HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1998 - 12/14 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING DECEMBER 14, 1998 - 7 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Waldbauer, Chair Kevin Pierce, Vice -Chair Anne Campbell, Secretary Laurelle Zamparellt Dan Turner Cheri Jones MEMBERS ABSENT Mike Rippe GUESTS PRESENT Robin Sedlacek, Chairman, 1999 Bond Election Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Halff Associates Jerry Lokken, 550 Oldbridge Dr., Allen, Texas 75002 STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director Tim Dentler, Park Superintendent Larry Kirk, Athletic/Aquatic Programs Supervisor Margaret Thomas, Special Activities Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Secretary PRE -MEETING WORKSHOP: I. CALL TO ORDER IChair Jim Waldbauer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. STAFF INTRODUCTIONS Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 14, 1998 III. QUESTIONS ON CURRENT AGENDA No questions were brought forth at this time. IV. OPEN FORUM Landscaping of Medians Tim Dealer, Park Services Manager for the Parks and Recreation Department made a presentation to the Board regarding the landscaping of medians. Tim proposed several questions regarding what kind of "statement" the City was wanting to make with the landscaping of medians. He indicated that some of the biggest obstacles to landscaping medians and parkways would be development of surrounding areas. Tim indicated that he had made this same presentation to the Keep Allen Beautiful Board and they were anxious to be a part of this project. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that members of the Parks and Recreation Board would try to meet with the Keep Allen Beautiful Board at their January 1999 meeting. It was emphasized that the City must take the lead in this effort. A brief discussion followed regarding the control of Hwy 75 and Hwy 5 through Allen and how it would be landscaped and maintained. REGULAR MEETING V. APPROVE MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 9, 1998 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Laurette Zamparelli moved to approve the Minutes as presented, Anne Campbell seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. VI. CITIZENS COMMENTS Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 14, 1998 Robin Sedlacek, Chair for the Parks and Recreation Segment of the upcoming Bond Election, gave a brief background report on the process involved. Robin encouraged each of the Board members to complete the application forms mailed to them to serve on a subcommittee. She indicated that not all of the members would be assigned to the Parks and Recreation Subcommittee, but that their expertise is needed in all aspects of this process. She also invited them to encourage neighbors and friends to apply to be part of the process. Robin reminded the Board that the fust subcommittee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 13, 1999 More information with details will be following regarding locations of meetings. VII. AD-HOC COMMITTEE UPDATES/APPOINTMENTS FIELD ENHANCEMENTS Larry Kirk informed the Board that the guidelines had been written and were being refined. He would be returning to present them to the Board when this process was completed. Larry verified that any funds collected could be used at any field in Allen as long as it was an "ASA" field. Mike Rippe and Dan Turner are working on this subcommittee with Larry. PAVERS FOR BOLIN PARK Tim Derider reported that he had been unable to meet with his subcommittee on this issue, they would be meeting soon, and will report back to the Board. Dan Turner inquired as to the process and indicated he had associates in the metroplex who do this work and might be able to assist with the project. VIII. DEPARTMENT/PROJECT UPDATES A. ANNUAL TROUT FISH OUT Margaret Thomas, Special Activities Coordinator for the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Department made a brief presentation to the Board, outlining the upcoming Annual Trout Fish Out to be held on January 16, 1999. Margaret indicated there would be a campfire and marshmallows for roasting. Bait will be provided by the Department to the participants. