HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2002 - 09/09 - Regulars, MINUTES (G PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 2002 —b P.M. PARB MEMBERS PRESENT Kevin Pierce, Chair Anne Campbell, Vice -Chair Ben Ferguson, Secretary Scott Neice Cart Clemencich, Jr. Cheri Jones Vicki Wester MEMBERS ABSENT None ESTAFFPRESENT Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Dentler, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary GUESTS None 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kevin Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. 2. APPROVE. MINUTES FROM AUGUST 12, 2002 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Carl Clemencich moved to accept the Minutes from August 12, 2002 Regular Called Meeting as presented. Ben Ferguson seconded and the Motion carried 7 for, 0 against. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting September 9, 2002 3. PRESENTATION OF CITIZENS SURVEY RESULTS — DON HORTON Don Horton provided the Board with a brief overview of the Citizen Survey Responses. A hard copy of these results was passed out, a copy of which is attached to these minutes. Following this presentation, Don inquired as to the need for the Parks and Recreation Department to pursue a survey prior to updating the Parks and Recreation Department Comprehensive Plan. The Board was unanimous in their support of a new survey dealing specifically with park issues. Don indicated that during this process, focus groups, stakeholders, non-users, and randomly chosen groups of residents would be surveyed to gather data for the updated comprehensive plan. 4. REQUEST TO SET FEES FOR HAUNTED HOUSE 2002 — TONY HILL Don Horton presented a brief background on the history of the haunted house event held each year at the Joe Fanner Recreation Center. Staff is requesting the L fee be raised from the $8 charged in the past to $10 for the haunted house, and is requesting no change in the admission fee for Booville. Don also informed the Board that staff would be operating the haunted house Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings rather than the Friday and Saturday operation held in the past. The goal is for this event to make a profit. A brief discussion was held by the Board regarding the discounting of fees for families or large groups. MOTION: Scott Neice moved to approve the fee of $10 for the haunted house with the modification that a discount coupon be made available offering a $2 discount per person if in parties of 5 or more. Cheri Jones seconded, and the Motion carried, 7 for, 0 against. 5. OTHER BUSINESS Don Horton presented a brief review of projects currently under construction or development under the Parks and Recreation Department including the Train Depot, Shadow Lakes Dredging, and renovation of Jupiter, Hillside, Celebration Park, and Allen Station Park, Phase II. Don thanked Ann Campbell, Chen Jones, and Kevin Pierce for the years of service to the City of Allen and specifically the Parks and Recreation Department. Don reminded the Board Members that this was the last meeting for these Board members, and new appointments would be made prior to the October meeting. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting September 9, 2002 0 6. ADJOUI21V There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 23rd day of October, 2002. l Chair Secretary 0 L CITIZEN SURVEY (Responses in Percent) 1. How would you rate the following in the City? (Choose one for each item) r 2. How would you rate the condition of the following in the City? (Choose one for each Ham) Trash and litter Weeds and unmoved grecs Crime Street conditions Traffic tongesdon Congestion on streets from vehicle parking Not a Pigtft Somewhat of aru Serious 1 Somewhat r r� . AM r y r•s•rta Public pools r 43.4 OA AU 45.9 r 13.1 30-4 Location of schools 36.7 rr 12.5 r� r 39.9 18-2 t