Rhoda indicated that she will be asking City Council to approve Phase I of the proposed park development. She indicated that Phase I would include the following: 5-Plex Lighted Softball Field with Concession 4-Plex Lighted Softball Field with Concession 2 Parking Lots (north) Vehicular Access (from Exchange or possibly from Rivercrest) (hoping to have all roads paid for from one-half cent sales tax revenue) 2 adult soccer fields (no lights) 1 Parking Lots (south) Pavilion and Playground Area Trail System Possible Enhancement to Historical Dam Site Pond (possibility) Rhoda indicated that she hoped to have it under construction by January, 1997, and completed to have play on the fields by Spring, 1998. Mike Rippe indicated his disappointment with the fact that there is no swimming pool to be built on the property Rhoda reported that according to national standards, we have all the pool area we need - the reality is that we need another pool very badly She also briefly reviewed the bond funds available and that they have been earmarked to pay 'h of natatorium costs with the Allen Independent School District. The School District will need to call another bond election though in order to get funding for a natatorium. It was suggested that at the next Parks and Recreation Board Meeting some time be devoted to brainstorming regarding ideas on development, strategy, what is in the bond package (specifically as it relates to aquatic facilities). d) Recreation Center Rhoda Savage reported that a few "punch list" items remain to be done at the Recreation Center by the Contractor. Some of the items to be worked on are electrical lighting fixture problems, concrete work is unacceptable PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING ' JULY 8, 1996 on the east bridge into the facility, and she is still concerned about the warranty issue as it pertains to the carpet. Rhoda indicated that an issue regarding the Recreation Center has arisen regarding the use of the facility for religious groups to use the facility to meet in. Rhoda indicated that the rules regarding the Recreation Center prohibit the use of the facility by religious organizations. Rhoda indicated she had become concerned about the discrimination aspect of denying any group use of the facility if they are willing to rent it. Following a brief discussion, it was suggested and agreed to by the Board that religious groups be allowed to use the facility for a maximum of one month, and that no "standing" reservations be taken for these groups. Insurance would not be an issue since they were not inviting large groups to participate in their activities. It was also emphasized that no group would be allowed to raise funds for any purpose without the express approval of the City Council (governed by ordinance). Each request by a religious group will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Another issue relating to the Recreation Center is in regard to the land and El development immediately east of the existing facility Rhoda provided a brief history on the road that is being put in by the City/developer. The City had requested this road be a "meandering" road rather than going straight north off of Bethany Road, thereby providing a softer more aesthetic eastern park border. In the preliminary plat by the developer, it was indicated that a net 47 loss of parkland would result due to the land swap. In subsequent dealings with the developer, final calculations on the net difference in access, the amount of land taken off City property doubled. Staff requested the Parks and Recreation Board direction prior to finalizing this land issue with the developer The Parks and Recreation Board members felt the land swapped should be equal in value; however, due to a prior agreement on the .5 acre loss of parkland, approved up to this amount, but no more than the .5 acres. e) Suncreek Land Acquisition Rhoda reported the purchase of 24 acres of heavily wooded property along Rowlett Creek on the west side of Allen. She indicated that another 50 acres will be dedicated when development occurs on this property 1 PAGE 7 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JULY 8, 1996 VIII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 950 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 12th day of August 1996. �m aluer, Chairman I Mike Rippe, Secretary