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 14, 1998 Margaret indicated that Texas Parks and Wildlife will be stocking Bethany Lakes Park with Trout on the following dates: December 17, 1998 January 14, 1998 February 11, 1998 She reminded Board members that participants will need a valid fishing license, as well as a Trout Stamp in order to participate. The following exceptions will be in effect: if someone is either under the age of 17, or born before 1930, no license is required. Margaret also reported on the Angler Education Hosted by the City She had 20 cities register for the event held at Bethany Lakes Park, and Texas Parks and Wildlife said it was the largest class they had taught. B. NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Tim Dentler reported that the projects were all moving forth, with concrete completed at most areas. He indicated the stone work at Rolling Hills and Hillside Playground is in place, and that the four parks should be finished soon after the first of the year. C. NATATORIUM Don reported that Mayor Steve Terrell and Board Chair, Worley Stine would be meeting soon to work out a joint agreement. D. RENOVATION OF FORD BALLFIELDS Larry Kirk reported that the renovations of these infields were underway These renovation costs are due to be paid from the enterprise fund. He reported that soil analysis has been completed, and these renovations will be done in time for the spring softball season, which is scheduled to begin in March 1999 In addition to the reworking of the infields, re-lamping of Ford Park is underway as well. The lighting expenses will be paid from the Departmental -operating budget. IX. ROWLETT CREEK PRESENTATION Brian Bristow of Half and Associates made a presentation to the Board outlining the work done regarding Rowlett Creek. Halff Associates has Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 14, 1998 been working with staff over the past several months to develop a Master Plan for the Rowlett Creek Corridor. The plan boundary includes all floodplain land along Rowlett Creek from Highway 5 to McDermott Drive. In addition, Halff was asked to evaluate adjoining lands to determine if any non -Floodplain areas should be incorporated into the parks system. He indicated City staff along with Halff and Associates representatives had met with both the McDermott Families and Williams Families regarding the proposed use of the floodplain along this creek. X. REQUEST FROM ALLEN HIGH SCHOOL TO HOLD SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT WITH GATE FEE Larry Kirk referenced the Board to a letter in their Agenda Packets from the Allen High School Girls Softball Coach requesting to charge a gate fee at Allen Station Park and host a Junior Varsity Softball Tournament. The coach will also be requesting concession rights for this event from the Allen Sports Association (ASA) who is the concessionaire. The Coach has indicated that 18 teams are currently committed for the tournament, and she expects that number may rise to 24 MOTION: Anne Campbell made a motion to allow the Allen High School Girls to host a Junior Varsity Tournament at Allen Station Park. It is understood that the school will reimburse the City for any expenses incurred. Dan Turner Seconded. During a brief discussion, it was suggested the City be named on their school insurance policy for liability purposes. Don indicated he would check into this issue. The motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. XI. DISCUSSION OF NON-RESIDENT FEE POLICY Don Horton informed the Board that during last year's budget retreat, Council requested that staff draft a non-resident fee policy The non- resident fee schedule was reviewed with the Board, and questions responded to. Option A (fee charged to participant) and Option B (fee charged to the home city based on houses) were discussed at length, and it was determined they would be renamed, switching A and B. r s Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 14, 1998 The following fees were proposed: ATHLETIC FIELDS Summary of Expenses Total Expenses 483,604 - Pool Expenses 32,775 + Enterprise Expenses 22,815 Subtotal of Expenses 473,644 Bond Expenses Ford Park $2,500,000 120 years = 125,000 * 6% 132,500 Allen Station 54,300,000 / 20 years = 215,000 * 6% 227900 Total Bond Expense 360,400 Total Expenses $834,044 Option A Per House Assessment - Proposed Fee Lucas 3,000 population / 3.1 per household = 968 houses Fairview 2,800 population / 3.1 per household = 903 houses Allen 39, 017 population / 3.1 per household - 12,586 houses* Allen - $834,044 / 12,586 houses = $66.2676 per house Lucas - 968 houses x $66.2676 = $64, 147.04 Fairview - 903 houses x $66.2676 = $59,839.64 *November 1998 population Option B Per Participant Assessment - Proposed Fee $834,044 / 9,445 participants $88.3053 Participants Adult Sports Softball 2,502 Basketball 328 Volleyball 273 Youth Sports Soccer 3,520 Softball 544 Baseball 1,828 Football 350 Wine Hockey 100 The following information represents