r r 2. How would you rate the condition of the following in the City? (Choose one for each Ham) Trash and litter Weeds and unmoved grecs Crime Street conditions Traffic tongesdon Congestion on streets from vehicle parking Not a Pigtft Somewhat of aru Serious 1 Somewhat r r� . AM r y r•s•rta Public pools r 43.4 OA AU 45.9 r 13.1 3. in choosing your next home, would you buy in Allen? (a) Yes 619 (b) No 2U (c) No opinion 1a„@ 4. if no, why rot? (Choose all that apply) (a) Relocating = (b) Too long of a commute Z& (c) Expense of housing ]g$ (d) Lack of variety of housing PA (e) Taxes too high = In Safety concerns i @ (9) fl#wjU 6. What criteria are important to you in choosing a home? (Choose one for each item) Very Somewhat Not Floor plan Lot size Energy efficiency Alley entrance Street entrance Uniqueness of architecture Diversify of housing in a neighborhood her - 7. In choosing choosing your next home, compared to your current house, would H be (a) Smaller 13A (b) same size1�.3 (c) Largera3,g (d) Don't know 1j 2 'T_ important Somewhat Neighborhood associations r: Important us• tan r•s•rta Public pools lu Az AU Neighborhood amenity centers M 28.5 30-4 Location of schools 36.7 rr 12.5 LOCOton of parks $1.6 39.9 18-2 t Other- r r,. 6. What criteria are important to you in choosing a home? (Choose one for each item) Very Somewhat Not Floor plan Lot size Energy efficiency Alley entrance Street entrance Uniqueness of architecture Diversify of housing in a neighborhood her - 7. In choosing choosing your next home, compared to your current house, would H be (a) Smaller 13A (b) same size1�.3 (c) Largera3,g (d) Don't know 1j 2 6. Approximately how many square feet would you need in your next home? # (a) Under 1400 st.. 2,0 (b) 1400-20W at, 1U (c) 2001-26W at.. 30.6 (d) 2601-32W at (a) 3201 to 40DO St. = (f) Over 4000 st" (g) Don't know. §,2 9. Do you believe there is a need for the following? (Check one for each Item) Strong Small No No Need Need Need Need Opinion Independent Assisted living centers 1Q,9 M Zi2 L§ 1.4.0 Retirement communities M 36.7 2 48.84 Seniors only communities 11.1 2`7.7 y5 Z 114 Estate tots 2Z $ ]S 4 ?S.# Smaller lot saes 13.4 M �. AHurd" housing lu M 24.7 2 101 10. Would you like to see more funding given to enhancing and beautifying the thoroughtares and entryways into the Cfty? (a) Yes fU (b) No M (c) No opinion 12,3 11. Are you satisfied with the control of signs in the City? (a) Satisfied 55,7.7 (b) Somewhat Satisfied,33.7 (c) Not at all Satisfied 053 (d) No opinion 93.2 12. Are you satisfied with the control of residential development within the City? (a) Satisfied 46.6 (b) Somewhat Satisfied 40.6 (c) Not at of Satisfied 44.$ (d) No opinion MM 10 13. Are you satisfied with the control of retail development within the City? (a) Satisfied 417 (b) Somewhat Satisfied 418 (c) Not at all Satisfied 12.1 (d) No opinion 03 0 14. Are you satisfied with the control of commercial development within the City? (a) Satisfied 9,$ ¢ (b) Somewhat Satisfied 41.4 (c) Not at all Satisfied 06.7 (d) No opinion 04.3 15. Are you satisfied with the control of industrial development within the City? (a) Satisfied 972 (b) Somewhat Satisfied = (c) Not at all Satisfied QU (d) No opinion JU 16. How would you rate the services listed below as they are currently bang provided? (Check one for each Cam) Garbage collection 9.4.2 UA Brush and large item collection 19.3 M-7 2.x.0 Recycling programs72_,,,57,@ 292 'Nam 31,7 46.2 189 Sewer and wastewater 330,9 48.1 19,7 Animal control 255.4 444.6 24.