HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1998 - 03/09 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MARCH 9, 1995 - 7:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Mark Stout, Chairman Mike Rippe, Vice -Chairman Kevin Pierce Chert Jones Dan Turner MEMBERS ABSENT Anne Campbell, Secretary Laurette Zamparelli GUESTS PRESENT Tom Lunsford, ASA Alan Western, ASA Eric Smith STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary Tim Deader, Park Superintendent Larry Kirk, Athletic/Aquatic Programs Supervisor Phil Lozano, Parks Supervisor Bobby White, Mechanic Billy Peebles, Irrigation Technician I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Mark Stout called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting March 9, 1998 IU. CITIZEN COMMENTS There were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. III. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JANUARY 12, 1997, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Cheri Jones moved to accept the Minutes as presented, Kevin Pierce seconded, and the Motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. IV. INTRODUCTION OF PARKS AND RECREATION STAFF Tim Dentler introduced Phil Lozano, Park Supervisor, Billy Peebles, Irrigation Technician and Bobby White, Mechanic, to the Board and provided a brief history on each of the employees. Tim expressed his pride in the staff and indicated he would be inviting other members of his team to subsequent Board meetings to be introduced. The Board welcomed staff and thanked each of them for taking the time to attend. Chairman Mark Stout asked that Item VII be moved forward on the agenda and open discussion on that item next. VII. DISCUSS THE ROLE OF SUBCOMMITTEES Chairman Mark Stout indicated he felt the report should come from the Board members, and not the staff support member He felt once a year the goals and objectives should be reviewed and discussed. Mark also indicated one of his objectives would be to conduct the Parks and Recreation Board Meetings in a more formal manner, as well as to efficiently manage the time spent at these meetings. V. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Council/Board Liaison Mark reported having met regularly with Council member Melissa Owen .9 regarding Council meetings and Parks and Recreation Board Meetings. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting March 9, 1998 �I Capital Improvements/Long Range Planning Don Horton reported that he had met with Mike Rippe and Mark Stout regarding the Rowlett Creek Corridor study and discussed the same in great detail. He indicated that the subject of land acquisition as well as neighborhood park renovations were discussed. Mark reported that the bid came in too high for the scheduled park renovations, and that the project would be re -bid by trade, with no general contractor sought. Mark indicated that the baseball and softball field shortages need to be added to this subcommittee's work program, and that the shortage of soccer fields will be a major issue - especially with the closing of McDermott soccer fields to make way for new City Hall construction. Fund Raising/Sponsorship Did not meet. Programming Athletic/Aquatics Did not meet. Mark Stout indicated his concern for children in athletics being charged a "non resident" fee to play in Allen, but that the adults were not being charged a "non resident" fee. Larry Kirk told Mark that the "non resident" fee for children's athletics was a policy of the Allen Sports Association (ASA) - not the City of Allen. Tom Lunsford also indicated that this was a proposal only - had not been decided upon by ASA. VI. DISCUSS ATHLETIC FIELD MAINTENANCE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Tim Dentler provided the Board with a copy of the proposed "Field Maintenance Certification Handbook" developed to assist volunteers with knowledgeable field preparation. Mr Dealer indicated that the City of Allen had established a field maintenance and preparation certification program to be better able to provide quality trained help for the organization using a city owned facility The Certification Program will cover the sports of baseball, football, soccer and softball. Other outdoor sports will be addressed as needed. Even though each sport has a different need for maintenance, many principles are the same. It is very important that each sport encourage participation by its volunteers to better provide a safe and well-maintained facility for its use. The Certification Program will introduce volunteers to maintenance procedures who will assist City staff during non -working hours to Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting March 9, 1998 prepare fields under extenuating circumstances, such as inclement weather and during tournaments. Cheri Jones raised the issue of City liability should a volunteer become injured while preparing a City owned field. Don Horton indicated that the City Attorney would be looking at that issue regarding this policy He also invited the Board to read over the proposed policy and contact his staff regarding any additions or changes they might think appropriate. VIII. TABLED ITEM: REVIEW AND APPROVE CONCESSION AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND ALLEN SPORTS ASSOCIATION MOTION: Kevin Pierce moved to remove the above item from the table to the floor for discussion. Cheri Jones seconded, and the Motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. Larry Kirk announced that the Allen Sports Association would be providing the concessions for Allen Station Park, and reviewed the changes that had taken place on this contract. Larry reported that the minimum age to work in the concession had been changed to 14, reflecting the Federal Fair Labor Act guidelines. He also reported that ASA Will pay 10%of net revenue with a $2,400 guaranteed base. ASA will name the City as an "additional named