HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1997 - 11/10 - Regularj MINUTES
NOVEMBER 10, 1997 - 7:30 P.M.
Mark Stout, Vice -Chairman
Mike Rippe, Secretary
Dan Turner
Kevin Pierce
Laurelle Zamparelli
Cheri Jones
Anne Campbell
Mustang Creek Residents:
Bill Bonner
Bill Spicer
Ted Rust
Richard and Gayle Ogden
Donovan Epling
Lester Balcom
Jesse and Pauline Furqueron
Ken and Carol Dunlop
Dan and Leslie Miller
Jim Crisp
Tim Chastain
Gordon and Lynette Wright
Wayne and Shirley Peters
Rich Elder
Brian and Cyndi Lidington
Rob and Betsy Sears
Cinde Pettey
Karon and Steve Purcell
Laura and Glenn Giordano
Walt and Jan Knochenmus
NOVEMBER 10, 1997
Jennifer and Russell Brungardt
Mark Kruzich
Tom Reilly
Doug and Lea Wailes
Bill Marsh
Eric and Kim Kendall
Richard Swift
Mark Taron
Liz and Jeff Shetterly
Michael and Mary Jane Celentano
Frank and Martha Fitzgerald
Wynn and Mary Hall
Gregory T Brown
Julie Shewbrooks
Daniel Callahan
Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation
George Conner, Engineer, Director of Public Works
Tim Dentler, Park Superintendent
Sue Witkowski, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 7.30 p.m., by Chairman, Mark Stout.
Parks and Recreation Board Chairman, Mark Stout introduced Don Horton,
Director of Parks and Recreation who presented a brief background on the
treatment of Mustang Creek, both the northern portion (Reed Park south to
McDermott), and the southern portion (McDermott south to Allen Heights
second crossing). Don indicated that Mr. George Conner would be presenting
the plan for the clearing of the channel on the northern end of Mustang Creek,
and then the residents of the southern portion of the creek would be invited to
offer their input on what they wanted to see in their neighborhood.
NOVEMBER 10, 1997
Mr. George Conner, City of Allen Engineer and Director of Public Works made
a brief presentation to the residents about what they could expect in their
neighborhood. Mr. Conner explained that the northern end of Mustang Creek
would be cleared out, and a 12 foot concrete pad poured to the bottom of the
Creek channel. Mr Conner explained that there would then be a 20 foot area
on both sides of the 12 foot concrete pad, then it is scheduled to have a 4-1
slope on both sides of the bank, with a 8 foot wide hike and bike trail along the
top edge of the east side of the creek. Mr. Conner indicated that this would be a
total of 52 feet from bank to bank. There will be an erosion mat installed on 40
feet of the 52 foot span of creek way
Mr. Conner also indicated that the creek would be straightened in this process,
rather than meandering, and an existing pond would be removed during the
process. This proposal has been forwarded to the Corp of Engineers for their
authorization to proceed. It is anticipated that this process will take about three
months, at which time actual construction would begin. Mr Conner explained
that the Corp of Engineers were involved since this area involved Wetlands.
This project plan has been approved by City Council and a budget of $300,000
set for this project, and no tree money will be available for plantings at this
time. Mr Conner assured the residents that trees would be planted in the future
by the Public Works Department and/or Parks and Recreation Department.
Mr. Conner indicated that part of this process was being done for flood control
of the areas along Mustang Creek. He indicated that it would get the water off
the streets faster, move the water faster, but not add more water volume to the
Concerns expressed by the residents included some of the following:
Lea Wailes: Offered photos of similar areas in both Plano and Richardson,
which depicted treatment of both drainage areas, banks and creeks. The photos
were offered for study and Ms. Wailes told the Board that they could return her
photos at a later date.
Charles Ogden: Asked about the dirt being stockpiled along Allen Heights in
the proposed park area and expressed concern over the silting of the pond.
Rich Elder Asked if the plans for the northern end of the Creek would be
revisited, and if not, what options were open to the residents for expressing
their concern over the plans.
Steve Purcell: Indicated he would not like to see the trees removed, wants the
NOVEMBER 10, 1997
area left in a natural state. He suggested the budgeted funds be used to beautify
the existing area, but that the creek not be cleaned out, and the pond be left in
Karon Purcell: Asked how the residents can evoke change in the engineering
plans. Karon asked if a petition would be appropriate, or speaking to City
Council would be more appropriate.
Mr. Conner indicated that anyone wishing to get the phone number and contact
name of a representative at the Corp of Engineers could see him following this
meeting and he would be glad to help with that information. Mr Conner also
indicated that he felt the Corp of Engineers would be studying the impact on the
wildlife in and around Mustang Creek.
Don Horton reminded the residents that the southern area of Mustang Creek was
mainly a park area, while the northern end of Mustang Creek was primarily a
floodplain. The installation of the hike and bike trail would connect the Reed
Park area to the Bethany Lakes area when completed.
Rich Elder: Wanted the minutes to reflect that the majority of the residents who
were present at this meeting did not support the plans for the northern end of
Mustang Creek as presented. He suggested that public input at Council level be
allowed prior to the actual construction work begins.
Chairman Mark Stout indicated that the meeting would move on to discuss the
southern portion of Mustang Creek and invited any residents of to offer input if
they were interested.
Don Horton indicated that this was the time for the residents to express their
desires regarding level of maintenance, natural areas, public access, etc. Don
reminded the residents that the City park is the only area planned, and that there
are no pre -conceived ideas of how the other areas along the southern part of
Mustang Creek will be developed.
