HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2002 - 02/11 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING FEBRUARY 11, 2002 — 7 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Kevin Pierce, Chair Anne Campbell, Vice -Chair Scott Neice Vicki Wester Ben Ferguson, Secretary Carl Clemencich, Jr. Chen Jones MEMBERS ABSENT None E.i STAFF PRESENT Don Horton. Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Dentler, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Tammy Bain, Athletic Coordinator Sue Witkowski, Secretary GUESTS Jim Waldbauer, Allen Parks and Recreation Foundation 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kevin Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:12 p in. 7 PM — PRE -MEETING WORKSHOP — FIELD USE POLICY — TIM DENTLER ETim Dentler introduced Tammy Bain to the Board Members and indicated they E` would be updating the Field Use Policy. Following a brief review of the Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February 11, 2002 components being concentrated upon, Tim called for volunteers to serve on an ad- hoc subcommittee to develop the policy Vicki Wester and Scott Neice volunteered to serve on this subcommittee. Tim indicated there would be staff as well as ASA representatives on this subcommittee. The first meeting of this group will be February 25, 2002, 7 p.m. in the Conference room at the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium. 7:30 PM REGULAR MEETING 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JANUARY 14, 2002 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Anne Campbell moved to accept the Minutes from December 10, 2001 Regular Called Meeting as presented. Cheri Jones seconded and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. 3. TRAIL PRESENTATION — BRIAN BRISTOW Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect for the City of Allen Parks and Recreation Department shared a Power Point Presentation with the Board reviewing the Trails in Allen, a copy of which is attached to these minutes. This presentation has been made to the Allen Community Development Corporation Board prior to this evening. 4. OTHER BUSINESS Don Horton reviewed with the Board the possibility of obtaining additional parkland in Allen through donation. After reviewing the potential for this property, along with the background, the Board indicated they would support the Director in pursuing this acquisition. Don also indicated that staff would begin the process of an update to the Parks Master Plan as well. Don Horton provided the Board members with a draft copy of the survey being prepared for mailing to the residents of Allen in order to update the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Allen. Following the review of this document, Don indicated he would forward the Board comments to the developers of this survey for consideration. Don also invited the Board members to continue to review the document and email comments to him by 5 p.m. Wednesday, ��ii February 13, 2002. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting February tl, 2002 The Board briefly drscuseed the locat:on of future Board meetings, and it was dere; rntned that they would continue to meet at the Natatorium for the time being, with the flexibility to move to the Ctly Council Conference Room or City Council Chambers should the need for more space arise. 