HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1997 - 12/08 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1997 - 7:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Mark Stout, Chairman Mike Rippe, Vice -Chairman Dan Turner Laurelle Zamparelli Cheri Jones Anne Campbell, Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT Kevin Pierce GUESTS PRESENT None STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Dentler, Park Superintendent Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Sandy McGowan, Special Activities Coordinator CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7.40 p.m., by Chairman, Mark Stout. II. APPROVE MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 13, 1997, REGULAR CALLED MEETING L MOTION: Mike Rippe moved to accept the Minutes as presented, Cheri Jones seconded, and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. PAGE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVE MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 10, 1997, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Dan Turner moved to accept the Minutes as presented, Cheri Jones seconded. The Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. III. CITIZENS COMMENTS No citizens were present wishing to speak to the Board at this time. IV. DISCUSSION ON MUSTANG CREEK COMMUNITY MEETING Don offered the Board an opportunity, for feedback regarding the November 10, 1997 meeting with the residents who have property bordering Mustang Creek. Mark Stout indicated that some of the attendees spoke to him following the meeting, and felt that the controls planned by the City should be implemented. He wanted to emphasize that just because a few people spoke up against the City's plans for the north end of the creek, there were others who were in support of the planned work. Don Horton indicated that he had several calls from residents who either did not speak publicly at the meeting, or who could not attend the meeting, and those calls were in favor of the City's planned work on the northern end of the creek. Flood Control was a major concern for those people who contacted him. Mike Rippe wanted it noted that the existing trees sheltered two sub -divisions. He also felt the flood control was very important. Mike also felt most people took a personal interest in the issue, rather than a community interest. Dan Turner felt the needed improvements should be made, and hopefully, in time, the residents would see that the improvements would be an asset to their community Mike Rippe inquired as to the issue of flooding in the southern end of Mustang Creek, wanted to know what the City Engineering Department would be doing about it. Discussion was held regarding the bench and lights put in place by residents in that area. It was suggested that this bench be allowed to stay if it matched the rest of the park amenities. PAGE 3 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1997 Don indicated that Tim Dentler would be working on the maintenance part, and Don would be working on the development part of these issues. Don indicated that he would be returning to the Board with more detail regarding the issues involving Mustang Creek. Don felt it was important to offer these opportunities for people to express their concerns, rather than just making the decisions for them without notification. Mike questioned how the follow up would be handled in response to issues raised at this meeting. V. DISCUSSION ON TRAPS REGION 5 AND 6 TRAINING Don indicated that there had been discussion regarding the formation of a training session for Board members, he indicated that it would be a good idea for the training to be more than a one time issue, and be an ongoing item. Laurelle, Cheri and Ann relayed comments on the training to the Board members. Cheri felt that after attending the session, that the Allen Parks and Recreation Board was a very well-rounded Board, and did not have members that were strictly one -issue oriented. Council is looking at holding training for Board, and identifying what the role of the Board/Commission is, and what the role of staff should be. Don provided the Board with copies of a book by John Carver, Boards that Make a Difference. Don indicated there was a video available for Boards, that may be put on a future agenda. One issue addressed would be how to achieve the most benefit from one meeting per month. VI. JOINT USE OF FACILITIES POLICY Chairman, Mark Stout indicated that after reviewing the above policy, he questioned what the City's use of school facilities entailed. Don reported that on January 25, 1996, at a joint meeting between the AISD Board and City Council, they discussed the joint use of schools for City use, and basically, it did not address what the City would give the School District (the Recreation Center was not open at this time). They are currently using that facility a great deal, and the City wants to set some guidelines for the use is allowable when these facilities are in place. Basically, these rules are the same E for the AISD that they have in place for the City's usage of their facilities. Following a question regarding the one week notice, Don responded that it was PAGE 4 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1997 designed this way so that if the City can rent the facility it will do so, but if one week from the