HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 1999 - 08/17 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 17, 1999 - 7 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Waldbauer, Chair Kevin Pierce, Vice -Chair Dan Turner Cheri Jones MEMBERS ABSENT Anne Campbell, Secretary GUESTS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director Tim Dentler, Park Services Manager Larry Kirk, Athletic Superintendent Sue Witkowski, Secretary PRE -MEETING WORKSHOP: CALL TO ORDER Chair Jim Waldbauer called the meeting to order at 7 10 p.m. II. QUESTIONS ON CURRENT AGENDA A brief discussion was held on the anticipated appearance by Fountain Park Residents regarding the renovations at Reed Park. Cheryl Lawson Patti Runyan Pam Housour STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director Tim Dentler, Park Services Manager Larry Kirk, Athletic Superintendent Sue Witkowski, Secretary PRE -MEETING WORKSHOP: CALL TO ORDER Chair Jim Waldbauer called the meeting to order at 7 10 p.m. II. QUESTIONS ON CURRENT AGENDA A brief discussion was held on the anticipated appearance by Fountain Park Residents regarding the renovations at Reed Park. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 17, 1999 III. OPEN FORUM Allen USA Celebration Wrap Up - Sandy McGowan Due to the absence of Sandy McGowan, this item was postponed until the next Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board, REGULAR MEETING - 7:30 P.M. IV. APPROVE MINUTES FROM MAY 10, 1999, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Kevin Pierce moved to approve the Minutes from May IQ 1999 as presented, Dan Turner seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. V. CITIZENS COMMENTS 1 There were no citizens wishing to speak to the Board at this time. VI. APPEARANCE BY CHERYL LAWSON, 1006 TIMBERCREEK DRIVE, ALLEN, TEXAS 75002 Chairman Jim Waldbauer welcomed the guests to the meeting, and invited them to begin their presentation. Cheryl Lawson introduced her neighbors, Patti Runyan and Pam Housour and began by providing the Board with a brief overview of her perspective on the planning and implementation of the renovations to Reed Park. In particular, Ms. Lawson was concerned over the removal of an old playground in the southwest corner of the property, and the placement of a new Toddler Playground near Reed Elementary in the northeast portion of the park. Ms. Lawson also indicated concerns over the lack of enough picnic tables, sidewalks in the facility She also listed the benefits associated with placing a multi-age playground facility within Reed Park, away from the elementary school. Primary among Ms. Lawson's concerns is the security issue with a public playground in such close proximity to the school. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 17. 1999 Following a brief discussion, Director Don Horton asked the guests what their primary concern was for this facility, and he was told that the number one request would be to build a larger, multi-age playground in Reed Park Ms. Lawson indicated her willingness to approach the Allen Community Development Corporation Board with her request, and asked for the Parks and Recreation Board official support of her request should she decide to take this route. Ms. Lawson and her neighbors were thanked for their interest, and assured that the Board would be getting back to them following their deliberations on this issue. The guests provided the Board with a list of approximately 80 signatures Ms. Lawson had collected from Allen residents in support of replacing the multi-age playground, as well as providing picnic tables, and benches in the park. Following a brief discussion with the board, Don Horton indicated the Department could find funds to place additional picnic tables in the park, sidewalks along the southern edge of the park, and charcoal grills in the park. Chairman Waldbauer indicatedhe would draft a letter to Allen Independent School District (AISD) regarding the existing playground at Reed Elementary School. The Board will have an opportunity to review this letter before it is mailed. VII. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE HILLSIDE AMPHITHEATER — DON HORTON Aon Horton gave a brief background on the history of this project, and reminded the Board that the adoption of this policy had been postponed until sound -level measurements could be taken in the amphitheater during the Summer Sounds Series. Don reported that the tested sound levels be set at the State levels rater than being more restrictive. Those state levels are 87-95 decibel. MOTION. Dan Turner moved to recommend the Rules and Regulations for the hillside Amphitheater be adopted by the Allen City Council as presented. Cheri Jones seconded, and the motion carried 4 for, 0 against. I Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 17, 1999 Don informed the Board that the City Attorney would be pulling sections for this policy for inclusion in the Park Ordinance for legal enforcement purposes. VIII. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE JOE FARMER RECREATION CENTER - INFORMATION ONLY Don began the presentation by stating that after four years of operation at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center, it was probably time to review those initial rules that are governing the facility Don also reported that following the annual budget retreat this past weekend, the hours of operation for the recreation center will be extended to open at 6 a.m. Monday -Friday Don Horton briefly described to the Board circumstances and issues which lead to the consideration of updating this policy Some of those issues were the current guidelines which prevent the rental of the facility to religious or political organizations. If these groups are willing to pay the same fee that other groups are charged, then legally, they should not be disallowed to rent the facilities. Don informed the Board that this item was for information only, and that no action would be taken this evening. Staff will be preparing various updates to this policy for the Board review at future meetings. It was suggested that a survey be done of the current users of the recreation center over the next few weeks to review attendance, usage, etc. It was also suggested that the staff might want to revisit what