$ City utility billing service 29,9 47.1 221 Park maintenance g9 3 1Z 8 City fadfity maintenance 27@ 1 k Me C asked, most people would probably agree that underground o"I ties (such as electrical, cable, telephone) are much more desirable then overhead lines. However, there is a cost associated with installing Chem underground. In Allen, that cost for new development is bone by developers. Retrofitting, upgrading, end replacing existing utigty, lines are not 17 Do you believe mat the City of Allen should require utility companies to place existing fines underground? (a) Yes 57,9 (b) No 21,1 (c) Not sure 21_0 1 18. If yes, who should pay for that cost? { (a) Utility company 48. (b) City 171 (c) Developers 42_8 (d) Other, be specific$,$ 19. 8 you selected utility company, you could probably expect a rate increase. How much would you be willing to pay for your utilities in the form of an increase in order to have the lines underground? (a)Nothing,@@, (b) 0.5°/.,3,@,8 (c) 6 -10%2.Z (d) More than 11%,1 20. How often have you or other members of your household used each of these facilities or programs in the past year? (Check one for each fealty, park, or program) Once A 273 Tones Once A Han Not Daily Weak FACILITI 4M" Montle Used Recreation Center QC9 M 000_4 18.1 W Swimming Pool (Indoor) 011 003,5 000 im 762 Swimming Pool (Outdoor) 011 44., QU LIM M Be# fields (Soccer, baseball, Football, softball) 03A 14,0 06.9 Tennis Course U 02., q�, 4 08.2 80.5 Basketball Courts 017 0M7,5 010 277 KI PARKS: Parks Q8.$ 24.$ 1U 2M 2> . Hike &Bike Trails QU 14.6 1?.$ lu M Jogging Paths/Exercise Circuit 2& 1U Qty 117 � Goff Course Q 2U 04.2 Q9.7 � Open Space, Natural Environment 09.0 i2, 11,5 20.55 InAne Hockey Court Q,�3 Q1,# 0,7 01.5 8ff.4 PROGRAMS: Children's Recreation Programs 012 04-7 44.2 0810 8" Teenage Recreation Program 01.1 2U Q2:Z .2U Adult Recreation Programs 9 Q$,2 2U 43$ $@.Z Senior Ckkens Recreation Programs p$ 6 01.5 2U 21. Do you think that additional parks of the following types are needed in Allen? If necessary, are you willing to pay higher taxes for #was amenities? Higher Taxes? Yes No No Opinion Yes No No Opinion Greenbelt linear packs (along creeks, etc.) i=2 3.4 17A §1_1 081 Passive parks (hiking, biking, picnicking) 554,4_ W. 14. 377.9 M 08.3 Active Parks (ball fields) 2U 4U 24.2 41.2 47.8 JU Playgrounds AU .,= W. au 42.1 M 22. How would you rank the following types of parks in the City? Better I Than Below No Averede Avers ae Avemae Opinion Neighborhood parks (Suncreek, Cottosviaod Bend, Green Park, etc.) 2@,4 46.2 Community parks (Bethany Lakes) 111 41.8 Citywide parks (Allen Station Park) 53.0 2u 01.4 17.6 23. Mat other community facilities should be pursued and how should they be funded? (check all that apply) Supported With Should be Pursued User Increased Reallocation of Yes No No Opinion Fees TUN Current Taurm (a)Arbonekam/Gwdsn 39.0 34A 2Ur 07.1 MO (b)Outdoor amphitheater 1.1+ sealing r ; MS's qLr IMM Wrvij community r•:. y: r M zu zurz: 05A 1 an's community theater 34.0 31Q = M MA 2U WItural thee* ILZ AU r community theater 11.5 MQ i. on's community theater 0911 r tur" 246 48.9 26.6 :r +JAA &Z 30.730.1 462 r Thing Ailts Center au au M center + r raft Arts Center 141 heritage center zu Au 2u . §U zu please-anch - 0610 r„r - M4+ +i 24. How likely are you to visit these types of tacilalea in neighboring cites? ,._.. Not Not (a) i to 3 times 19.3 (b) 3 to 5limes WA (c) 5 to 10 tknes 0y6 (d) Over 10 Unnes Q4 (e) Never4,212 26. How many times have you attended a community function in the last year in Allen (summer sounds, Sunday sound&, etc.)? (a) i to 3 fines 31.9 (b) 3 to 5 Mmes ,06.8 (c) 5 to 10 tknea2�.8 (d) Over 10 dotes 0.9 (e) New 4= Founded kr 1955, the Allan Community Outreach (ACO) provides a variety of services for the conummilies of Allen, Fairview, and Lucas. The ACO is a nonprofit organization, funded partly by Collin County United Way, an affiliate of United Way Metropolitan Dallas. However, the majority Of Support comes from fund-raising events and community actives. ACO also operates the Upscale Resale Shop for additional income. (a) Yes 4&3 (b) No 4$-1. (c) No opinkm 05 6 MS's qLr IMM Wrvij 2M VA 14.5 lu 05A rir amphitheater il + seelIng for major events) 15,6 2u 24,0 JILA community theater 11.5 MQ i. on's community theater 0911 2U i§A cultural theater 07.0 r center + 1. raft Arts Center 141 2u 2&Z ip[eanse - §U r: r lu r r (a) i to 3 times 19.3 (b) 3 to 5limes WA (c) 5 to 10 tknes 0y6 (d) Over 10 Unnes Q4 (e) Never4,212 26. How many times have you attended a community function in the last year in Allen (summer sounds, Sunday sound&, etc.)