HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1998 - 09/14 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1998 - 7:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Mark Stout, Chairman Mike Rippe, Vice -Chairman Kevin Pierce Anne Campbell, Secretary Laurelle Zamparelli Cheri Jones MEMBERS ABSENT Dan Turner GUESTS PRESENT El None STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director Tim Dentler, Park Superintendent Larry Kirk, Athletic/Aquatic Programs Supervisor Sandy McGowan, Recreation Superintendent Margaret Thomas, Special Activities Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Mark Stout called the meeting to order at 7.30 p.m. II. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JUNE 8, 1998, REGULAR CALLED I MEETING Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting September 14, 1998 Laurelle Zamparelli noted that Page 4 of these minutes were not transmitted in the agenda packet, therefore, this item was tabled until the next regular meeting of the Board. III. CITIZEN COMMENTS Sandy McGowan took an opportunity to introduce Margaret Thomas to A. Council/Board Liaison This Subcommittee did not meet. Laurelle told the Board she had visited with a City Council member regarding the Sign Board issues currently being considered, and expressed concern over the various Board involvement in City issues and their recommendations to the City Council. Don indicated that work was underway with the City Council to reformat the guidelines of various Boards and Commissions. Don indicated that the Parks and Recreation Board could be expecting updated guidelines in the future. B. Capital Improvements/Long Range Planning Mike Rippe reported that he had met with Tim Derider, Don Horton and Larry Kirk during a trip to North Richland Hills. Mike indicated that they viewed the H2O Water Park (1995) built by that City, as well as the Tennis Complex (1996), both of which offer opportunities for revenue to the City The Water Park in particular generated $300,000 profit this past year for the City of North Richland Hills. They are projecting a $1,000,000 profit for next year on this facility Don indicated that if the City the Board as the newly appointed Special Activities Coordinator. Margaret has been serving the City of Allen as the Recreation Center Supervisor, and as of October 1, will officially move to her new position as Special Activities Coordinator Margaret presented the Board with the following special events she has been planning: Allen Cross Country Club Pancake Breakfast - October 24 Stories and Songs by the Campfire - The Woods Park Trout Fist Out - Bethany Lakes Park Tree Lighting Ceremony - at Senior Citizens Center Rudolph Run - Certified Course This Year Photography Contest Easter Eggstravaganza Program for Pre-Schoolers IV. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Council/Board Liaison This Subcommittee did not meet. Laurelle told the Board she had visited with a City Council member regarding the Sign Board issues currently being considered, and expressed concern over the various Board involvement in City issues and their recommendations to the City Council. Don indicated that work was underway with the City Council to reformat the guidelines of various Boards and Commissions. Don indicated that the Parks and Recreation Board could be expecting updated guidelines in the future. B. Capital Improvements/Long Range Planning Mike Rippe reported that he had met with Tim Derider, Don Horton and Larry Kirk during a trip to North Richland Hills. Mike indicated that they viewed the H2O Water Park (1995) built by that City, as well as the Tennis Complex (1996), both of which offer opportunities for revenue to the City The Water Park in particular generated $300,000 profit this past year for the City of North Richland Hills. They are projecting a $1,000,000 profit for next year on this facility Don indicated that if the City Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting September 14, 1998 of Allen were to pursue this type of venture, they may want to consider it a part of the proposed bond election to be held next summer Don also reported that the City Council has asked staff to study the property at Stacy, FM121, and Hwy75 for a possible Entertainment District. There is a mall proposed for this property, and there might be an opportunity to incorporate a golf course, water park, batting cages, etc into this same area. C. Funding Raising/Sponsorship This subcommittee did not meet. D. Programming Athletic/Aquatics Larry Kirk reported that this committee had met, and that the items discussed were the Batting Cages and the Non -Resident Fees being proposed. Since both items are on the agenda for tonight's meeting, this committee did not report. V. DEPARTMENT/PROJECT UPDATES A. Neighborhood Park Renovations Don reported that the demolition had begun in all sites and in some cases is complete. The dirt work at Reed would have begun today if not for the wet ground conditions. Don also reported that the bids for both Green and Shadow Lakes came in over budget by $144,000. He indicated staff disappointment with these numbers, and reported that the budget had been set by adding 15% to the numbers received three months earlier These bids came in 35% higher than those same parks three months ago. The Construction Manager hired for City Hall has been contacted and asked to review the items line by line and hopefully can spot areas which the City can negotiate with the bidder B. Bolin Park Concession Building Don Horton reported that the architectural f= hired for this project was MBA, owned by Danny McLarty who lives in Allen. He also reported that Dave Baldwin, Landscape Architect, lives in Allen and is working on this project. The project is currently Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting September 14, 1998 $15,000 out of budget, and staff has directed the firms involved to review their design and bring it within budget. C. Mustang Creek Don referred the Board to the Draft document provided to them at their last meeting. Don indicated that now was the time to discuss any issues the Board members had with the document. Anne Campbell inquired as to the water quality Tim indicated that the dredging process will do more for the water quality to Mustang Creek than anything else. He indicated the new depth of water achieved with this process and aerification were the things that could make a difference. It was verified that all