HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1997 - 06/09 - RegularI MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JUNE 9, 1997 - 7:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Mark Stout, Vice -Chairman Mike Rippe, Secretary Ann Campbell Cheri Jones Dan Turner Kevin Pierce MEMBERS ABSENT Jim Waldbauer, Chairman GUESTS PRESENT Mr. David C. Baldwin, Landscape Architect Laurelle Zamparelli, Leadership Allen Class Member Stan Back, Shadow Lakes Resident STAFF PRESENT Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Tim Dentler, Park Superintendent Margaret Thomas, Recreation Center Supervisor Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7.40 p.m., by Vice -Chairman, Mark Stout. PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING a JUNE 9, 1997 II. CITIZENS COMMENTS Mr Stan Back, a resident of Shadow Lakes Subdivision spoke briefly to the Board, beginning with his strong support of last year's "Celebrate Allen USA" program. He also wanted to discuss his concern that Ford Pool was closing at 6 p.m. in the evenings, which prevents him from swimming with his family after work hours, Sunday -Friday He told the Board how much he had enjoyed "Family Night" programming in the past, and would like to see that program implemented again. Larry Kirk responded by reporting that the City had a huge demand for the Learn -to -Swim Program, and particularly classes which parents who work during the day could take their children to. He indicated that the night classes would be ending on July 11, and that the pool would remain open later in the evenings from that point on through the end of the summer. Following a brief discussion on the possibility of additional aquatic facilities in 1 Allen, it was determined that several alternative opportunities might be looked at in the future. Laurelle Zamparelli, a resident of Allen repotted that she had been at an ASA Soccer meeting and reported to the Board the concern over a lack of soccer fields in Allen. She also reported that Soccer is now the most popular youth sport in Allen. III. APPROVE MINUTES FROM MAY 12, 1997, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Mike Rippe moved to accept the Minutes as presented, and Ann Campbell seconded. The Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. IV. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS There were no subcommittee reports to be made at this time. I I I PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 9, 1997 V. PRESENTATION OF PRELIMINARY DESIGNS ON NEIGHBORHOOD PARK RENOVATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT - TIM DENTLER AND DAVID BALDWIN Tim Dentler reviewed the project of renovating Reed, Rolling Hills and Hillside, as well as developing Green, Heritage and Shadow Lakes. He reported that the presentation was very preliminary, and that no budget numbers had been applied. Mr. David Baldwin gave a brief background on himself, his move to Allen, along with some of the highlights of his "Traveling Texas" concept proposal for the parks in Allen: Hillside Park - "Dinosaurs in Texas" • Pauluxy River replica with imprinted dinosaur tracks • Boulder "riverbank" with native river plantings • Interpretive signs explaining how dinosaurs once roamed throughout Texas Rolling Hills Park - "East Texas Piney Woods" • Heavy planting of pine trees (to screen HY75) • Caddo Indian mounds (miniature replicas) • Oil rig play structure • Native stream bank plantings • Interpretive signs explaining the rich history of Indians and oil in east Texas Reed Park - "Hill Country" • "Six Flags of Texas" plaza • Pavilion constructed traditional Hill Country materials - limestone, for example • Earth berming reflecting rolling Hill Country topography • Areas planted in wildflowers and native perennials of the Hill Country • Famous Texas memorial walk Green Park - "West Texas" • "Groves" of trees, typical of farms near creek beds in west Texas • "Kitchen" garden, typical of a west Texas farm to be planted by students at Green Elementary • Berms planted in native west Texas grasses • Walking path encircling park and school site with different points on the walk representing various points in Texas (i.e., Allen, Ft Worth, Abilene, PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 9, 1997 Amarillo, etc.) which would show how big Texas is and communicate to students relative distances - for example, five hundred paces might equal 100 miles. • Native American land sculpture • Ancient volcano replica Shadow Lakes Park - "Red River" • Interpretive signs along Mustang Creek showing native flora and fauna of the Red River • Fern garden representing plantings which grow naturally along the waterways of Texas • Native plantings Heritage Park - "Big Bend" • Berms along Aylesbury Parking mimic the Chisos Mountains • Interpretive signs showing the Big Bend Pterodactyl, the largest flying creature known, with a 51 -foot wingspan and the escapades of Pancho Villa, a cattle -rustler whose attacks appear to be greater in legend than in truth • A boulder "gorge" (representing that at Big Bend) for children to climb over • Boulders with ancient Indian paintings • Hueco Indian "tanks" - large hollowed -out rocks 0 that stored rainwater for drinking • Native planting area Mr. Baldwin concluded his presentation by reviewing with the Board the various meetings that were held with neighbors of the six facilities, along with PTA groups associated with joint City/School sites. He indicated that he would be going back to these groups to get their input on these preliminary sketches. VI. ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION UPDATE - LARRY KIRK Larry Kirk reported that the Allen Community Development Corporation Board had voted to sell bonds for $5.1 million. Allen Station Park Ballfield bonds will be sold in this 1996-97 fiscal year with $1 million marked for that facility The roadway (Cedar Drive) through the park will receive $2.6 million, and $1.5 million was earmarked for a Natatorium. Larry also reported that the first bond sale is scheduled to begin in mid-July, and that the 5 year project worksheet will be updated yearly PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 9, 1997 Mike Rippe indicated his concern that the issue of increased impact fees, the lack of soccer fields and other issues discussed by the Board are not being addressed in a timely manner He wanted to pursue a method whereby these issues would be kept in front of the Board on an on-going basis. Tim Dentler indicated that the newly appointed Director of Parks and Recreation might become involved in that issue. Mark Stout indicated that some of those issues were being addressed by the City of Allen Comprehensive Plan which is being updated at the present time. Tim Dentler also suggested that his support of "Home Owner's Association" groups could provide for an increased level of maintenance in Allen subdivisions after the developer has closed out that development. VII. UPDATE ON SUMMER PROGRAMMING - LARRY KIRK AND SANDY MCGOWAN Larry Kirk reported that there are currently over 700 participants enrolled in the City of Allen Learn -to -Swim classes. The City of Allen Swim Team (COAST) has 170 swimmers currently signed up. Larry reported that one swim meet had been held in Allen, the second one would be held this coming weekend, and that the "B" Regional Swim Meet will be held July 8. Sandy McGowan presented the Board with a handout indicating the status of programming at the recreation center that contained the following information: Youth Classes Formed 12 Youth Classes Canceled 2 Adult Classes Formed Adult Classes Canceled Margaret Thomas reported that all the Day Camps are full, and the last two Horseback Riding Camps are full. VIII. SET PRIORITIES FOR FUTURE PARK PROJECTS Tim Dentler indicated that he had received three prioritized lasts from Board members and indicated that he had not summarized those lists to hopes that he �'i, would receive more this evening PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 9, 1997 LY. UPDATE ON JUNE 28TH CELEBRATION - SANDY MCGOWAN Sandy McGowan gave a brief update on the June 28' program, indicating that everything was in place and that all of the entertainment was still scheduled as previously requested. She provided the Board with a copy of the advertisement placed on the back of fans to be distributed along with programs as the guests get off the bus. Margaret Thomas made a brief presentation to the Board regarding her plans for the sale of "glow sticks" as well as the volunteer photographers for the evening. Margaret outlined her packet information, provided the Board with letters of what to expect, and indicated the following would be available for pickup prior to the 28"- X. DR. PEPPER SPONSORSHIP CONTRACT - LARRY KIRK Larry Kirk reported that the Allen City Council had authorized the City Manager to enter into the previously discussed contract with Dr. Pepper Larry also indicated that the scoreboard manufacturer has the order for the six scoreboards to be installed this year, and that they will be in and installed during the July -August tune -frame. The remaining nine scoreboards will be installed during the construction phase of Allen Station Park. XI. OTHER BUSINESS Mark Stout reported that he had given Tim Dender's name to the sports reporter at the Allen American, and that he would be contacting him regarding featuring information on Allen Station Park. Mark Stout also reported to the Board that the Allen Community Development I Dinner Ticket 1 Hanging Parking Pass Glowsticks Change Map of assigned area T-shirts Film X. DR. PEPPER SPONSORSHIP CONTRACT - LARRY KIRK Larry Kirk reported that the Allen City Council had authorized the City Manager to enter into the previously discussed contract with Dr. Pepper Larry also indicated that the scoreboard manufacturer has the order for the six scoreboards to be installed this year, and that they will be in and installed during the July -August tune -frame. The remaining nine scoreboards will be installed during the construction phase of Allen Station Park. XI. OTHER BUSINESS Mark Stout reported that he had given Tim Dender's name to the sports reporter at the Allen American, and that he would be contacting him regarding featuring information on Allen Station Park. Mark Stout also reported to the Board that the Allen Community Development H PAGE 7 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 9, 1997 Corporation Board would be glad to hear from the Parks and Recreation Board individually or as a group, he also suggested they might be more effective than staff or City Council at this time. Sue Witkowski provided the Board Members with invitations to a reception hosted by City Manager, Jon McCarty, to welcome Mr Don Horton, CLP, to the City of Allen as the Director of Parks and Recreation. This reception will be held between 5:30 and 6:30 on June 19, at the Bethany Lakes Clubhouse. XI. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 946 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 14th day of July, 1997 Jifi W ldbauer, Chairman Mike Rippe, Secretary