HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1998 - 07/13 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JULY 13, 1998 - 7:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Mark Stout, Chairman Mike Rippe, Vice -Chairman Kevin Pierce Anne Campbell, Secretary Dan Turner Laurette Zamparelli MEMBERS ABSENT Cheri Jones GUESTS PRESENT 11 Aubrey Adcock, Huitt and Zollars Engineering STAFF PRESENT Tim Dentler, Park Superintendent Larry Kirk, Athletic/Aquatic Programs Supervisor Sue Witkowski, Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Mark Stout called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. II. CITIZEN COMMENTS Mark invited all citizens wishing to speak to the Board on a subject other than what was on the agenda to please do so at this time. None present were wishing to speak at this time. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 13, 1998 III. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JUNE 8, 1998, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Anne Campbell moved to accept the Minutes as presented, Mike Rippe seconded, and the Motion carried, 4 for, 0 against, and 2 abstaining. IV. ENGINEERING REPORT ON COTTONWOOD CREEK BRIDGE Tun Derider introduced Mr Aubrey Adcock to the Board and guests, and indicated that there was $133,000 funded by the Allen Community Development Corporation Board for this bridge connecting Ford Middle School and the neighborhood immediately to the west. Chairman Mark Stout told the guests that there had been several public meetings held by the Allen Community Development Corporation Board prior to the final approval, and that tonight's meeting was to decide on the placement of that bridge. Mr Adcock representing the engineering firm of Huitt and Zollars made a brief presentation to the guests and Board outlining the four recommended crossing points and discussed briefly the advantages and disadvantages of each of these points. He also used aerial photographs to present the proposed crossing points, and their relativity to the homeowners and Ford Middle School. Mr Adcock shared with the guests and Board the possible costs associated with the various options depending upon the length of the bridge. Mr Adcock also informed that Board that a possible 25 foot area would need to be cleared for the crane to set the bridge. Following this brief presentation, the following citizens spoke to the Board regarding the proposed bridge and the impact into their neighborhood: CLEVELAND BASINGER 622 Wheat Ridge Rd 390-9856 Mr. Basinger spoke briefly as to the location of his home, impact upon his property, and lot premiums paid for living directly across from the Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 13, 1998 greenbelt. He questioned the number of people who would be using the bridge on a daily basis, how wide the bridge would, and if the greenbelt was part of the City of Allen park system. Mr. Basinger wanted the record to reflect that he is absolutely, fervently opposed to the bridge being placed in front of his home. DONNA COCHRAN 813 Rockcrossing 390-9091 Ms. Cochran spoke the Board regarding her concerns that an increase in activities such as pot smoking, graffiti, and beer drinking would be seen as a result of the placement of this bridge. She indicated that there was already somewhat of a problem near her home and that the Allen Police Department make regular patrols of area in question. She felt like further access to this area would only make the problem worse, and suggested that the bridge cross from Ford Middle School into an industrial area just north of the neighborhood in question. Privacy was also an issue with Ms. Cochran, since she is already experiencing problems in her yard with intruders. KAREN CRAVEN 812 Rivergrove 727-1642 Ms. Craven spoke to the Board in support of the proposed bridge. She indicated that one side of her yard is on the greenbelt, and that she very much likes the traffic that the trail invites. She indicated that she had called the City several times asking for this bridge. She spoke to the fact that she drives her daughter to school (Ford Middle School) because of the dangerous access now available. She indicated the short bridge would be most appealing to her JEFF COLE 712 Featherbrook 727-4836 Mr Cole indicated that he felt the industrial area was not a good point for children to be entering, particularly when development takes place. He also indicated that the most direct path for children to take would be the best one from a safety standpoint. He also agreed that while some children like to crawl down and cross the stream, some do not and that Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 13, 1998 those wanting to play in the stream will continue to do so. He was in favor of placing the bridge within the