HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1998 - 06/08 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JUNE 8, 1998 - 7:30 P.M. PARE MEMBERS PRESENT Mark Stout, Chairman Mike Rippe, Vice -Chairman Kevin Pierce Anne Campbell, Secretary Dan Turner Cheri Jones MEMBERS ABSENT Laurelle Zamparelli GUESTS PRESENT None STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Dentler, Park Superintendent Larry Kirk, Athletic/Aquatic Programs Supervisor Sandy McGowan, Recreation Superintendent Sue Witkowski, Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Mark Stout called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. II. CITIZEN COMMENTS Mark Stout apologized to the Parks and Recreation Department Staff E referencing a letter to the editor he had written in the Allen American regarding girls softball issues in Allen. D Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 8, 1998 III. APPROVE MINUTES FROM APRIL 13, 1998, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Mike Rippe moved to accept the Minutes as presented, Anne Campbell seconded, and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. IV. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: CouncilBoard Liaison Mark Stout indicated he had been unable to meet with Laurelle and Don, but that he had been in touch with Councilmember, Melissa Owen. Don Horton reported that the City Council had received training in "Policy Governance" Should the City Council accept this form of government, changes might be expected to the Boards, as well as the subcommittee structure. Don reported that the City of Allen was only the third City in Texas to adopt this form of governance. The other cities are Plano and Bryan. Capital Improvement/Long Range Planning Mike Rippe reported that this subcommittee met last Thursday, and discussed the four parks being renovated, and that the City Council had approved the bid for this project at their last meeting (6/4/98). The Park Classification plan was also discussed. Among other subjects discussed, was the need for frequent updates from staff regarding issues such as the Shadow Lakes drainage areas, and additional soccer fields in Allen as proposed by Mr. Rich Elder. Don Horton told the Board that he had discussed with Mayor Terrell the lack of funding for this Shadow Lakes project, and was informed there may be other sources of funding for this project. Don also informed the Board that no contact had been made with the residents as a follow-up to their meeting, because Don wanted to be able to offer solutions and funding for those solutions when contact was made. He assured the Board that all residents in attendance at that meeting, along with property owners adjacent to the drainage areas would be informed. Don also informed the Board that the presentations by Rich Elder to City Council, Park Board, and Community Development Corporation Board Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 8, 1998 were largely the reason the Community Development Corporation Board has agreed to fund the purchase of land to build another athletic complex. Fund Raising/Sponsorship This subcommittee did not meet this month. Mark indicated that when this subcommittee met, he would like to make some suggestions on possible fund raising activities. Programming Athletic/Aquatics This subcommittee did not meet this month. Anne Campbell reported that there was a meeting scheduled with the natatorium committee for next week. V. DISCUSSION ON CAMPBELL PROPERTY Director of Parks and Recreation, Don Horton, gave a brief background on the status of parkland to be purchased in Allen. He reported that the CDC Board has taken through the second reading funds to purchase a Community Park on the West Side of Allen. The 1992 Comprehensive Plan calls for two additional community parks west of Highway 75. One of the parks is to be located off of Watters Branch and the other off of Rowlett Creek. The CDC Board granted staff leeway in determining which park site was most appropriate to purchase at this time. Since the CDC Board began considering funds for these facilities, a developer has filed for single family zoning of the park site. The proposal went to the Planning and Zoning Commission without staff recommendation and has since been put on the table until the park issue can be resolved. Don further explained that the developer has come back to the City and proposed that a two-year period be made available for the City to purchase the land for a community facility, and further that any light source located east of the Watters Branch shall be done in such a way that it does not negatively impact property west of Watters Branch. The acreage being discussed for dedication (floodplain) and purchase (high and dry) would total approximately 80 acres. Don indicated that two years was realistic for the purchase of this property, and further that a 50% development stipulation would be applied to the land east of Watters Creek. Following a brief discussion, the Board agreed to support the City in this plan