HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1999 - 05/10 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MAY 10, 1999 - 7 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Waldbauer, Chair Anne Campbell, Secretary Kevin Pierce, Vice -Chair Dan Turner Laurelle Zamparelli MEMBERS ABSENT Mike Rippe Cheri Jones GUESTS PRESENT Katherine Poteet, Public Information Officer, City of Allen Bond Committee Representatives Ron Gentry, Chief, Fire Department Robert Flores, Public Information Officer, Police Department Dan Tracey, Engineer, Public Works Department Sally Leeper, Community Development Department STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director Tim Deader, Park Services Manager Larry Kirk, Athletic Superintendent Sandy McGowan, Recreation Superintendent Sue Witkowski, Secretary PRE -MEETING WORKSHOP: I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Jim Waldbauer called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 10, 1999 H. QUESTIONS ON CURRENT AGENDA No questions were brought forth at this time. III. OPEN FORUM The Board took this opportunity to wish Laurelle well in her move to San Antonio and express appreciation for the two years she has served on the Parks and Recreation Board. Jim reminded the Board that Laurelle had attended Park Board Meetings for almost one year prior to being appointed by City Council, REGULAR MEETING - 7:30 P.M. IV. APPROVE MINUTES FROM APRIL 12, 1999, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Laurelle Zamparelli moved to approve the Minutes from April 12, 1999 as presented, Kevin Pierce seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. V. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens wishing to speak to the Board at this time. VI. UPDATE ON BOND ELECTION - SLIDE SHOW Chairman Jim Waldbauer introduced the Bond Committee Representatives to the Board and indicated that he would be doing a slide -show presentation to provide information about the upcoming bond election. Jim reviewed the definitions of the CIP, benefits of the projects, along with their history He also reviewed the format used by the committee to rank the proposed projects as "must have", "need to have", and "nice to have" Jim then reviewed each of the proposals being taken to the voters for the 1999 bond election on June 12, 1999 Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 10, 1999 Proposition 1. Police and Courts $ 3,600,000 Proposition 2: Fire Facilities and Equip. $ 4,900,000 Proposition 3: Streets $ 20,500,000 Proposition 4- Drainage $ 1,500,000 Proposition 5 Parks and Recreation $ 22,000.000 Total Bond Proposal $ 52,500,000 Each of the Board members was given an opportunity to have their name appear in advertising supporting this bond program. VII. MEDIA TRAINING PRESENTATION - KATHERINE POTEET, CITY OF ALLEN PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER Don Horton introduced Katherine Poteet, City of Allen Public Information Officer and reported that she would be doing a brief presentation on the City of Allen Media Policy Katherine provided the Board with a copy of the policy, and informed them of their role as a Board member with the media. Katherine stressed that she along with other staff members would make them selves available anytime Board members needed information or wanted to refer the media to her Katherine spent a few moments reviewing the Texas Public Information Act, and briefly outlined some of the items that are not considered public information. Some of those items are litigation, personal information on employees, vehicle information along with neighborhood watch participants. Victims of sexual assaults, along with juveniles are also protected by this act. Don provided an example of media that may contact Board members and volunteered that he would be available to answer any questions, or supply any information that might be needed. VIII. DEPARTMENT/PROJECT UPDATES - D Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 10, 1999 1 A. Don Horton - Discussion on Possible Format for Updating Board Members Don spent a few moments reviewing a suggestion for keeping the Board electronically informed, and possibly thereby expediting the agenda items at the regular Parks and Recreation Board meetings. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that the Board would give it a try, and all agreed that if further explanation was needed on an item, it could be brought forward at the meeting, or staff could be contacted by email or telephone and they would be glad to help. Staff prepares brief updates for the City Council on a regular basis, and will begin forwarding those along to the Board members on a trial basis. It was also suggested that the City web -site be used as a place to put information the public might want on projects that the Parks Department is involved in. B. Allen USA Celebration Sandy McGowan reported that new sponsors have been added to the list, those being Southwestern Bell Wireless, Harley Davidson, Five Star, and Ameri-Host Hotel. Sandy gave a brief update on the concessionaires expected at