HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2002 - 07/08 - RegularMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING JULY 8, 2002 — 7:30 P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Bevin Pierce, Chair Anne Campbell, Vice -Chair Vicki Wester Ben Ferguson, Secretary Scott Neice Carl Clemencich, Jr. MEMBERS ABSENT Cheri Jones L STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Tony Hill, Recreation Services Manager Sue Witkowski, Secretary GUESTS Dwayne Brinkley, Brinkley -Sargent Architects 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kevin Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. 2. APPROVE MINUTES FROM JUNE 10, 2002 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Ben Ferguson moved to accept the Minutes from June 10, 2002 Regular Called Meeting as amended. Vicki Wester seconded and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 8, 2002 E3. WATER PARK LOCATION STUDY PRESENTATION BY BRINKLEY- SARGENT — DON HORTON Don Horton introduced Dwayne Brinkley and gave a brief background on the recently completed Water Park Study The study was funded by the Allen Community Development Corporation, and looks at the demographics, site locations, possible facility concepts and market analysis in anticipation of construction of a water park in Allen. The Allen Community Development Corporation has heard the presentation and is organizing a meeting with the C[v Council to further consider the project. Don informed the Board that no decisions have been made as to the realization of this project. Following this presentation, a copy of which is attached to these minutes, a brief discussion was held regarding other projects that might be coming on line during the near future for development in the City of Allen Park System. Possible projects might be an adult sports complex, more baseball fields, more soccer fields, and a west -side recreation center. Mention was made of a possible public/private venture recreation facility 4. REQUEST TO ESTABLISH FEES FOR RECREATION PROGRAMS — "MASTERS SWIMMING PROGRAM" - TONY HILL Recreation Services Manager, Tony Hill reviewed a proposal submitted by Brandon Ducote, Assistant Aquatic/Fitness Supervisor for the Natatorium. This proposal details information on a "Masters Swimming Program", and proposes a fee of $35 for members and $45 for non-members This program will be offered at 5:30 a.m. on a year round basis. MOTION: Anne Campbell moved to approve the Masters Swimming Program and fee structure at $35 for members and $45 for non-members. Carl Clemencich seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. "SIDEKICKS SOCCER TOURNAMENT" REQUEST — TONY HILL Tony Hill provided a brief background on the proposed Dallas Sidekicks/Dr Pepper 4 on 4 Tournament with a tournament fee of $135/team ($15 to the City of Allen Parks Department) and a 20% discount being offered to residents of Allen The Sidekicks would be organizing the tournament along with City staff and would host the tournament at Celebration Park in September 2002. Concerns were expressed that this might shorten the ASA Soccer season, and that a proposed tournament during the same time period was being considered Concern was also expressed that appropriate Scholarship funds be made available to participants needing financial assistance. Staff assured the Board that without the Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 8, 2002 full support of the Allen Sports Association, the proposed event would not take place. MOTION: Carl Clemencich moved to approve the "Sidekicks 4 on 4 Tournament" in September 2002. at Celebration Park, with a $135 per team fee ($15 to the CAN of Allen Parks and Recreation Department) 20% discount to City of Allen residents, contingent upon the full support of the Allen Sports Association, and scholarship funding available as needed. Ben Ferguson seconded, and the Motion carried 5 for, 1 against. 5. APPROVE NEW PROGRAMS AND FEE STRUCTURE FOR FALL — TONY HILL Tony briefly reviewed the proposed new programming to be offered in this fall's guide of opportunities. Comments were received regarding the retiring of less popular offerings as well as the addition of new programming opportunities. MOTION: Ben Ferguson mooed to apprm, the proposed fees for the Fall 2002 Catalogue Anne Campbel� seconded and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. 6. REQUEST BY TOUCHDOWN FOOTBALL, CLUB FOR 5tit QUARTER PARTY AT ALLEN STATION PARK — TONN HILL Tony Hill briefly reviewed the request again this year for the City of Allen to allow a post -game event at Allen Station Park following some of the home football games. The Touchdown Football Cluh has requested to charge a gate admission fee of $3 to help defray expenses. MOTION: Scott Neice moved to approve the use of .Allen Station Park on September 6°i and September 27° for the -5'h Quarter Patty" and allow the gate fee of $3 to be charged. Anne Campbell seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for. 0 against 7. OTHER BUSINESS "Allen USA" Event Wrap -Up — Don Horton Don asked the Board members for input reg,rdmg the Allen USA Event, and [4 invited suggestions for next year s event Some of the items mentioned were more performers during the evening 'as bad been done in the past), bring back Page 4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting July 8, 2002 �y juggler and roaming entertainment, moving of food vendors to less congested area. "Wild Water Rodeo" Event Wrap -Up — Tony Hill Tony Hill gave a brief report on the event; numbers in attendance, revenue generated, and invited the Board to offer suggestions for future "Wild Water Rodeo" events. The participations on the Park Board Relay Team reported having enjoyed the event. Suggestions were made as to using more lanes, announcement of charity recipients by way of signage, etc. Rich Elder of the Texas Spurs Soccer Club, asked to review his Grant Application with the Board. Rich has submitted his grant application to the Allen Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) for consideration to receive $30,000 distributed from the "hotel/motel occupancy tax" fund Don reported that the City of Allen Parks Department receives $20,000 yearly from this fund to help support the Allen USA Event. The AEDC yearly reviews requests for funding from various community organizations, and then forwards their recommendation to the Allen City Council for review. Rich reported that if awarded these requested funds, he would be using the funds to support a soccer tournament 8. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10 10 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 12th day of August 3002. Kevin Pierce, Chair Ben Ferguson, Secre ry Allen Water Park u, r Enterprise Plan t .ter.'„ \1 -fog og Ilopu ,tion I tends- North P JILIIU',Mll7 PlICIL -Central L A L� I I 51 r i - jH_`" "P _ __ ____ _-_ — 5i{a _ _"_ __g- _�z _ Y5 _ _ __ __ __ __ qe}�` �3=�'= __ _ _ _ _ g., = as 9�";`_ __ — _ _ 'Sd - :3� _ - _ - p:'a� ��eii _e £'�� —la ems;' .t S`p }'�d�j, � '7�. �'�.3�E_ ;- e'-_ &�."s_ 7;ei ,_}y�, ea��llar is �jj';' is. 31i� ( JkL 9 �1