HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1995 - 02/13 - RegularI MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1995 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Jim Waldbauer, Vice -Chairman Leah Magruder, Secretary Byron Nielsen Dan Turner Mark Stout Mike Rippe MEMBERS ABSENT None GUESTS PRESENT Jeri Cutler, Coach, Ford Middle School STAFF PRESENT Rhoda L. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Department Secretary Tim Dealer, Park Superintendent Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m., by Chairman Lonnie Thomas. EII. INTRODUCTION OF NEW PARK BOARD MEMBER, MIKE RIPPE PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1995 Newly appointed Parks and Recreation Board Member Mike Rippe introduced himself to the Board with a brief background on his personal life. Mr. Rippe has been in Allen since December, 1988, educated at Texas A&M University after a tour of duty in the Army The Board welcomed Mr. Rippe and looks forward to working with him in the future. In. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. Iv. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JANUARY 9, 1995 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Mark Stout moved to accept the Minutes as presented. Leah Magruder seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. V. REQUEST BY JERI CUTLER, FORD MIDDLE SCHOOL COACH, TO L USE FORD PARK POOL Ms. Jeri Cutler, Girls Coach from Ford Middle School gave a brief history on her discussions with the City of Allen over the last couple of years regarding her proposed use of the Ford Park Swimming Pool during the last two weeks of May for her Physical Education Classes of which there will be 4-5 classes lasting approximately 20-25 minutes. Ms. Cutler was proposing using City of Allen Lifeguards (if available), and doing some demonstrations in scuba diving, competitive swimming, etc. She felt it would be beneficial to introduce the students to something different during this time period. Parks and Recreation Board Members questioned Ms. Cutler on several aspects of the proposal. The Board asked about insurance, and Ms. Cutler felt that would need to be negotiated with the School Board during the approval process. She indicated that currently they only require a "release to ride the bus" while transporting students to special activities. She also felt that Parental Releases could be provided by the parents. It was questioned whether the City would bear the cost for the lifeguards or not, and Ms. Cutler said that could he negotiated with the school during the budgetary process of the proposal. Could possibly use Allen High School students Physical Education Students to help with the program. PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1995 MOTION: Byron Nielsen moved to approve the proposed program and allow the use of the pool during the last two weeks of school by Ford Middle School Physical Education Classes. Leah Magruder Seconded Lonnie Thomas moved to amend the Motion as follows: Approve the proposed program as an appropriate use of the facility, with details and specifications to be worked out by the Parks and Recreation Department. Jim Waldbauer seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. VI. DISCUSS 1994 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Director Rhoda Savage presented the Board with a list of projects, associated funding, along with the approximately time frame in which the money will be expended. She reminded Board members that these are projections only, and that these dates are contingent upon the authorization of bond sales by the City The following projects are planned: Ford Park Renovations 475,000 Community Park Acquisition and Development (Cottonwood) 5,300,000 Recreation Center/Hillside Theater Completion 550,000 Community Park Land Acquisition (Forest) 1.500,000 Neighborhood Park Upgrades and Landscaping (Hillside & Rolling Hills) 175,000 Neighborhood Park Renovation (Reed) 150,000 Twin Creeks Sportsfield Restroom and Concession 165,000 Neighborhood Park Development (Heritage Park) 70,000 Neighborhood Park Development (Watters Crossing) 150,000 Aquatic Center (Competitive) 1.100,000 Director Savage answered several questions from the Board regarding timing of the projects, as well as money for Cottonwood Community Park. She affirmed the need for an additional swimming pool in Allen, stating that she felt we could fill a second pool to capacity if it were available. The 1.1 million voted in for an Aquatic Center will go for an indoor facility if the AISD agrees to go in with the City in a joint effort. Otherwise, the money will be enough to build 1 outdoor facility I PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1995 VII. STAFF PRESENTATIONS - 1995 WORK PROGRAM Rhoda Savage introduced the Board to Mr. Tim Dentler, Parks Superintendent for the City of Allen. She informed the Board that Mr. Dentler came to the City of Allen from Houston, and had received his education at Texas A&M University. Tim has been with the Parks and Recreation Department for one week, and everyone is very excited about his plans for the Department. Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator for the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Program reviewed the various programs the City offers in the Spring for adults, along with their fees: Softball - $250 plus User Fees (net profit $919) Volleyball - $135 plus User Fees (net profit $317) Larry also provided the Board with a sample of the Program Evaluation Form provided to all youth participants for their parents to fill out. He also gave them information on various summer programs including Basketball Camp, Softball Camp, Tennis Camps, Football Camp and Horseback Riding Camp. Lonnie Thomas requested that Scholarship Information be made available to all participants and that the information be placed so that it is clearly seen by all interested in the program. Larry Kirk presented the Board with his Athletic Calendar for 1995, along with a copy of the Athletic Fields Use Policy Larry explained that there were no changes being requested in terms of fees for 1995. Byron Nielsen questioned the need to re -word the section of the Policy that deals with User Fees as it relates to the Tournament Use Section. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that the Policy wording would remain as it is written. Larry Kirk asked for the Board's consideration of an insurance requirement for all organizations/teams/groups that utilize athletic fields in Allen. In particular, he indicated that the ASA Football Program could not pay the insurance required by the City Larry reported that insurance coverage for children to play contact football was just too expensive and would cost in the neighborhood of $600 per team. I PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1995 Following a brief discussion, it was determined that ASA needed to make a formal request for waiver of insurance from the City of Allen, and allow the issue of insurance policies to be separate from this presentation. MOTION: Mark Stout moved to accept the 1995 Athletic Calendar and Field Use Policy as presented. Jim Waldbauer seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator for the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Department gave a brief over -view of her programming changes. (Sandy informed the Board that she was requesting no changes in the fee schedule for the next year.) Changes in Programs: Swim Classes Will run Monday through Thursday (Friday will be a make-up day) Pool Time 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 1 p.m. - 10 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday Current Times Are 1 to 7 p.m., Monday through Sunday 8 to 10 p.m., Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Pool Rentals 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (rather than Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday) Sandy informed the Board that the minimum age of swimmer to enter the pool without an adult be raised from 6 years to 8 years of age. Following a brief explanation as to why the change was being requested, the Board felt that it should be raised even further to the age of 9 Sandy reported that the City of Allen Day Camp Program no longer needed to register with the State of Texas. The State will no longer be licensing municipal day camp programs, only privately run camp programs. She informed the Board that she will still use the state guidelines - and will take 50 campers for each session rather than 40 campers. PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1995 Tim Dender, Parks Superintendent for the City of Allen presented the Board with a brief description of his work experience since leaving college, as well as stressed some of his plans for the City of Allen. He will be emphasizing "derail" on the jobs, and talked of his immediate goal to refurbish the landscaping around the pool area as well as the replacement of ballfield clay on all melds. Jupiter Park is currently receiving extensive renovations to the backstop, and field. Tim also told the Board his crew would be cutting and chalking fields this week in preparation for the onset of ASA Soccer Season beginning this weekend. The Board welcomed Tim, and indicated their pleasure with his decision to come to Allen. VIII. APPROVE PARK FEES Rhoda indicated that no changes were being requested at this time, therefore no action was needed on this Agenda item. DC. APPROVE FIELD USE POLICY AND SPORTS SEASONS L This Agenda item was taken care of in the Staff Presentation by Larry Kirk. No further action required at this time. X. DIRECTOR UPDATES: FORD FIELD RENOVATIONS GRANT APPLICATION RECREATION CENTER Rhoda Savage showed the Board by way of architectural drawings planned renovations for Ford Park Athletic Fields. She indicated that the existing parking lots would be used, and that of the $475,000 budgeted for this project, approximately $300,000 would be for lighting. It has been determined that security lights can be mounted on the poles and aimed at the parking lots. Rhoda told the Board that she had received confirmation from Texas Parks and Wildlife that the Grant Application had been received. She provided the Board with a Copy of what had been submitted for their review She reminded the Board that it would be six months before the City would be notified as to the outcome of the Grant Application Review She also informed the Board that the City could go through the Condemnation Process if necessary to acquire the Cottonwood Community Park Facility PAGE 7 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1995 Rhoda also informed the Board of progress made at the Allen Recreation Center. She indicated that the project had seen 60 rain day delays since the beginning of the contract period. Council approved the $170,000 Geothermal System contract be let at their Council meeting on February 2, 1995. She described some of the changes that had been made to the site based on underground water control as well as erosion concerns. She also invited all Board Members to visit the site and witness the progress being made. XI. SET DATE FOR PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD WORKSHOP Following a brief discussion, it was determined that Saturday, April 1, 1995 would be designated as a Parks and Recreation Board Workshop. Rhoda will he preparing an agenda and mailing it to all members. XII. OTHER BUSINESS Rhoda invited all Board Members to join the City of Allen Employees for a Fish Fry on Friday, February 17 This Fish Fry is being held as a fund raiser for 3 of the employees who have suffered major illnesses during recent weeks. She indicated that tickets were $7 each, and all donations were being gladly accepted. She also provided the Board information on an upcoming golf tournament being sponsored by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. She indicated the tournament was being held Sunday, March 5 at the Grapevine Municipal Golf Course. She invited anyone who was interested to see her for further information. A copy of a letter from Ms. Mary Murphy of St. Jude's Religious Education Youth Ministry was provided to the Board. Mary is again requesting the use of Ford Park on May 13 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. for the Second Annual St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital Bike-A-Thon. Mary is requesting exactly the same thing from the City as she did last year, and basically that is to generally clean up the walk area and authorize them to use the hike and bike trail around Ford Park. MOTION: Mike Rippe moved to approve the request by Ms. Mary Murphy regarding the Bike-A-Thon to be held at Ford Park on May 13. Jim Waldbauer seconded, and the Motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. PAGE 8 E PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1995 Rhoda also provided the Board with a copy of the letter written by Jim Dolan to the City of Allen regarding the use of Ford Park for a SpringFest '95 to benefit the Allen Community Outreach. He is requesting use of the entire Ford Park facility including the softball area on the east side. It was determined that the roller hockey tournament would an appropriate use of the facility; the fun run would be okay and that an insurance certificate would be requested. The request for Police Department support and radios were out of the jurisdiction of the Parks and Department and therefore could not be addressed. It was determined that the west side of Ford Park could be approved for their use, but that the east side reservation request would be worked by staff since ASA Soccer had already been given use of the fields. XI. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 13th day of March, 1995 Lonnie Thomas, Cha Zah Ma etary