5. ADJOURN There bert,q no further b:siness, the meeting war. adjourned .a P 45 p rr. These n;, ;,W, read and approved this 81" da- of April Kean Pierce, Chat,_-------- -- 0 Ben Ferg•^son. Secreta - I I X.a lffl a A stdf update TV Q,a 101NOES �1♦ CT OPALLCX LMU➢V 21.3LN 2000-2001 . TRAu-PFI ATED AeeC ✓ TRAILS ORDINANCE •EXN4re 1220-01 • Specie nua Wagn and tlenperLL �—` •Tra.1headareedaapn pweannm TRAIL PROJECT HISTORY 2000-2001 ✓ TRAIL SYSTEM MASTER PLAN ✓ 6 CITIES TRAIL PLAN ✓ TRAIL OFIDMANCE/STANDARDS ✓ TRAIL GRANT FROM TPWD ✓ TRAIL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS aw. TRAIL PROJECT HISTORY 2000-2001 TR OMP LISHMENjS ✓ 6 CITIES TRAIL PLAN - • InleOunssi,nonal ball _ planforlmkagec Eeteeen Allen. Frow. .0 GarlandMCKnney, a Plano and Rchamon w _ •Identifies CjdoOrtun ties and W Menges to acmM[,.h,n, ph,.l aim,' gr conned' Mkey hounda, points ✓ TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE • 80 209: notCh -TPWD $80,000 •cow $20,000 •Son -surface Interpretive trail plus a nenmes p_ 1 I 0 I STAKING &CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS wXTTERS BRANCH TR.VL SUNCREK FAFK TUP GS TER MUSTANNGG CRUIA Rl BROOaKSIDE I CROSSING— BLUF S AT LOST CREEK DAVBPRINC NATURE PRESERVE IDECOMPOSED GRANTS) WATERFORD CROSSING IIIA HISTORIC DAM ACCESS TR AIL SPRING MEADOWS VICTONAGARDENS FOA III CUSTER MEADOWS PRIORITY TRAIL PROJECTS FOR 2002 • CONNECTION OF MUSTANG BRANCH TRAIL AT BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION • LINKAGE OF WAITERS BRANCH TRAIL AT MCDERMOTT DRIVE • SPRING MEADOW TRAIL ALONG SPRINGAIR DRIVE AND TIE TO EXCHANGE • TRAIVfRAILHEAD SIGNAGE • SAFETY CROSSING DESIGN PROTOTYPE AT SHADOW LAKES TRAIL ro PRIORITY TRAIL PROJECTS FOR 2002 CONNECTION OF MUSTANG BRANCH TRAIL AT BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION i STAKING &CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 1w, " am PRIORITY TRAIL PROJECTS FOR 2002 • CONNECTION OF MUSTANG BRANCH TRAIL AT BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION • ESTIMATED COST. $75.000• (INCL. DESIGN) • COMPONENTS' • 55' PEDESTRIAN PEDESTRIAN • S' TRAIL EXTENSION FROM PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE TO EXISTING WAITERS BRANCH TRAIL PRIORITY TRAIL PROJECTS FOR 2002 • LINKAGE OF WAITERS BRANCH TRAIL AT MCDERMOTT DRIVE • ESTIMATED COST: $150.000. (INCL. DESIGN) • COMPONENTS. • V TRAIL EXTENSION FROM MCDERMOTT UNDERPASS TO PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE • 100' PEDESTRIAN PEDESTRIAN (! • V TRAIL EXTENSION FROM 6..SSJ PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE TO EXISTING WAITERS BRANCH TRAIL L 1 I PRIORITY TRAIL PROJECTS FOR 2002 SAFETY CROSSING DESIGN PROTOTYPE AT SHADOW LAKES TRAIL A ' Aim PRIORITY TRAIL PROJECTS FOR 2002 • TRAIL CONNECTION AT SPRING MEADOW SUBDIVISION AND AT EXCHANGE PKWY. • ESTIMATED COST $8,000 (TRAIL) PLUS $B,DDO (BARRIER -FREE RAMP AT EXCHANGE) • COMPONENTS. • 8' TRAIL EXTENSION FROM NEW PARK PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE TO CORNER OF SPRING AIR DR. AND SUMMERPLACE DR A • ADA TRAIL CONNECTION TO de SIDEWALK AT EXCHANGE PARKWAY PRIORITY TRAIL PROJECTS FOR 2002 • TRAIIJTRAILHEAD SIGNAGE y � 7 PRIORITY TRAIL PROJECTS FOR 2002 • LINKAGE OF WATTERS BRANCH TRAIL AT MCDa%ERMOTT DRIVE ITIM PRIORITY TRAIL PROJECTS FOR 2002 SAFETY CROSSING DESIGN PROTOTYPE AT SHADOW LAKES TRAIL A ' Aim PRIORITY TRAIL PROJECTS FOR 2002 • TRAIL CONNECTION AT SPRING MEADOW SUBDIVISION AND AT EXCHANGE PKWY. • ESTIMATED COST $8,000 (TRAIL) PLUS $B,DDO (BARRIER -FREE RAMP AT EXCHANGE) • COMPONENTS. • 8' TRAIL EXTENSION FROM NEW PARK PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE TO CORNER OF SPRING AIR DR. AND SUMMERPLACE DR A • ADA TRAIL CONNECTION TO de SIDEWALK AT EXCHANGE PARKWAY PRIORITY TRAIL PROJECTS FOR 2002 • TRAIIJTRAILHEAD SIGNAGE y � 7