? (a) i to 3 fines 31.9 (b) 3 to 5 Mmes ,06.8 (c) 5 to 10 tknea2�.8 (d) Over 10 dotes 0.9 (e) New 4= Founded kr 1955, the Allan Community Outreach (ACO) provides a variety of services for the conummilies of Allen, Fairview, and Lucas. The ACO is a nonprofit organization, funded partly by Collin County United Way, an affiliate of United Way Metropolitan Dallas. However, the majority Of Support comes from fund-raising events and community actives. ACO also operates the Upscale Resale Shop for additional income. (a) Yes 4&3 (b) No 4$-1. (c) No opinkm 05 6 28. If as, are you satisfied w11, tha job ACO is doing? (a) Less than average 1_9 (b) Average 25.0 (c) Better than average 47.5 (d) Superior 1M (e) No opinion = 29. Do you believe that the following programs are needed in the City of Allen? Alcohol and chemical abuse programs Teenage needs programs Single adult programs Family counseling services Mental Health programs (such as depression or eating disorders) Child care and latch key programs Single parent programs Senior citaen programs Abuselassault crisis assistance Unemployment programs Affordable housing programs Literacy programs Other (Please specify) 30. Do you agree with the confined use of the concept of combining school sites with city parks? (a) Yes JU (b) No = (c) No opinion JU 31. Do you support the current concept of joint use of schoogdty facilifies for learning programs and educational Purposes? (a) Yes gQ,¢ (b) No 2,). (c) No opinion j,2 16 32. Should the Allen Independent School District collaborate with neighboring school districts to provide educational programs? (a) Yes 73.9 (b) No D& (c) No opinion 17.6 33. In the past 2 years have you or a member of your household registered for a classractivky from the following programs? (Check all that apply) AISD Community Education programa 24,2 AISD summer camps 15.1 City of Allen Parks and Recreation program (exercise, dance, etc.) 1§,Q City of Allen Parks and Recreation athletics (softball, volleyball, etc.) 14,Q Allen Sports Association (soccer, baseball, etc.) 25.4 34. Would you like to see more of the following in Alien? (check all that apply) Fast food restaurants (Chicken, hamburger, sandwich) (a) Yes 23,2 (b) No = (c) No opinion 13,¢ Family restaurants (Bennigan's, Cracker Barrel) (a) Yes 82;4 (b) No 12,$ (c) No opinion 01& Fine dining restaurants with dubs (Sullivan's, Pappas) (a) Yes 74.9 (b) No jL2 (c) No opinion 07.8 Hotels and motels (a) Yes Tj,2 (b) No 441 (c) No opinion 18.7 Local retail (small neighborhood shopping centers) (a) Yes = (b) No = (c) No opinion ]1,¢ Business support services (office supplies, computer services) (a) Yes 399. (b) No NA (c) No opinion ])3Z Corporate Industries (a) Yes M (b) No 29,2 (c) No opinion Business Officeslbusiness operations (a) Yes 84.2 (b) No IM (c) No opinion 1U Other (please specify) (a) Yes 44.2 (b) No 1U (c) No opinion 32.9 In January 1992 the citizens of Allen passed a citywide half -cent sales tax in support of an economic development corporation. Since its inception, the Allen Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) has been charged with facilitating expansions and relocations of new and existing businesses that in tum will bring additional tax revenue, local spending, and job opporlunifies to the community. A five -member board of directors, appointed by the City Council, oversees the corporation's operations. Pj 35. Do you believe that the AEDC has contributed