HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2000 - 12/11 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING DECEMBER 11, 2000 — 7 P.M. PARR MEMBERS PRESENT Anne Campbell, Vice -Chair Chen Jones Kevin Pierce, Chair Vicki Wester Ben Ferguson, Secretary Cart Clemencich, Jr. MEMBERS ABSENT Scott Neice STAFFPRESENT Don Horton, Director Bobby Trevino, Operations Supervisor Randy Thompson, Operations Supervisor Tim Deader, Park Services Manager Beth Vogel, Senior Program Coordinator Lary Kirk, Recreation Services Manager Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Sue Witkowski, Administrative Secretary GUESTS None 7 P.M. — PRE -MEETING WORKSHOP: CALL TO ORDER Chair Kevin Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. i 2. QUESTIONS ON CURRENT AGENDA There were no questions brought forward at this time. 3. OPEN FORUM — Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 11, 2000 TEXAS TURF GRASS ASSOCIATION AWARD Tim Dentler, Park Services Manager for the Parks and Recreation Department introduced Bobby Trevino and Randy Thompson to the Board and gave a brief background on the Texas Turf Grass Award, along with the competition for this award. The Board congratulated staff on this achievement of receiving the'Ballfield of the Year" Award. SENIOR PROGRAM COORDINATOR Larry Kirk, Recreation Services Manager for the Parks and Recreation Department introduced Beth Vogel to the Board and announced that Beth is now the Senior Program Coordinator for the City of Allen, and will be implementing many new programming opportunities for our Senior Citizens. TRAILS MASTER PLAN Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect for the City of Allen presented the Draft of a plan developed by Mesa Design proposing a Master Trail Plan to provide access to all areas of Allen as well as entering McKinney and Plano through these trails. Brian demonstrated how the trails would form loops in Allen, as well as access creeks and tributaries. Areas that may prove a challenge to provide access on were also pointed out Connecting the west and east segments of the City have presented special challenges for several years and this plan would help address some of those issues. This was presented as an information only item. 7:45 P.M. REGULAR MEETING 4. APPROVE MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 13, 2000 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Anne Campbell moved to accept the Minutes from November 13, 2000 Regular Called Meeting as amended. Ben Ferguson seconded and the Motion carried. 6 for, 0 against. 5. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens present wishing to speak at this time. 6. SECRETARY READING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD L BYLAWS Secretary, Ben Ferguson read aloud the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws as prescribed by Ordinance #306. 7. ALLEN STATION BUSINESS PARK Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 11, 2000 Don Horton gave a brief background on the proposed development north of Allen Station Park on Exchange at Cedar. He indicated that this date he and Brian Bristow had met with the representatives of Trammel Crow regarding their development as it relates to the historic dam site and public access into that area. This is proposed to be a business park of 10 buildings at approximately 100.000 square feet each. Following this meeting, staff was assured on several issues — those being pedestrian access to the dam, small parking lot to accommodate site visitors, along with trails into the area. A permanent easement will be granted to allow vehicular access into the parking lot as well. Developers assured staff they would be sensitive to the dam and the historical significance of this facility to residents of Allen. Don indicated he would keep the Board informed as this development process moves through the City of Allen 8. UNDER -SERVED PARK PLANNING EFFORT Brian Bristow and Don Horton reviewed the maps of areas of town that have been designated as "under -served" in their access to parkland. The Board had joined a tour lead by Brian and Don on Saturday, December 2 to physically analyze these areas of town and identify potential land that might be considered for programming and parkland. Following a lengthy discussion on each of the 7 areas designated as "under- served", the following Motion was made: MOTION: Ben Ferguson moved to pursue the following: Area 1, pursue purchase of 8-10 acres on the east -side of area. Area 2, pursue purchase of 8-10 acres of land if area developed as residential Area 3, pursue purchase of area on McDermott and Cedar (AISD, owned). Pour sidewalks along Cedar Area 4, Work with church to construct playground and park Investigate possibility of land on east -side Jupiter, across from Jupiter Ballfields. Area 5, Redevelop Hillside Ballfield land and pursue purchase of homes at Greeting Gate and Meadow Mead Area 6, Pursue purchase of one lot south of Boyd Elementary, as well as 5 lots on north end of Collin Square Greenbelt. Area 7, Consider master planning site with the library and like to Allen Station Park Anne Campbell seconded and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December I1. 2000 7 9. PROPOSED SURVEY OF USERS Larry Kirk briefly reviewed the proposed survey and indicated it was produced by "Survey Solutions", and could be purchased this week and installed in stand-alone personal computers at the Recreation Center in January for survey input by users. One of the major advantages of this program was that a survey could be designed specifically for our uses. Stand-alone personal computers will also be installed at Ford Swimnung Pool this coming summer as well as the Natatorium upon completion next fall to receive user input. 10. OTHER BUSINESS REVIEW OF BOARD WORK PLAN Chair, Kevin Pierce reviewed the calendar for the Board work plan and found all issues being taken care of in a timely manner. Kevin indicated he would be attending an upcoming Allen Sports Association meeting and Ben Ferguson volunteered to join him. PARKLAND Don Horton reported that the City of Allen would be purchasing 40 acres of land from Ecom Properties, as authorized by City Council on Thursday, December 7 He also indicated the Mr. John Greene would be donating I 1 acres of floodplain land along Watters Creek to the City of Allen. CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING AND RUDOLPH RUN Larry Kirk indicated that next year's run will incorporate several changes, the major being that it will not be a night run, but will return to the daylight hours. TRAIN DEPOT The Allen Train Depot project has been authorized to purchase I acre in the Central Business District for the placement of the depot, therefore the facility will be removed from the planned location in Allen Station Park PARK SERVICE AREA MAPS The Park Service area maps were placed in the agenda packet as requested by Board members in their November, 2000 meeting. 11. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 11 u 11 I Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting December 11. 2000 These minutes read and approved this 12'" day of February, 2001. Kevin Pierce, Chair Ben Ferguson, Secre&n