HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1996 - 11/11 - RegularI MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING NOVEMBER 11, 19% - 7 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Waldbauer, Chairman Dan Turner, Vice -Chairman Mike Rippe, Secretary Mark Stout Cheri Jones Anne Campbell Kevin Pierce MEMBERS ABSENT None GUESTS PRESENT Sheila Condon, Clark Condon Associates LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Rhoda L. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Buehler, Library Director Tim Deader, Parks Superintendent Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Secretary 010101a1:L\CI 11•IA10):1 11R) 1. CC 1. CALL TO ORDER Fritz Dietrich, Chairman Donna Drews Various, Vice -Chairman Julie Wilmoth, Secretary Frank Snidow Sharon Curtis John C. Ross, Jr. Carl Williams MEMBERS ABSENT None The meeting was called to order at 7.14 p.m., by Chairman, Jim Waldbauer. PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 11, 1996 II. UPDATE ON ALLEN STATION PARK - CONDON ASSOCIATES Sheila Condon, representing Clark Condon Associates introduced herself to the Boards and presented an overview of the planning and design process of developing Allen Station Park. She pointed out several things to be included in different phases of construction. Sheila also spoke of opportunities tie the City property to the School District property with the use of similar construction materials, identifiable entrances, as well as many other possibilities for enhancing the "seamless" concept for this property Sheila also pointed out the various areas such as athletic fields, family picnic areas, hike and bike trails, water scapes, concessions, gathering areas, maintenance building, and historical areas. This project has been awarded a Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant in the amount of $500,000 for development. Sheila indicated that the Texas Parks and Wildlife people were very receptive to this project, and ranked it as number 3 in the State of Texas. Sheila presented a brief background on the joint planning efforts that have gone into the property She indicated where the connector road would be that would allow vehicular access between the new Allen High School and Allen Station Park. III. OPEN DISCUSSION Chairman Jim Waldbauer invited each of the Boards to introduce themselves. Each of the Library Board members were specifically asked for input regarding possible activities that might be appropriate to be held at the new facility Children programming was mentioned, along with interpretive trails, cultural events, wildflower plantings, author and artists programs, and musical events. Rhoda Savage indicated that the Library Staff and Board along with the Parks and Recreation Staff and Board might pursue revenue that is anticipated from the hotel/motel tax (approximately $34,000/year). Rhoda indicated that she and Barbara had discussed ways this money might be shared to benefit the community and possibly consider something tourist/entertainment oriented. Funding was then discussed relative to the half -cent sales tax that will be available to the community within the near future. Questions were asked about the addition of another aquatic facility, additional soccer fields, and why there were not more planned for Allen Station Park. Total cost of phase I is estimated at about $3.1 million, and total build out may be somewhere in the $10 million range. Funding is in place for phase I, but no funding is available for PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 11. 1996 anything beyond that phase. There will possibly be another bond election to obtain funding for the balance of this facility Parks and Recreation Board Chairman invited each of the Board to contact the Parks Department or Board at any time if they have questions or if they could he of service. IV. ADJOURN JOINT SESSION The joint session of the Parks and Recreation Board/Library Board was adjourned at 8:10 pm. REGULAR MEETING V. RE -CONVENE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD The Parks and Recreation Board moved to the Joe Farmer Recreation Center and re -convened at 8:30 pm. VI. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. Mark Stout nominated Jim Waldbauer for the office of Chairman. B. Dan Turner nominated Mark Stout for the office of Vice -Chairman. C. Mark Stout nominated Mike Rippe for the office of Secretary Following a brief discussion, the above slate of officers was accepted unanimously by a vote of 7-0. VII. APPROVE MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 14, 1996, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Kevin Pierce moved to accept the Minutes as presented and Mark LStout seconded. The Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 11, 1996 VIII. PRESENTATION OF ITEMS RELATED TO ALLEN STATION PARK BY CLARK CONDON ASSOCIATES Since Sheila had just finished presenting to the joint session of the Parks and Recreation Board and Library Board, it was recommended that the Board move to the next agenda item. IX. WORKSHOP WITH CLARK CONDON ASSOCIATES Rhoda gave a brief history of the budgeting process for Allen Station Park and reminded the Board that these were preliminary costs, and not the final budget. Basically, Sheila has taken the "dream list', and Sheila has put a dollar amount to that list for the Board review, discussion, adjustment, etc. Sheila began by presenting the Board with a copy of the projected budget for phase I of Allen Station Park. That total came to $3,607,730.5, and the Board was 1 reminded that there is $3.1 available for this phase. Following a lengthy discussion, each of the Board members were invited to make input as to what should/should not be eliminated or added to this budget. It was suggested [hat another source of financing for this project might be the Half -Cent Sales Tax funds. That Board will meet on Monday, November 18, 7 p.m. in the Bethany Lakes Clubhouse. Following a lengthy discussion, wherein several issues were raised regarding the possible funding sources available, along with cutting various aspects of the facility, or postponing some of those items until a later date, it was determined that Board members would notify Rhoda Savage either in person, by phone or fax by noon on Friday, November 15 of their evaluation. The Board decided to have a Special Called Meeting on Thursday, November 21, 1996, 6:40 pm in the Conference Room at City Hall. X. OTHER BUSINESS Mark Stout reported that he had been approached by Ken Fulk who was asking that the Recreation Center hours be changed to accommodate adult volleyball. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that this item would be placed on q the agenda for the December Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, along with the 11 I I PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 11, 1996 possibility of opening up the Recreation Center to people who live/work outside the City of Allen. Rhoda reported that this would require a change to the policy that was adopted by the City Council, and would therefore need to be returned to the Council for their input. It was determined that this subject would be revisited in December or January, and a decision made at that time whether or not to return to the City Council. The Board members were reminded of the following special dates in December: December 7 December 7 December 7 December 15 XI. ADJOURN .. Rudolph Run Tree Lighting Ceremony Christmas Parade Boards and Commissions Appreciation Dinner There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 11th day of November 1996. 6�-d� nn Valdbauer, Chairman II - Mike Rippe, Secretary