positively to the City? ( (a) VeryPosttive 1U. (b) Positive 26,2 (c) Somewhat positive= (d) Not Positive,j.1 (e) No Opinion 13.6 (1) Don't know what the AFDC does 24 5 36. Are you satisfied with the types of companies that the AEDC has brought to the City of Allen? (a) Very Satisfied 16,6 (b) Satisfied 2,1,,2 (c) Somewhat satisfied 12,8 (d) Not Satisfied g0 (e) No Opinion 95 (f) Don't know what types of businesses the AEDC has supportadlrecruited 275 In October 1096 the citizens of Allen passed a citywide half -cent sales tax In support of a community development corporation. The Allen Commurity Development Corporation (ACDC) can use the proceeds from the tax for tarsi, buildings, equipment, and improvements that are suitable for professional and amateur athletics, entertainment and tourism, parks and public spaces, transportation and other projects that promote new or expended business enterprises, There are seven members on the ACDC Board appointed by the City Council. To date, the ACDC has allocated $20,680,861 through sales tax revenue and bond sake. 37 Do you believe that the ACDC has contributed positively to the City? (s) VeryPositive 12ai (b) Positive 2g.4 (c) Somewhat positive 15.4 (d) Not Positive 9,.0 (a) No opinion 125 (f) Don't know what the ACDC does 2$.4, 38. Since Its inception, a majority of the ACDC budget hes gone towards parks and park -related expenditures. Would you like to am more ACDC funding for other activities such as: (a) Central Business District redevelopment activities (landscaping, sidewalks, public art, etc) (b) Entryway Ifrprovertrenk (landscaping, monument signage, etc.) (c) Facilities for the ark (d) Public Library development (a) outer (f) No changes necessary (g) Don't know enough about what the ACDC does (a) Yes 4&3 (b) No 2§1 (c) No opinion M. (a) Yes 442 (b) No JU (c) No opinion 22-? (a) Yes 66„7 (b) No (c) (c) No opinion ZU (a) Yes 67,0 (b) No 1�1, (c) No opinion j¢g (a) Yes 115 (b) No 2Q,$ (c) No opinion 675 (a) Yes 16.9 (b) No ,¢ (c) No opi ion 6U (a) Yes 365 (b) No JU (c) No opinion 60,2 39. How likely would you be to utilize the following types of mass transit it available? (Choose one for each Item) Very Somewhat Not Not Likely LikeW Sure Likely Never Bus92.9 14.3 131 23 0 241 Rall 04.6 27.5 123 3 11.7 Park and ride facilities 18.2 24.0 ]3 4 p 6 1U 40. How likely would you be to utilize mass transit service for the fokrwing? (Choose one for each Item) 41. If you work outside of Allen, how long is your commute to work? (a) 15 minutes or lees 65 (b) 1530 minutes 62.3 (c) 30-45 minutes 225 (d) 4560 minutes 114 (e) Over 6o rrmks M (f) Don't commute 21.3 Very Somewhat Not Not Likely Likely Sure ek ._ C4mmuta to work WI Daily activities other than work (shopping, area attractions) 13,2 rr Special events (festivals, sporting events. conceft, cultural events) AU 07,13 41. If you work outside of Allen, how long is your commute to work? (a) 15 minutes or lees 65 (b) 1530 minutes 62.3 (c) 30-45 minutes 225 (d) 4560 minutes 114 (e) Over 6o rrmks M (f) Don't commute 21.3 The Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) currently provides buses and rail transit for a large portion W the Dates area. it is funded by one cent of the safes tax that is collected by its member cities. If the City of Allen were to join DART, it would necessitate the city aikcating an amount equal to one a=nt of its sales tax for membership (cumardty abort $6,000,000 annually). All of the City's sales tax dollars are currently allocated (ora cent to the City, one hag card to the Allen Economic Development Corporabon and one half cent to the Alien Community Development Co pondion). 42. Should the City join DART? (a) Yes $1,Z (b) No 228.6 (c) No opinion 19 2 43. Although it would require an election, would you like to sea a potion of the funding for the AEDC, ACDC, and city safes nixes used for transportation funding? (a) Yes 46,E (b) No 2,1 (c) No opinion 24g 44. Do you support? (Check one for each ftem) Beer and wine retail sales in grocery/convenience stores (a) Yes 64,6 (b)No= (c) No Opini n,'},.