other cities are charging for membership to their facilities. Dan Turner suggested that the rental of the gymnasium to basketball teams for practice would be very useful. He reported a shortage of gym space to be rented through the AISD IX. ORDINANCE #1388-1-96 - PROHIBITED ACTS SECTION - "VEHICULAR TRAFFIC IN THE CITY PARKS" - DON HORTON Don Horton reviewed Ordinance #1388-1-96 which governs local law pertaining to the Parks and Recreation Department. Currently, the ordinance does not prohibit vehicular traffic from entering park property except on trails. Staff recommends language to prohibit any such traffic Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 17, 1999 on park property except for maintenance vehicles. As an addition to the existing ordinance, staff is proposing the following wording: "It shall be unlawful for any person to commit or attempt to commit in a public park any one or more of the following acts. " "To ride or drive any motorcycle, automobile, or other motorized vehicle upon any parkland, except by persons duly authorized to perform duties within the parkland. Don reported that specifically, the area that was currently causing concern is within the 76 acres of property known as "The Woods" This site has for some time been a gathering place for individuals on 4 - wheeled vehicles and motorcycles. The Allen Police Department has been called upon several occasions to control the activity in this site, but due to the current wording, has had difficulty taking a firm stand. Therefore, they approached the Parks Department and asked that revisions be made to the existing ordinance. MOTION: Kevin Pierce moved to update the Park Ordinance with the proposed wording as follows: "To ride or drive any motorcycle, automobile, or other motorized vehicle upon any parkland, except by persons ? duly authorized to perform duties within the parkland." Dan Turner seconded, and the Motion carried, 4 for, 0 against. X. APPROVE CONCEPT PLAN FOR ALLEN NATATORIUM — DON HORTON Don Horton reviewed the latest concept plan which has been approved by the Allen Independent School District (AISD) Board with the Parks and Recreation Board, pointing out the changes that have occurred due to input by the jointly formed citizens subcommittee. Some of those changes are to increase the deck space to a minimum of 15 feet, add 240 temporary seats, change the permanent seating from 400 to 650. The depth of the pool will move from 5.5 feet to a suggested depth of 6 feet at the shallow end and 13 feet in the diving well. Don also reported that at the last City Council Meeting, concerns were presented by the AISD Board Bond Attorney that needed further investigation. Specifically, concerns were issued about the use of Bond money for lease purposes. Currently, legal representatives from both Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 17, 1999 entities are working toward a joint -ownership agreement, with the City to manage the facility MOTION: Cheri Jones moved to approve the Concept Plan as revised and presented: increase the deck space to a minimum of 15 feet, add 240 temporary seats, change the permanent seating from 400 to 650. The depth of the pool will move from 5.5 feet to a suggested depth of 6 feet at the shallow end and 13 feet in the diving well. Kevin Pierce seconded, and the Motion carried 4 for, 0 against. XI. TRAIN DEPOT PLANNING STRATEGY - DON HORTON Don gave the following information as background to the Train Depot Planning Strategy to be discussed: Leadership Allen Class X has secured funding for the design and development of a train depot to be located in Allen Station Park. The depot is identified and approved to be located at the southern -most boundary of the park, east of Cedar Drive. Leadership Allen Class X approached the 4-b Board for funding to develop the facility at a total cost of $250,000. Additionally, I have _j agreed to consider additional funding to assist in developing abridge across the Cottonwood Creek tributary that separates the depot from the parking area. It was decided that three Parks and Recreation Board members were needed to serve on this subcommittee. Kevin Pierce, Cheri Jones and Jim Waldbauer volunteered to be a part of this committee. XII. REQUEST TO USE GREEN PARK FOR TWIN CREEKS COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE A request has been received from Wendy Silvestre to hold a Twin Creeks Neighborhood Garage Sale (proceeds to go to Allen Community Outreach), utilizing the Green Elementary parking lot as well as Green Park. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that the newly sprayed hydro -mulch would not be strong enough to withstand traffic, and that the need to keep it wet at all times would make it difficult for people to walk cleanly and safely on it. Therefore, the request was denied at this time, but staff felt sure it would be available for the event next year. Staff will be in touch with Ms. Silvestre regarding her request. Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 17, 1999 I XIII. ITEMS OF INTEREST Chairman, Jim Waldbauer requested that newly appointed Board Member Vicki Wester be invited to join us at the September meeting, rather than waiting for the October meeting. Staff will be contacting Ms. Wester Vandalism at the historic dam site was discussed, along with the request to the Allen Police Department for officers to visit the site on a regular basis during the daylight hours. The adult athletic program feedback received by Board members has been very positive and Larry Kirk was thanked for this program. Bolin Park Concession/Restroom facilities were reviewed briefly by Tim Dentler, and several comments were received and noted regarding the design of this facility Such things as the workspace, and gated access were discussed, along with moving the counter back 4-6 inches to allow for a permanent enclosure, should one be needed in the future. Don Horton reported that the 1999-2000 budget would be approved at the Council Meeting on Thursday evening. Don briefly reviewed with the Board newly approved programs and positions within the Department. XIV. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9.46 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 13" of September, 1999 4aidbatter, Chairman Anne Campbell, Secretary I