HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2002 - 06/10 - RegularPARB MEMBERS PRESENT Kevin Pierce, Chair Cheri Jones Anne Campbell, Vice -Chair Vicki Wester Ben Ferguson, Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT Scott Neice Carl Clemencich, Jr. STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Tim Dentler, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Tony Hill, Recreation Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Secretary GUESTS Invited Residents 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice -Chair Anne Campbell called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM MAY 13, 2002 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Anne Campbell moved to accept the Minutes from May 13, 2002 Regular Called Meeting as amended. Cheri Jones seconded and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 3. SET HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR JOE FARMER RECREATION CENTER AND DON RODENBAUGH NATATORIUM — TONY HILL MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JUNE 10, 2002 — 6 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Kevin Pierce, Chair Cheri Jones Anne Campbell, Vice -Chair Vicki Wester Ben Ferguson, Secretary MEMBERS ABSENT Scott Neice Carl Clemencich, Jr. STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect Tim Dentler, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Tony Hill, Recreation Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Secretary GUESTS Invited Residents 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice -Chair Anne Campbell called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM MAY 13, 2002 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Anne Campbell moved to accept the Minutes from May 13, 2002 Regular Called Meeting as amended. Cheri Jones seconded and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 3. SET HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR JOE FARMER RECREATION CENTER AND DON RODENBAUGH NATATORIUM — TONY HILL A Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 10, 2002 Tony Hill reported that staff is recommending the board consider changing the hours of operation at the Natatorium on June 29th (Allen USA Celebration), thereby closing the facility at 5 p.m. and re -opening the facility for tours from 5-9 p.m. Staff is also recommending the closure of the Natatorium on July 4`h at 6 p.m. Tony also reported that staff will be developing a survey to determine what the citizens of Allen would like to see in terms of Holidav schedules for both the Natatorium and Recreation Center MOTION: Anne Campbell moved to close the Natatorium on June 29`h at 5 p.m. and re -opening the facility for tours from 5-9 p.m. as well as close on July 4� at 6 p.m. Cheri Jones seconded, and the motion carried 5 for, 0 against. S. SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER UPDATE — DON HORTON Don Horton reported that staff, along with representatives of the Allen Senior Center, will be presenting to Council (at their June 11 meeting) the finding of a study conducted by staff that outlines the needs of Seniors. The recommendation to study Senior needs came from City Council's desires to adapt the old Central Fire Station as a Senior Center. The study, however, recommends that a new Senior Center be built that will accommodate the Seniors today and through population build -out Should City Council decide to further study the need for a new center, staff will be working with the Board to facilitate this process. Don reported that 375 surveys were mailed out, and 162 were completed and returned to the City of Allen Don narrated a slide presentation (a copy of which is attached to these minutes), and received comments from the Board. 5. C -CART (COLLIN COUNTY AREA TRANSIT) CONTRACT FOR ALLEN SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICE — TONY HILL Tony Hill reported that the City of Allen is currently using AISD buses and drivers to transport Seniors to the facility Due to scheduling during school hours, the riders generally arrive later than desired and must leave earlier than desired to return to their homes. Alternative forms of transportation were investigated, and it was determined that C -CART could provide the desired service as well as provide assistance boarding the vehicle. The City is currently negotiating an interim agreement with C -CART for this service, and requesting funding during the upcoming fiscal year to provide for a new contract that would begin in October, 2002. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 10, 2002 6. REVIEW OF FEES FOR "WILD WATER RODEO" EVENT — TONY HILL Tony Hill provided the Board with plans for the "Wild Water Rodeo" event to take place on July 6. The event will feature approximately 22 teams of competitors including former professional athletes, and current media persons. The recommended fee for this event is $5, and Tony reminded the Board members that this event was an opportunity to showcase the natatorium. It is estimated that 640 spectators will attend the event. Proceeds of the event will be split 50/50 to the City and the charity of the winning team. MOTION: Ben Ferguson moved to recommend the $5.00 per person charge for the "Wild Water Rodeo" event to be held on July 6, 2002. Vicki Wester seconded and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 7 P.M. — PUBLIC MEETING — STORY PARK REVISED MASTER PLAN 7, REVISED MASTER PLAN UPDATE — BRIAN BRISTOW Brian Bristow reported that Dennis Sims, Landscape Architect with Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. has completed the updates to the Master Plan as directed by the Board at their last meeting on May 13, 2002. Brian directed the Board to the changes, and reported that the phasing and budget issues for this facility would be addressed after it has been presented to City Council. There were no residents from the Story Park neighborhood present at the meeting. MOTION: Ben Ferguson moved to approve the plan as presented and authorize staff to move to City Council with Master Plan. Anne Campbell seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 0 against. 