the Joe Farmer Recreation Center fee proposals Joe Farmer Recreation Center Summary of Expenses Operating General Fund 194,949 +Enterprise Operating Funds 55,239 -Membership 78.648 i Subtotal Subsidize Amount to Operate Facility 171,540 +Annual Bond Payment 132.500 Total Subsidized Amount to Operate Facility 304,040 fI 9 i Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 14, 1998 Option A Operating General Fund 194,949 Enterprise Operating Fund 55,239 Annual Bond Payment 132.500 Option B Total 382,688 Residents / 3.1 304,040 /4,047 members 75.17 12,586 Allen (39,017) Population 968 Lucas (3,000) Population 903 Fairview (2,800) Population Total Operating Expense 382,688 Number of Households 12.586 Allen $30.40 Lucas 968 x $30.40 $29,427 Fairview 903 x $30.40 $27,451 Option B Per number of members annually subsidized cost per member 304,040 /4,047 members 75.17 Suggested fees per non- resident: Youth (10 years to 17years) 12.00 + 76.00 = 88.00 Member (18 years m 59 years) 24.00 + 76.00 = 100.00 Fitness Member (18 years to 59 years) 48.00 + 76.00 = 125.00 Senior Citizens (59 years and over) 00.00 + 76.00 = 76.00 MOTION: Laurelle Zamparelli moved to send forward the above proposal to City Council as presented. Cheri Jones seconded, and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. XII. FEE INCREASE FOR RECREATION AND ATHLETIC PROGRAMS Larry Kirk made the a brief presentation informing the Board that city Council had empowered the Board to set fees for recreation and athletic programs as long as the fee does not exceed a City Council approved range. The following information was provided by staff regarding the proposed fee changes: Program Ranee Current Proposed Lady Admission Pool 1.50 1.50 1.50 jSeason Pool Passes Individual 35 00-45.00 35.00 45.00 Family - 2 65.00 - 75.00 65.00 75.00 Family - 3 80.00 - 90.00 80.00 90.00 f' 11 L Page 8 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 14, 1998 Family - 4 95.00 - 105.00 95.00 105.00 Family - 5 100.00 - 110.00 100.00 110.00 Family - 6 105.00 - 115.00 105.00 115.00 Family - 7 110.00 - 120.00 110.00 120.00 Family - 8 115.00 - 125.00 115.00 125.00 Pool Rental 35.00 - 45.00 35.00 40.00 1-40 individuals 90.00 - 110.00 90.00 100.00 41-60 individuals 110 00 - 130.00 110.00 120.00 61-80 individuals 130.00 - 150.00 130.00 140.00 81-100 individuals 150.00 - 170.00 150.00 160.00 101-120 individuals 170.00 - 190.00 170.00 180.00 121-140 individuals 190.00 - 210.00 190.00 200.00 141-160 individuals 210.00 - 230.00 210.00 220.00 161-180 individuals 230.00 - 250.00 230.00 240.00 181-200 individuals 250.00 - 270.00 250.00 260.00 Light Fee 90 minutes 9.00 - 12.00/hour 9.00/hour 11.00/hour Learn to Swim Level 1 35.00 - 45.00 35.00 40.00 Level 35.00 - 45.00 35.00 40.00 Level 3 35.00 - 45.00 35.00 40.00 Level 4 35.00 - 45.00 35.00 40.00 Level 5 35.00 - 45.00 35.00 40.00 Level 6 35.00 - 45.00 35.00 40.00 Level 7 35.00 - 45.00 35.00 40.00 Adult Softball Winter/Spring 270.00 - 350.00 270.00 310.00 Summer 180.00 - 235.00 200.00 225.00 Adult Basketball Winter 350.00 - 430.00 350.00 395.00 Summer 425.00 - 480.00 425.00 445.00 Adult Volleyball Winter 160.00 - 190.00 160.00 180.00 Summer 190.00 - 210.00 190.00 20000 Spring 160.00 - 190.00 160.00 18000 COAST City of Allen Swim Team 60.00 - 90.00 75.00 80.00 Following a brief review by the Board, it was confirmed that scholarship money was available for anyone not being able to afford programming offered by the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Department. All requests are cleared the Allen Community Outreach. Page 9 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 14, 1998 MOTION: Anne Campbell moved to accept the fee proposals as presented. Kevin Pierce seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. XIII. REQUEST FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Dan Turner requested that guidelines for use of the Bethany Lakes Amphitheater be placed on the next agenda. XIV. SELF-EVALUATION XV. ITEMS OF INTEREST Laurelle reported that the Boards and Commissions Appreciation Dinner was very much appreciated. She also enjoyed the TRAPS Conference and shared information with the Board that she had picked up. She indicated the Trails Symposium might be of interest to Kevin Pierce. Don reminded the Board that the Southwest Parks Training Institute would be held from February 7" through the 10' Questions were raised about the Council -member assigned to Liaison with the Parks Board. Staff will research this issue. XVII.ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 15th day of February 1999 Jim ldbauer, Chairman 17 . Coi� Anne Campbell, Secretary