dams would remain in place. It was suggested that the cover letter contain information on how each resident could aid in the process by evaluating their pesticide and fertilizers being applied to lawns and gardens. Organic alternatives might be offered as possible solutions. Tim indicated that the final copy would have color pictures and be a very attractive document. Following a brief discussion having to do with grammatical and technical issues, a discussion was held regarding whom should receive the study It was determined that the study will be mailed with a cover letter to everyone who attended the meeting in November of last year Those residents north of Main Street should receive a different cover letter than those residents south of Main Street. It was also determined that all residents whose property is adjacent to Mustang Creek should receive notification that the study was available should they want to receive a copy VI. BATTING CAGE PROPOSAL There was not a motion made to bring this item off the table for discussion. Larry Kirk offered a brief statement that indicated the batting cages would be a money making venture, but the committee was leaning toward the City doing it, rather than offering up City land for a private venture. Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting September 14, 1998 Mike Rippe asked what criteria would be used other than the fact that money could be made. Don indicated that it would be considered whether or not the City should get into this type of venture, maybe it should be negotiated with a private vendor, liability, and feasibility issues would also be considered. VII. FIELD USE POLICY Don reported briefly on the history of the Field Use Policy and the fact that City Council had asked staff during the budget process to do a study and make a proposal to both Fairview and Lucas regarding user fees. After staff considered issues such as debt retirement, number of players, maintenance and staff overhead, it was determined that a fee of $60 per household would be suggested as a fair charge for athletic field usage. Kevin Pierce indicated he wanted to see population numbers for both communities, as well as Allen Sports Association numbers regarding how many participants from these cities participate in what sports. Don indicated this issue would stay with the Programming Athletic/Aquatics Subcommittee until a formal recommendation is made to City Council regarding these fees. VIII. RULES FOR TIME LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES Don Horton reviewed the history on this issue and indicated the Board had requested Staff develop guidelines for people wishing to speak at public meetings. Following a brief discussion on the guidelines and their intent, it was determined that the following would be added/deleted from the proposed guidelines: Add a "comments section" Remove the 10 -minute cap on a group presentation Clearly indicate that "no action may be taken" is for non -agenda items Indicate that if an opinion has been stated, please do not repeat this position. Add an e-mail address for the City, as well as the web -site address Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting September 14, 1998 � It was determined that these were guidelines only, and that should an individual come to a Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, the intent was to make them feel at home and welcome their comments. IX. MEETING WITH CASPER (COMMITTEE FOR ALLEN STATION PLANNING EDUCATION AND RECREATION) Don reported that the process has begun to update the Master Plan and begin Phase II of Allen Station Park. He also invited the Board to a lunch/planning meeting with the CASPER representatives on September 18, 1998 at noon in the Recreation Center He indicated there would be a focus group meeting of teens at the Allen High School on Thursday during the lunch hour to gather information and develop a survey to be supplied to other students at the High School. Sheila Condon will be in town on Thursday and Friday to work with staff through these processes. Don also indicated that $700,000 in funding is left over from Phase 1 of Allen Station Park, and that staff will be deciding where to put that Ell funding to use in Phase II. X. HOURS OF OPERATION RECREATION CENTER Sandy McGowan presented the Board with information derived from a survey done at the recreation center regarding extended hours of operation. The survey indicated that 48% of the people responding desired the center to remain open until 10 pm in the evenings. It has been determined that the center will remain open until 10 pm on a trial basis until January 1, 1999 At that time the hours of operation will be reevaluated and the results returned to this Board. MOTION: Mike Rippe moved to accept the proposed hours of operation for the recreation center from October 1, 198 until January 1, 1999 Cheri Jones seconded and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. a Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting September 14, 1998 I XI. ITEMS OF INTEREST - NOTIFICATION: ELECTION OF OFFICERS Don indicated he wanted to remind the Board Members that they would need to elect officers at their Octoberl2 meeting. Don reminded the Board Members that this would be the last meeting for Mark Stout, who will not be asking for reappointment. Don thanked Mark for all his work and wished him good luck in all future endeavors. Mark thanked the Board for their support, and took an opportunity to remind them of the great opportunities coming in the near future with additional funding being made available to the 4b Board, along with a proposed bond election next summer. Mark encouraged all Board members to become actively involved with the 4b Board and Bond Committee. Don reminded the Board of the proposed Bond Election, and briefly reviewed the process for public input into what projects would be put on the ballot. He indicated it would be a good idea for the Board members to volunteer to be on subcommittees and support issues important to the future of the parks program in Allen. Kevin Pierce indicated he would like to see Frisbee Golf Course information placed on a future agenda, as well as a Collin County Open Space report Don Horton made a brief report on the Collin County Open Space Committee. XII. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:56 pm. These minutes read and approved this 12th day of October, 1998. 1 ]dbauer, Chairman Anne Campbell, Secretary