anticipated use, the AISD wants to use the facility (at no charge), then it could be made available to them. It will allow allow the City to make money on a rental if possible. MOTION: Laurelle Zamparelli made a Motion to accept the policy as presented. Cheri Jones seconded, and the motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. VII, DISCUSSION ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Don reported that the Comprehensive Plan has one chapter for the Department of Parks and Recreation. This chapter basically outlined the development strategies for the Parks department. About once every five years, it becomes necessary to do a major update to this document, which is where the City is currently at regarding the plan. A citizens survey went to a randomly selected group of residents and based on data received from the Community Development Department regarding this survey, the focus has changed slightly The last time the survey was done, it was very strong on active sports, which is the reason Allen Station Park received such high priority, and now that may be shifting more towards more passive use of neighborhood parks, greenbelts, etc. The Comprehensive Plan should reflect this shift in some way Don requested the Board input for their ideas for direction on this document. City Council will be having public hearings on the plan as a whole. Tim is currently preparing a map documenting all the parks, acreages, etc. Mark Stout felt the statistics reflected in the survey should be considered rather than the comments being made. He felt strongly that a soccer complex was badly needed. Don requested the input from the Board on an indoor/outdoor leisure pool, golf course, and would these be a public or private venture. Anne Campbell indicated that The Woods would be a nice nature trail/passive park. Mark Stout asked if the Board could recommend a Bond Election. Don indicated that the Council would be looking at a Bond Election in 1999 or 2000. Don also reported that the 4-b Board could do a Bond Election anytime they chose to do so. It was recommended that the City get land while the price was still good. PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1997 It is estimated that property on the West side of Allen is currently selling for $40,000/acre, with the East side of Allen selling at $25,000/acre. VIII. ADOPTION OF CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS Don presented the Board with a brief history of the Allen Cemetery from the time the City took responsibility in 1988. Don indicated that no rules were provided to those purchasing Gravesites up until this time. Don also gave the Board some information on current concerns that may threaten the integrity of the existing facility. Don reviewed the rules as currently proposed, and indicated the changes that were made to the prior set of rules, and indicated that the City was also trying to be sensitive to those people who have purchased lots in the Cemetery and not yet used them. Discussions were held on the leveling of Gravesites, removal of trees, shrubs, and decorations. Don also fielded questions and concerns from the Board regarding the use of vaults. Don indicated that staff had been to City Council 3 times trying to raise the fees from $125 to $600, they are also considering if the City should restrict ownership to City of Allen residents. The requirement of a vault would aid in long-term stability of a gravesite. Mike Rippe questioned the requirement of a marker to be flat for purposes of maintenance. Staff felt it was important to put a requirement on putting up a permanent marker within 60 days of burial. Staff is currently doing a clean-up of the cemetery, that will include the repair of lights at the entryway, landscaping of the flagpole area, as well as clean the cemetery in general. Cheri Jones indicated that a statement regarding any waiver of these rules must be approved by staff would be a good idea. Don agreed and indicated that would be incorporated into these rules. Following a brief discussion on these issues, a Motion was made as follows: MOTION: Cheri Jones moved to approve the rules as agreed upon, Mike Rippe seconded, and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. Mike Rippe questioned whether mention of fees were was stated in the rules, ffYY and Don indicated that that issue would be covered by ordinance, not in the rules. PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1997 IX. DISCUSSION WITH RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO UPDATE FEES SECTION OF THE PARK LAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE Don brought forward this issue as an information only item. Don indicated that the planning department was receiving a great many plats, and while no action is required this evening, Don felt it important to begin the process. Currently the Parks Department charges $130/single family unit, and $110/multi-family unit to developers. Don indicated that he would like to look at this issue with the intent that the neighborhood parks should be developed predominately by the fee, and that this would also allow us to concentrate on bigger park issues through the 4-b Sales Tax and Bond money Don suggested that a smaller group work on this issue, they take it forward to the City Council. Don also indicated that the City of Plano is charging