@ Baer, wine, liquor retail sales in ik(u or stores (a) Yes §jZ (b) No 42_7 (c) No Opinion Beer and wire sold in restaurant0clubs without the need for a private dub states (Unieard, etc) (a) Yes Z5.5 (b) No 21,;6 (c) No Opinion 2.9 Beer, wine, and liquor sold in restaurants/dubs without the need for a private dub status (Unicard, etc,) (a) Yes 71.1 (b) No 2a.Z (c) No Opinion 11 45. Did you vote in the May 2001, City Council election? (a) Yes 39.4 (b) No 60 6 46. If no, why not? (a) Did not the in Allen 16,4 (b) Not registered to vote 7_5 (c) No intareaf La (d) Na enough knowledge about candkiates running for office 42.0 (e) Unable to vote due to personal obligations 1,6,$ (t) Did not know there was an election Zit (g) Did not know where or when to vote 6.Z (h) inconvenient voting locations > 3 (f) Inconvenient voting times 1,6 U) Satisfied with the way ft city is being run 5.7 (k) Not a US dr¢en 4.4 47. What is the total number of people Irving in your household? (a)1g.1 (b)2333.0 (c)3194 (d)42<8.1, (e)SU (068 .3 (g)7,0.3 (h)801 (i)MorethanB¢., 48. Of these household members, taw many are 18 or younger? (a)021 (b)19.4.1 (c)2 ja (d)32,Z.Z (a)487 (fl 5a (9)64,$ (h)7 0.1 ()641 0) More than 49. What is the age of the male tread of household or tuusband, whichever appil"? (a)17-244,6 (b) 25.296„¢ (C)W-3414.6 (d) 353916.6 (e)40-4417,4 (f) 45491,12 (g) 5064 i2 (h) 55596.2 (i)60-6441 4)65 or aver,§,$ (k) nla,Z,4 50. What is the age of the female head of household or wife, whichever applies? (a)17-241 4 (b) 2529 $,Q (c) 30-34 15,6 (d) 35-39 17.6 (e) 40-0416,6 (1) 454911¢ (g) 5054 8.6 (h)55-596.7 (i)60.64L§ p) 85 or aver 61 (k) nta 4,3 51. What is the highest level of education completed by the male head of househokl1husband? (a) High school graduate or less L (b) Some college 222,¢ (c) College graduate QQ (d) Postgraduate work I_1 (a) Post graduate degree 21,41 52. What is the highest level of education completed by the female head of householdMdfe? (a) High school graduate or less 10.6 (b) Some college = (c) College graduate ,3Z,Z (d) Post graduate work j,¢ (a) Postgraduate degree 13.7 53. In what city is the male head of househokUhusband employed? (a) Allen 11,Z (b) Dallas °ZU (c) Frisco 7 (d) McKinney U (e) Plano 17.8 (f) Richardson IU (g) Other 141. (h) rola 14,3 54. In what city, is the female head of househokVvAfe employed? (a) Allen 1§, 1_ (b) Dallas 12,E (c) Frisco ,$ (d) McKinney 22 (e) Plano 1�& (f) Richardson U (9) Other Z I (h) We NA 55. Check whichever applies regarding employment outside the home. (a) only female head of householdhv fe working 1U (b) only male head of househokithusband working 237 (c) both working.UZ (d) neither woddng Z,2 58. Flow long have you lived in the city of Allen? (a) Less than 1 years (b) 1-3 years23.3 (c) 35 years 14.8 (d) 5-10 years 2l.7 (e) 10 years & Over 26.8 57. In which area of Allen do you live? (a) North of FM 2170 (Main/McDermott) and west of US 75 (Central Expressway) 17.4 (b) South of FM 2170 (MauuMcDermoft) and west of US 75 (Central Expressway)11,0 (c) North of FM 2170 (MalnIMCDemwlt) and east of US 75 (Central Expressway) = (d) South of FM 2170 (Main McDermott) and east of US 75 (Central Expressway) AU 58. Are you aware that opportunities exist to serve as a volunteer on various Boards and Commissions within the City of Allen (Planning & Zoning Commission, Parka Board, AEDC, ACDC, ex.)? (a) Yes 49.3 (b) No 291 (c) Not sure 10.6 59. Would you be interested in serving on a Board or Commission? (a) Yes = (b) No 91,E (c) Not sure = 80. If yes, please contact the City Secretary's Office at 972-727-0108 for information. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: L