insured" on their insurance policies, and that the term of the contract is annual with two additional one year extensions. The City Attorney will be reviewing this policy before it is signed by the City ASA will provide concessions for special events, and Larry indicated that Ford Concessions is currently under separate contract. He also reported that should the Ford Contract be expiring within the near future, it could be combined into the current Allen Station Park contract. He will be working with Mr. Tom Lunsford on this issue. The City of Allen will be selling bonds later this month to fund the construction costs of a concession building at Bolin Park. When construction is complete, ASA will also consider providing concessions for that facility as well as Ford and Allen Station Park. Mr Tom Lunsford reported that a Concessions Coordinator has now been appointed by ASA. He indicated that the full time dedication of a separate coordinator should serve the concessions and City well The City Attorney will be asked to review the concession agreement and check the liability issue for the City of Allen. Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting March 9, 1998 MOTION: Dan Turner moved to accept the Concession Contract as presented. Mike Rippe moved to second and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. IX. TABLED ITEM: FIELD USE POLICY MOTION: Kevin Pierce moved to remove the above item from the table to the floor for discussion. Dan Turner seconded, and the Motion carried, 5 for, 0 against. Larry Kirk referenced the Board to their agenda packets to the Field Use Policy that now has the practice clause removed. Larry indicated that the practices will be negotiated between the City and users annually The question was raised about non ASA teams being able to get a field, and the response from staff was yes, anyone could get a field, they just needed to submit the request. Kevin Pierce verified the price of a practice facility and questioned whether that was a per hour or per usage Larry verified that it was a per usage fee. Mark Stout raised the issue of gate fees for tournaments, and indicated that he thought it should be a staff/Board decision, not a Council decision. Larry indicated the Field Use Policy reflects gate fees for tournaments not going to Council for approval, but being authorized at the staff level. Larry Kirk made a presentation to the Board regarding the allocation process used to divide facilities fairly to requesting groups. He indicated that managed facilities were the goal of the department. Tim Dentler made a presentation regarding the management of fields, and explained the Class A, B, C and D facilities in Allen. He indicated that ASA and the City of Allen were working as a team toward managed facilities in Allen. Tim pointed out that this did not necessarily mean fields that disallow practice, but that those practices be managed. Dan Turner indicated that he could not support a "no practice" clause regarding Allen Station Park. He felt strongly that the Citizens of Allen who voted the funds for this facility should not be barred from using these fields for practices. Don Horton indicated that the clause had been removed, and that practices will be negotiated separately with each group each season. Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting March 9, 1998 MOTION: Mike Rippe moved to approve the Field Use Policy with the modifications discussed. Dan Tumer seconded, and the Motion Carried 5 for, 0 against. IX. TABLED ITEM: open space video presentation "Whatever Befalls the Earth. Collin County Cares" MOTION: Mike Rippe moved to remove the above item from the table to the Boor for discussion. Kevin Pierce seconded, and the Motion carried, 3 for, 2 against with Cheri Jones and Dan Turner casting the descending votes Don Horton indicated that the Collin County League of Women Voters is considering lobbying Collin County Commissioners to include an open space component in the next bond election. Kevin Pierce and Don have been to two of the League's meetings and have recommended that Allen be considered in the bond proposals packet. The project that best represents the leagues goals is Rowlett Creek In preliminary budget preparations, Rowlett Creek has been included in the list of projects Don indicated the video about to be shown to the Board was one result of j the 1985 Bond Election. Following the presentation of the video, Don Horton suggested that the Board might want to consider lobbying for an appointment to the Collin County Open Space Bond Committee. Don also suggested that if the Board would like, he would invite Teresa Biddick, Collin County Open Space Coordinator, to do a brief presentation at the next Board meeting in conjunction with the information Don had available on the Rowlett Creek Corridor Study update/status report. The Board indicated that it would be a good idea for Don to put this item on next month's agenda. XI. ITEMS OF INTEREST Allen Station Park Update - Tim Dentler reported that the Park is now 91 % completed, and that the roadway from Main to Exchange is at 35 % completion. April 7 is still the target completion date for the Phase I of Allen Station Park. Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting March 9, 1998 Tom Lunsford indicated that ASA needed to schedule a walk through at the earliest possible time to assure placement of appliances and supplies in the concession facility XII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEM REQUEST Possible items for inclusion on future agendas were discussed, with the issues of Open Space, Maintenance of Existing Facilities, Maintenance Standards, Existing Facility Maintenance, Consistency of Rules Regarding City Facilities being some of the highlights. XIII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 13" day of April, 1998. Mark St ut, Chairman Anne Campbell, Secretary