boundaries of the neighborhood. DAVID FLETCHER 620 Wheat Ridge Rd 390-7841 Mr. Fletcher felt that there were better places to spend $133,000 than on the bridge, and that kids would use the most direct route and that might not be the bridge. He did not want the bridge in his front yard. AL DRINGENBERG 618 Wheat Ridge Rd N/A Mr. Dringenberg introduced himself to the Board and indicated that he had recently purchased his home, and had no idea that a bridge was being proposed for the area. He reported that if he had known about the plans, he would not have purchased the home. He was concerned about increased activity in the area, parking problems on his street, supervision of children in the area. MATHEW LOY 716 Featherbrook Ct 390-7456 Mr. Loy indicated he wanted the bridge to be placed the furthest distance from his house, and was not in favor of the wide path that might need to be cut to place this bridge. NANCY PICKUP 710 Featherbrook Court 390-2042 Ms. Pickup thanked the Board and City of Allen for their action on this bridge, and reported that she was told by the developer/sales staff when she purchased her home that a bridge would be placed over Cottonwood Creek to allow access to the middle school. She reminded the meeting participants that adults would be using this bridge as well as the children crossing to and from school, and she felt strongly that increased access to Ford Park would offer different activities for she and her family She Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 13, 1998 has been driving her children to school, the pool, athletic practices, and feels that the bridge will offer a much safer route to and from school. SCOTT COLE 710 Rockcrossing Lane 396-7761 Mr. Cole reported that he was in support of the bridge, but wanted to offer options to the Board such as natural screening with landscaping at both ends of the bridge. He suggested several native trees that would do well in this area and make it more palatable to residents living close to the west end of this cross over. PETER SILANDER 626 Wheat Ridge Rd 727-5828 Mr. Silander wants it placed where it would have the most visibility by both the school officials and residents. He felt that visibility was key to the safety aspects of this footbridge. I PATTI LOCKLEAR 616 Wheat Ridge Road 727-4968 Ms. Locklear was concerned about the possible drop-off traffic that might occur in front of her house by parents living outside her neighborhood, as well as parking during football games, concerts, etc. Ms. Locklear suggested that the bridge be placed on the border of her neighborhood and the neighborhood immediately south, thus splitting the neighborhood access. She also questioned whether the bridge could be angled more. SCOTT SULLIVAN 802 Rivergrove Rd 727-1040 Mr Sullivan indicated he had two children and his main concern in the issue was the safety of all children. He indicated it needed to be placed with an open area for visibility, and recommended it be placed in the middle of the greenbelt area. Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 13, 1998 The following people filled out the Public Meeting Appearance Card, but requested not to speak: ANNETTE WIMSATT 715 Featherbrook Court 727-8424 - indicated support for Option #3 KARLA WARD 617 Sagebrush Lane 390-7732 - indicated support for Option #3 MIKE DURAN 609 Harvest Mountain Court 396-8272 - indicated support for Option U3 DAVID FRANKS 601 Falling Leaf 390-2879 - indicated support for the bridge PEG RAH 714 Featherbrook Court 390-2180 - indicated support for Option #3 MELODY KUMMER 602 Heartland 390-2491 - indicated support for bridge Mark Stout thanked each of the attendees for their interest and time spent coming to this meeting. Mark reminded everyone that the decision to be made was not whether the bridge would be placed, but where it would be placed. Board member Kevin Pierce spoke to the group and briefly reminded them that in terms of clearing land for the bridge placement, the City of Allen would be required to have a tree removal permit and replace trees of a certain caliper if removed. Chairman, Mark Stout closed the public meeting, and called for a recess at 8:57 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:08 p.m. Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 13, 1998 Tim Dentler invited each of the guests to visit footbridges installed at Vaughan Elementary over Cottonwood Creek, as well as the footbridge at Allen Station Park. Each of which required a minimal of clearing on either side, and therefore had a minimum impact on the surrounding area. Laurelle Zamparelli questioned whether the Allen Independent School District or the Allen Police Department had been polled for their input into the placement of this bridge. Tim Dentler indicated that they had not. It was pointed out that the bridge would invite more family traffic and therefore more adults would be around the facility Anne Campbell indicated that her primary concerns were the cost, convenience and safety and felt that Option #3 best satisfied her concerns, with possible natural landscaping providing screening around the entrances and exits of the bridge. MOTION: Mike Rippe moved to accept the Huitt and Zollars proposal of Option #3 with appropriate screening being put into place. Dan Turner seconded and amended the Motion to include wording "minimize the impact to surrounding area" The Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. Anne Campbell questioned whether or not there would be water available in the greenbelt to maintain the screening plant material to be placed there. Tim Deader indicated he would need to check on the nearest water source. Mr Bassinger indicated that he would be glad to help support any efforts to water the material after planted. V. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: Council/Board Liaison Subcommittee did not meet. Capital Improvements/Long Range Planning Subcommittee did not meet. Funding Raising/Sponsorship Page 8 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 13, 1998 Larry Kirk reported that the subcommittee had met to consider a proposal brought before the Board at their last meeting by Mr. Scott Giauque of Plano to place batting cages and a practice facility in Allen. Larry reported that the subcommittee decided that batting cages were needed in Allen, and the subcommittee also determined that these should be public owned, rather than privately owned. Larry Kirk and Don Horton have been directed by the subcommittee to develop a proposal regarding batting cages in Allen. Programming Athletic/Aquatics Anne Campbell reported that the Natatorium Planning Committee had met on June 17'", 1998 with Brinkley Sargent Architects along with invited guests and user groups. This was an all day meeting held at Anderson Elementary, and some of the user groups invited to offer input into the planning process were: Allen Independent School District COAST Coaches COAST participants Senior Citizens PTA Representatives City of Allen Anne announced that the outcome of this meeting would be presented in a report at a joint City of Allen City Council and Allen Independent School District Board meeting. VI. DISCUSSION ON BOND PROJECTS Tim Derider provided the Board with a list of projects regarding 1) Land Acquisition, 2) New Facility Development and Site and 3) Facility Renovation and Upgrade projects. He asked that the Board review the list of projects and begin thinking of the possibility of a Bond election and what projects the Parks and Recreation Department might benefit from. Tun indicated that the Allen City Council would probably be appointing a Bond Committee. VII. PRELIMINARY ALLEN STATION PARK EXPENSE REPORT Tim Deader provided the Board with a preliminary expense report on Allen Station Park, explaining that these expenses were by no means Page 9 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 13, 1998 complete, due to the fact that Cedar Drive is still under construction, and therefore still having bills come in. In addition, there is funding to be reimbursed by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and a lighting package yet to be added to the Cedar Drive project. Sheila Condon of Clark Condon Associates has been asked to do a proposal for a Master Plan regarding Phase II. Tim also reported that the CASPER (Committee for Allen Station Planning Education and Recreation) will be reactivated, and reminded the Board that this is a City Council - appointed subcommittee. Chairman Mark Stout indicated the would like to see "lightening detector" systems installed at Allen Station Park along with a flagpole with any available funding. Tim Dentler indicated he would check into the legal boundaries of purchasing items not in the budget and what funds would be available. VIII. WRAP-UP REPORT ALLEN USA CELEBRATION Larry Kirk reported that the videos and photographs will be available at the next Parks and Recreation Board meeting, he also reported that a budget of $52,000 was set, and that the program came in within budget. Larry reported that all but $5,000 came from sponsorships, and that the $5,000 came from the Enterprise Fund. IX. FUTURE AGENDA ITEM REQUEST Batting Cages Study Shadow Lakes Residents Concerns Public Appearance/Citizens Comments Need to Set Rules Regarding Time Limitations and Criteria for Addressing Board X. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:06 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 10th day of August, 1998. Page 10 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 13, 1948 / o �� Mark Stbut, C airman Anne Campbell, Secretary e r