HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1998 - 08/10 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD 1 REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 10, 1998 - 7:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Mike Rippe, Vice -Chairman Kevin Pierce Anne Campbell, Secretary Dan Turner Laurette Zamparelli Cheri Jones MEMBERS ABSENT Mark Stout, Chairman GUESTS PRESENT None STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director Tim Dentler, Park Superintendent Larry Kirk, Athletic/Aquatic Programs Supervisor Sandy McGowan, Recreation Superintendent Sue Witkowski, Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER Vice -Chairman, Mike Rippe called the meeting to order at 7.40 p.m. II. CITIZEN COMMENTS No Citizens were wishing to speak to the Board at this time. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 10, 1998 III. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JUNE 8, 1998, REGULAR CALLED MEETING Laurelle Zamparelli noted that two addresses had been duplicated in the minutes from June 8, 1998. MOTION: Kevin Pierce accept the Minutes as amended, Dan Turner seconded, and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. IV. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: Council/Board Liaison This Subcommittee did not meet. Capital Improvements/Long Range Planning Mike Rippe reported that he had met with Tim Dentler and reviewed the Mustang Branch Development and Maintenance Study which staff has developed. Mike also indicated they had reviewed very preliminary requirements for the concession/restroom facility to be developed at Bolin Park. Both of the above issues are on the Agenda for the meeting this evening, and Mike postponed further discussion on these items until later in the meeting. Funding Raising/Sponsorship This subcommittee did not meet. Programming Athletic/Aquatics Anne reported that this subcommittee did not meet this month, but that they would be meeting on a regular basis with the consultants and architects for the natatorium. The next committee meeting for the aquatic facility planning is scheduled for October The Allen Independent School District (AISD) will be holding its bond election on September 12, and the outcome of that election will greatly effect the natatorium since the AISD share of funding will come from that Bond Election. Don Horton offered his support to organize/facilitate any subcommittee meetings that the groups wanted to hold. He indicated that the intent of the Board was to advise Council. The Allen City Council will be reviewing the mission statements of all Boards and Commissions, and Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 10, 1998 possibly add more direction to the long range planning issues faced by this Board. Don also indicated that while he welcomes all support and assistance the Board gives staff, the intent of this Board is to support and assist Council. Mike Rippe indicated he felt more strength in the communication he has with staff rather than Council. Don indicated that with the newly implemented procedures whereby a Board member appears at Council meetings with staff whenever Parks issues are being forwarded from the Board to Council will strengthen the input offered by Boards and Commissions. V. BOLIN PARK CONCEPT PLAN FOR CONCESSIONS AND RESTROOMS Tim Dentler provided the Board with a brief background on this project, beginning with the passage of a bond issue in 1994 for the construction of a concession/restroom facility for Bolin Park. Bonds for this facility have been sold, and the design of this facility has begun using MBA Eli Architects and David Baldwin, Landscape Architect. Tim indicated several issues with this facility would be that of space, slopes, electrical/irrigation controls, placement and storage associated with this building. Tim indicated that due to the access by delivery trucks, a separate storage facility was under consideration, rather than including storage areas in the concession building. Tim reported that the plan was to create a "plaza" area between the soccer and baseball facilities, and indicated that there could be a conceptual drawing ready to present at the next regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting. VI. FIELD USE FEE FOR Don Horton reported that City Council had asked staff to look into developing an ordinance that will establish non-resident fees. This ordinance will cover all field sports and the Joe Farmer Recreation Center. Larry Kirk has been assigned this project and will be coordinating input from the Allen Sports Association (ASA) il Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 10, 1998 Don also provided a brief history on the joint decision to charge a non- resident fee for ASA field sport participants, and the communication with the City of Fairview regarding the payment of these fees. Originally, the $25 non-resident fee was designed as incentive for surrounding communities to build practice facilities for their residents. Currently, Allen citizens are subsidizing facilities for non-residents. Don indicated that the Programming Athletic/Aquatics subcommittee would be given the task of helping design the ordinance to administer non-resident fees. Don indicated he would like this ordinance in place for the spring athletic season. Don indicated that Larry Kirk had been to the ASA and indicated that the City and ASA needed to work as a partnership, and that the decisions made to charge a non-resident user fee had been a joint decision. It was pointed out that a letter mailed representing the ASA seemed almost apologetic for charging the fee. Don indicated that most calls to Council regarding the issue of non-resident fees had been from non-residents. The non-resident fee will be reviewed and calculated on a per -use basis. VII. PUBLIC/PRESENTATION TIME LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES Don reported having checked with the City Council as well as other Boards in the City of Allen regarding a policy on public/presentation formats. Don reported that none were in place. He suggested a statement might be used as a preface to public input, rather than developing a formal policy The task of developing this statement was assigned to the Council/Board Liaison Subcommittee. VIII. UPDATE ON COTTONWOOD CREEK FOOTBRIDGE Don Horton apologized to the Board for the lack of information regarding the last meeting and the residents involved. In the future, Don indicated that if he is aware of an issue becoming controversial, he will provide the Board with a written notice to that effect, along with a list of benefits that will be provided with the passage/implementation/comp- letion of an amenity Following the last PARB Meeting, some of the concemed residents went to the Allen Community Development Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 10, 1998 �j Corporation Board (Allen CDC Board) meeting and expressed their concerns. Don reported that the Allen CDC Board supported the Parks and Recreation Board stand on the placement of the bridge. Following that meeting, these residents also went to the City Council to express their concern over the bridge being placed in their neighborhood. Following that meeting, a romor got started that the bridge itself was in jeopardy of being built at all, and a petition was turned into the City with 100 signatures from neighborhood families in support of the bridge and its placement. Don indicated his support of these types of public meetings for citizen input, and that some issues arising from that meeting will be the placement of landscaping which was not originally in the scope to be done. IX. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION Don made a brief presentation to the Board outlining the division of the Parks and Recreation Department into Business Units. Don presented organizational charts with staffing duties outlining assignments to Tim Dentler (Parks), Larry Kirk (Athletics) and Sandy McGowan (Recreation). Don briefly outlined the new scope of services to be provided by each unit, and indicated that this reorganization was the result of numerous months of planning and study X. DISCUSSION ON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM In referencing the last PARB meeting, Don indicated that the City was also reorganizing some of the departmental responsibilities, and that the Summer of 1999 had been targeted for a bond election. He requested the Board began to talk to the residents of Allen regarding the bond election, and what kind of projects are needed. There will be a formal public input -process set up by Council, along with Town Hall Meetings. XI. WRAP-UP REPORT ALLEN USA CELEBRATION Sandy McGowan provided the Board with a follow-up report on the Allen USA Celebration, and offered a video for Board members to borrow if they wished to see it. She provided the Board with information i on the total contributions (sponsorships) for the program, along with a list of expenses incurred. The Board was told to let staff know if any Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 10, 1998 suggestions/comments were to be made regarding improvements/changes to the program. XII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS Batting Cage Study XIII. MUSTANG BRANCH DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE STUDY Tim Dentler provided the Board with a copy of his development and maintenance study as it pertains to Mustang Branch south of Main Street. Tim provided a brief review of the document, including the Introduction, History, Inventory and Analysis, Citizen Feedback, Development Proposal, and Maintenance Proposal. Following his presentation, the Board was informed that currently no funding was in place for the implementation of this study, but that as of El this date, Don had forwarded a letter to the Acting City Manager recommending the phasing of this project over the next two years. Copies of this study will be forwarded to each of the residents who attended the PARB meeting in November of 1997 concerning this issue. XIV. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9.10 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 12th day of October, 1998. Ji aldbauer, Chairman Anne Campbell, Secretary