HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1995 - 08/14 - RegularI MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 14, 1995 - 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Jim Waldbauer, Vice -Chairman Leah Magruder, Secretary Byron Nielsen Mark Stout Mike Rippe Dan Turner MEMBERS ABSENT None GUESTS PRESENT None STAFF PRESENT Rhoda L. Savage, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Parks Department Secretary Tim Denner, Park Superintendent Lary Kirk, Program Coordinator Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator I. CALL TO ORDER E, The meeting was called to order at 7.30 p.m., by Chairman, Lonnie Thomas. PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING AUGUST 14, 1995 H. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens wishing to speak before the Board at this time. III. APPROVE MINUTES FROM REGULAR CALLED MEETING, JUNE 12, 1995. MOTION: Leah Magruder moved to accept the Minutes as presented. Mark Stout seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. IV. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Chairman, Lonnie Thomas invited the subcommittee chairmen to report any information they may have regarding their area of responsibility Mike Rippe reported on the capital improvement projects that are currently underway He noted that the "Interest Earned" portion of his report would not be available until sometime in the fall. Rhoda indicated that she could provide him with `lump sum" information at the next meeting, but that "interest earned" information by project would not be available. Mr. Rippe reported that $1.6 million had been invoiced on the Recreation Center project. The Ford Park completion project has a budget of $475,000 and is 30% expended as of the last City Council meeting. The budgeted amount of $550,000 for the Hillside Amphitheatre has expended $40,000. After having taken a brief tour of the City facilities, Dan Turner reported that everything was showing an improvement. His comments were very positive regarding the condition of fields at Ford Park. Rhoda indicated that the focus during the next fiscal year would continue to be on maintenance of parks, greenbelts and City facilities, and thanked Mr. Turner for his input. V. DIRECTOR'S BUDGET REPORT Rhoda Savage gave a brief overview of the 1995 Annual Budget Retreat at which each of the Directors and City Manager present their proposed budget for the 1 upcoming year. Rhoda indicated that more information was requested from staff during the Parks and Recreation Department segment of the workshop, and she would be appearing at a City Council Workshop scheduled for this Thursday PAGE 3 !3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING AUGUST 14, 1995 evening. Following this workshop, the Council would then set the budget for 1995 Since that was not done at this time, she told the Board she would give more detailed information at the next Park Board Meeting. VI. ACTION ITEMS A. Naming of City Park and Park Facilities Rhoda Savage briefly reviewed the background information included in the support materials provided to the Board as follows: The City is in the process of planning and/or developing several park projects. Two of those projects are at a point where naming them would be appropriate. They include the community park recently purchased on Cottonwood Creek and the recreation center. The following criteria is included in Resolution 874-9-88(R) which serves as a guide in the naming of municipal facilities: Geographical and physical features; Historical features or significance; Individuals who have made significant contributions to the community She indicated that staff would like the Board to consider naming the community park site based on the historical significance of the old interurban railroad. The name Allen Station has been used in reference to the park site. Allen Station would be an appropriate name for the park and it meets the required criteria for naming a facility The recreation center is located within an existing park, Bethany Lakes. Its geographical location within the site makes it appropriate to name the facility the Bethany Lakes Recreation Center. MOTION: Mark Stout moved to recommend the name of "Allen Station' for the piece of property currently known as the Cottonwood Creek/Tycher/LLG Land the Allen City Council. Mike Rippe seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for. 0 against. MOTION: Mike Rippe moved to recommend the name of "Bethany Lakes Recreation Center" for the facility currently under PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING AUGUST 14, 1995 construction within the Bethany Lakes facility to the Allen City Council. Byron Nielsen seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, 0 against. B. Formation of a Subcommittee for Design Development of a 100 Acre Community Park. Rhoda Savage provided the following background information to the Board regarding the RFP (Request for Proposals) being prepared for distribution: The City Council has authorized the Services Subcommittee to create a process for the design development of the 100 acre Community Park located on Cottonwood Creek. The process will include use of a subcommittee to help select the landscape architectural firm for the project, initiate the design process, determine groups for inclusion in the public input phase of design development, and finalize a master plan recommendation to the city Council. The subcommittee will consist of City Staff, two Council Members and two Parks and Recreation Board members. Chairman Lonnie Thomas indicated that he had served on the subcommittee that helped prepare RFP, plan, design, and develop the recreation center and that he felt it had been a very positive experience that allowed direct input into an important project. He indicated that the time requirements would be substantial during some phases of the process. He then asked if anyone would be interested in volunteering for the subcommittee. Mark Stout and Jim