almost $500 per single family unit. The City of Coppell is at $1,200 per single family unit. He also suggested, that possibly one of the Parks and Recreation Board El members go to Council with Staff when this issue is presented to affirm the Board support for such a fee increase. Currently, the land dedication equals one acre per 145 single family, dual - family, and/or multi -family units. If the City chooses to accept money in lieu of land such acre price is calculated at $130 per single family and $100 for multi- family The ordinance states that the "primary cost of neighborhood parks should be home by the ultimate residential property owners who, by reason of proximity of their property to such parks, shall be the primary beneficiaries of such facilities." For this to happen, Don stated the City should realize approximately $85,000 per acre to purchase and construct such property Under this scenario, the dollar amount for single family must increase to $586 per unit. Under the same pro -rate ratio of the existing ordinance, multi -family would increase to $495 per unit. MOTION: Mike Rippe made a Motion to support staff recommendation on the Mandatory Park Dedication Fee adjustment to $586 per single family unit, and $495 per multi -family unit as well as this Ordinance will be reviewed yearly for possible updates. Laurelle Zamparelli seconded and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. 11 PAGE 7 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1997 X. DEVELOPMENT OF STANDING COMMITTEES Don briefly reviewed with the Board the Standing Committees established by the Chairman and himself for discussion: Council/Board Liaison: Purpose: To foster an open and frequent communication between the Parks and Recreation Board and City Council and other Council appointed Boards, and to take a lead role in establishing Parks and Recreation Board agendas. Staff Support: Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Goals for 1998: 1) Develop a mechanism for frequent reporting to the City Council 2) To develop collaborative efforts with other City boards 3) To open the channels of communication with Boards outside the scope of the City Appointments: Mark Stout Laurelle Zamparelli Capital Improvements/Long Range Planning Purpose: To evaluate the needs of the community and establish long range plans for development of the park system as well as assist staff in prioritizing projects for the Capital Improvement program. Developing a tool for accomplishing these tasks, which includes a process of promoting the issues to the community and creating standards for establishing the end product. Staff Liaison: Tim Dentler, Park Superintendent Goals for 1998: 1) To develop a tool for evaluating the needs of the community and collecting public input. 2) Perform an evaluation of the existing park system to determine future needs. 3) To develop a system, which includes time lines, for updating the park comprehensive plan as well as a mechanism for promoting the plan to the community t Appointments: Mike Rippe Mark Stout A PAGE 8 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1997 Fund Raising/Sponsorship Purpose: To develop guidelines for Fund Raising and acquiring sponsorships. To work with staff in presentations to prospective sponsors. Staff Liaisons: Sandy McGowan, Recreation Superintendent Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Goals for 1998: 1) Develop guidelines for Fund Raising Activities 2) Develop guidelines for acquiring sponsorships Appointments: Kevin Pierce Dan Turner Programming Athletic/Aquatics Purpose: To facilitate new and different Recreation Center classes, Special Events, and Athletic Events Staff Liaisons: Larry Kirk, Program Coordinator Sandy McGowan, Recreation Superintendent Goals for 1998: 1) Develop and implement new outdoor programs 2) Develop and implement one new athletic offering to the community Appointments: Anne Campbell Cheri Jones Don also reminded the Board that if more than three members decide to meet, then, by law, that meeting must be posted in a public place and anyone interested invited to attend. XI. ITEMS OF INTEREST Susan Elms Letter was reviewed and approved through the Board, will move ahead to City Council for final approval. 3 -1 Allen Station Park - will open March 15 (northern part) A I 11 PAGE 9 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1997 Natatorium - January 29", Joint Meeting with the AISD Board and City Council. Don Horton informed the Board that the City of Allen had received two awards recently, one being the TRAPS `Best Single Event' for the Allen USA Celebration. Don announced that this award was a regional award, and that the submission would be moving forward to the State competition and will be announced in March. Don also announced that the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metro Area Parks and Recreation Director's Association had awarded the Innovative Design Award for the Recreation Center geothermal HVAC systems and the use of the land for the park site. Don also announced that Sandy McGowan would be promoted from Special Activities Coordinator to the position of Recreation Superintendent. XII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9.45 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 12" day of January, 1998. �Q- Mark Stout, Chairman Anne Campbell„ Secretary