7:30 — 8 P.M. — PUBLIC MEETING — STACY RIDGE PARK 8. INTRODUCTION, BACKGROUND AND PROCESS — BRIAN BRISTOW Brian Bristow introduced himself and welcomed the residents of Stacy Ridge to the meeting. Brian indicated following this meeting, the architect would further refine the plan and it would again return to the Board for their consideration. 9. PRESENTATION ON STACY RIDGE PARKLAND — BRIAN BRISTOW Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 10, 2002 Brian indicated that the plan was a response to the land (16.2 acres) itself, as well as what is typically found in neighborhood parks. Brian pointed out that the open space with the shape of a soccer field outlined on it was only to indicate that it was large enough for a soccer practice area. This area will not be used formally as a soccer field. Brian also pointed out that this facility will be done in phases, and those phases will be based upon budgetary staging. Brian at this point invited the residents to speak to the Board regarding suggestions, concerns or issues. Mary Beth Castillo 1694 Versailles Questioned the timeframe involved, and wanted to know if a low-level security lighting might be feasible in the wooded area, along proposed trails. Also said she Irked the park plan and felt it was important to keep open space in plan. Likes the grills. Mike Howell 1716 Tumsberry Lane Questioned he on -street parking and if the creek area might be better defined. He also questioned if the Ashton Woods development would have a separate park area, and if eventually Country Brook would connect to Stacy Road. Mike also questioned how often this area would be mowed and if fertilizer would be used. Dick Erickson 2007 Country Brook Lane Questioned the open space, and whether it would be allowed for soccer league play or practices. Dick also indicated he would like to see the practice usage in the open area limited. Bill Castillo 1694 Versailles Questioned the size of the pavilion and the full -court versus half -court basketball design. Ken Barry 2011 Country Brook Had questions regarding the park funding, and if the trails would be included in the first phase Tania Rippy Questioned whether there would be grills at picnic tables, and wanted to see the specifics on the playground structures. Also indicated she liked the pavilion, would prefer no grills as they are too close to the playground. Kasey Tucker Page 5 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 10, 2002 1915 Country Brook Had questions regarding the outlined soccer field, and if that open area of the plan would be visible to the residents along Country Brook. She indicated her opposition to the open area that might contain soccer practices. Rick Allen 1708 Versailles Questioned the basketball goal design, and suggested they not be placed back to back. He also questioned whether there would be benches and water fountains in the facility Aaron Cook 1704 Knoll Court Questioned whether or not there would be another neighborhood park planned in the immediate area. Would like to see pavilion or benches and playground for kids. Is interested to participating on a planning committee if volunteers are needed. Stacy Mattei 1906 Armstrong Questioned how many trees would be cleared for that path, and how that path would be maintained (underbrush removed). Cindy Karst 1903 Country Brook Questioned the proposed use of herbicides for weed control, would prefer wildflower area be kept, and questioned the possibility of relocating the trees that need to be removed. Susan Barry 2011 Country Brook Said she liked the park plan — would like to keep as much natural as possible, opposed to grills, and wants to keep the area as quiet as possible. Laurie Cringer 1607 Balley Brook Questioned the material to be used in the playground fall zone also asked about the 9 acres of open space in Country Meadows Park vs the 3 acres of open space in this proposed facility Would like to see baby swings at the toddler playground. The following comments were received on "Meeting Appearance Cards" by residents who did not wish to speak to the Board: Jason Ciwek 1915 Armstrong Page 6 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 10, 2002 "A larger pavilion would be great Make the open area just small enough so that it could not be used as a soccer field. Extensive playground equipment considering younger toddlers, lighting in these areas. Great overall concept." Michelle Leclerc 1906 San Carlos "The pond park plan looks great. The pavilion is great. I would like to see the cedars taken out. Really don't want grills anywhere in the park. I like the open space — I think it is needed. The traits are great" Clyde and Josephine Smith 1716 Versailles "Will there be water hydrants on the trails?" Kevin Johnson 1900 Lorraine "I hope you do keep the soccer field." Bob Malloy 1904 San Carlos Tom Scales (973) 416-0823 3112 Stonehenge Lane Carrollton, TX 75006 "Move pavilion to east to prevent sports usage and consider off street parking or move pavilion away from street." Judi Edstrom 1808 Versailles "Wildflower areas are needed. Keep it as natural as possible — hopefully we can limit the field to just neighborhood play — no league practices." Cynthia Wievschem 1917 Country Brook "We are opposed to any athletic fields. We were told this would be a passive natural park with just trails. I live right across the street from your proposed soccer field. I do not want the crowds and parking in front of my house and driveway blocked!" Mike and Leslie Hardaway 1905 Country Brook "Opposed to grills due to sanitary issues, trash and safety " Page 7 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 10, 2002 Jan and Dan Turner 1907 Baltimore "I support your plan with two modifications: no grills, wildflowers right up against the road in front of soccer field area with a few scrub cedar." 8-8:30 P.M. — PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REVIEW Ben Ferguson mentioned that he had concerns with the unlighted areas in the woods from a law enforcement standpoint. Don reported that the pond area belongs to the homeowners association at Stacy Ridge. It was suggested that if grills are left in the facility, to move them away from the playground area would be a good idea. MOTION: Cheri Jones moved to amend the proposed site plan for Stacy Ridge as follows: have wildflower area, leave some of the cedars at the perimeter, redesign the basketball courts from a side-by-side layout, remove barbeque grills, consider lighting along trail, remove "dotted line" soccer area, label open space as "grand lawn", remove the picnic table area on the far west end of facility Anne Campbell seconded and the motion carried 5 for, 0 against. The guests were told they would receive a copy of the agenda the nest time this facility appears for Park Board review. 8. OTHER BUSINESS Historic Village Update Don reported that the Board will be involved in this plan as it moves through the process. Right now a village is being considered for St Mary's Drive, at Allen Station Park. He indicated that a true village not just houses would be a nice route to take. Celebration Park Construction Update Brian Bristow reported that this facility was now under construction, and by - weekly construction meetings were being held. Design consultants will begin attending regular construction meetings on July 24, and the parking lot will be installed in July with the concession building starting construction in early September. Trail Construction Update Brian Bristow told the Board that there is less than 1,000 feet remaining to be constructed in the Twin Creeks subdivision. He indicated about 90% completion of the trails in this area. He also informed the Board that a Reed Park Construction meeting will be held this Thursday at 9 30 to select colors and finish details on the playground for that Page 8 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 10, 2002 facility Three to four weeks will be allotted for the bid process, and Cottonwood, Reed and Ford playgrounds will all be bid together. 9. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 8"day of July 2002. vjw�— Kevin Pierce, Chair I 0 c Ben Ferguson, Se retary L L City of Allen Allen Seniors Working Together Toward A New Senior Center Abilene Senior Center Population 115,930 16,000 Seniors Center Sq 83,000,00000 to to Budd 18mts Construction BW1Nn 2001 Raae Pvk Senmr A—u Cen¢r Serve 250 meds/day Centrally located Four additional cental Farmers Branch Senior Center • PopWauon 26,000 • 3,400 Semors 65+ • Center 22,400 Sq ft. • $7,000,000 to Budd • 12mts COnstmcnOn F—B—i, &vmr Cenur • Budt in 1999 • Centrally loeved Senior Center Site Visits • Abilene • Irving • Coppell • McKinney • Farmers Branch • Plano • Grapevine • Richardson Coppell Senior Center • Population 38,000 • 1,500 Semon • Center 9,500 Sq ft • $190,000 to Bmld .� • 12mts Construction copper senior Genre. • Renovated Fire Station s • Built m 199] • Cenhady located Grapevine Senior Center • Population 40,000 • 3,200 Serino 65+ • Center 10,400 Sq ft • Thud renovation P addition Gnpenne 5enmr Acuntin Cenur • 121nts Constmction • Budt in 2000 • Cennally Incited Irving Senior Center CenterPopulatunn 22,000 Sq ft 50,000 Semon 55+ Center 22,000 Sq f[ New Center 35,000 Sq ft Old Lbrary Renovation u -i, see,o. Acrinry a„x, 12m[s Con"rection Bmlt m 1990 Centnuy loe,tted Plano Senior Center • Populamn 222,000 • 10,911 Semors 65+ • Center. 22,000 Sq ft. • $3,000,000 to Bwtd 12mts Cunstmetion Pbvo &mor Genur • Budtm 2002 • Locamd in a Pack Lke wnng IBM McKinney Senior Center • Population 55,000 • 3,700 Semors 65+ • Center 16,000 Sq.ft • $3,000,000 to Braid bd 12m[s Construction MCRmvey BemveCmm • Budt m 2002 1 . • Located in a Park bke setting Richardson Senior Center • Populanon 91,802 • 18,000 Semors 65+ • Center 23,000 Sq ft • Old Bank Renovation R,ebaNcvn scrag. ue:e • 12mts Constmction • Bmtt m 1997 • Cenmlly located Summary of Findings 2 Popula. Bids. Size Congo-. Cost Ab,W- 115,930 26, U.000,IgO CoppeB 38,000 9, Remmm. P.—B—cb 26,000 n2 3],000,000 G.,— 40,W0 10,4W Revowov 1-9 200,000 22,000 Revo•avov m,1Q..ry 55,W0 16,1,00 SI,W0,000 Plvnv 2u'm am 010A,000 R,<bvNson 91818 23,000 Remwvan 2 L I City of Allen Allen Seniors Workmg Together Tow.d A New Senior Ceote i—�� 2— General Questions for Special Needs General Questions City of Allen Allen Seniors Workmg Together Tow.d A New Senior Ceote i—�� 2— General Questions for Special Needs