Waldbauer volunteered to serve with the Services Subcommittee to create a process for the above outlined project. C. Fund Raising Options for Park Facility Referring to the support materials provided to the Parks and Recreation Board, Lonnie Thomas reminded the Board that City Staff was prohibited from soliciting funds for City use, but that the Parks and Recreation Board, by Charter, may solicit funds for park programs, operations and facilities. Following a brief discussion on the options for donor input/participation in the purchase and selection of product, reimbursement possiblities for product already purchased, etc., Dan Turner volunteered to investigate the naming of park amenities or portions of facilities after organizations or PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING AUGUST 14, 1995 individuals who make substantial donations for their development. Dan indicated he would investigate other municipalities to see what their policies are and how they are applied. Another area of information needed would be how these organizations or individuals are recognized for their contributions (plaque, brick, naming, etc.). D Discuss Use of Clark Stevens Memorial Fund at the Allen Recreation Center Chairman Lonnie Thomas gave a brief background on the Clark Stevens Memorial Fund, and how it was established. He also reported that Mike Williams had been the custodian of the account held in a local bank. Rhoda Savage reported that Mr. Williams had contacted the City regarding the donation of approximately $18,000 for f imishings in the recreation center Following a brief discussion, it was determined that the involvement of students from Allen High School would be appropriate in the determination of how that money should be spent. MOTION: Jim Waldbauer moved to recommend the Allen City Council accept the donation from the Clark Stevens Memorial Fund. Byron Nielsen seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, 0 against. E. Approve Recreation Center Manual Rhoda referred the Board the the Recreation Center Manual. She indicated some changes that the Board needed to note, those being: 1) Page 4 - "Non -Resident (a guest with member) should read "$5 per visit' rather than "$5 per year" 2) Page 9 - should read "The first name on the sign -in sheet" rather than "the first two names on the sign -in sheet" 3) Page 11 - it was requested thatrather than "Pavilion hourly rental rate" the word pavilion be changed to better identify the enclosed facility being built on the second lake. Sandy McGowan provided the Board with a draft of the User's Guide that will be available for users of the facility Lonnie Thomas questioned whether "scholarship" information would be provided to the users in this PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING AUGUST 14, 1995 guide. Rhoda indicated that information would be included in the Guide as well as the recreation center manual. Mike Rippe questioned some of the fees and how they were arrived at, as well as residency requirements. Questions were also raised regarding the rental of rooms, who may rent the rooms, and when they would be available. MOTION: Mark Stout moved to recommend the acceptance of the Recreation Center Manual with the revisions discussed. Byron Nielsen seconded, and the motion carried 7 for, 0 against. F Solicit Board Input on Landscape Ordinance Rhoda referred the Board to a draft of the Landscape Ordinance that was mailed to them for review Tim Dentler, Park Superintendent talked briefly with the Board regarding his involvement with the Planning and Zoning Board. As the Ordinance is now written, landscaping specifications 1 and irrigation specifications proposed by a developer are to be reviewed by the Community Development Department with some input from the Public Works Department. Parks Staff would like an opportunity for input regarding these areas since this Department will be assuming responsibility for maintenance. Concern was also voiced regarding the move toward more efficient use of irrigation, with more natural plantings for tree and ground covers. It was indicated that this might be an opportunity to make a statement regarding the use of `xeriscaping" in the medians and park sites. Rhoda indicated that the buffalo grass used at Bethany Lakes had proved very successful and that more such plantings would be considered in the future. It was determined that a statement would be drafted for Board approval that would detail the proposed review process. 0 PAGE 7 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING AUGUST 14, 1995 VII. UPDATE ON REVISION OF ORDINANCE NO. 306, SECTION 3, PARAGRAPH C - "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD" Rhoda provided Board members with a copy of the revision which would allow a member to serve three consecutive terms of two years rather than the six consecutive years defined in the original Ordinance. This would allow the possibility of someone serving more than six years (6.5-7 years) if they had been appointed to an unexpired term on the Board. VIII. DISCUSSION ON STRATEGIC ISSUES ADDRESSED BY THE COUNCIL (EXCHANGE ROAD DAM CONFLICT AND COMMUNITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD PARK DEFINITIONS) Rhoda provided the Board with information regarding her endeavors to obtain the National Recreation and Parks Association definitions. They are running behind schedule and hope to have them ready later this fall. Should they not be ready in the fall, her recommendation would be to move ahead using the latest available information regarding classifications and definitions of various park sites. IX. OTHER BUSINESS Rhoda briefly updated the Board on the progress of construction at the Recreation Center, and that they plans were to be finished at the end of September, occupied in October, Open House in December, and "up and running full steam" January, 1996. X. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 16th day of October, 1995 Lonnie Thomas, Chairman Leah A a r, Se etary