Tim Derider, Park Superintendent spoke briefly and explained the process for
the park design, and a brief history on the planning of this facility with the input
of the residents. He reported that this was approximately a 3 acre tract of land,
and that David Baldwin is the architect on this project. He reviewed the desires
of the residents attending meetings on the planning of this park, some of those
being: no playground, privacy of homeowners an issue, passive only, no active
play areas, and natural areas along houses on north edge of property to
encourage play areas more to the south. Tim also informed the group that many
NOVEMBER 10, 1997
of the elements will be done in-house by City staff.
The following residents of the Shadow Lakes Development spoke to the Board
and Staff:
Liz Shetterly, Reported that her family had laid sod and planted trees behind
their home and ask if there were any chance of the City reimbursing them for
their expenses.
Bill Bonner Concerned over jogging path, and brought photos with him
supporting his safety concerns with children playing near the dam area. He also
indicated that more than two culverts were needed, and suggested that
barricades be erected at the dam and at low-water crossings.
Lester Balcom: Likes the lot he bought, and enjoys the creek. He would like to
see it remain as is, but cleaned out of construction debris left by builders.
Among other things, he indicated there was a 55 gallon drum, concrete debris
and old furniture in the creek Up calling City Hall he was told that if could
pull this debris from the creek, the City would pick it up for disposal.
Bill Spicer Indicated that for the past two years the residents had been working
to clean out the area Mustang Creek in the Shadow Lakes development. He
indicated that couches, as well as refrigerators have been removed from the
creek. He indicated he did not want a manicured environment, but that the
vegetation growth along the creek is changing the flow of water and affecting
the wildlife. He praised George Conner for his helpfulness and asked for
assistance with the vegetation control.
Don Horton reported that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department had told him
the body of water wasn't large enough for grass carp, that the fish get too large.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department also indicated that the run off from
fertilizer has an effect on the water vegetation and that the dredging of that
facility might improve the situation.
Michael Celentano: Indicated he lives by the bridge and reported that the debris
collect on the bank He would like to see it left as natural as possible, wants the
island left in place, and wants to assist the City in whatever efforts are made to
[� improve the Shadow Lakes area of Mustang Creek.
i Jesse Furqueron: Is concerned with the speed of the water, in high water times,
i the area is dangerous, reported that the pond is stagnant, and reported that
people like to fish in this area and that it needs to be kept clean. He likes the
NOVEMBER 10, 1997
open area behind his house, wants no picnic tables or high plantings. Would
like to see the area kept natural, but cleaned up.
Unidentified Resident: Is concerned with poison ivy, and worried about unclean
bank, safety and integrity of the wildlife.
Charles Ogden: Concerned with erosion of dirt into the creek from the park
area. Tim Derider informed him that a filter fabric will be installed soon. Also
the City is considering the planting of rye grass. Mr. Ogden reported his
concern about the floodplain on the east side being changed from the rise on the
west bank when the soil was brought in.
Gordon Wright: Wants no picnic areas behind his home, likes the open fencing,
wants to know the extent of how homeowners will become involved in the
maintenance issue. Is concerned with the run-off of water toward his home, and
would like these issues considered before re -channeling of creek has begun.
Donovan Epling: Wants water flow on both sides of creek, so there would be
no stagnant area. He feels improved water flow to the pond will prevent
problems now being experienced. Wants no picnic in greenbelt.
George Conner indicated that the State will take out the temporary dams located
at the bridge on McDermott as soon as they are through with that construction
(probably in January). Mr. Conner feels most of the water flow problems will
be rectified once that is done.
Ted Rust: Is concerned about water level at the dam, the concrete slope is gone,
due to erosion Once a low water level is appropriate, would like it backfilled
with concrete.
Concerns were raised over the need to have the concrete redone, and made more
Greg Brown: Has concerns over safety issues with kids crossing the dam, is
opposed to connecting the park to the hike and bike trail, wants no jogging trail
on the west side of the creek behind his house, and would like the consideration
of the City in aerating of the pond.
Kim Kendall: Is concerned with the amount of silt collecting in the creek and
L ask if it could be dredged.
Cindy Lidington: Is concerned over erosion, the holes in the dam that are
NOVEMBER 10, 1997
getting bigger, water Flow concerns when hard rains come in the fall, water
level rises over jogging trails.
Jennifer Brungardt Wants the greenbelt groomed at least half way up to the
trail, suggested handrails on the dam and was concerned over the poison oak
growing in the area.
R.A. Alexander: Likes the park, suggested the dam could be a bridge, and also
suggested that barricades might not work since kids are going to go across the
dam no matter what is put in place to prevent it.
Chairman Mark Stout summarized the meeting, thanked the residents for their
attendance and concerns over the issues.
Cindy Lidington: Invited all residents out this coming Saturday for a clean-up
day She reported that they could register at Ford Park if they wanted but that
residents would begin the clean-up at 8 a.m. Saturday, November 11, 1997
Parks and Recreation Board Member, Kevin Pierce indicated that during his
walk through of the greenbelt, he noted several picnic tables put in place by the
residents of the Shadow Lakes Subdivision, and expressed concern over the type
of trees being planted in the area that did not have the life span or growth
pattern desired. Kevin also expressed concern over electrical cords being put in
place in the greenbelt that might not meet the City of Allen Electrical Code
Don Horton indicated that he heartily supported the suggestion by a resident that
a walk-thru of the facility be organized and residents be invited to Join staff in
evaluating the different areas. He also suggested another forum be held in three
months and that the residents would have the opportunity for feedback before
anything was finalized.
No items were brought forward at this time.
NOVEMBER 10, 1997
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:51 p.m.
These minutes read and approved this 8" day of December, 1997
Mark Stout. Ch.'rman
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Anne Campbell, Secretary