HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2001 - 08/13 - RegularPARB MEMBERS PRESENT Kevin Pierce, Chair Anne Campbell, Vice -Chair Chen Jones Vicki Wester Ben Ferguson, Secretary Carl Clemencich, Jr. Scott Neice MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFFPRESENT Don Horton, Director Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Larry Kirk, Recreation Services Manager Tim Dentler, Park Services Manager Jennifer Brown, Aquatic Supervisor Lisa Anderson, Special Activities Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kevin Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM MAY 14, 2001 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Ben Ferguson moved to accept the Minutes from May 14, 2001 Regular Called Meeting as amended. Cart Clemencich seconded and the Motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING AUGUST 13,2001 — 7:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Kevin Pierce, Chair Anne Campbell, Vice -Chair Chen Jones Vicki Wester Ben Ferguson, Secretary Carl Clemencich, Jr. Scott Neice MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFFPRESENT Don Horton, Director Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Larry Kirk, Recreation Services Manager Tim Dentler, Park Services Manager Jennifer Brown, Aquatic Supervisor Lisa Anderson, Special Activities Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kevin Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM MAY 14, 2001 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Ben Ferguson moved to accept the Minutes from May 14, 2001 Regular Called Meeting as amended. Cart Clemencich seconded and the Motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 13, 2001 11 There were no citizens present wishing to speak to the Board at this time. 4. NATATORIUM RENTAL FEE STRUCTURE — LARRY KIRK Don Horton indicated that this fee structure had been presented to the City Council at their Annual Budget Workshop this past weekend, and that concerns were raised over the daily entry fee, and that it may be lowered from the proposed $5 to $3. The use fees will probably go to Council by resolution at the September meeting. Larry Kirk pointed out that in addition to the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium rental fee structure, the support materials supplied to the Board for review also contained rental information for the Joe Farmer Recreation Center facilities, along with the Allen Senior Citizens Center. Following a Power Point presentation done by Larry Kirk, it was determined that the word "participant' should be used rather than `children" It was also suggested that the $100 deposit be dropped from the `lane rental' fee structure. Discussions were held regarding the fee structure for the party rental options being proposed and concerns that these might be too high. It was suggested that the party rental structure be proposed to Council as presented with the option to change these fees as deemed appropriate following actual operation of the facility. Concerns were discussed over raising the rental fees at the Recreation Center from their current rates by the amount being proposed by staff. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that these fees should be raised, but incrementally over a 2-3 year period. It was also suggested that the "non-profit' group status be eliminated and offered at the "members" rate. MOTION: Carl Clemencich moved to accept the rental fee structure as presented with changes discussed and reflected herein. Anne Campbell seconded and the Motion carried 6 for, 1 against. Scott Neice issued the descenting vote and indicated concerns over the structure of the fees for parties to be offered. 5. NATATORIUM RULES AND REGULATIONS — LARRY KIRK Larry Kirk introduced Jennifer Brown, the Aquatic Supervisor and Jennifer made a brief presentation to the Board regarding the Rules and Regulations being proposed for the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium. Following a brief discussion regarding these proposals, it was suggested that the under #3 of the Pool rules, the wording should reflect examples of what is not acceptable as follows, "including, Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 13, 2001 L11 but not limited to cutoffs, and thongs", as well as appropriate wording to deal with the use of swim -diapers for small children. 6. CIP PLAN — NEXT 5 YEARS — BRIAN BRISTOW Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect for the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Department made a brief presentation to the Board outlining some of the projects currently underway for the department, as well as those projected for implementation over the next 5 years. It was pointed out that this CIP Plan is simply a planning tool to be used by the City, and changes may be made. 7. DISCUSSION ON NAMING KIDMANIA — DON HORTON This item was postponed until the September meeting. 8. EAGLE TOUCHDOWN CLUB REQUEST FOR "5� QUARTER PROGRAM" USE OF ALLEN STATION PARK — LARRY KIRK Larry Kirk indicated that Board action was required on this issue since the Eagle Touchdown Club would be charging a $5 gate fee for this event. It was also pointed out that in addition to the two dates requested, a third date has been added since the Board received their packets. MOTION: Ben Ferguson moved to allow the Eagle Touchdown Club to host a 5ih Quarter activity on Friday, August 31, October 5, and November 2 at Allen Station Park for a gate fee of $5. Vicki Wester seconded and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. 9. ALLEN USA/ARTS FEST/SUMMER CONCERT SERIES RECAP — LISA ANDERSON Lisa Anderson briefly updated the Board on evaluations received by staff working on this event, and welcomed the Board's suggestions or comments regarding the event. She indicated that working with the Chamber of Commerce on the Business Expo had proved to be a positive experience and both groups are looking forward to more joint endeavors. She also reported that the Summer Sounds Concert Series that has lust concluded had been extremely well received by the residents. 10. BOARD STRATEGIC PLAN — KEVIN PIERCE C Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting August 13, 2001 Kevin Pierce briefly reviewed the plan and indicated that the Board was on schedule with the goals set forward. He indicated he would be pursuing the filing of the Annual Report to City Council. 11. OTHER BUSINESS NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE 2001— DON HORTON Don indicated he would not be attending this year's NRPA Conference to be held in Denver, Colorado October 3-6. He also indicated there were funds set aside for 3 Board members to attend, and since he would not be going, a total of 4 could register if they are interested. Cheri, Ben, Kevin and Carl indicated an interest in attending this year's conference. DOG PARK DISCUSSION — BRIAN BRISTOW Brian briefly updated the Board that the land being considered for this facility is west of Ford Middle School and east of Jupiter Road at Park Place. This property �n will be on the Technical Review Committee Agenda for Tuesday, August 14, `i 2001. CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Don provided the Board with a picture update on the construction of the Natatorium from April 2001 through July, 2001. He indicated that staff still anticipates the opening of this facility by late November 2001. He also reported that the Central Fire Station should be completed in March, 2002 and that the Allen Police Building Expansion is on schedule. 10. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10 p.m. These minutes read and approved this I& day of September, 2001. Kevin Pierce, Chair Ben Ferguson, ecretary