to obtain the parkland discussed. i Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 8, 1998 VI. DISCUSSION ON ALIGNMENT OF EXCHANGE Don Horton provided the Board on a brief background of the alignment of Exchange Parkway and the relationship/impact of this street on a proposed Community Park site on Rowlett Creek, north of Twin Creeks. The Community Park was partially reserved during Twin Creeks zoning. The remainder of the park site is proposed to be located north of Exchange and is not currently owned by Twin Creeks. This park site should be approximately 75 acres and should be a combination of floodplain and high -and -dry lands. Don indicated that new boundaries of parkland were needed for the re -alignment of Exchange Parkway, which will be a 6 -lane thoroughfare at completion. Don reported that the Public Works Department has agreed to pay for the realignment and that there will be an under road crossing at the bridge for public access from the south. The Public Works Department is asking of ISTEA funding for this project and those in a more advanced state have a better change of receiving the requested funding. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that the Board would support the City in its efforts to align Exchange Parkway so that it does not cut the discussed property in half and therefore present more appropriate opportunities for the discussed Community Park. VII. PRESENTATION ON POSSIBLE BATTING CAGES IN ALLEN Mr. Scott Giauque ("Juke") made a brief presentation to the Board for a Baseball/Softball Practice Facility in Allen that would include batting cages. Mr Giauque is proposing this facility might be placed in Allen Station Park. Following this presentation, a brief discussion was held at which time Kevin Pierce indicated he had not had ample time to study the proposal, and was therefore uncomfortable discussing the proposal. Chairman Mark Stout recommended the proposal move from the Board to the subcommittee for further review Mike Rippe asked what the procedure would be for this type of proposal, and Don Horton indicated that if the determination was made that the City needed this type of facility, it would then ask the question "should the City provide this ' service in-house?", and if not, then proposals would probably be requested and bids accepted from outside vendors such as Mr. Giauque. Mr. Giauque indicated he was looking at an initial cash outlay for the Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 8, 1998 above proposal somewhere in the neighborhood of $300,000, which would require a 4-6 year payout. MOTION: Mike Rippe moved to ask the Fund Raising/Sponsorship Subcommittee to study this proposal and return to the Board with a recommendation. Anne Campbell seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. VII. PARK CLASSIFICATION STUDY Mr. Tim Dealer, Park Superintendent provided the Board with a sample Property Classification format that might be used for all facilities. In this case, it was used to inventory Fire Station #3, this inventory showed the classification of turf, trees, shrubs, ground cover, seasonal color, litter control, irrigation inspection, playground maintenance, park building/structure maintenance, trail/sidewalk/parking/roads maintenance, and lake and pond maintenance. These areas could be applied to any park facility in Allen. Tim also presented the Board with color renderings of sample parks and how these could be applied by staff + in the field during actual maintenance of each facility Tim indicated that this would be the best tool available to support budget proposals on an ongoing basis. Don indicated that this year's budget proposal hearing will be held on Wednesday, June 10, for the upcoming budget year VIII. UPDATE ON ALLEN USA CELEBRATION Sandy McGowan made a brief presentation to the Board on the upcoming event scheduled for June 27, 1998. Sandy reviewed the itinerary with the Board, along with their invitations for the dinner that evening. Several Board members volunteered to be responsible for various duties that evening, and Sandy indicated she could be reached at any time should questions arise. IX. ITEMS OF INTEREST Don Horton reported that David Morgan, Steve Terrell and himself had met this date with Mrs. Margaret McDermott. Don reported that she Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 8, 1998 I j was shown a site analysis regarding the Rowlett Creek Corridor Don reported that Mrs. McDeremott wants to donate 120-130 acres to the public that will be endowed property Dan Turner invited the Board to come out on July 25 to listen to Bobby Mack, and indicated he had tickets if anyone was interested. XII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEM REQUEST Shadow Lakes Information Preliminary Allen Station Park Expense Report Soccer Facility Report Sale of Hillside Fields XIII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:23 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 13th day of July, 1998. c.22— Wzsto t, hairmatt nne Camp Abell, Secretary