HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2000 - 03/13 - RegularPARB MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Waldbauer, Chair Kevin Pierce, Vice -Chair Anne Campbell, Secretary Cheri Jones MEMBERS ABSENT Scott Neice Vicki Wester Ben Ferguson STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director Tim Dentler, Park Services Manager Larry Kirk, Athletic Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Secretary Lisa Anderson, Special Activities Coordinator AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Jim Waldbauer called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. CITIZENS' COMMENTS The following citizens spoke during this time regarding Reed Park: Cheryl Lawson 1006 Timbercreek Drive Ms. Lawson just wanted to reiterate her desire to see a multi-age playground installed in Reed Park. MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MARCH 13, 2000 - 6:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Waldbauer, Chair Kevin Pierce, Vice -Chair Anne Campbell, Secretary Cheri Jones MEMBERS ABSENT Scott Neice Vicki Wester Ben Ferguson STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director Tim Dentler, Park Services Manager Larry Kirk, Athletic Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Secretary Lisa Anderson, Special Activities Coordinator AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Jim Waldbauer called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. CITIZENS' COMMENTS The following citizens spoke during this time regarding Reed Park: Cheryl Lawson 1006 Timbercreek Drive Ms. Lawson just wanted to reiterate her desire to see a multi-age playground installed in Reed Park. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting March 13, 2000 Corinna Jones 1104 Timbercreek Drive Due to safety issues with mixing public playground opportunities with AISD children, feels it important to have a separate playground for public usage. Cathy Smith 7 Creekcrest Court Home -schools three children, and is not allowed to use the playground at Reed Elementary from g a.m. until 6 p.m. (due to "Kids Club" and regular school schedule). 3. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JANUARY 10, 2000, REGULAR CALLED MEETING; JANUARY 31, 2000, SPECIAL CALLED MEETING; FEBRUARY 15, 2000, REGULAR CALLED MEETING; FEBRUARY 23, 2000, TOWN HALL MEETING AND FEBRUARY 29, 2000, SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MOTION: Anne Campbell moved to accept the minutes as presented. Kevin Pierce seconded and the motion carried 4 for, 0 against. 4. FISHING DERBY AND EASTER EGG HUNT — LISA ANDERSON Lisa Anderson, Special Activities Coordinator provided a brief update on the two programs. 5. REED PARK MEETING FOLLOW UP Following a brief review of the issues, Chairman Jim Waldbauer requested a meeting be scheduled with AISD regarding this facility Don Horton indicated that David Baldwin had been requested to prepare two plans for a playground, should that be approved, then staff would move forward to ACDC Board to request funding. 6. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD WORK PLAN — "ASSISTING IN CULTIVATING OUR GARDEN" I Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting March 13, 2000 Chairman Jim Waldbauer briefly reviewed this document, and indicated he would be bringing it to the next Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting (4/10/00) for final approval. 7:30 P.M. - PUBLIC MEETING — TWIN CREEKS PARK 7. OVERVIEW OF PROCESS — DON HORTON Don Horton provided a brief background on the process and how we had come to this evenings meeting on the Master Plan for Twin Creeks Park. S. PRESENTATION OF MASTER PLAN BY DAVID BALDWIN, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT David Baldwin made a brief presentation outlining the three plans brought before the group at their last meeting, along with photos of the facility 9. RECEIVE PUBLIC INPUT The following persons filled in information sheets regarding tonight's meeting: Jeff Coats, 1115 Shadetree 75013 Mark and Ian Hendrix, 1109 Dunlay Court 75013 Katherine Barnes, 1207 Wills Point Dr 75013 Dennis Orewiler, 1106 Rainforest Lane 75013 Craig Jodan, 617 Driftwood Court 75013 Sharon and Amy Reed, 602 Comanche 75013 Rick Moss, 617 Rainforest Lane 75013 Ben Daniel, 615 Rainforest Lane 75013 Elizabeth Dean, 1201 Granger 75013 Jeff Gutknecht, 613 Rainforest 75013 Penny Meyer, 606 Comanche 75013 Karen Jackson, 1202 Conroe 75013 Sandie Klaver, 614 Driftwood Court 75013 It was noted that 8 of the 15 guests did not make the first meeting for this facility It was also noted that the estimates are a bit higher than anticipated budget. 11 Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting March 13, 2000 MOTION: Anne Campbell moved to accept the concept plan as presented by David Baldwin for Twin Creeks Park. Cheri Jones seconded, and the Motion carried 4 for, 0 against. 10. OTHER BUSINESS Updated Media Policy - in packet Updated Board and Staff Rosters - in packet Mustang Branch Creek - letter provided to Board members from Tim Derider Speakers Bureau - outline of plan provided by Don Horton and Doug White 11. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9.10 p in. These minutes read and approved this 10th day of April, 2000. E F Ji aldbauer, Chairman Anne Campbell, Secretary A