this event and reported that all plans are moving along very well. C. Registration - Summer, 1999 The Board members were provided a list of classes that filled the first day of registration, the majority of those being the learn -to - swim classes. Don reported that this year the Department would be enforcing a refund policy, and that a few transfers have already been accomplished under this policy with no problems being encountered. D Summer Concert Series Staff reported that the advertising for the series of concerts in the amphitheater is being well received and the public seems to be enthusiastic about this endeavor Don reminded the Board that the funding for this series is through the Allen Arts Alliance who Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 10, 1999 received the funds from the Allen Community Development Corporation Board. E. Softball Tournaments Larry Kirk reported that on May 1-2 there was a girls softball tournament held in Allen. All of the games were played on Saturday, but by 8:30 a.m., Sunday, the fields were closed due to heavy rains. Larry reported that three more tournaments are scheduled, one in July, August and September IX. SUNCREEK NEIGHBORHOOD PARK Don Horton provided the Board with the proposal done by Halff and Associates for the park at Alma and Tatum, along Rowlett Creek. Don further described this property as adjacent to "The Woods" in the Suncreek Development of west Allen. Don informed the Board that a portion of this property now has irrigation installed, but that any grassing material was lost when water had to be shut off for the construction of a bridge. He reported that this was a 5 acre piece of land that is being donated by Joel Robuck, developer of Suncreek and Watters Crossing. He also reported that Mr Jack Hamilton was going to donate another segment of this property as part of the land dedication requirement for development. Don reassured the Board that this park would never be a lighted facility He also pointed out the hike and bike trails coming into the facility and leading into the pedestrian -bridge to Connemara. Kevin Pierce suggested that the City consider widening of this trail from the current 8 ft. Don also informed the Board that Mr Robuck would be donating $75,000 toward the development of this facility which has a total development cost estimate of $322,000. MOTION Dan Turner moved to accept the Master Plan as presented, with the exception that consideration be given to the widening of the hike and bike trail from 8 feet to 10 feet. L He further recommended the acceptance of the land dedication and $75,000 in development funding from Mr. Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 10, 1999 Joel Robuck. Anne Campbell seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. X. DEDICATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS - MAY 22, 23 Tim Dentler presented the Board with a copy of the proposed outline for dedication of the newly upgraded neighborhood parks. These parks will be scheduled for rededication on May 22 and 23, with ceremonies for Reed and Heritage Park being held on Saturday May 22 (one in the morning and one in the afternoon), and Rolling Hills and Hillside Playground being dedicated on Sunday, May 23 (both in the afternoon). Tim indicated that he would be enlisting the help of the Parks and Recreation Board members for these ceremonies. Tim will be sending out further information as the time draws closer for exact times and what can be expected. Invitations will probably be done via door hangars to the residents in the immediate vicinity XI. GUIDELINES FOR USE OF BETHANY LAKES AMPHITHEATER - SANDY MCGOWAN Sandy McGowan reviewed the sound guidelines researched by staff and reported that the City of Allen does not have a sound level ordinance. Staff has determined that the State of Texas guidelines are as follows: "a noise is presumed to be unreasonable if the noise exceeds a decibel level of 85" Sandy recommended that the City of Allen use the same guidelines for their policy Staff recommended the postponement of adoption of this policy until sound measurements can be taken at both the Allen USA Celebration, and the Summer Concert Series. XII. SELF-EVALUATION Jim Waldbauer performed the evaluation, and deemed all areas covered satisfactorily Mike Rippe is scheduled to perform the next evaluation. XIII. ITEMS OF INTEREST Board members were reminded of the following events: Allen Chamber of Commerce Business Fair - May 22, 1999 Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting May 10, 1999 Allen USA Celebration - June 26, 1999 Summer Concert Series - July 12, July 19, July 26, August 2 and August 9 Tim Dealer updated the Board briefly on the progress to install additional parking at Allen Station Park. May 18, 1999 is the date for the ground -breaking ceremony for the depot building by the current Leadership Allen Class. XIV ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9 41 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 12" of July 1999 16I�X�1T's--- Ji aIdbauer, Chairman Anne Campbell, Secretary